/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

/* JS script descriptor. */

#ifndef jsscript_h
#define jsscript_h

#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/PodOperations.h"
#include "mozilla/Variant.h"

#include "jsatom.h"
#include "jsopcode.h"
#include "jstypes.h"

#include "frontend/NameAnalysisTypes.h"
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "gc/Rooting.h"
#include "jit/IonCode.h"
#include "js/UbiNode.h"
#include "js/UniquePtr.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject.h"
#include "vm/Scope.h"
#include "vm/Shape.h"
#include "vm/SharedImmutableStringsCache.h"

namespace JS {
struct ScriptSourceInfo;
} // namespace JS

namespace js {

namespace jit {
    struct BaselineScript;
    struct IonScriptCounts;
} // namespace jit

# define ION_DISABLED_SCRIPT ((js::jit::IonScript*)0x1)
# define ION_COMPILING_SCRIPT ((js::jit::IonScript*)0x2)
# define ION_PENDING_SCRIPT ((js::jit::IonScript*)0x3)

# define BASELINE_DISABLED_SCRIPT ((js::jit::BaselineScript*)0x1)

class BreakpointSite;
class Debugger;
class LazyScript;
class ModuleObject;
class RegExpObject;
struct SourceCompressionTask;
class Shape;

namespace frontend {
    struct BytecodeEmitter;
    class FunctionBox;
    class ModuleSharedContext;
} // namespace frontend

namespace detail {

// Do not call this directly! It is exposed for the friend declarations in
// this file.
CopyScript(JSContext* cx, HandleScript src, HandleScript dst,
           MutableHandle<GCVector<Scope*>> scopes);

} // namespace detail

} // namespace js

 * Type of try note associated with each catch or finally block, and also with
 * for-in and other kinds of loops. Non-for-in loops do not need these notes
 * for exception unwinding, but storing their boundaries here is helpful for
 * heuristics that need to know whether a given op is inside a loop.
enum JSTryNoteKind {

 * Exception handling record.
struct JSTryNote {
    uint8_t         kind;       /* one of JSTryNoteKind */
    uint32_t        stackDepth; /* stack depth upon exception handler entry */
    uint32_t        start;      /* start of the try statement or loop
                                   relative to script->main */
    uint32_t        length;     /* length of the try statement or loop */

namespace js {

// A block scope has a range in bytecode: it is entered at some offset, and left
// at some later offset.  Scopes can be nested.  Given an offset, the
// ScopeNote containing that offset whose with the highest start value
// indicates the block scope.  The block scope list is sorted by increasing
// start value.
// It is possible to leave a scope nonlocally, for example via a "break"
// statement, so there may be short bytecode ranges in a block scope in which we
// are popping the block chain in preparation for a goto.  These exits are also
// nested with respect to outer scopes.  The scopes in these exits are indicated
// by the "index" field, just like any other block.  If a nonlocal exit pops the
// last block scope, the index will be NoScopeIndex.
struct ScopeNote {
    // Sentinel index for no Scope.
    static const uint32_t NoScopeIndex = UINT32_MAX;

    // Sentinel index for no ScopeNote.
    static const uint32_t NoScopeNoteIndex = UINT32_MAX;

    uint32_t        index;      // Index of Scope in the scopes array, or
                                // NoScopeIndex if there is no block scope in
                                // this range.
    uint32_t        start;      // Bytecode offset at which this scope starts,
                                // from script->main().
    uint32_t        length;     // Bytecode length of scope.
    uint32_t        parent;     // Index of parent block scope in notes, or NoScopeNote.

struct ConstArray {
    js::GCPtrValue* vector;     // array of indexed constant values
    uint32_t length;

struct ObjectArray {
    js::GCPtrObject* vector;    // Array of indexed objects.
    uint32_t length;            // Count of indexed objects.

struct ScopeArray {
    js::GCPtrScope* vector;     // Array of indexed scopes.
    uint32_t        length;     // Count of indexed scopes.

struct TryNoteArray {
    JSTryNote*      vector;     // Array of indexed try notes.
    uint32_t        length;     // Count of indexed try notes.

struct ScopeNoteArray {
    ScopeNote* vector;          // Array of indexed ScopeNote records.
    uint32_t   length;          // Count of indexed try notes.

class YieldOffsetArray {
    friend bool
    detail::CopyScript(JSContext* cx, HandleScript src, HandleScript dst,
                       MutableHandle<GCVector<Scope*>> scopes);

    uint32_t*       vector_;    // Array of bytecode offsets.
    uint32_t        length_;    // Count of bytecode offsets.

    void init(uint32_t* vector, uint32_t length) {
        vector_ = vector;
        length_ = length;
    uint32_t& operator[](uint32_t index) {
        MOZ_ASSERT(index < length_);
        return vector_[index];
    uint32_t length() const {
        return length_;

class ScriptCounts
    typedef mozilla::Vector<PCCounts, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> PCCountsVector;

    inline ScriptCounts();
    inline explicit ScriptCounts(PCCountsVector&& jumpTargets);
    inline ScriptCounts(ScriptCounts&& src);
    inline ~ScriptCounts();

    inline ScriptCounts& operator=(ScriptCounts&& src);

    // Return the counter used to count the number of visits. Returns null if
    // the element is not found.
    PCCounts* maybeGetPCCounts(size_t offset);
    const PCCounts* maybeGetPCCounts(size_t offset) const;

    // PCCounts are stored at jump-target offsets. This function looks for the
    // previous PCCount which is in the same basic block as the current offset.
    PCCounts* getImmediatePrecedingPCCounts(size_t offset);

    // Return the counter used to count the number of throws. Returns null if
    // the element is not found.
    const PCCounts* maybeGetThrowCounts(size_t offset) const;

    // Throw counts are stored at the location of each throwing
    // instruction. This function looks for the previous throw count.
    // Note: if the offset of the returned count is higher than the offset of
    // the immediate preceding PCCount, then this throw happened in the same
    // basic block.
    const PCCounts* getImmediatePrecedingThrowCounts(size_t offset) const;

    // Return the counter used to count the number of throws. Allocate it if
    // none exists yet. Returns null if the allocation failed.
    PCCounts* getThrowCounts(size_t offset);

    friend class ::JSScript;
    friend struct ScriptAndCounts;

    // This sorted array is used to map an offset to the number of times a
    // branch got visited.
    PCCountsVector pcCounts_;

    // This sorted vector is used to map an offset to the number of times an
    // instruction throw.
    PCCountsVector throwCounts_;

    // Information about any Ion compilations for the script.
    jit::IonScriptCounts* ionCounts_;

// Note: The key of this hash map is a weak reference to a JSScript.  We do not
// use the WeakMap implementation provided in jsweakmap.h because it would be
// collected at the beginning of the sweeping of the compartment, thus before
// the calls to the JSScript::finalize function which are used to aggregate code
// coverage results on the compartment.
typedef HashMap<JSScript*,
                SystemAllocPolicy> ScriptCountsMap;

class DebugScript
    friend class ::JSScript;
    friend struct ::JSCompartment;

     * When non-zero, compile script in single-step mode. The top bit is set and
     * cleared by setStepMode, as used by JSD. The lower bits are a count,
     * adjusted by changeStepModeCount, used by the Debugger object. Only
     * when the bit is clear and the count is zero may we compile the script
     * without single-step support.
    uint32_t        stepMode;

     * Number of breakpoint sites at opcodes in the script. This is the number
     * of populated entries in DebugScript::breakpoints, below.
    uint32_t        numSites;

     * Breakpoints set in our script. For speed and simplicity, this array is
     * parallel to script->code(): the BreakpointSite for the opcode at
     * script->code()[offset] is debugScript->breakpoints[offset]. Naturally,
     * this array's true length is script->length().
    BreakpointSite* breakpoints[1];

typedef HashMap<JSScript*,
                SystemAllocPolicy> DebugScriptMap;

class ScriptSource;

struct ScriptSourceChunk
    ScriptSource* ss;
    uint32_t chunk;

      : ss(nullptr), chunk(0)
    ScriptSourceChunk(ScriptSource* ss, uint32_t chunk)
      : ss(ss), chunk(chunk)
    bool valid() const { return ss != nullptr; }

    bool operator==(const ScriptSourceChunk& other) const {
        return ss == other.ss && chunk == other.chunk;

struct ScriptSourceChunkHasher
    using Lookup = ScriptSourceChunk;

    static HashNumber hash(const ScriptSourceChunk& ssc) {
        return mozilla::AddToHash(DefaultHasher<ScriptSource*>::hash(ssc.ss), ssc.chunk);
    static bool match(const ScriptSourceChunk& c1, const ScriptSourceChunk& c2) {
        return c1 == c2;

class UncompressedSourceCache
    typedef HashMap<ScriptSourceChunk,
                    SystemAllocPolicy> Map;

