/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "jsiter.h" #include "jswrapper.h" #include "proxy/DeadObjectProxy.h" #include "vm/WrapperObject.h" #include "jscompartmentinlines.h" #include "jsobjinlines.h" using namespace js; #define PIERCE(cx, wrapper, pre, op, post) \ JS_BEGIN_MACRO \ bool ok; \ { \ AutoCompartment call(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); \ ok = (pre) && (op); \ } \ return ok && (post); \ JS_END_MACRO #define NOTHING (true) bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::getPropertyDescriptor(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, MutableHandle<PropertyDescriptor> desc) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::getPropertyDescriptor(cx, wrapper, id, desc), cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, desc)); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, MutableHandle<PropertyDescriptor> desc) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(cx, wrapper, id, desc), cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, desc)); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::defineProperty(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, Handle<PropertyDescriptor> desc, ObjectOpResult& result) const { Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc2(cx, desc); PIERCE(cx, wrapper, cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &desc2), Wrapper::defineProperty(cx, wrapper, id, desc2, result), NOTHING); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::ownPropertyKeys(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, AutoIdVector& props) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::ownPropertyKeys(cx, wrapper, props), NOTHING); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::delete_(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, ObjectOpResult& result) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::delete_(cx, wrapper, id, result), NOTHING); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::getPrototype(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, MutableHandleObject protop) const { { RootedObject wrapped(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); AutoCompartment call(cx, wrapped); if (!GetPrototype(cx, wrapped, protop)) return false; if (protop) { if (!JSObject::setDelegate(cx, protop)) return false; } } return cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, protop); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::setPrototype(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleObject proto, ObjectOpResult& result) const { RootedObject protoCopy(cx, proto); PIERCE(cx, wrapper, cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &protoCopy), Wrapper::setPrototype(cx, wrapper, protoCopy, result), NOTHING); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::getPrototypeIfOrdinary(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, bool* isOrdinary, MutableHandleObject protop) const { { RootedObject wrapped(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); AutoCompartment call(cx, wrapped); if (!GetPrototypeIfOrdinary(cx, wrapped, isOrdinary, protop)) return false; if (!*isOrdinary) return true; if (protop) { if (!JSObject::setDelegate(cx, protop)) return false; } } return cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, protop); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::setImmutablePrototype(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, bool* succeeded) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::setImmutablePrototype(cx, wrapper, succeeded), NOTHING); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::preventExtensions(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, ObjectOpResult& result) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::preventExtensions(cx, wrapper, result), NOTHING); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::isExtensible(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, bool* extensible) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::isExtensible(cx, wrapper, extensible), NOTHING); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::has(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, bool* bp) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::has(cx, wrapper, id, bp), NOTHING); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::hasOwn(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, bool* bp) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::hasOwn(cx, wrapper, id, bp), NOTHING); } static bool WrapReceiver(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, MutableHandleValue receiver) { // Usually the receiver is the wrapper and we can just unwrap it. If the // wrapped object is also a wrapper, things are more complicated and we // fall back to the slow path (it calls UncheckedUnwrap to unwrap all // wrappers). if (ObjectValue(*wrapper) == receiver) { JSObject* wrapped = Wrapper::wrappedObject(wrapper); if (!IsWrapper(wrapped)) { MOZ_ASSERT(wrapped->compartment() == cx->compartment()); MOZ_ASSERT(!IsWindow(wrapped)); receiver.setObject(*wrapped); return true; } } return cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, receiver); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::get(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleValue receiver, HandleId id, MutableHandleValue vp) const { RootedValue receiverCopy(cx, receiver); { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); if (!WrapReceiver(cx, wrapper, &receiverCopy)) return false; if (!Wrapper::get(cx, wrapper, receiverCopy, id, vp)) return false; } return cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, vp); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::set(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, HandleValue v, HandleValue receiver, ObjectOpResult& result) const { RootedValue valCopy(cx, v); RootedValue receiverCopy(cx, receiver); PIERCE(cx, wrapper, cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &valCopy) && WrapReceiver(cx, wrapper, &receiverCopy), Wrapper::set(cx, wrapper, id, valCopy, receiverCopy, result), NOTHING); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::getOwnEnumerablePropertyKeys(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, AutoIdVector& props) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::getOwnEnumerablePropertyKeys(cx, wrapper, props), NOTHING); } /* * We can reify non-escaping iterator objects instead of having to wrap them. This * allows fast iteration over objects across a compartment boundary. */ static bool CanReify(HandleObject obj) { return obj->is<PropertyIteratorObject>() && (obj->as<PropertyIteratorObject>().getNativeIterator()->flags & JSITER_ENUMERATE); } struct AutoCloseIterator { AutoCloseIterator(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj) : cx(cx), obj(cx, obj) {} ~AutoCloseIterator() { if (obj) CloseIterator(cx, obj); } void clear() { obj = nullptr; } private: JSContext* cx; RootedObject obj; }; static bool Reify(JSContext* cx, JSCompartment* origin, MutableHandleObject objp) { Rooted<PropertyIteratorObject*> iterObj(cx, &objp->as<PropertyIteratorObject>()); NativeIterator* ni = iterObj->getNativeIterator(); AutoCloseIterator close(cx, iterObj); /* Wrap the iteratee. */ RootedObject obj(cx, ni->obj); if (!origin->wrap(cx, &obj)) return false; /* * Wrap the elements in the iterator's snapshot. * N.B. the order of closing/creating iterators is important due to the * implicit cx->enumerators state. */ size_t length = ni->numKeys(); AutoIdVector keys(cx); if (length > 0) { if (!keys.reserve(length)) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { RootedId id(cx); RootedValue v(cx, StringValue(ni->begin()[i])); if (!ValueToId<CanGC>(cx, v, &id)) return false; keys.infallibleAppend(id); } } close.clear(); if (!CloseIterator(cx, iterObj)) return false; return EnumeratedIdVectorToIterator(cx, obj, ni->flags, keys, objp); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::enumerate(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, MutableHandleObject objp) const { { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); if (!Wrapper::enumerate(cx, wrapper, objp)) return false; } if (CanReify(objp)) return Reify(cx, cx->compartment(), objp); return cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, objp); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::call(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, const CallArgs& args) const { RootedObject wrapped(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrapped); args.setCallee(ObjectValue(*wrapped)); if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, args.mutableThisv())) return false; for (size_t n = 0; n < args.length(); ++n) { if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, args[n])) return false; } if (!Wrapper::call(cx, wrapper, args)) return false; } return cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, args.rval()); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::construct(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, const CallArgs& args) const { RootedObject wrapped(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrapped); for (size_t n = 0; n < args.length(); ++n) { if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, args[n])) return false; } if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, args.newTarget())) return false; if (!Wrapper::construct(cx, wrapper, args)) return false; } return cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, args.rval()); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::nativeCall(JSContext* cx, IsAcceptableThis test, NativeImpl impl, const CallArgs& srcArgs) const { RootedObject wrapper(cx, &srcArgs.thisv().toObject()); MOZ_ASSERT(srcArgs.thisv().isMagic(JS_IS_CONSTRUCTING) || !UncheckedUnwrap(wrapper)->is<CrossCompartmentWrapperObject>()); RootedObject wrapped(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrapped); InvokeArgs dstArgs(cx); if (!dstArgs.init(cx, srcArgs.length())) return