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   ECMA Section: Entering An Execution Context
   ECMA says:
   * Global Code, Function Code
   Variable instantiation is performed using the global object as the
   variable object and using property attributes { DontDelete }.

   * Eval Code
   Variable instantiation is performed using the calling context's
   variable object and using empty property attributes.

var BUGNUMBER = '(none)';
var summary = ' Entering An Execution Context';
var actual = '';
var expect = '';


function test()
  enterFunc ("test");
  printStatus (summary);

  var y;
  eval("var x = 1");

  if (delete y)
    reportCompare('PASS', 'FAIL', "Expected *NOT* to be able to delete y");

  if (typeof x == "undefined")
    reportCompare('PASS', 'FAIL', "x did not remain defined after eval()");
  else if (x != 1)
    reportCompare('PASS', 'FAIL', "x did not retain it's value after eval()");
  if (!delete x)
    reportCompare('PASS', 'FAIL', "Expected to be able to delete x");

  reportCompare('PASS', 'PASS', ' Entering An Execution Context');
