/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef jsfriendapi_h #define jsfriendapi_h #include "mozilla/Atomics.h" #include "mozilla/Casting.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" #include "jsapi.h" // For JSAutoByteString. See bug 1033916. #include "jsbytecode.h" #include "jspubtd.h" #include "js/CallArgs.h" #include "js/CallNonGenericMethod.h" #include "js/Class.h" #include "js/Utility.h" #if JS_STACK_GROWTH_DIRECTION > 0 # define JS_CHECK_STACK_SIZE(limit, sp) (MOZ_LIKELY((uintptr_t)(sp) < (limit))) #else # define JS_CHECK_STACK_SIZE(limit, sp) (MOZ_LIKELY((uintptr_t)(sp) > (limit))) #endif class JSAtom; struct JSErrorFormatString; class JSLinearString; struct JSJitInfo; class JSErrorReport; namespace JS { template <class T> class Heap; } /* namespace JS */ namespace js { class JS_FRIEND_API(BaseProxyHandler); class InterpreterFrame; } /* namespace js */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) JS_SetGrayGCRootsTracer(JSContext* cx, JSTraceDataOp traceOp, void* data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_FindCompilationScope(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSFunction*) JS_GetObjectFunction(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_SplicePrototype(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleObject proto); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewObjectWithUniqueType(JSContext* cx, const JSClass* clasp, JS::HandleObject proto); /** * Allocate an object in exactly the same way as JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto, but * without invoking the metadata callback on it. This allows creation of * internal bookkeeping objects that are guaranteed to not have metadata * attached to them. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewObjectWithoutMetadata(JSContext* cx, const JSClass* clasp, JS::Handle<JSObject*> proto); extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) JS_ObjectCountDynamicSlots(JS::HandleObject obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(size_t) JS_SetProtoCalled(JSContext* cx); extern JS_FRIEND_API(size_t) JS_GetCustomIteratorCount(JSContext* cx); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_NondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::MutableHandleObject ret); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_NondeterministicGetWeakSetKeys(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::MutableHandleObject ret); // Raw JSScript* because this needs to be callable from a signal handler. extern JS_FRIEND_API(unsigned) JS_PCToLineNumber(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc, unsigned* columnp = nullptr); /** * Determine whether the given object is backed by a DeadObjectProxy. * * Such objects hold no other objects (they have no outgoing reference edges) * and will throw if you touch them (e.g. by reading/writing a property). */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsDeadWrapper(JSObject* obj); /* * Used by the cycle collector to trace through a shape or object group and * all cycle-participating data it reaches, using bounded stack space. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) JS_TraceShapeCycleCollectorChildren(JS::CallbackTracer* trc, JS::GCCellPtr shape); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) JS_TraceObjectGroupCycleCollectorChildren(JS::CallbackTracer* trc, JS::GCCellPtr group); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_GetIsSecureContext(JSCompartment* compartment); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSPrincipals*) JS_GetCompartmentPrincipals(JSCompartment* compartment); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) JS_SetCompartmentPrincipals(JSCompartment* compartment, JSPrincipals* principals); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSPrincipals*) JS_GetScriptPrincipals(JSScript* script); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_ScriptHasMutedErrors(JSScript* script); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_CloneObject(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleObject proto); /** * Copy the own properties of src to dst in a fast way. src and dst must both * be native and must be in the compartment of cx. They must have the same * class, the same parent, and the same prototype. Class reserved slots will * NOT be copied. * * dst must not have any properties on it before this function is called. * * src must have been allocated via JS_NewObjectWithoutMetadata so that we can * be sure it has no metadata that needs copying to dst. This also means that * dst needs to have the compartment global as its parent. This function will * preserve the existing metadata on dst, if any. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_InitializePropertiesFromCompatibleNativeObject(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject dst, JS::HandleObject src); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSString*) JS_BasicObjectToString(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj); namespace js { JS_FRIEND_API(bool) GetBuiltinClass(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, ESClass* cls); JS_FRIEND_API(const char*) ObjectClassName(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj); JS_FRIEND_API(void) ReportOverRecursed(JSContext* maybecx); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) AddRawValueRoot(JSContext* cx, JS::Value* vp, const char* name); JS_FRIEND_API(void) RemoveRawValueRoot(JSContext* cx, JS::Value* vp); JS_FRIEND_API(JSAtom*) GetPropertyNameFromPC(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc); #ifdef JS_DEBUG /* * Routines to print out values during debugging. These are FRIEND_API to help * the debugger find them and to support temporarily hacking js::Dump* calls * into other code. Note that there are overloads that do not require the FILE* * parameter, which will default to stderr. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpString(JSString* str, FILE* fp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpAtom(JSAtom* atom, FILE* fp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpObject(JSObject* obj, FILE* fp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpChars(const char16_t* s, size_t n, FILE* fp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpValue(const JS::Value& val, FILE* fp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpId(jsid id, FILE* fp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpInterpreterFrame(JSContext* cx, FILE* fp, InterpreterFrame* start = nullptr); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) DumpPC(JSContext* cx, FILE* fp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) DumpScript(JSContext* cx, JSScript* scriptArg, FILE* fp); // Versions for use directly in a debugger (default parameters are not handled // well in gdb; built-in handles like stderr are not handled well in lldb.) extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpString(JSString* str); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpAtom(JSAtom* atom); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpObject(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpChars(const char16_t* s, size_t n); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpValue(const JS::Value& val); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpId(jsid id); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpInterpreterFrame(JSContext* cx, InterpreterFrame* start = nullptr); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) DumpPC(JSContext* cx); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) DumpScript(JSContext* cx, JSScript* scriptArg); #endif extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpBacktrace(JSContext* cx, FILE* fp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpBacktrace(JSContext* cx); } // namespace js namespace JS { /** Exposed for DumpJSStack */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(char*) FormatStackDump(JSContext* cx, char* buf, bool showArgs, bool showLocals, bool showThisProps); /** * Set all of the uninitialized lexicals on an object to undefined. Return * true if any lexicals were initialized and false otherwise. * */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) ForceLexicalInitialization(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj); } // namespace JS /** * Copies all own properties from |obj| to |target|. |obj| must be a "native" * object (that is to say, normal-ish - not an Array or a Proxy). * * This function immediately enters a compartment, and does not impose any * restrictions on the compartment of |cx|. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_CopyPropertiesFrom(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject target, JS::HandleObject obj); /* * Single-property version of the above. This function asserts that an |own| * property of the given name exists on |obj|. * * On entry, |cx| must be same-compartment with |obj|. * * The copyBehavior argument controls what happens with * non-configurable properties. */ typedef enum { MakeNonConfigurableIntoConfigurable, CopyNonConfigurableAsIs } PropertyCopyBehavior; extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_CopyPropertyFrom(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleId id, JS::HandleObject target, JS::HandleObject obj, PropertyCopyBehavior copyBehavior = CopyNonConfigurableAsIs); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_WrapPropertyDescriptor(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::PropertyDescriptor> desc); struct JSFunctionSpecWithHelp { const char* name; JSNative call; uint16_t nargs; uint16_t flags; const JSJitInfo* jitInfo; const char* usage; const char* help; }; #define JS_FN_HELP(name,call,nargs,flags,usage,help) \ {name, call, nargs, (flags) | JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSFUN_STUB_GSOPS, nullptr, usage, help} #define JS_INLINABLE_FN_HELP(name,call,nargs,flags,native,usage,help) \ {name, call, nargs, (flags) | JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSFUN_STUB_GSOPS, &js::jit::JitInfo_##native,\ usage, help} #define JS_FS_HELP_END \ {nullptr, nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr} extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_DefineFunctionsWithHelp(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, const JSFunctionSpecWithHelp* fs); namespace js { extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const js::ClassOps) ProxyClassOps; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const js::ClassExtension) ProxyClassExtension; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const js::ObjectOps) ProxyObjectOps; /* * Helper Macros for creating JSClasses that function as proxies. * * NB: The macro invocation must be surrounded by braces, so as to * allow for potential JSClass extensions. */ #define PROXY_MAKE_EXT(objectMoved) \ { \ js::proxy_WeakmapKeyDelegate, \ objectMoved \ } #define PROXY_CLASS_WITH_EXT(name, flags, extPtr) \ { \ name, \ js::Class::NON_NATIVE | \ JSCLASS_IS_PROXY | \ JSCLASS_DELAY_METADATA_BUILDER | \ flags, \ &js::ProxyClassOps, \ JS_NULL_CLASS_SPEC, \ extPtr, \ &js::ProxyObjectOps \ } #define PROXY_CLASS_DEF(name, flags) \ PROXY_CLASS_WITH_EXT(name, flags, &js::ProxyClassExtension) /* * Proxy stubs, similar to JS_*Stub, for embedder proxy class definitions. * * NB: Should not be called directly. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_LookupProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, JS::MutableHandleObject objp, JS::MutableHandle<Shape*> propp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_DefineProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, JS::Handle<JS::PropertyDescriptor> desc, JS::ObjectOpResult& result); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_HasProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, bool* foundp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_GetProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleValue receiver, JS::HandleId id, JS::MutableHandleValue vp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_SetProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, JS::HandleValue bp, JS::HandleValue