    // Hold an entry in the source data cache and prevent it from being purged on GC.
    class AutoHoldEntry
        UncompressedSourceCache* cache_;
        ScriptSourceChunk sourceChunk_;
        UniqueTwoByteChars charsToFree_;
        explicit AutoHoldEntry();
        void holdChars(UniqueTwoByteChars chars);
        void holdEntry(UncompressedSourceCache* cache, const ScriptSourceChunk& sourceChunk);
        void deferDelete(UniqueTwoByteChars chars);
        const ScriptSourceChunk& sourceChunk() const { return sourceChunk_; }
        friend class UncompressedSourceCache;

    UniquePtr<Map> map_;
    AutoHoldEntry* holder_;

    UncompressedSourceCache() : holder_(nullptr) {}

    const char16_t* lookup(const ScriptSourceChunk& ssc, AutoHoldEntry& asp);
    bool put(const ScriptSourceChunk& ssc, UniqueTwoByteChars chars, AutoHoldEntry& asp);

    void purge();

    size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf);

    void holdEntry(AutoHoldEntry& holder, const ScriptSourceChunk& ssc);
    void releaseEntry(AutoHoldEntry& holder);

class ScriptSource
    friend struct SourceCompressionTask;

    uint32_t refs;

    // Note: while ScriptSources may be compressed off thread, they are only
    // modified by the main thread, and all members are always safe to access
    // on the main thread.

    // Indicate which field in the |data| union is active.

    struct Missing { };

    struct Uncompressed
        SharedImmutableTwoByteString string;

        explicit Uncompressed(SharedImmutableTwoByteString&& str)
          : string(mozilla::Move(str))
        { }

    struct Compressed
        SharedImmutableString raw;
        size_t uncompressedLength;

        Compressed(SharedImmutableString&& raw, size_t uncompressedLength)
          : raw(mozilla::Move(raw))
          , uncompressedLength(uncompressedLength)
        { }

    using SourceType = mozilla::Variant<Missing, Uncompressed, Compressed>;
    SourceType data;

    // The filename of this script.
    UniqueChars filename_;

    UniqueTwoByteChars displayURL_;
    UniqueTwoByteChars sourceMapURL_;
    bool mutedErrors_;

    // bytecode offset in caller script that generated this code.
    // This is present for eval-ed code, as well as "new Function(...)"-introduced
    // scripts.
    uint32_t introductionOffset_;

    // If this source is for Function constructor, the position of ")" after
    // parameter list in the source.  This is used to get function body.
    // 0 for other cases.
    uint32_t parameterListEnd_;

    // If this ScriptSource was generated by a code-introduction mechanism such
    // as |eval| or |new Function|, the debugger needs access to the "raw"
    // filename of the top-level script that contains the eval-ing code.  To
    // keep track of this, we must preserve the original outermost filename (of
    // the original introducer script), so that instead of a filename of
    // "foo.js line 30 > eval line 10 > Function", we can obtain the original
    // raw filename of "foo.js".
    // In the case described above, this field will be non-null and will be the
    // original raw filename from above.  Otherwise this field will be null.
    UniqueChars introducerFilename_;

    // A string indicating how this source code was introduced into the system.
    // This accessor returns one of the following values:
    //      "eval" for code passed to |eval|.
    //      "Function" for code passed to the |Function| constructor.
    //      "Worker" for code loaded by calling the Web worker constructor&mdash;the worker's main script.
    //      "importScripts" for code by calling |importScripts| in a web worker.
    //      "handler" for code assigned to DOM elements' event handler IDL attributes.
    //      "scriptElement" for code belonging to <script> elements.
    //      undefined if the implementation doesn't know how the code was introduced.
    // This is a constant, statically allocated C string, so does not need
    // memory management.
    const char* introductionType_;

    // True if we can call JSRuntime::sourceHook to load the source on
    // demand. If sourceRetrievable_ and hasSourceData() are false, it is not
    // possible to get source at all.
    bool sourceRetrievable_:1;
    bool hasIntroductionOffset_:1;

    const char16_t* chunkChars(JSContext* cx, UncompressedSourceCache::AutoHoldEntry& holder,
                               size_t chunk);

    explicit ScriptSource()
      : refs(0),

    ~ScriptSource() {
        MOZ_ASSERT(refs == 0);

    void incref() { refs++; }
    void decref() {
        MOZ_ASSERT(refs != 0);
        if (--refs == 0)
    bool initFromOptions(ExclusiveContext* cx, const ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
                         mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> parameterListEnd = mozilla::Nothing());
    bool setSourceCopy(ExclusiveContext* cx,
                       JS::SourceBufferHolder& srcBuf,
                       SourceCompressionTask* tok);
    void setSourceRetrievable() { sourceRetrievable_ = true; }
    bool sourceRetrievable() const { return sourceRetrievable_; }
    bool hasSourceData() const { return !data.is<Missing>(); }
    bool hasCompressedSource() const { return data.is<Compressed>(); }

    size_t length() const {
        struct LengthMatcher
            size_t match(const Uncompressed& u) {
                return u.string.length();

            size_t match(const Compressed& c) {
                return c.uncompressedLength;

            size_t match(const Missing& m) {
                MOZ_CRASH("ScriptSource::length on a missing source");
                return 0;

        return data.match(LengthMatcher());

    // Return a string containing the chars starting at |begin| and ending at
    // |begin + len|.
    const char16_t* chars(JSContext* cx, UncompressedSourceCache::AutoHoldEntry& asp,
                          size_t begin, size_t len);

    JSFlatString* substring(JSContext* cx, size_t start, size_t stop);
    JSFlatString* substringDontDeflate(JSContext* cx, size_t start, size_t stop);

    bool isFunctionBody() {
        return parameterListEnd_ != 0;
    JSFlatString* functionBodyString(JSContext* cx);

    void addSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf,
                                JS::ScriptSourceInfo* info) const;

    MOZ_MUST_USE bool setSource(ExclusiveContext* cx,
                                mozilla::UniquePtr<char16_t[], JS::FreePolicy>&& source,
                                size_t length);
    void setSource(SharedImmutableTwoByteString&& string);

    MOZ_MUST_USE bool setCompressedSource(
        ExclusiveContext* cx,
        mozilla::UniquePtr<char[], JS::FreePolicy>&& raw,
        size_t rawLength,
        size_t sourceLength);
    void setCompressedSource(SharedImmutableString&& raw, size_t sourceLength);

    // XDR handling
    template <XDRMode mode>
    bool performXDR(XDRState<mode>* xdr);

    bool setFilename(ExclusiveContext* cx, const char* filename);
    const char* introducerFilename() const {
        return introducerFilename_ ? introducerFilename_.get() : filename_.get();
    bool hasIntroductionType() const {
        return introductionType_;
    const char* introductionType() const {
        return introductionType_;
    const char* filename() const {
        return filename_.get();

    // Display URLs
    bool setDisplayURL(ExclusiveContext* cx, const char16_t* displayURL);
    bool hasDisplayURL() const { return displayURL_ != nullptr; }
    const char16_t * displayURL() {
        return displayURL_.get();

    // Source maps
    bool setSourceMapURL(ExclusiveContext* cx, const char16_t* sourceMapURL);
    bool hasSourceMapURL() const { return sourceMapURL_ != nullptr; }
    const char16_t * sourceMapURL() {
        return sourceMapURL_.get();

    bool mutedErrors() const { return mutedErrors_; }

    bool hasIntroductionOffset() const { return hasIntroductionOffset_; }
    uint32_t introductionOffset() const {
        return introductionOffset_;
    void setIntroductionOffset(uint32_t offset) {
        MOZ_ASSERT(offset <= (uint32_t)INT32_MAX);
        introductionOffset_ = offset;
        hasIntroductionOffset_ = true;

class ScriptSourceHolder
    ScriptSource* ss;
      : ss(nullptr)
    explicit ScriptSourceHolder(ScriptSource* ss)
      : ss(ss)
        if (ss)
    void reset(ScriptSource* newss) {
        if (ss)
        ss = newss;
    ScriptSource* get() const {
        return ss;

class ScriptSourceObject : public NativeObject
    static const ClassOps classOps_;

    static const Class class_;

    static void trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj);
    static void finalize(FreeOp* fop, JSObject* obj);
    static ScriptSourceObject* create(ExclusiveContext* cx, ScriptSource* source);

    // Initialize those properties of this ScriptSourceObject whose values
    // are provided by |options|, re-wrapping as necessary.
    static bool initFromOptions(JSContext* cx, HandleScriptSource source,
                                const ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options);

