/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
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 *  File Name:          String/split-003.js
 *  ECMA Section:
 *  Description:        Based on ECMA 2 Draft 7 February 1999
 *  Author:             christine@netscape.com
 *  Date:               19 February 1999

 * Since regular expressions have been part of JavaScript since 1.2, there
 * are already tests for regular expressions in the js1_2/regexp folder.
 * These new tests try to supplement the existing tests, and verify that
 * our implementation of RegExp conforms to the ECMA specification, but
 * does not try to be as exhaustive as in previous tests.
 * The [,limit] argument to String.split is new, and not covered in any
 * existing tests.
 * String.split cases are covered in ecma/String/*.js.
 * String.split where separator is a RegExp are in
 * js1_2/regexp/string_split.js

var SECTION = "ecma_2/String/split-003.js";
var VERSION = "ECMA_2";
var TITLE   = "String.prototype.split( regexp, [,limit] )";


// separator is a regexp
// separator regexp value global setting is set
// string is an empty string
// if separator is an empty string, split each by character

AddSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", ["h","e","l","l","o"] );

AddSplitCases( "hello", /l/, "/l/", ["he","","o"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", /l/, "/l/", 0, [] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", /l/, "/l/", 1, ["he"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", /l/, "/l/", 2, ["he",""] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", /l/, "/l/", 3, ["he","","o"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", /l/, "/l/", 4, ["he","","o"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", /l/, "/l/", void 0, ["he","","o"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", /l/, "/l/", "hi", [] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", /l/, "/l/", undefined, ["he","","o"] );

AddSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", ["h","e","l","l","o"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", 0, [] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", 1, ["h"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", 2, ["h","e"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", 3, ["h","e","l"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", 4, ["h","e","l","l"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", void 0,  ["h","e","l","l","o"] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", "hi",  [] );
AddLimitedSplitCases( "hello", new RegExp, "new RegExp", undefined,  ["h","e","l","l","o"] );


function AddSplitCases( string, separator, str_sep, split_array ) {
  // verify that the result of split is an object of type Array
    "( " + string  + " ).split(" + str_sep +").constructor == Array",
    string.split(separator).constructor == Array );

  // check the number of items in the array
    "( " + string  + " ).split(" + str_sep +").length",
    string.split(separator).length );

  // check the value of each array item
  var limit = (split_array.length > string.split(separator).length )
    ? split_array.length : string.split(separator).length;

  for ( var matches = 0; matches < split_array.length; matches++ ) {
      "( " + string + " ).split(" + str_sep +")[" + matches +"]",
      string.split( separator )[matches] );

function AddLimitedSplitCases(
  string, separator, str_sep, limit, split_array ) {

  // verify that the result of split is an object of type Array

    "( " + string  + " ).split(" + str_sep +", " + limit +
    " ).constructor == Array",
    string.split(separator, limit).constructor == Array );

  // check the length of the array

    "( " + string + " ).split(" + str_sep  +", " + limit + " ).length",
    string.split(separator, limit).length );

  // check the value of each array item

  var slimit = (split_array.length > string.split(separator).length )
    ? split_array.length : string.split(separator, limit).length;

  for ( var matches = 0; matches < slimit; matches++ ) {
      "( " + string + " ).split(" + str_sep +", " + limit + " )[" + matches +"]",
      string.split( separator, limit )[matches] );