receiver, JS::ObjectOpResult& result); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, JS::MutableHandle<JS::PropertyDescriptor> desc); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_DeleteProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, JS::ObjectOpResult& result); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) proxy_Trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) proxy_WeakmapKeyDelegate(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_Convert(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject proxy, JSType hint, JS::MutableHandleValue vp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) proxy_Finalize(FreeOp* fop, JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) proxy_ObjectMoved(JSObject* obj, const JSObject* old); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_HasInstance(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject proxy, JS::MutableHandleValue v, bool* bp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_Call(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_Construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) proxy_innerObject(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_Watch(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, JS::HandleObject callable); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_Unwatch(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) proxy_GetElements(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject proxy, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end, ElementAdder* adder); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSString*) proxy_FunToString(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject proxy, unsigned indent); /** * A class of objects that return source code on demand. * * When code is compiled with setSourceIsLazy(true), SpiderMonkey doesn't * retain the source code (and doesn't do lazy bytecode generation). If we ever * need the source code, say, in response to a call to Function.prototype. * toSource or Debugger.Source.prototype.text, then we call the 'load' member * function of the instance of this class that has hopefully been registered * with the runtime, passing the code's URL, and hope that it will be able to * find the source. */ class SourceHook { public: virtual ~SourceHook() { } /** * Set |*src| and |*length| to refer to the source code for |filename|. * On success, the caller owns the buffer to which |*src| points, and * should use JS_free to free it. */ virtual bool load(JSContext* cx, const char* filename, char16_t** src, size_t* length) = 0; }; /** * Have |cx| use |hook| to retrieve lazily-retrieved source code. See the * comments for SourceHook. The context takes ownership of the hook, and * will delete it when the context itself is deleted, or when a new hook is * set. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetSourceHook(JSContext* cx, mozilla::UniquePtr<SourceHook> hook); /** Remove |cx|'s source hook, and return it. The caller now owns the hook. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(mozilla::UniquePtr<SourceHook>) ForgetSourceHook(JSContext* cx); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JS::Zone*) GetCompartmentZone(JSCompartment* comp); typedef bool (* PreserveWrapperCallback)(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj); typedef enum { CollectNurseryBeforeDump, IgnoreNurseryObjects } DumpHeapNurseryBehaviour; /** * Dump the complete object graph of heap-allocated things. * fp is the file for the dump output. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) DumpHeap(JSContext* cx, FILE* fp, DumpHeapNurseryBehaviour nurseryBehaviour); #ifdef JS_OLD_GETTER_SETTER_METHODS JS_FRIEND_API(bool) obj_defineGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) obj_defineSetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp); #endif extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) IsSystemCompartment(JSCompartment* comp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) IsSystemZone(JS::Zone* zone); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) IsAtomsCompartment(JSCompartment* comp); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) IsAtomsZone(JS::Zone* zone); struct WeakMapTracer { JSContext* context; explicit WeakMapTracer(JSContext* cx) : context(cx) {} // Weak map tracer callback, called once for every binding of every // weak map that was live at the time of the last garbage collection. // // m will be nullptr if the weak map is not contained in a JS Object. // // The callback should not GC (and will assert in a debug build if it does so.) virtual void trace(JSObject* m, JS::GCCellPtr key, JS::GCCellPtr value) = 0; }; extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) TraceWeakMaps(WeakMapTracer* trc); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) AreGCGrayBitsValid(JSContext* cx); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) ZoneGlobalsAreAllGray(JS::Zone* zone); typedef void (*GCThingCallback)(void* closure, JS::GCCellPtr thing); extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) VisitGrayWrapperTargets(JS::Zone* zone, GCThingCallback callback, void* closure); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) GetWeakmapKeyDelegate(JSObject* key); /** * Invoke cellCallback on every gray JSObject in the given zone. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) IterateGrayObjects(JS::Zone* zone, GCThingCallback cellCallback, void* data); /** * Invoke cellCallback on every gray JSObject in the given zone while cycle * collection is in progress. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) IterateGrayObjectsUnderCC(JS::Zone* zone, GCThingCallback cellCallback, void* data); #ifdef JS_HAS_CTYPES extern JS_FRIEND_API(size_t) SizeOfDataIfCDataObject(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, JSObject* obj); #endif extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSCompartment*) GetAnyCompartmentInZone(JS::Zone* zone); /* * Shadow declarations of JS internal structures, for access by inline access * functions below. Do not use these structures in any other way. When adding * new fields for access by inline methods, make sure to add static asserts to * the original header file to ensure that offsets are consistent. */ namespace shadow { struct ObjectGroup { const Class* clasp; JSObject* proto; JSCompartment* compartment; }; struct BaseShape { const js::Class* clasp_; JSObject* parent; }; class Shape { public: shadow::BaseShape* base; jsid _1; uint32_t slotInfo; static const uint32_t FIXED_SLOTS_SHIFT = 27; }; /** * This layout is shared by all native objects. For non-native objects, the * group may always be accessed safely, and other members may be as well, * depending on the object's specific layout. */ struct Object { shadow::ObjectGroup* group; shadow::Shape* shape; JS::Value* slots; void* _1; size_t numFixedSlots() const { return shape->slotInfo >> Shape::FIXED_SLOTS_SHIFT; } JS::Value* fixedSlots() const { return (JS::Value*)(uintptr_t(this) + sizeof(shadow::Object)); } JS::Value& slotRef(size_t slot) const { size_t nfixed = numFixedSlots(); if (slot < nfixed) return fixedSlots()[slot]; return slots[slot - nfixed]; } }; struct Function { Object base; uint16_t nargs; uint16_t flags; /* Used only for natives */ JSNative native; const JSJitInfo* jitinfo; void* _1; }; struct String { static const uint32_t INLINE_CHARS_BIT = JS_BIT(2); static const uint32_t LATIN1_CHARS_BIT = JS_BIT(6); static const uint32_t ROPE_FLAGS = 0; static const uint32_t TYPE_FLAGS_MASK = JS_BIT(6) - 1; uint32_t flags; uint32_t length; union { const JS::Latin1Char* nonInlineCharsLatin1; const char16_t* nonInlineCharsTwoByte; JS::Latin1Char inlineStorageLatin1[1]; char16_t inlineStorageTwoByte[1]; }; }; } /* namespace shadow */ // This is equal to |&JSObject::class_|. Use it in places where you don't want // to #include jsobj.h. extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const js::Class* const) ObjectClassPtr; inline const js::Class* GetObjectClass(const JSObject* obj) { return reinterpret_cast<const shadow::Object*>(obj)->group->clasp; } inline const JSClass* GetObjectJSClass(JSObject* obj) { return js::Jsvalify(GetObjectClass(obj)); } JS_FRIEND_API(const Class*) ProtoKeyToClass(JSProtoKey key); // Returns the key for the class inherited by a given standard class (that // is to say, the prototype of this standard class's prototype). // // You must be sure that this corresponds to a standard class with a cached // JSProtoKey before calling this function. In general |key| will match the // cached proto key, except in cases where multiple JSProtoKeys share a // JSClass. inline JSProtoKey InheritanceProtoKeyForStandardClass(JSProtoKey key) { // [Object] has nothing to inherit from. if (key == JSProto_Object) return JSProto_Null; // If we're ClassSpec defined return the proto key from that if (ProtoKeyToClass(key)->specDefined()) return ProtoKeyToClass(key)->specInheritanceProtoKey(); // Otherwise, we inherit [Object]. return JSProto_Object; } JS_FRIEND_API(bool) IsFunctionObject(JSObject* obj); static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JSCompartment* GetObjectCompartment(JSObject* obj) { return reinterpret_cast<shadow::Object*>(obj)->group->compartment; } JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) GetGlobalForObjectCrossCompartment(JSObject* obj); JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) GetPrototypeNoProxy(JSObject* obj); JS_FRIEND_API(void) AssertSameCompartment(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj); #ifdef JS_DEBUG JS_FRIEND_API(void) AssertSameCompartment(JSObject* objA, JSObject* objB); #else inline void AssertSameCompartment(JSObject* objA, JSObject* objB) {} #endif JS_FRIEND_API(void) NotifyAnimationActivity(JSObject* obj); /** * Return the outermost enclosing function (script) of the scripted caller. * This function returns nullptr in several cases: * - no script is running on the context * - the caller is in global or eval code * In particular, this function will "stop" its outermost search at eval() and * thus it will really return the outermost enclosing function *since the * innermost eval*. */ JS_FRIEND_API(JSFunction*) GetOutermostEnclosingFunctionOfScriptedCaller(JSContext* cx); JS_FRIEND_API(JSFunction*) DefineFunctionWithReserved(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, const char* name, JSNative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned attrs); JS_FRIEND_API(JSFunction*) NewFunctionWithReserved(JSContext* cx, JSNative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned flags, const char* name); JS_FRIEND_API(JSFunction*) NewFunctionByIdWithReserved(JSContext* cx, JSNative native, unsigned nargs, unsigned flags, jsid id); JS_FRIEND_API(const JS::Value&) GetFunctionNativeReserved(JSObject* fun, size_t which); JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetFunctionNativeReserved(JSObject* fun, size_t which, const JS::Value& val); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) FunctionHasNativeReserved(JSObject* fun); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) GetObjectProto(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::MutableHandleObject proto); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) GetStaticPrototype(JSObject* obj); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) GetOriginalEval(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject scope, JS::MutableHandleObject eval); inline void* GetObjectPrivate(JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(GetObjectClass(obj)->flags & JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE); const shadow::Object* nobj = reinterpret_cast<const shadow::Object*>(obj); void** addr = reinterpret_cast<void**>(&nobj->fixedSlots()[nobj->numFixedSlots()]); return *addr; } inline const JS::Value& GetReservedSlot(JSObject* obj, size_t slot) { MOZ_ASSERT(slot < JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(GetObjectClass(obj))); return reinterpret_cast<const shadow::Object*>(obj)->slotRef(slot); } JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetReservedOrProxyPrivateSlotWithBarrier(JSObject* obj, size_t slot, const JS::Value& value); inline void SetReservedSlot(JSObject* obj, size_t slot, const JS::Value& value) { MOZ_ASSERT(slot < JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(GetObjectClass(obj))); shadow::Object* sobj = reinterpret_cast<shadow::Object*>(obj); if (sobj->slotRef(slot).isGCThing() || value.isGCThing()) SetReservedOrProxyPrivateSlotWithBarrier(obj, slot, value); else sobj->slotRef(slot) = value; } JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) GetObjectSlotSpan(JSObject* obj); inline const JS::Value& GetObjectSlot(JSObject* obj, size_t slot) { MOZ_ASSERT(slot < GetObjectSlotSpan(obj)); return reinterpret_cast<const shadow::Object*>(obj)->slotRef(slot); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetAtomLength(JSAtom* atom) { return reinterpret_cast<shadow::String*>(atom)->length; } static const uint32_t MaxStringLength = (1 << 28) - 1; MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetStringLength(JSString* s) { return reinterpret_cast<shadow::String*>(s)->length; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetFlatStringLength(JSFlatString* s) { return reinterpret_cast<shadow::String*>(s)->length; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetLinearStringLength(JSLinearString* s) { return reinterpret_cast<shadow::String*>(s)->length; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool LinearStringHasLatin1Chars(JSLinearString* s) { return reinterpret_cast<shadow::String*>(s)->flags & shadow::String::LATIN1_CHARS_BIT; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool AtomHasLatin1Chars(JSAtom* atom) { return reinterpret_cast<shadow::String*>(atom)->flags & shadow::String::LATIN1_CHARS_BIT; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool StringHasLatin1Chars(JSString* s) { return reinterpret_cast<shadow::String*>(s)->flags & shadow::String::LATIN1_CHARS_BIT; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const JS::Latin1Char* GetLatin1LinearStringChars(const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC& nogc, JSLinearString* linear) { MOZ_ASSERT(LinearStringHasLatin1Chars(linear)); using shadow::String; String* s = reinterpret_cast<String*>(linear); if (s->flags & String::INLINE_CHARS_BIT) return s->inlineStorageLatin1; return s->nonInlineCharsLatin1; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const char16_t* GetTwoByteLinearStringChars(const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC& nogc, JSLinearString* linear) { MOZ_ASSERT(!LinearStringHasLatin1Chars(linear)); using shadow::String; String* s = reinterpret_cast<String*>(linear); if (s->flags & String::INLINE_CHARS_BIT) return s->inlineStorageTwoByte; return s->nonInlineCharsTwoByte; } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JSLinearString* AtomToLinearString(JSAtom* atom) { return reinterpret_cast<JSLinearString*>(atom); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JSFlatString* AtomToFlatString(JSAtom* atom) { return reinterpret_cast<JSFlatString*>(atom); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JSLinearString* FlatStringToLinearString(JSFlatString* s) { return reinterpret_cast<JSLinearString*>(s); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const JS::Latin1Char* GetLatin1AtomChars(const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC& nogc, JSAtom* atom) { return GetLatin1LinearStringChars(nogc, AtomToLinearString(atom)); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const char16_t* GetTwoByteAtomChars(const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC& nogc, JSAtom* atom) { return GetTwoByteLinearStringChars(nogc, AtomToLinearString(atom)); } JS_FRIEND_API(JSLinearString*) StringToLinearStringSlow(JSContext* cx, JSString* str); MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JSLinearString* StringToLinearString(JSContext* cx, JSString* str) { using shadow::String; String* s = reinterpret_cast<String*>(str); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY((s->flags & String::TYPE_FLAGS_MASK) == String::ROPE_FLAGS)) return StringToLinearStringSlow(cx, str); return reinterpret_cast<JSLinearString*>(str); } template<typename CharType> MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void CopyLinearStringChars(CharType* dest, JSLinearString* s, size_t len, size_t start = 0); MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void CopyLinearStringChars(char16_t* dest, JSLinearString* s, size_t len, size_t start = 0) { MOZ_ASSERT(start + len <= GetLinearStringLength(s)); JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (LinearStringHasLatin1Chars(s)) { const JS::Latin1Char* src = GetLatin1LinearStringChars(nogc, s); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dest[i] = src[start + i]; } else { const char16_t* src = GetTwoByteLinearStringChars(nogc, s); mozilla::PodCopy(dest, src + start, len); } } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void CopyLinearStringChars(char* dest, JSLinearString* s, size_t len, size_t start = 0) { MOZ_ASSERT(start + len <= GetLinearStringLength(s)); JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (LinearStringHasLatin1Chars(s)) { const JS::Latin1Char* src = GetLatin1LinearStringChars(nogc, s); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dest[i] = char(src[start + i]); } else { const char16_t* src = GetTwoByteLinearStringChars(nogc, s); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dest[i] = char(src[start + i]); } } template<typename CharType> inline bool CopyStringChars(JSContext* cx, CharType* dest, JSString* s, size_t len, size_t start = 0) { JSLinearString* linear = StringToLinearString(cx, s); if (!linear) return false; CopyLinearStringChars(dest, linear, len, start); return true; } inline void CopyFlatStringChars(char16_t* dest, JSFlatString* s, size_t len) { CopyLinearStringChars(dest, FlatStringToLinearString(s), len); } /** * Add some or all property keys of obj to the id vector *props. * * The flags parameter controls which property keys are added. Pass a * combination of the following bits: * * JSITER_OWNONLY - Don't also search the prototype chain; only consider * obj's own properties. * * JSITER_HIDDEN - Include nonenumerable properties. * * JSITER_SYMBOLS - Include property keys that are symbols. The default * behavior is to filter out symbols. * * JSITER_SYMBOLSONLY - Exclude non-symbol property keys. * * This is the closest C++ API we have to `Reflect.ownKeys(obj)`, or * equivalently, the ES6 [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method. Pass * `JSITER_OWNONLY | JSITER_HIDDEN | JSITER_SYMBOLS` as flags to get * results that match the output of Reflect.ownKeys. */ JS_FRIEND_API(bool) GetPropertyKeys(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, unsigned flags, JS::AutoIdVector* props); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) AppendUnique(JSContext* cx, JS::AutoIdVector& base, JS::AutoIdVector& others); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) StringIsArrayIndex(JSLinearString* str, uint32_t* indexp); JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetPreserveWrapperCallback(JSContext* cx, PreserveWrapperCallback callback); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) IsObjectInContextCompartment(JSObject* obj, const JSContext* cx); /* * NB: keep these in sync with the copy in builtin/SelfHostingDefines.h. * The first three are omitted because they shouldn't be used in new code. */ #define JSITER_ENUMERATE 0x1 /* for-in compatible hidden default iterator */ #define JSITER_FOREACH 0x2 /* get obj[key] for each property */ #define JSITER_KEYVALUE 0x4 /* obsolete destructuring for-in wants [key, value] */ #define JSITER_OWNONLY 0x8 /* iterate over obj's own properties only */ #define JSITER_HIDDEN 0x10 /* also enumerate non-enumerable properties */ #define JSITER_SYMBOLS 0x20 /* also include symbol property keys */ #define JSITER_SYMBOLSONLY 0x40 /* exclude string property keys */ #define JSITER_FORAWAITOF 0x80 /* for-await-of */ JS_FRIEND_API(bool) RunningWithTrustedPrincipals(JSContext* cx); inline uintptr_t GetNativeStackLimit(JSContext* cx, StackKind kind, int extraAllowance = 0) { uintptr_t limit = ContextFriendFields::get(cx)->nativeStackLimit[kind]; #if JS_STACK_GROWTH_DIRECTION > 0 limit += extraAllowance; #else limit -= extraAllowance; #endif return limit; } inline uintptr_t GetNativeStackLimit(JSContext* cx, int extraAllowance = 0) { StackKind kind = RunningWithTrustedPrincipals(cx) ? StackForTrustedScript : StackForUntrustedScript; return GetNativeStackLimit(cx, kind, extraAllowance); } /* * These macros report a stack overflow and run |onerror| if we are close to * using up the C stack. The JS_CHECK_CHROME_RECURSION variant gives us a * little extra space so that we can ensure that crucial code is able to run. * JS_CHECK_RECURSION_CONSERVATIVE allows less space than any other check, * including a safety buffer (as in, it uses the untrusted limit and subtracts * a little more from it). */ #define JS_CHECK_RECURSION_LIMIT(cx, limit, onerror) \ JS_BEGIN_MACRO \ int stackDummy_; \ if (!JS_CHECK_STACK_SIZE(limit, &stackDummy_)) { \ js::ReportOverRecursed(cx); \ onerror; \ } \ JS_END_MACRO #define JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, onerror) \ JS_CHECK_RECURSION_LIMIT(cx, js::GetNativeStackLimit(cx), onerror) #define JS_CHECK_RECURSION_LIMIT_DONT_REPORT(cx, limit, onerror) \ JS_BEGIN_MACRO \ int stackDummy_; \ if (!JS_CHECK_STACK_SIZE(limit, &stackDummy_)) { \ onerror; \ } \ JS_END_MACRO #define JS_CHECK_RECURSION_DONT_REPORT(cx, onerror) \ JS_CHECK_RECURSION_LIMIT_DONT_REPORT(cx, js::GetNativeStackLimit(cx), onerror) #define JS_CHECK_RECURSION_WITH_SP_DONT_REPORT(cx, sp, onerror) \ JS_BEGIN_MACRO \ if (!JS_CHECK_STACK_SIZE(js::GetNativeStackLimit(cx), sp)) { \ onerror; \ } \ JS_END_MACRO #define JS_CHECK_RECURSION_WITH_SP(cx, sp, onerror) \ JS_BEGIN_MACRO \ if (!JS_CHECK_STACK_SIZE(js::GetNativeStackLimit(cx), sp)) { \ js::ReportOverRecursed(cx); \ onerror; \ } \ JS_END_MACRO #define JS_CHECK_SYSTEM_RECURSION(cx, onerror) \ JS_CHECK_RECURSION_LIMIT(cx, js::GetNativeStackLimit(cx, js::StackForSystemCode), onerror) #define JS_CHECK_RECURSION_CONSERVATIVE(cx, onerror) \ JS_CHECK_RECURSION_LIMIT(cx, \ js::GetNativeStackLimit(cx, js::StackForUntrustedScript, -1024 * int(sizeof(size_t))), \ onerror) #define JS_CHECK_RECURSION_CONSERVATIVE_DONT_REPORT(cx, onerror) \ JS_CHECK_RECURSION_LIMIT_DONT_REPORT(cx, \ js::GetNativeStackLimit(cx, js::StackForUntrustedScript, -1024 * int(sizeof(size_t))), \ onerror) JS_FRIEND_API(void) StartPCCountProfiling(JSContext* cx); JS_FRIEND_API(void) StopPCCountProfiling(JSContext* cx); JS_FRIEND_API(void) PurgePCCounts(JSContext* cx); JS_FRIEND_API(size_t) GetPCCountScriptCount(JSContext* cx); JS_FRIEND_API(JSString*) GetPCCountScriptSummary(JSContext* cx, size_t script); JS_FRIEND_API(JSString*) GetPCCountScriptContents(JSContext* cx, size_t script); /** * Generate lcov trace file content for the current compartment, and allocate a * new buffer and return the content in it, the size of the newly allocated * content within the buffer would be set to the length out-param. * * In case of out-of-memory, this function returns nullptr and does not set any * value to the length out-param. */ JS_FRIEND_API(char*) GetCodeCoverageSummary(JSContext* cx, size_t* length); typedef void (* ActivityCallback)(void* arg, bool active); /** * Sets a callback that is run whenever the runtime goes idle - the * last active request ceases - and begins activity - when it was * idle and a request begins. */ JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetActivityCallback(JSContext* cx, ActivityCallback cb, void* arg); typedef bool (* DOMInstanceClassHasProtoAtDepth)(const Class* instanceClass, uint32_t protoID, uint32_t depth); struct JSDOMCallbacks { DOMInstanceClassHasProtoAtDepth instanceClassMatchesProto; }; typedef struct JSDOMCallbacks DOMCallbacks; extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetDOMCallbacks(JSContext* cx, const DOMCallbacks* callbacks); extern JS_FRIEND_API(const DOMCallbacks*) GetDOMCallbacks(JSContext* cx); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) GetTestingFunctions(JSContext* cx); /** * Helper to convert FreeOp to JSFreeOp when the definition of FreeOp is not * available and the compiler does not know that FreeOp inherits from * JSFreeOp. */ inline JSFreeOp* CastToJSFreeOp(FreeOp* fop) { return reinterpret_cast<JSFreeOp*>(fop); } /* Implemented in jsexn.cpp. */ /** * Get an error type name from a JSExnType constant. * Returns nullptr for invalid arguments