false; Value* src = srcArgs.base(); Value* srcend = srcArgs.array() + srcArgs.length(); Value* dst = dstArgs.base(); RootedValue source(cx); for (; src < srcend; ++src, ++dst) { source = *src; if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &source)) return false; *dst = source.get(); // Handle |this| specially. When we rewrap on the other side of the // membrane, we might apply a same-compartment security wrapper that // will stymie this whole process. If that happens, unwrap the wrapper. // This logic can go away when same-compartment security wrappers go away. if ((src == srcArgs.base() + 1) && dst->isObject()) { RootedObject thisObj(cx, &dst->toObject()); if (thisObj->is<WrapperObject>() && Wrapper::wrapperHandler(thisObj)->hasSecurityPolicy()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!thisObj->is<CrossCompartmentWrapperObject>()); *dst = ObjectValue(*Wrapper::wrappedObject(thisObj)); } } } if (!CallNonGenericMethod(cx, test, impl, dstArgs)) return false; srcArgs.rval().set(dstArgs.rval()); } return cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, srcArgs.rval()); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::hasInstance(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, MutableHandleValue v, bool* bp) const { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, v)) return false; return Wrapper::hasInstance(cx, wrapper, v, bp); } const char* CrossCompartmentWrapper::className(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper) const { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); return Wrapper::className(cx, wrapper); } JSString* CrossCompartmentWrapper::fun_toString(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, unsigned indent) const { RootedString str(cx); { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); str = Wrapper::fun_toString(cx, wrapper, indent); if (!str) return nullptr; } if (!cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, &str)) return nullptr; return str; } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::regexp_toShared(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, RegExpGuard* g) const { RegExpGuard wrapperGuard(cx); { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); if (!Wrapper::regexp_toShared(cx, wrapper, &wrapperGuard)) return false; } // Get an equivalent RegExpShared associated with the current compartment. RegExpShared* re = wrapperGuard.re(); return cx->compartment()->regExps.get(cx, re->getSource(), re->getFlags(), g); } bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::boxedValue_unbox(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, MutableHandleValue vp) const { PIERCE(cx, wrapper, NOTHING, Wrapper::boxedValue_unbox(cx, wrapper, vp), cx->compartment()->wrap(cx, vp)); } const CrossCompartmentWrapper CrossCompartmentWrapper::singleton(0u); bool js::IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(JSObject* obj) { return IsWrapper(obj) && !!(Wrapper::wrapperHandler(obj)->flags() & Wrapper::CROSS_COMPARTMENT); } static void NukeRemovedCrossCompartmentWrapper(JSContext* cx, JSObject* wrapper) { MOZ_ASSERT(wrapper->is<CrossCompartmentWrapperObject>()); NotifyGCNukeWrapper(wrapper); wrapper->as<ProxyObject>().nuke(); MOZ_ASSERT(IsDeadProxyObject(wrapper)); } JS_FRIEND_API(void) js::NukeCrossCompartmentWrapper(JSContext* cx, JSObject* wrapper) { JSCompartment* comp = wrapper->compartment(); auto ptr = comp->lookupWrapper(ObjectValue(*Wrapper::wrappedObject(wrapper))); if (ptr) comp->removeWrapper(ptr); NukeRemovedCrossCompartmentWrapper(cx, wrapper); } /* * NukeChromeCrossCompartmentWrappersForGlobal reaches into chrome and cuts * all of the cross-compartment wrappers that point to objects parented to * obj's global. The snag here is that we need to avoid cutting wrappers that * point to the window object on page navigation (inner window destruction) * and only do that on tab close (outer window destruction). Thus the * option of how to handle the global object. */ JS_FRIEND_API(bool) js::NukeCrossCompartmentWrappers(JSContext* cx, const CompartmentFilter& sourceFilter, const CompartmentFilter& targetFilter, js::NukeReferencesToWindow nukeReferencesToWindow) { CHECK_REQUEST(cx); JSRuntime* rt = cx->runtime(); rt->gc.evictNursery(JS::gcreason::EVICT_NURSERY); // Iterate through scopes looking for system cross compartment wrappers // that point to an object that shares a global with obj. for (CompartmentsIter c(rt, SkipAtoms); !c.done(); c.next()) { if (!sourceFilter.match(c)) continue; // Iterate the wrappers looking for anything interesting. for (JSCompartment::WrapperEnum e(c); !e.empty(); e.popFront()) { // Some cross-compartment wrappers are for strings. We're not // interested in those. const CrossCompartmentKey& k = e.front().key(); if (!k.is<JSObject*>()) continue; AutoWrapperRooter wobj(cx, WrapperValue(e)); JSObject* wrapped = UncheckedUnwrap(wobj); if (nukeReferencesToWindow == DontNukeWindowReferences && IsWindowProxy(wrapped)) { continue; } if (targetFilter.match(wrapped->compartment())) { // We found a wrapper to nuke. e.removeFront(); NukeRemovedCrossCompartmentWrapper(cx, wobj); } } } return true; } // Given a cross-compartment wrapper |wobj|, update it to point to // |newTarget|. This recomputes the wrapper with JS_WrapValue, and thus can be // useful even if wrapper already points to newTarget. // This operation crashes on failure rather than leaving the heap in an // inconsistent state. void js::RemapWrapper(JSContext* cx, JSObject* wobjArg, JSObject* newTargetArg) { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsInsideNursery(wobjArg)); MOZ_ASSERT(!IsInsideNursery(newTargetArg)); RootedObject wobj(cx, wobjArg); RootedObject newTarget(cx, newTargetArg); MOZ_ASSERT(wobj->is<CrossCompartmentWrapperObject>()); MOZ_ASSERT(!newTarget->is<CrossCompartmentWrapperObject>()); JSObject* origTarget = Wrapper::wrappedObject(wobj); MOZ_ASSERT(origTarget); Value origv = ObjectValue(*origTarget); JSCompartment* wcompartment = wobj->compartment(); AutoDisableProxyCheck adpc(cx->runtime()); // If we're mapping to a different target (as opposed to just recomputing // for the same target), we must not have an existing wrapper for the new // target, otherwise this will break. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(origTarget != newTarget, !wcompartment->lookupWrapper(ObjectValue(*newTarget))); // The old value should still be in the cross-compartment wrapper map, and // the lookup should return wobj. WrapperMap::Ptr p = wcompartment->lookupWrapper(origv); MOZ_ASSERT(&p->value().unsafeGet()->toObject() == wobj); wcompartment->removeWrapper(p); // When we remove origv from the wrapper map, its wrapper, wobj, must // immediately cease to be a cross-compartment wrapper. Nuke it. NukeCrossCompartmentWrapper(cx, wobj); // First, we wrap it in the new compartment. We try to use the existing // wrapper, |wobj|, since it's been nuked anyway. The wrap() function has // the choice to reuse |wobj| or not. RootedObject tobj(cx, newTarget); AutoCompartment ac(cx, wobj); if (!wcompartment->rewrap(cx, &tobj, wobj)) MOZ_CRASH(); // If wrap() reused |wobj|, it will have overwritten it and returned with // |tobj == wobj|. Otherwise, |tobj| will point to a new wrapper and |wobj| // will still be nuked. In the latter case, we replace |wobj| with the // contents of the new wrapper in |tobj|. if (tobj != wobj) { // Now, because we need to maintain object identity, we do a brain // transplant on the old object so that it contains the contents of the // new one. if (!JSObject::swap(cx, wobj, tobj)) MOZ_CRASH(); } // Before swapping, this wrapper came out of wrap(), which enforces the // invariant that the wrapper in the map points directly to the key. MOZ_ASSERT(Wrapper::wrappedObject(wobj) == newTarget); // Update the entry in the compartment's wrapper map to point to the old // wrapper, which has now been updated (via reuse or swap). MOZ_ASSERT(wobj->is<WrapperObject>()); if (!wcompartment->putWrapper(cx, CrossCompartmentKey(newTarget), ObjectValue(*wobj))) MOZ_CRASH(); } // Remap all cross-compartment wrappers pointing to |oldTarget| to point to // |newTarget|. All wrappers are recomputed. JS_FRIEND_API(bool) js::RemapAllWrappersForObject(JSContext* cx, JSObject* oldTargetArg, JSObject* newTargetArg) { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsInsideNursery(oldTargetArg)); MOZ_ASSERT(!IsInsideNursery(newTargetArg)); RootedValue origv(cx, ObjectValue(*oldTargetArg)); RootedObject newTarget(cx, newTargetArg); AutoWrapperVector toTransplant(cx); if (!toTransplant.reserve(cx->runtime()->numCompartments)) return false; for (CompartmentsIter c(cx->runtime(), SkipAtoms); !c.done(); c.next()) { if (WrapperMap::Ptr wp = c->lookupWrapper(origv)) { // We found a wrapper. Remember and root it. toTransplant.infallibleAppend(WrapperValue(wp)); } } for (const WrapperValue& v : toTransplant) RemapWrapper(cx, &v.toObject(), newTarget); return true; } JS_FRIEND_API(bool) js::RecomputeWrappers(JSContext* cx, const CompartmentFilter& sourceFilter, const CompartmentFilter& targetFilter) { // Drop any nursery-allocated wrappers. cx->runtime()->gc.evictNursery(JS::gcreason::EVICT_NURSERY); AutoWrapperVector toRecompute(cx); for (CompartmentsIter c(cx->runtime(), SkipAtoms); !c.done(); c.next()) { // Filter by source compartment. if (!sourceFilter.match(c)) continue; // Iterate over the wrappers, filtering appropriately. for (JSCompartment::WrapperEnum e(c); !e.empty(); e.popFront()) { // Filter out non-objects. CrossCompartmentKey& k = e.front().mutableKey(); if (!k.is<JSObject*>()) continue; // Filter by target compartment. if (!targetFilter.match(k.compartment())) continue; // Add it to the list. if (!toRecompute.append(WrapperValue(e))) return false; } } // Recompute all the wrappers in the list. for (const WrapperValue& v : toRecompute) { JSObject* wrapper = &v.toObject(); JSObject* wrapped = Wrapper::wrappedObject(wrapper); RemapWrapper(cx, wrapper, wrapped); } return true; }