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   File Name:
   ECMA Section: eval(x)

   Parse x as an ECMAScript Program.  If the parse fails,
   generate a runtime error.  Evaluate the program.  If
   result is "Normal completion after value V", return
   the value V.  Else, return undefined.
   Author:             christine@netscape.com
   Date:               16 september 1997
var SECTION = "";
var VERSION = "ECMA_1";
var TITLE   = "eval(x)";
var BUGNUMBER = "none";

writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);

new TestCase(    SECTION,
		 "d = new Date(0); with (d) { x = getUTCMonth() +'/'+ getUTCDate() +'/'+ getUTCFullYear(); } x",
		 eval( "d = new Date(0); with (d) { x = getUTCMonth() +'/'+ getUTCDate() +'/'+ getUTCFullYear(); } x" ));