and JSEXN_INTERNALERR */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSFlatString*) GetErrorTypeName(JSContext* cx, int16_t exnType); #ifdef JS_DEBUG extern JS_FRIEND_API(unsigned) GetEnterCompartmentDepth(JSContext* cx); #endif class RegExpGuard; extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) RegExpToSharedNonInline(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject regexp, RegExpGuard* shared); /* Implemented in jswrapper.cpp. */ typedef enum NukeReferencesToWindow { NukeWindowReferences, DontNukeWindowReferences } NukeReferencesToWindow; /* * These filters are designed to be ephemeral stack classes, and thus don't * do any rooting or holding of their members. */ struct CompartmentFilter { virtual bool match(JSCompartment* c) const = 0; }; struct AllCompartments : public CompartmentFilter { virtual bool match(JSCompartment* c) const override { return true; } }; struct ContentCompartmentsOnly : public CompartmentFilter { virtual bool match(JSCompartment* c) const override { return !IsSystemCompartment(c); } }; struct ChromeCompartmentsOnly : public CompartmentFilter { virtual bool match(JSCompartment* c) const override { return IsSystemCompartment(c); } }; struct SingleCompartment : public CompartmentFilter { JSCompartment* ours; explicit SingleCompartment(JSCompartment* c) : ours(c) {} virtual bool match(JSCompartment* c) const override { return c == ours; } }; struct CompartmentsWithPrincipals : public CompartmentFilter { JSPrincipals* principals; explicit CompartmentsWithPrincipals(JSPrincipals* p) : principals(p) {} virtual bool match(JSCompartment* c) const override { return JS_GetCompartmentPrincipals(c) == principals; } }; extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) NukeCrossCompartmentWrappers(JSContext* cx, const CompartmentFilter& sourceFilter, const CompartmentFilter& targetFilter, NukeReferencesToWindow nukeReferencesToWindow); /* Specify information about DOMProxy proxies in the DOM, for use by ICs. */ /* * The DOMProxyShadowsCheck function will be called to check if the property for * id should be gotten from the prototype, or if there is an own property that * shadows it. * * If ShadowsViaDirectExpando is returned, then the slot at * listBaseExpandoSlot contains an expando object which has the property in * question. * * If ShadowsViaIndirectExpando is returned, then the slot at * listBaseExpandoSlot contains a private pointer to an ExpandoAndGeneration * and the expando object in the ExpandoAndGeneration has the property in * question. * * If DoesntShadow is returned then the slot at listBaseExpandoSlot should * either be undefined or point to an expando object that would contain the * own property. * * If DoesntShadowUnique is returned then the slot at listBaseExpandoSlot * should contain a private pointer to a ExpandoAndGeneration, which contains * a JS::Value that should either be undefined or point to an expando object, * and a uint64 value. If that value changes then the IC for getting a * property will be invalidated. * * If Shadows is returned, that means the property is an own property of the * proxy but doesn't live on the expando object. */ struct ExpandoAndGeneration { ExpandoAndGeneration() : expando(JS::UndefinedValue()), generation(0) {} void OwnerUnlinked() { ++generation; } static size_t offsetOfExpando() { return offsetof(ExpandoAndGeneration, expando); } static size_t offsetOfGeneration() { return offsetof(ExpandoAndGeneration, generation); } JS::Heap<JS::Value> expando; uint64_t generation; }; typedef enum DOMProxyShadowsResult { ShadowCheckFailed, Shadows, DoesntShadow, DoesntShadowUnique, ShadowsViaDirectExpando, ShadowsViaIndirectExpando } DOMProxyShadowsResult; typedef DOMProxyShadowsResult (* DOMProxyShadowsCheck)(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject object, JS::HandleId id); JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetDOMProxyInformation(const void* domProxyHandlerFamily, uint32_t domProxyExpandoSlot, DOMProxyShadowsCheck domProxyShadowsCheck); const void* GetDOMProxyHandlerFamily(); uint32_t GetDOMProxyExpandoSlot(); DOMProxyShadowsCheck GetDOMProxyShadowsCheck(); inline bool DOMProxyIsShadowing(DOMProxyShadowsResult result) { return result == Shadows || result == ShadowsViaDirectExpando || result == ShadowsViaIndirectExpando; } /* Implemented in jsdate.cpp. */ /** Detect whether the internal date value is NaN. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) DateIsValid(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, bool* isValid); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) DateGetMsecSinceEpoch(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, double* msecSinceEpoch); } /* namespace js */ /* Implemented in jscntxt.cpp. */ /** * Report an exception, which is currently realized as a printf-style format * string and its arguments. */ typedef enum JSErrNum { #define MSG_DEF(name, count, exception, format) \ name, #include "js.msg" #undef MSG_DEF JSErr_Limit } JSErrNum; namespace js { extern JS_FRIEND_API(const JSErrorFormatString*) GetErrorMessage(void* userRef, const unsigned errorNumber); // AutoStableStringChars is here so we can use it in ErrorReport. It // should get moved out of here if we can manage it. See bug 1040316. /** * This class provides safe access to a string's chars across a GC. Once * we allocate strings and chars in the nursery (bug 903519), this class * will have to make a copy of the string's chars if they are allocated * in the nursery, so it's best to avoid using this class unless you really * need it. It's usually more efficient to use the latin1Chars/twoByteChars * JSString methods and often the code can be rewritten so that only indexes * instead of char pointers are used in parts of the code that can GC. */ class MOZ_STACK_CLASS JS_FRIEND_API(AutoStableStringChars) { /* * When copying string char, use this many bytes of inline storage. This is * chosen to allow the inline string types to be copied without allocating. * This is asserted in AutoStableStringChars::allocOwnChars. */ static const size_t InlineCapacity = 24; /* Ensure the string is kept alive while we're using