    ScriptSource* source() const {
        return static_cast<ScriptSource*>(getReservedSlot(SOURCE_SLOT).toPrivate());
    JSObject* element() const {
        return getReservedSlot(ELEMENT_SLOT).toObjectOrNull();
    const Value& elementAttributeName() const {
        return getReservedSlot(ELEMENT_PROPERTY_SLOT);
    JSScript* introductionScript() const {
        if (getReservedSlot(INTRODUCTION_SCRIPT_SLOT).isUndefined())
            return nullptr;
        void* untyped = getReservedSlot(INTRODUCTION_SCRIPT_SLOT).toPrivate();
        return static_cast<JSScript*>(untyped);

    static const uint32_t SOURCE_SLOT = 0;
    static const uint32_t ELEMENT_SLOT = 1;
    static const uint32_t ELEMENT_PROPERTY_SLOT = 2;
    static const uint32_t INTRODUCTION_SCRIPT_SLOT = 3;
    static const uint32_t RESERVED_SLOTS = 4;

enum GeneratorKind { NotGenerator, LegacyGenerator, StarGenerator };
enum FunctionAsyncKind { SyncFunction, AsyncFunction };

static inline unsigned
GeneratorKindAsBits(GeneratorKind generatorKind) {
    return static_cast<unsigned>(generatorKind);

static inline GeneratorKind
GeneratorKindFromBits(unsigned val) {
    MOZ_ASSERT(val <= StarGenerator);
    return static_cast<GeneratorKind>(val);

static inline unsigned
AsyncKindAsBits(FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind) {
    return static_cast<unsigned>(asyncKind);

static inline FunctionAsyncKind
AsyncKindFromBits(unsigned val) {
    MOZ_ASSERT(val <= AsyncFunction);
    return static_cast<FunctionAsyncKind>(val);

 * NB: after a successful XDR_DECODE, XDRScript callers must do any required
 * subsequent set-up of owning function or script object and then call
 * CallNewScriptHook.
template<XDRMode mode>
XDRScript(XDRState<mode>* xdr, HandleScope enclosingScope, HandleScript enclosingScript,
          HandleFunction fun, MutableHandleScript scriptp);

template<XDRMode mode>
XDRLazyScript(XDRState<mode>* xdr, HandleScope enclosingScope, HandleScript enclosingScript,
              HandleFunction fun, MutableHandle<LazyScript*> lazy);

 * Code any constant value.
template<XDRMode mode>
XDRScriptConst(XDRState<mode>* xdr, MutableHandleValue vp);

 * Common data that can be shared between many scripts in a single runtime.
class SharedScriptData
    // This class is reference counted as follows: each pointer from a JSScript
    // counts as one reference plus there may be one reference from the shared
    // script data table.
    mozilla::Atomic<uint32_t> refCount_;

    uint32_t dataLength_;
    uint32_t natoms_;
    uint32_t codeLength_;
    uintptr_t data_[1];

    static SharedScriptData* new_(ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t codeLength,
                                  uint32_t srcnotesLength, uint32_t natoms);

    uint32_t refCount() const {
        return refCount_;
    void incRefCount() {
    void decRefCount() {
        MOZ_ASSERT(refCount_ != 0);
        if (refCount_ == 0)

    uint32_t dataLength() const {
        return dataLength_;
    uint8_t* data() {
        return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data_);

    uint32_t natoms() const {
        return natoms_;
    GCPtrAtom* atoms() {
        if (!natoms_)
            return nullptr;
        return reinterpret_cast<GCPtrAtom*>(data());

    uint32_t codeLength() const {
        return codeLength_;
    jsbytecode* code() {
        return reinterpret_cast<jsbytecode*>(data() + natoms_ * sizeof(GCPtrAtom));

    void traceChildren(JSTracer* trc);

    SharedScriptData() = delete;
    SharedScriptData(const SharedScriptData&) = delete;
    SharedScriptData& operator=(const SharedScriptData&) = delete;

struct ScriptBytecodeHasher
    struct Lookup
        const uint8_t* data;
        uint32_t length;

        explicit Lookup(SharedScriptData* ssd) : data(ssd->data()), length(ssd->dataLength()) {}
    static HashNumber hash(const Lookup& l) { return mozilla::HashBytes(l.data, l.length); }
    static bool match(SharedScriptData* entry, const Lookup& lookup) {
        if (entry->dataLength() != lookup.length)
            return false;
        return mozilla::PodEqual<uint8_t>(entry->data(), lookup.data, lookup.length);

typedef HashSet<SharedScriptData*,
                SystemAllocPolicy> ScriptDataTable;

extern void
SweepScriptData(JSRuntime* rt, AutoLockForExclusiveAccess& lock);

extern void
FreeScriptData(JSRuntime* rt, AutoLockForExclusiveAccess& lock);

} /* namespace js */

class JSScript : public js::gc::TenuredCell
    template <js::XDRMode mode>
    js::XDRScript(js::XDRState<mode>* xdr, js::HandleScope enclosingScope,
                  js::HandleScript enclosingScript, js::HandleFunction fun,
                  js::MutableHandleScript scriptp);

    friend bool
    js::detail::CopyScript(JSContext* cx, js::HandleScript src, js::HandleScript dst,
                           js::MutableHandle<JS::GCVector<js::Scope*>> scopes);

    js::SharedScriptData* scriptData_;
    uint8_t*        data;      /* pointer to variable-length data array (see
                                   comment above Create() for details) */

    JSCompartment*  compartment_;

    /* Persistent type information retained across GCs. */
    js::TypeScript* types_;

    // This script's ScriptSourceObject, or a CCW thereof.
    // (When we clone a JSScript into a new compartment, we don't clone its
    // source object. Instead, the clone refers to a wrapper.)
    js::GCPtrObject sourceObject_;

     * Information attached by Ion. Nexto a valid IonScript this could be
     * The later is a ion compilation that is ready, but hasn't been linked
     * yet.
    js::jit::IonScript* ion;

    /* Information attached by Baseline. */
    js::jit::BaselineScript* baseline;

    /* Information used to re-lazify a lazily-parsed interpreted function. */
    js::LazyScript* lazyScript;

     * Pointer to either baseline->method()->raw() or ion->method()->raw(), or
     * nullptr if there's no Baseline or Ion script.
    uint8_t* baselineOrIonRaw;
    uint8_t* baselineOrIonSkipArgCheck;

    // 32-bit fields.

    uint32_t        dataSize_;  /* size of the used part of the data array */

    uint32_t        lineno_;    /* base line number of script */
    uint32_t        column_;    /* base column of script, optionally set */

    uint32_t        mainOffset_;/* offset of main entry point from code, after
                                   predef'ing prologue */

    uint32_t        nfixed_;    /* fixed frame slots */
    uint32_t        nslots_;    /* slots plus maximum stack depth */

    uint32_t        bodyScopeIndex_; /* index into the scopes array of the body scope */

    // Range of characters in scriptSource which contains this script's source.
    // each field points the following location.
    //   function * f(a, b) { return a + b; }
    //   ^          ^                        ^
    //   |          |                        |
    //   |          sourceStart_             sourceEnd_
    //   |
    //   preludeStart_
    uint32_t        sourceStart_;
    uint32_t        sourceEnd_;
    uint32_t        preludeStart_;

    // Number of times the script has been called or has had backedges taken.
    // When running in ion, also increased for any inlined scripts. Reset if
    // the script's JIT code is forcibly discarded.
    mozilla::Atomic<uint32_t, mozilla::Relaxed> warmUpCount;

    // 16-bit fields.

    uint16_t        warmUpResetCount; /* Number of times the |warmUpCount| was
                                       * forcibly discarded. The counter is reset when
                                       * a script is successfully jit-compiled. */

    uint16_t        version;    /* JS version under which script was compiled */

    uint16_t        funLength_; /* ES6 function length */

    uint16_t        nTypeSets_; /* number of type sets used in this script for
                                   dynamic type monitoring */

    // Bit fields.

    // The kinds of the optional arrays.
    enum ArrayKind {

    // The bits in this field indicate the presence/non-presence of several
    // optional arrays in |data|.  See the comments above Create() for details.
    uint8_t         hasArrayBits:ARRAY_KIND_BITS;

    // The GeneratorKind of the script.
    uint8_t         generatorKindBits_:2;

    // 1-bit fields.

