/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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 * Date: 2001-08-27
 * SUMMARY:  Testing binding of function names
 * Brendan:
 * "... the question is, does Rhino bind 'sum' in the global object
 * for the following test? If it does, it's buggy.
 *   var f = function sum(){};
 *   print(sum);  // should fail with 'sum is not defined' "

var UBound = 0;
var BUGNUMBER = '(none)';
var summary = 'Testing binding of function names';
var ERR_REF_YES = 'ReferenceError';
var ERR_REF_NO = 'did NOT generate a ReferenceError';
var statusitems = [];
var actualvalues = [];
var expectedvalues = [];
var status = summary;
var actual = ERR_REF_NO;
var expect= ERR_REF_YES;

  var f = function sum(){};
catch (e)
  status = 'Section 1 of test';
  actual = e instanceof ReferenceError;
  expect = true;

   * This test is more literal, and one day may not be valid.
   * Searching for literal string "ReferenceError" in e.toString()
  status = 'Section 2 of test';
  var match = e.toString().search(/ReferenceError/);
  actual = (match > -1);
  expect = true;


function addThis()
  statusitems[UBound] = status;
  actualvalues[UBound] = isReferenceError(actual);
  expectedvalues[UBound] = isReferenceError(expect);

function test()
  enterFunc ('test');
  printStatus (summary);

  for (var i = 0; i < UBound; i++)
    reportCompare(expectedvalues[i], actualvalues[i], statusitems[i]);

  exitFunc ('test');

// converts a Boolean result into a textual result -
function isReferenceError(bResult)
  return bResult? ERR_REF_YES : ERR_REF_NO;