    // No need for result value of last expression statement.
    bool noScriptRval_:1;

    // Code is in strict mode.
    bool strict_:1;

    // Code has "use strict"; explicitly.
    bool explicitUseStrict_:1;

    // True if the script has a non-syntactic scope on its dynamic scope chain.
    // That is, there are objects about which we know nothing between the
    // outermost syntactic scope and the global.
    bool hasNonSyntacticScope_:1;

    // see Parser::selfHostingMode.
    bool selfHosted_:1;

    // See FunctionContextFlags.
    bool bindingsAccessedDynamically_:1;
    bool funHasExtensibleScope_:1;

    // True if any formalIsAliased(i).
    bool funHasAnyAliasedFormal_:1;

    // Have warned about uses of undefined properties in this script.
    bool warnedAboutUndefinedProp_:1;

    // Script has singleton objects.
    bool hasSingletons_:1;

    // Script is a lambda to treat as running once or a global or eval script
    // that will only run once.  Which one it is can be disambiguated by
    // checking whether function() is null.
    bool treatAsRunOnce_:1;

    // If treatAsRunOnce, whether script has executed.
    bool hasRunOnce_:1;

    // Script has been reused for a clone.
    bool hasBeenCloned_:1;

    // Script came from eval(), and is still active.
    bool isActiveEval_:1;

    // Script came from eval(), and is in eval cache.
    bool isCachedEval_:1;

    // 'this', 'arguments' and f.apply() are used. This is likely to be a wrapper.
    bool isLikelyConstructorWrapper_:1;

    // IonMonkey compilation hints.
    bool failedBoundsCheck_:1; /* script has had hoisted bounds checks fail */
    bool failedShapeGuard_:1; /* script has had hoisted shape guard fail */
    bool hadFrequentBailouts_:1;
    bool hadOverflowBailout_:1;
    bool uninlineable_:1;    /* explicitly marked as uninlineable */

    // Idempotent cache has triggered invalidation.
    bool invalidatedIdempotentCache_:1;

    // Lexical check did fail and bail out.
    bool failedLexicalCheck_:1;

    // If the generator was created implicitly via a generator expression,
    // isGeneratorExp will be true.
    bool isGeneratorExp_:1;

    // Script has an entry in JSCompartment::scriptCountsMap.
    bool hasScriptCounts_:1;

    // Script has an entry in JSCompartment::debugScriptMap.
    bool hasDebugScript_:1;

    // Freeze constraints for stack type sets have been generated.
    bool hasFreezeConstraints_:1;

    /* See comments below. */
    bool argsHasVarBinding_:1;
    bool needsArgsAnalysis_:1;
    bool needsArgsObj_:1;
    bool functionHasThisBinding_:1;
    bool functionHasExtraBodyVarScope_:1;

    // Whether the arguments object for this script, if it needs one, should be
    // mapped (alias formal parameters).
    bool hasMappedArgsObj_:1;

    // Generation for this script's TypeScript. If out of sync with the
    // TypeZone's generation, the TypeScript needs to be swept.
    // This should be a uint32 but is instead a bool so that MSVC packs it
    // correctly.
    bool typesGeneration_:1;

    // Do not relazify this script. This is used by the relazify() testing
    // function for scripts that are on the stack and also by the AutoDelazify
    // RAII class. Usually we don't relazify functions in compartments with
    // scripts on the stack, but the relazify() testing function overrides that,
    // and sometimes we're working with a cross-compartment function and need to
    // keep it from relazifying.
    bool doNotRelazify_:1;

    // Script contains inner functions. Used to check if we can relazify the
    // script.
    bool hasInnerFunctions_:1;

    bool needsHomeObject_:1;

    bool isDerivedClassConstructor_:1;
    bool isDefaultClassConstructor_:1;

    bool isAsync_:1;

    bool hasRest_:1;
    bool isExprBody_:1;

    // Add padding so JSScript is gc::Cell aligned. Make padding protected
    // instead of private to suppress -Wunused-private-field compiler warnings.
#if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
    uint32_t padding;

    // End of fields.  Start methods.

    static JSScript* Create(js::ExclusiveContext* cx,
                            const JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
                            js::HandleObject sourceObject, uint32_t sourceStart,
                            uint32_t sourceEnd, uint32_t preludeStart);

    void initCompartment(js::ExclusiveContext* cx);

    // Three ways ways to initialize a JSScript. Callers of partiallyInit()
    // are responsible for notifying the debugger after successfully creating
    // any kind (function or other) of new JSScript.  However, callers of
    // fullyInitFromEmitter() do not need to do this.
    static bool partiallyInit(js::ExclusiveContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSScript*> script,
                              uint32_t nscopes, uint32_t nconsts, uint32_t nobjects,
                              uint32_t ntrynotes, uint32_t nscopenotes, uint32_t nyieldoffsets,
                              uint32_t nTypeSets);

    static void initFromFunctionBox(js::ExclusiveContext* cx, js::HandleScript script,
                                    js::frontend::FunctionBox* funbox);
    static void initFromModuleContext(js::ExclusiveContext* cx, js::HandleScript script,
                                      js::frontend::ModuleSharedContext* modulesc);

    static bool fullyInitFromEmitter(js::ExclusiveContext* cx, js::HandleScript script,
                                     js::frontend::BytecodeEmitter* bce);

    // Initialize the Function.prototype script.
    static bool initFunctionPrototype(js::ExclusiveContext* cx, js::HandleScript script,
                                      JS::HandleFunction functionProto);

#ifdef DEBUG
    // Assert that jump targets are within the code array of the script.
    void assertValidJumpTargets() const;

    inline JSPrincipals* principals();

    JSCompartment* compartment() const { return compartment_; }
    JSCompartment* maybeCompartment() const { return compartment(); }

    void setVersion(JSVersion v) { version = v; }

    js::SharedScriptData* scriptData() {
        return scriptData_;

    // Script bytecode is immutable after creation.
    jsbytecode* code() const {
        if (!scriptData_)
            return nullptr;
        return scriptData_->code();
    size_t length() const {
        return scriptData_->codeLength();

    jsbytecode* codeEnd() const { return code() + length(); }

    jsbytecode* lastPC() const {
        jsbytecode* pc = codeEnd() - js::JSOP_RETRVAL_LENGTH;
        MOZ_ASSERT(*pc == JSOP_RETRVAL);
        return pc;

    bool containsPC(const jsbytecode* pc) const {
        return pc >= code() && pc < codeEnd();

    size_t pcToOffset(const jsbytecode* pc) const {
        return size_t(pc - code());

    jsbytecode* offsetToPC(size_t offset) const {
        MOZ_ASSERT(offset < length());
        return code() + offset;

    size_t mainOffset() const {
        return mainOffset_;

    size_t lineno() const {
        return lineno_;

    size_t column() const {
        return column_;

    void setColumn(size_t column) { column_ = column; }

    // The fixed part of a stack frame is comprised of vars (in function and
    // module code) and block-scoped locals (in all kinds of code).
    size_t nfixed() const {
        return nfixed_;

    // Number of fixed slots reserved for slots that are always live. Only
    // nonzero for function or module code.
    size_t numAlwaysLiveFixedSlots() const {
        if (bodyScope()->is<js::FunctionScope>())
            return bodyScope()->as<js::FunctionScope>().nextFrameSlot();
        if (bodyScope()->is<js::ModuleScope>())
            return bodyScope()->as<js::ModuleScope>().nextFrameSlot();
        return 0;

    // Calculate the number of fixed slots that are live at a particular bytecode.
    size_t calculateLiveFixed(jsbytecode* pc);

    size_t nslots() const {
        return nslots_;

    unsigned numArgs() const {
        if (bodyScope()->is<js::FunctionScope>())
            return bodyScope()->as<js::FunctionScope>().numPositionalFormalParameters();
        return 0;

    inline js::Shape* initialEnvironmentShape() const;

    bool functionHasParameterExprs() const {
        // Only functions have parameters.
        js::Scope* scope = bodyScope();
        if (!scope->is<js::FunctionScope>())
            return false;
        return scope->as<js::FunctionScope>().hasParameterExprs();

    size_t nTypeSets() const {
        return nTypeSets_;

    size_t funLength() const {
        return funLength_;

    size_t sourceStart() const {
        return sourceStart_;

    size_t sourceEnd() const {
        return sourceEnd_;

    size_t preludeStart() const {
        return preludeStart_;

    bool noScriptRval() const {
        return noScriptRval_;

    bool strict() const {
        return strict_;

    bool explicitUseStrict() const { return explicitUseStrict_; }

    bool hasNonSyntacticScope() const {
        return hasNonSyntacticScope_;

    bool selfHosted() const { return selfHosted_; }
    bool bindingsAccessedDynamically() const { return bindingsAccessedDynamically_; }
    bool funHasExtensibleScope() const {
        return funHasExtensibleScope_;
    bool funHasAnyAliasedFormal() const {
        return funHasAnyAliasedFormal_;

    bool hasSingletons() const { return hasSingletons_; }
    bool treatAsRunOnce() const {
        return treatAsRunOnce_;
    bool hasRunOnce() const { return hasRunOnce_; }
    bool hasBeenCloned() const { return hasBeenCloned_; }

    void setTreatAsRunOnce() { treatAsRunOnce_ = true; }
    void setHasRunOnce() { hasRunOnce_ = true; }
    void setHasBeenCloned() { hasBeenCloned_ = true; }

    bool isActiveEval() const { return isActiveEval_; }
    bool isCachedEval() const { return isCachedEval_; }

    void cacheForEval() {
        MOZ_ASSERT(isActiveEval() && !isCachedEval());
        isActiveEval_ = false;
        isCachedEval_ = true;
        // IsEvalCacheCandidate will make sure that there's nothing in this
        // script that would prevent reexecution even if isRunOnce is
        // true.  So just pretend like we never ran this script.
        hasRunOnce_ = false;

    void uncacheForEval() {
        MOZ_ASSERT(isCachedEval() && !isActiveEval());
        isCachedEval_ = false;
        isActiveEval_ = true;

    void setActiveEval() { isActiveEval_ = true; }

    bool isLikelyConstructorWrapper() const {
        return isLikelyConstructorWrapper_;
    void setLikelyConstructorWrapper() { isLikelyConstructorWrapper_ = true; }

    bool isGeneratorExp() const { return isGeneratorExp_; }

    bool failedBoundsCheck() const {
        return failedBoundsCheck_;
    bool failedShapeGuard() const {
        return failedShapeGuard_;
    bool hadFrequentBailouts() const {
        return hadFrequentBailouts_;
    bool hadOverflowBailout() const {
        return hadOverflowBailout_;
    bool uninlineable() const {
        return uninlineable_;
    bool invalidatedIdempotentCache() const {
        return invalidatedIdempotentCache_;
    bool failedLexicalCheck() const {
        return failedLexicalCheck_;
    bool isDefaultClassConstructor() const {
        return isDefaultClassConstructor_;

    void setFailedBoundsCheck() { failedBoundsCheck_ = true; }
    void setFailedShapeGuard() { failedShapeGuard_ = true; }
    void setHadFrequentBailouts() { hadFrequentBailouts_ = true; }
    void setHadOverflowBailout() { hadOverflowBailout_ = true; }
    void setUninlineable() { uninlineable_ = true; }
    void setInvalidatedIdempotentCache() { invalidatedIdempotentCache_ = true; }
    void setFailedLexicalCheck() { failedLexicalCheck_ = true; }
    void setIsDefaultClassConstructor() { isDefaultClassConstructor_ = true; }

    bool hasScriptCounts() const { return hasScriptCounts_; }

    bool hasFreezeConstraints() const { return hasFreezeConstraints_; }
    void setHasFreezeConstraints() { hasFreezeConstraints_ = true; }

    bool warnedAboutUndefinedProp() const { return warnedAboutUndefinedProp_; }
    void setWarnedAboutUndefinedProp() { warnedAboutUndefinedProp_ = true; }

    /* See ContextFlags::funArgumentsHasLocalBinding comment. */
    bool argumentsHasVarBinding() const {
        return argsHasVarBinding_;
    void setArgumentsHasVarBinding();
    bool argumentsAliasesFormals() const {
        return argumentsHasVarBinding() && hasMappedArgsObj();

    js::GeneratorKind generatorKind() const {
        return js::GeneratorKindFromBits(generatorKindBits_);
    bool isGenerator() const { return generatorKind() != js::NotGenerator; }
    bool isLegacyGenerator() const { return generatorKind() == js::LegacyGenerator; }
    bool isStarGenerator() const { return generatorKind() == js::StarGenerator; }
    void setGeneratorKind(js::GeneratorKind kind) {
        // A script only gets its generator kind set as part of initialization,
        // so it can only transition from not being a generator.
        generatorKindBits_ = GeneratorKindAsBits(kind);

    js::FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind() const {
        return isAsync_ ? js::AsyncFunction : js::SyncFunction;

    void setAsyncKind(js::FunctionAsyncKind kind) {
        isAsync_ = kind == js::AsyncFunction;

    bool hasRest() const {
        return hasRest_;
    void setHasRest() {
        hasRest_ = true;

    bool isExprBody() const {
        return isExprBody_;
    void setIsExprBody() {
        isExprBody_ = true;

    void setNeedsHomeObject() {
        needsHomeObject_ = true;
    bool needsHomeObject() const {
        return needsHomeObject_;

    bool isDerivedClassConstructor() const {
        return isDerivedClassConstructor_;

     * As an optimization, even when argsHasLocalBinding, the function prologue
     * may not need to create an arguments object. This is determined by
     * needsArgsObj which is set by AnalyzeArgumentsUsage. When !needsArgsObj,
     * the prologue may simply write MagicValue(JS_OPTIMIZED_ARGUMENTS) to
     * 'arguments's slot and any uses of 'arguments' will be guaranteed to
     * handle this magic value. To avoid spurious arguments object creation, we
     * maintain the invariant that needsArgsObj is only called after the script
     * has been analyzed.
    bool analyzedArgsUsage() const { return !needsArgsAnalysis_; }
    inline bool ensureHasAnalyzedArgsUsage(JSContext* cx);
    bool needsArgsObj() const {
        return needsArgsObj_;
    void setNeedsArgsObj(bool needsArgsObj);
    static bool argumentsOptimizationFailed(JSContext* cx, js::HandleScript script);

    bool hasMappedArgsObj() const {
        return hasMappedArgsObj_;

    bool functionHasThisBinding() const {
        return functionHasThisBinding_;

     * Arguments access (via JSOP_*ARG* opcodes) must access the canonical
     * location for the argument. If an arguments object exists AND it's mapped
     * ('arguments' aliases formals), then all access must go through the
     * arguments object. Otherwise, the local slot is the canonical location for
     * the arguments. Note: if a formal is aliased through the scope chain, then
     * script->formalIsAliased and JSOP_*ARG* opcodes won't be emitted at all.
    bool argsObjAliasesFormals() const {
        return needsArgsObj() && hasMappedArgsObj();

    uint32_t typesGeneration() const {
        return (uint32_t) typesGeneration_;

    void setTypesGeneration(uint32_t generation) {
        MOZ_ASSERT(generation <= 1);
        typesGeneration_ = (bool) generation;

    void setDoNotRelazify(bool b) {
        doNotRelazify_ = b;

    void setHasInnerFunctions(bool b) {
        hasInnerFunctions_ = b;

    bool hasInnerFunctions() const {
        return hasInnerFunctions_;

    bool hasAnyIonScript() const {
        return hasIonScript();

    bool hasIonScript() const {
        bool res = ion && ion != ION_DISABLED_SCRIPT && ion != ION_COMPILING_SCRIPT &&
                          ion != ION_PENDING_SCRIPT;
        MOZ_ASSERT_IF(res, baseline);
        return res;
    bool canIonCompile() const {
        return ion != ION_DISABLED_SCRIPT;
    bool isIonCompilingOffThread() const {
        return ion == ION_COMPILING_SCRIPT;

    js::jit::IonScript* ionScript() const {
        return ion;
    js::jit::IonScript* maybeIonScript() const {
        return ion;
    js::jit::IonScript* const* addressOfIonScript() const {
        return &ion;
    void setIonScript(JSRuntime* maybeRuntime, js::jit::IonScript* ionScript);

    bool hasBaselineScript() const {
        bool res = baseline && baseline != BASELINE_DISABLED_SCRIPT;
        MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!res, !ion || ion == ION_DISABLED_SCRIPT);
        return res;
    bool canBaselineCompile() const {
        return baseline != BASELINE_DISABLED_SCRIPT;
    js::jit::BaselineScript* baselineScript() const {
        return baseline;
    inline void setBaselineScript(JSRuntime* maybeRuntime, js::jit::BaselineScript* baselineScript);

    void updateBaselineOrIonRaw(JSRuntime* maybeRuntime);

    static size_t offsetOfBaselineScript() {
        return offsetof(JSScript, baseline);
    static size_t offsetOfIonScript() {
        return offsetof(JSScript, ion);
    static size_t offsetOfBaselineOrIonRaw() {
        return offsetof(JSScript, baselineOrIonRaw);
    uint8_t* baselineOrIonRawPointer() const {
        return baselineOrIonRaw;
    static size_t offsetOfBaselineOrIonSkipArgCheck() {
        return offsetof(JSScript, baselineOrIonSkipArgCheck);

    bool isRelazifiable() const {
        return (selfHosted() || lazyScript) && !hasInnerFunctions_ && !types_ &&
               !isGenerator() && !hasBaselineScript() && !hasAnyIonScript() &&
    void setLazyScript(js::LazyScript* lazy) {
        lazyScript = lazy;
    js::LazyScript* maybeLazyScript() {
        return lazyScript;

     * Original compiled function for the script, if it has a function.
     * nullptr for global and eval scripts.
     * The delazifying variant ensures that the function isn't lazy. The
     * non-delazifying variant must only be used after earlier code has
     * called ensureNonLazyCanonicalFunction and while the function can't
     * have been relazified.
    inline JSFunction* functionDelazifying() const;
    JSFunction* functionNonDelazifying() const {
        if (bodyScope()->is<js::FunctionScope>())
            return bodyScope()->as<js::FunctionScope>().canonicalFunction();
        return nullptr;
     * De-lazifies the canonical function. Must be called before entering code
     * that expects the function to be non-lazy.
    inline void ensureNonLazyCanonicalFunction();

    js::ModuleObject* module() const {
        if (bodyScope()->is<js::ModuleScope>())
            return bodyScope()->as<js::ModuleScope>().module();
        return nullptr;

    bool isGlobalOrEvalCode() const {
        return bodyScope()->is<js::GlobalScope>() || bodyScope()->is<js::EvalScope>();
    bool isGlobalCode() const {
        return bodyScope()->is<js::GlobalScope>();

    // Returns true if the script may read formal arguments on the stack
    // directly, via lazy arguments or a rest parameter.
    bool mayReadFrameArgsDirectly();

    static JSFlatString* sourceData(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleScript script);
    static JSFlatString* sourceDataWithPrelude(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleScript script);
    static bool loadSource(JSContext* cx, js::ScriptSource* ss, bool* worked);

    void setSourceObject(JSObject* object);
    JSObject* sourceObject() const {
        return sourceObject_;
    js::ScriptSourceObject& scriptSourceUnwrap() const;
    js::ScriptSource* scriptSource() const;
    js::ScriptSource* maybeForwardedScriptSource() const;
    bool mutedErrors() const { return scriptSource()->mutedErrors(); }
    const char* filename() const { return scriptSource()->filename(); }
    const char* maybeForwardedFilename() const { return maybeForwardedScriptSource()->filename(); }


    /* Return whether this script was compiled for 'eval' */
    bool isForEval() const {
        MOZ_ASSERT_IF(isCachedEval() || isActiveEval(), bodyScope()->is<js::EvalScope>());
        return isCachedEval() || isActiveEval();

    /* Return whether this is a 'direct eval' script in a function scope. */
    bool isDirectEvalInFunction() const {
        if (!isForEval())
            return false;
        return bodyScope()->hasOnChain(js::ScopeKind::Function);

     * Return whether this script is a top-level script.
     * If we evaluate some code which contains a syntax error, then we might
     * produce a JSScript which has no associated bytecode. Testing with
     * |code()| filters out this kind of scripts.
     * If this script has a function associated to it, then it is not the
     * top-level of a file.
    bool isTopLevel() { return code() && !functionNonDelazifying(); }

    /* Ensure the script has a TypeScript. */
    inline bool ensureHasTypes(JSContext* cx);

    inline js::TypeScript* types();

    void maybeSweepTypes(js::AutoClearTypeInferenceStateOnOOM* oom);

    inline js::GlobalObject& global() const;
    js::GlobalObject& uninlinedGlobal() const;

    uint32_t bodyScopeIndex() const {
        return bodyScopeIndex_;

    js::Scope* bodyScope() const {
        return getScope(bodyScopeIndex_);

    js::Scope* outermostScope() const {
        // The body scope may not be the outermost scope in the script when
        // the decl env scope is present.
        size_t index = 0;
        return getScope(index);

    bool functionHasExtraBodyVarScope() const {
        MOZ_ASSERT_IF(functionHasExtraBodyVarScope_, functionHasParameterExprs());
        return functionHasExtraBodyVarScope_;

    js::VarScope* functionExtraBodyVarScope() const {
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scopes()->length; i++) {
            js::Scope* scope = getScope(i);
            if (scope->kind() == js::ScopeKind::FunctionBodyVar)
                return &scope->as<js::VarScope>();
        MOZ_CRASH("Function extra body var scope not found");

    inline js::LexicalScope* maybeNamedLambdaScope() const;

    js::Scope* enclosingScope() const {
        return outermostScope()->enclosing();

    bool makeTypes(JSContext* cx);

    bool createScriptData(js::ExclusiveContext* cx, uint32_t codeLength, uint32_t srcnotesLength,
                          uint32_t natoms);
    bool shareScriptData(js::ExclusiveContext* cx);
    void freeScriptData();
    void setScriptData(js::SharedScriptData* data);

    uint32_t getWarmUpCount() const { return warmUpCount; }
    uint32_t incWarmUpCounter(uint32_t amount = 1) { return warmUpCount += amount; }
    uint32_t* addressOfWarmUpCounter() { return reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&warmUpCount); }
    static size_t offsetOfWarmUpCounter() { return offsetof(JSScript, warmUpCount); }
    void resetWarmUpCounter() { incWarmUpResetCounter(); warmUpCount = 0; }

    uint16_t getWarmUpResetCount() const { return warmUpResetCount; }
    uint16_t incWarmUpResetCounter(uint16_t amount = 1) { return warmUpResetCount += amount; }
    void resetWarmUpResetCounter() { warmUpResetCount = 0; }

    bool initScriptCounts(JSContext* cx);
    js::ScriptCounts& getScriptCounts();
    js::PCCounts* maybeGetPCCounts(jsbytecode* pc);
    const js::PCCounts* maybeGetThrowCounts(jsbytecode* pc);
    js::PCCounts* getThrowCounts(jsbytecode* pc);
    uint64_t getHitCount(jsbytecode* pc);
    void incHitCount(jsbytecode* pc); // Used when we bailout out of Ion.
    void addIonCounts(js::jit::IonScriptCounts* ionCounts);
    js::jit::IonScriptCounts* getIonCounts();
    void releaseScriptCounts(js::ScriptCounts* counts);
    void destroyScriptCounts(js::FreeOp* fop);
    // The entry should be removed after using this function.
    void takeOverScriptCountsMapEntry(js::ScriptCounts* entryValue);

    jsbytecode* main() const {
        return code() + mainOffset();

     * computedSizeOfData() is the in-use size of all the data sections.
     * sizeOfData() is the size of the block allocated to hold all the data
     * sections (which can be larger than the in-use size).
    size_t computedSizeOfData() const;
    size_t sizeOfData(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
    size_t sizeOfTypeScript(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;

    uint32_t numNotes();  /* Number of srcnote slots in the srcnotes section */

    /* Script notes are allocated right after the code. */
    jssrcnote* notes() { return (jssrcnote*)(code() + length()); }

    bool hasArray(ArrayKind kind) const {
        return hasArrayBits & (1 << kind);
    void setHasArray(ArrayKind kind) { hasArrayBits |= (1 << kind); }
    void cloneHasArray(JSScript* script) { hasArrayBits = script->hasArrayBits; }

    bool hasConsts() const       { return hasArray(CONSTS); }
    bool hasObjects() const      { return hasArray(OBJECTS); }
    bool hasTrynotes() const     { return hasArray(TRYNOTES); }
    bool hasScopeNotes() const   { return hasArray(SCOPENOTES); }
    bool hasYieldOffsets() const { return isGenerator(); }

#define OFF(fooOff, hasFoo, t)   (fooOff() + (hasFoo() ? sizeof(t) : 0))

    size_t scopesOffset() const       { return 0; }
    size_t constsOffset() const       { return scopesOffset() + sizeof(js::ScopeArray); }
    size_t objectsOffset() const      { return OFF(constsOffset,     hasConsts,     js::ConstArray); }
    size_t trynotesOffset() const     { return OFF(objectsOffset,    hasObjects,    js::ObjectArray); }
    size_t scopeNotesOffset() const   { return OFF(trynotesOffset,   hasTrynotes,   js::TryNoteArray); }
    size_t yieldOffsetsOffset() const { return OFF(scopeNotesOffset, hasScopeNotes, js::ScopeNoteArray); }

#undef OFF

    size_t dataSize() const { return dataSize_; }

    js::ConstArray* consts() {
        return reinterpret_cast<js::ConstArray*>(data + constsOffset());

    js::ObjectArray* objects() {
        return reinterpret_cast<js::ObjectArray*>(data + objectsOffset());

    js::ScopeArray* scopes() const {
        return reinterpret_cast<js::ScopeArray*>(data + scopesOffset());

    js::TryNoteArray* trynotes() const {
        return reinterpret_cast<js::TryNoteArray*>(data + trynotesOffset());

    js::ScopeNoteArray* scopeNotes() {
        return reinterpret_cast<js::ScopeNoteArray*>(data + scopeNotesOffset());

    js::YieldOffsetArray& yieldOffsets() {
        return *reinterpret_cast<js::YieldOffsetArray*>(data + yieldOffsetsOffset());

    bool hasLoops();

    size_t natoms() const {
        return scriptData_->natoms();
    js::GCPtrAtom* atoms() const {
        return scriptData_->atoms();

    js::GCPtrAtom& getAtom(size_t index) const {
        MOZ_ASSERT(index < natoms());
        return atoms()[index];

    js::GCPtrAtom& getAtom(jsbytecode* pc) const {
        MOZ_ASSERT(containsPC(pc) && containsPC(pc + sizeof(uint32_t)));
        return getAtom(GET_UINT32_INDEX(pc));

    js::PropertyName* getName(size_t index) {
        return getAtom(index)->asPropertyName();

    js::PropertyName* getName(jsbytecode* pc) const {
        MOZ_ASSERT(containsPC(pc) && containsPC(pc + sizeof(uint32_t)));
        return getAtom(GET_UINT32_INDEX(pc))->asPropertyName();

    JSObject* getObject(size_t index) {
        js::ObjectArray* arr = objects();
        MOZ_ASSERT(index < arr->length);
        return arr->vector[index];

    JSObject* getObject(jsbytecode* pc) {
        MOZ_ASSERT(containsPC(pc) && containsPC(pc + sizeof(uint32_t)));
        return getObject(GET_UINT32_INDEX(pc));

    js::Scope* getScope(size_t index) const {
        js::ScopeArray* array = scopes();
        MOZ_ASSERT(index < array->length);
        return array->vector[index];

    js::Scope* getScope(jsbytecode* pc) const {
        // This method is used to get a scope directly using a JSOp with an
        // index. To search through ScopeNotes to look for a Scope using pc,
        // use lookupScope.
        MOZ_ASSERT(containsPC(pc) && containsPC(pc + sizeof(uint32_t)));
        MOZ_ASSERT(js::JOF_OPTYPE(JSOp(*pc)) == JOF_SCOPE,
                   "Did you mean to use lookupScope(pc)?");
        return getScope(GET_UINT32_INDEX(pc));

    JSVersion getVersion() const {
        return JSVersion(version);

    inline JSFunction* getFunction(size_t index);
    JSFunction* function() const {
        if (functionNonDelazifying())
            return functionNonDelazifying();
        return nullptr;

    inline js::RegExpObject* getRegExp(size_t index);
    inline js::RegExpObject* getRegExp(jsbytecode* pc);

    const js::Value& getConst(size_t index) {
        js::ConstArray* arr = consts();
        MOZ_ASSERT(index < arr->length);
        return arr->vector[index];

    // The following 3 functions find the static scope just before the
    // execution of the instruction pointed to by pc.

    js::Scope* lookupScope(jsbytecode* pc);

    js::Scope* innermostScope(jsbytecode* pc);
    js::Scope* innermostScope() { return innermostScope(main()); }

     * The isEmpty method tells whether this script has code that computes any
     * result (not return value, result AKA normal completion value) other than
     * JSVAL_VOID, or any other effects.
    bool isEmpty() const {
        if (length() > 3)
            return false;

        jsbytecode* pc = code();
        if (noScriptRval() && JSOp(*pc) == JSOP_FALSE)
        return JSOp(*pc) == JSOP_RETRVAL;

    bool formalIsAliased(unsigned argSlot);
    bool formalLivesInArgumentsObject(unsigned argSlot);

    /* Change this->stepMode to |newValue|. */
    void setNewStepMode(js::FreeOp* fop, uint32_t newValue);

    bool ensureHasDebugScript(JSContext* cx);
    js::DebugScript* debugScript();
    js::DebugScript* releaseDebugScript();
    void destroyDebugScript(js::FreeOp* fop);

    bool hasBreakpointsAt(jsbytecode* pc);
    bool hasAnyBreakpointsOrStepMode() { return hasDebugScript_; }

    // See comment above 'debugMode' in jscompartment.h for explanation of
    // invariants of debuggee compartments, scripts, and frames.
    inline bool isDebuggee() const;

    js::BreakpointSite* getBreakpointSite(jsbytecode* pc)
        return hasDebugScript_ ? debugScript()->breakpoints[pcToOffset(pc)] : nullptr;

    js::BreakpointSite* getOrCreateBreakpointSite(JSContext* cx, jsbytecode* pc);

    void destroyBreakpointSite(js::FreeOp* fop, jsbytecode* pc);

    void clearBreakpointsIn(js::FreeOp* fop, js::Debugger* dbg, JSObject* handler);

     * Increment or decrement the single-step count. If the count is non-zero
     * then the script is in single-step mode.
     * Only incrementing is fallible, as it could allocate a DebugScript.
    bool incrementStepModeCount(JSContext* cx);
    void decrementStepModeCount(js::FreeOp* fop);

    bool stepModeEnabled() { return hasDebugScript_ && !!debugScript()->stepMode; }

#ifdef DEBUG
    uint32_t stepModeCount() { return hasDebugScript_ ? debugScript()->stepMode : 0; }

    void finalize(js::FreeOp* fop);

    static const JS::TraceKind TraceKind = JS::TraceKind::Script;

    void traceChildren(JSTracer* trc);

    // A helper class to prevent relazification of the given function's script
    // while it's holding on to it.  This class automatically roots the script.
    class AutoDelazify;
    friend class AutoDelazify;

    class AutoDelazify
        JS::RootedScript script_;
        JSContext* cx_;
        bool oldDoNotRelazify_;
        explicit AutoDelazify(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleFunction fun = nullptr)
            : script_(cx)
            , cx_(cx)


        void operator=(JS::HandleFunction fun)

        operator JS::HandleScript() const { return script_; }
        explicit operator bool() const { return script_; }

        void holdScript(JS::HandleFunction fun);
        void dropScript();

/* If this fails, add/remove padding within JSScript. */
static_assert(sizeof(JSScript) % js::gc::CellSize == 0,
              "Size of JSScript must be an integral multiple of js::gc::CellSize");

namespace js {

// Information about a script which may be (or has been) lazily compiled to
// bytecode from its source.
class LazyScript : public gc::TenuredCell
    // If non-nullptr, the script has been compiled and this is a forwarding
    // pointer to the result. This is a weak pointer: after relazification, we
    // can collect the script if there are no other pointers to it.
    WeakRef<JSScript*> script_;

    // Original function with which the lazy script is associated.
    GCPtrFunction function_;

    // Scope in which the script is nested.
    GCPtrScope enclosingScope_;

    // ScriptSourceObject. We leave this set to nullptr until we generate
    // bytecode for our immediate parent. This is never a CCW; we don't clone
    // LazyScripts into other compartments.
    GCPtrObject sourceObject_;

    // Heap allocated table with any free variables or inner functions.
    void* table_;

    // Add padding so LazyScript is gc::Cell aligned. Make padding protected
    // instead of private to suppress -Wunused-private-field compiler warnings.
#if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
    // uint32_t padding;
    // Currently no padding is needed.

    static const uint32_t NumClosedOverBindingsBits = 20;
    static const uint32_t NumInnerFunctionsBits = 20;

    struct PackedView {
        // Assorted bits that should really be in ScriptSourceObject.
        uint32_t version : 8;

        uint32_t shouldDeclareArguments : 1;
        uint32_t hasThisBinding : 1;
        uint32_t isAsync : 1;
        uint32_t isExprBody : 1;

        uint32_t numClosedOverBindings : NumClosedOverBindingsBits;

        // -- 32bit boundary --

        uint32_t numInnerFunctions : NumInnerFunctionsBits;

        uint32_t generatorKindBits : 2;

        // N.B. These are booleans but need to be uint32_t to pack correctly on MSVC.
        // If you add another boolean here, make sure to initialze it in
        // LazyScript::CreateRaw().
        uint32_t strict : 1;
        uint32_t bindingsAccessedDynamically : 1;
        uint32_t hasDebuggerStatement : 1;
        uint32_t hasDirectEval : 1;
        uint32_t isLikelyConstructorWrapper : 1;
        uint32_t hasBeenCloned : 1;
        uint32_t treatAsRunOnce : 1;
        uint32_t isDerivedClassConstructor : 1;
        uint32_t needsHomeObject : 1;
        uint32_t hasRest : 1;

    union {
        PackedView p_;
        uint64_t packedFields_;

    // Source location for the script.
    // See the comment in JSScript for the details.
    uint32_t begin_;
    uint32_t end_;
    uint32_t preludeStart_;
    // Line and column of |begin_| position, that is the position where we
    // start parsing.
    uint32_t lineno_;
    uint32_t column_;

    LazyScript(JSFunction* fun, void* table, uint64_t packedFields,
               uint32_t begin, uint32_t end, uint32_t preludeStart,
               uint32_t lineno, uint32_t column);

    // Create a LazyScript without initializing the closedOverBindings and the
    // innerFunctions. To be GC-safe, the caller must initialize both vectors
    // with valid atoms and functions.
    static LazyScript* CreateRaw(ExclusiveContext* cx, HandleFunction fun,
                                 uint64_t packedData, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end,
                                 uint32_t preludeStart, uint32_t lineno, uint32_t column);

    static const uint32_t NumClosedOverBindingsLimit = 1 << NumClosedOverBindingsBits;
    static const uint32_t NumInnerFunctionsLimit = 1 << NumInnerFunctionsBits;

    // Create a LazyScript and initialize closedOverBindings and innerFunctions
    // with the provided vectors.
    static LazyScript* Create(ExclusiveContext* cx, HandleFunction fun,
                              const frontend::AtomVector& closedOverBindings,
                              Handle<GCVector<JSFunction*, 8>> innerFunctions,
                              JSVersion version, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end,
                              uint32_t preludeStart, uint32_t lineno, uint32_t column);

    // Create a LazyScript and initialize the closedOverBindings and the
    // innerFunctions with dummy values to be replaced in a later initialization
    // phase.
    // The "script" argument to this function can be null.  If it's non-null,
    // then this LazyScript should be associated with the given JSScript.
    // The enclosingScript and enclosingScope arguments may be null if the
    // enclosing function is also lazy.
    static LazyScript* Create(ExclusiveContext* cx, HandleFunction fun,
                              HandleScript script, HandleScope enclosingScope,
                              HandleScript enclosingScript,
                              uint64_t packedData, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end,
                              uint32_t preludeStart, uint32_t lineno, uint32_t column);

    void initRuntimeFields(uint64_t packedFields);

    static inline JSFunction* functionDelazifying(JSContext* cx, Handle<LazyScript*>);
    JSFunction* functionNonDelazifying() const {
        return function_;

    void initScript(JSScript* script);
    void resetScript();

    JSScript* maybeScript() {
        return script_;
    const JSScript* maybeScriptUnbarriered() const {
        return script_.unbarrieredGet();
    bool hasScript() const {
        return bool(script_);

    Scope* enclosingScope() const {
        return enclosingScope_;

    ScriptSourceObject* sourceObject() const;
    ScriptSource* scriptSource() const {
        return sourceObject()->source();
    ScriptSource* maybeForwardedScriptSource() const;
    bool mutedErrors() const {
        return scriptSource()->mutedErrors();
    JSVersion version() const {
        return (p_.version == JS_BIT(8) - 1) ? JSVERSION_UNKNOWN : JSVersion(p_.version);

    void setEnclosingScopeAndSource(Scope* enclosingScope, ScriptSourceObject* sourceObject);

    uint32_t numClosedOverBindings() const {
        return p_.numClosedOverBindings;
    JSAtom** closedOverBindings() {
        return (JSAtom**)table_;

    uint32_t numInnerFunctions() const {
        return p_.numInnerFunctions;
    GCPtrFunction* innerFunctions() {
        return (GCPtrFunction*)&closedOverBindings()[numClosedOverBindings()];

    GeneratorKind generatorKind() const { return GeneratorKindFromBits(p_.generatorKindBits); }

    bool isGenerator() const { return generatorKind() != NotGenerator; }

    bool isLegacyGenerator() const { return generatorKind() == LegacyGenerator; }

    bool isStarGenerator() const { return generatorKind() == StarGenerator; }

    void setGeneratorKind(GeneratorKind kind) {
        // A script only gets its generator kind set as part of initialization,
        // so it can only transition from NotGenerator.
        // Legacy generators cannot currently be lazy.
        MOZ_ASSERT(kind != LegacyGenerator);
        p_.generatorKindBits = GeneratorKindAsBits(kind);

    FunctionAsyncKind asyncKind() const {
        return p_.isAsync ? AsyncFunction : SyncFunction;

    void setAsyncKind(FunctionAsyncKind kind) {
        p_.isAsync = kind == AsyncFunction;

    bool hasRest() const {
        return p_.hasRest;
    void setHasRest() {
        p_.hasRest = true;

    bool isExprBody() const {
        return p_.isExprBody;
    void setIsExprBody() {
        p_.isExprBody = true;

    bool strict() const {
        return p_.strict;
    void setStrict() {
        p_.strict = true;

    bool bindingsAccessedDynamically() const {
        return p_.bindingsAccessedDynamically;
    void setBindingsAccessedDynamically() {
        p_.bindingsAccessedDynamically = true;

    bool hasDebuggerStatement() const {
        return p_.hasDebuggerStatement;
    void setHasDebuggerStatement() {
        p_.hasDebuggerStatement = true;

    bool hasDirectEval() const {
        return p_.hasDirectEval;
    void setHasDirectEval() {
        p_.hasDirectEval = true;

    bool isLikelyConstructorWrapper() const {
        return p_.isLikelyConstructorWrapper;
    void setLikelyConstructorWrapper() {
        p_.isLikelyConstructorWrapper = true;

    bool hasBeenCloned() const {
        return p_.hasBeenCloned;
    void setHasBeenCloned() {
        p_.hasBeenCloned = true;

    bool treatAsRunOnce() const {
        return p_.treatAsRunOnce;
    void setTreatAsRunOnce() {
        p_.treatAsRunOnce = true;

    bool isDerivedClassConstructor() const {
        return p_.isDerivedClassConstructor;
    void setIsDerivedClassConstructor() {
        p_.isDerivedClassConstructor = true;

    bool needsHomeObject() const {
        return p_.needsHomeObject;
    void setNeedsHomeObject() {
        p_.needsHomeObject = true;

    bool shouldDeclareArguments() const {
        return p_.shouldDeclareArguments;
    void setShouldDeclareArguments() {
        p_.shouldDeclareArguments = true;

    bool hasThisBinding() const {
        return p_.hasThisBinding;
    void setHasThisBinding() {
        p_.hasThisBinding = true;

    const char* filename() const {
        return scriptSource()->filename();
    uint32_t begin() const {
        return begin_;
    uint32_t end() const {
        return end_;
    uint32_t preludeStart() const {
        return preludeStart_;
    uint32_t lineno() const {
        return lineno_;
    uint32_t column() const {
        return column_;

    bool hasUncompiledEnclosingScript() const;

    friend class GCMarker;
    void traceChildren(JSTracer* trc);
    void finalize(js::FreeOp* fop);

    static const JS::TraceKind TraceKind = JS::TraceKind::LazyScript;

    size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf)
        return mallocSizeOf(table_);

    uint64_t packedFields() const {
        return packedFields_;

/* If this fails, add/remove padding within LazyScript. */
static_assert(sizeof(LazyScript) % js::gc::CellSize == 0,
              "Size of LazyScript must be an integral multiple of js::gc::CellSize");

struct ScriptAndCounts
    /* This structure is stored and marked from the JSRuntime. */
    JSScript* script;
    ScriptCounts scriptCounts;

    inline explicit ScriptAndCounts(JSScript* script);
    inline ScriptAndCounts(ScriptAndCounts&& sac);

    const PCCounts* maybeGetPCCounts(jsbytecode* pc) const {
        return scriptCounts.maybeGetPCCounts(script->pcToOffset(pc));
    const PCCounts* maybeGetThrowCounts(jsbytecode* pc) const {
        return scriptCounts.maybeGetThrowCounts(script->pcToOffset(pc));

    jit::IonScriptCounts* getIonCounts() const {
        return scriptCounts.ionCounts_;

    void trace(JSTracer* trc) {
        TraceRoot(trc, &script, "ScriptAndCounts::script");

struct GSNCache;

GetSrcNote(GSNCache& cache, JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc);

extern jssrcnote*
GetSrcNote(JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc);

extern jsbytecode*
LineNumberToPC(JSScript* script, unsigned lineno);

extern JS_FRIEND_API(unsigned)
GetScriptLineExtent(JSScript* script);

} /* namespace js */

namespace js {

extern unsigned
PCToLineNumber(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc, unsigned* columnp = nullptr);

extern unsigned
PCToLineNumber(unsigned startLine, jssrcnote* notes, jsbytecode* code, jsbytecode* pc,
               unsigned* columnp = nullptr);

 * This function returns the file and line number of the script currently
 * executing on cx. If there is no current script executing on cx (e.g., a
 * native called directly through JSAPI (e.g., by setTimeout)), nullptr and 0
 * are returned as the file and line. Additionally, this function avoids the
 * full linear scan to compute line number when the caller guarantees that the
 * script compilation occurs at a JSOP_EVAL/JSOP_SPREADEVAL.

enum LineOption {

extern void
DescribeScriptedCallerForCompilation(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleScript maybeScript,
                                     const char** file, unsigned* linenop,
                                     uint32_t* pcOffset, bool* mutedErrors,
                                     LineOption opt = NOT_CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL);

CloneScriptIntoFunction(JSContext* cx, HandleScope enclosingScope, HandleFunction fun,
                        HandleScript src);

CloneGlobalScript(JSContext* cx, ScopeKind scopeKind, HandleScript src);

} /* namespace js */

// JS::ubi::Nodes can point to js::LazyScripts; they're js::gc::Cell instances
// with no associated compartment.
namespace JS {
namespace ubi {
class Concrete<js::LazyScript> : TracerConcrete<js::LazyScript> {
    explicit Concrete(js::LazyScript *ptr) : TracerConcrete<js::LazyScript>(ptr) { }

    static void construct(void *storage, js::LazyScript *ptr) { new (storage) Concrete(ptr); }

    CoarseType coarseType() const final { return CoarseType::Script; }
    Size size(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const override;
    const char* scriptFilename() const final;

    const char16_t* typeName() const override { return concreteTypeName; }
    static const char16_t concreteTypeName[];
} // namespace ubi
} // namespace JS

#endif /* jsscript_h */