its chars. */ JS::RootedString s_; union { const char16_t* twoByteChars_; const JS::Latin1Char* latin1Chars_; }; mozilla::Maybe<Vector<uint8_t, InlineCapacity>> ownChars_; enum State { Uninitialized, Latin1, TwoByte }; State state_; public: explicit AutoStableStringChars(JSContext* cx) : s_(cx), state_(Uninitialized) {} MOZ_MUST_USE bool init(JSContext* cx, JSString* s); /* Like init(), but Latin1 chars are inflated to TwoByte. */ MOZ_MUST_USE bool initTwoByte(JSContext* cx, JSString* s); bool isLatin1() const { return state_ == Latin1; } bool isTwoByte() const { return state_ == TwoByte; } const char16_t* twoByteChars() const { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == TwoByte); return twoByteChars_; } mozilla::Range<const JS::Latin1Char> latin1Range() const { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == Latin1); return mozilla::Range<const JS::Latin1Char>(latin1Chars_, GetStringLength(s_)); } mozilla::Range<const char16_t> twoByteRange() const { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == TwoByte); return mozilla::Range<const char16_t>(twoByteChars_, GetStringLength(s_)); } /* If we own the chars, transfer ownership to the caller. */ bool maybeGiveOwnershipToCaller() { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ != Uninitialized); if (!ownChars_.isSome() || !ownChars_->extractRawBuffer()) return false; state_ = Uninitialized; ownChars_.reset(); return true; } private: AutoStableStringChars(const AutoStableStringChars& other) = delete; void operator=(const AutoStableStringChars& other) = delete; bool baseIsInline(JS::Handle<JSLinearString*> linearString); template <typename T> T* allocOwnChars(JSContext* cx, size_t count); bool copyLatin1Chars(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSLinearString*> linearString); bool copyTwoByteChars(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSLinearString*> linearString); bool copyAndInflateLatin1Chars(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSLinearString*> linearString); }; struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS JS_FRIEND_API(ErrorReport) { explicit ErrorReport(JSContext* cx); ~ErrorReport(); enum SniffingBehavior { WithSideEffects, NoSideEffects }; /** * Generate a JSErrorReport from the provided thrown value. * * If the value is a (possibly wrapped) Error object, the JSErrorReport will * be exactly initialized from the Error object's information, without * observable side effects. (The Error object's JSErrorReport is reused, if * it has one.) * * Otherwise various attempts are made to derive JSErrorReport information * from |exn| and from the current execution state. This process is * *definitely* inconsistent with any standard, and particulars of the * behavior implemented here generally shouldn't be relied upon. * * If the value of |sniffingBehavior| is |WithSideEffects|, some of these * attempts *may* invoke user-configurable behavior when |exn| is an object: * converting |exn| to a string, detecting and getting properties on |exn|, * accessing |exn|'s prototype chain, and others are possible. Users *must* * tolerate |ErrorReport::init| potentially having arbitrary effects. Any * exceptions thrown by these operations will be caught and silently * ignored, and "default" values will be substituted into the JSErrorReport. * * But if the value of |sniffingBehavior| is |NoSideEffects|, these attempts * *will not* invoke any observable side effects. The JSErrorReport will * simply contain fewer, less precise details. * * Unlike some functions involved in error handling, this function adheres * to the usual JSAPI return value error behavior. */ bool init(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue exn, SniffingBehavior sniffingBehavior); JSErrorReport* report() { return reportp; } const JS::ConstUTF8CharsZ toStringResult() { return toStringResult_; } private: // More or less an equivalent of JS_ReportErrorNumber/js::ReportErrorNumberVA // but fills in an ErrorReport instead of reporting it. Uses varargs to // make it simpler to call js::ExpandErrorArgumentsVA. // // Returns false if we fail to actually populate the ErrorReport // for some reason (probably out of memory). bool populateUncaughtExceptionReportUTF8(JSContext* cx, ...); bool populateUncaughtExceptionReportUTF8VA(JSContext* cx, va_list ap); // We may have a provided JSErrorReport, so need a way to represent that. JSErrorReport* reportp; // Or we may need to synthesize a JSErrorReport one of our own. JSErrorReport ownedReport; // And we have a string to maybe keep alive that has pointers into // it from ownedReport. JS::RootedString str; // And keep its chars alive too. AutoStableStringChars strChars; // And we need to root our exception value. JS::RootedObject exnObject; // And for our filename. JSAutoByteString filename; // We may have a result of error.toString(). // FIXME: We should not call error.toString(), since it could have side // effect (see bug 633623). JS::ConstUTF8CharsZ toStringResult_; JSAutoByteString toStringResultBytesStorage; }; /* Implemented in vm/StructuredClone.cpp. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint64_t) GetSCOffset(JSStructuredCloneWriter* writer); namespace Scalar { /** * Scalar types that can appear in typed arrays and typed objects. The enum * values must to be kept in sync with the JS_SCALARTYPEREPR_ constants, as * well as the TypedArrayObject::classes and TypedArrayObject::protoClasses * definitions. */ enum Type { Int8 = 0, Uint8, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, Float32, Float64, /** * Special type that is a uint8_t, but assignments are clamped to [0, 256). * Treat the raw data type as a uint8_t. */ Uint8Clamped, /** * Types that don't have their own TypedArray equivalent, for now. */ MaxTypedArrayViewType, Int64, Float32x4, Int8x16, Int16x8, Int32x4 }; static inline size_t byteSize(Type atype) { switch (atype) { case Int8: case Uint8: case Uint8Clamped: return 1; case Int16: case Uint16: return 2; case Int32: case Uint32: case Float32: return 4; case Int64: case Float64: return 8; case Int8x16: case Int16x8: case Int32x4: case Float32x4: return 16; default: MOZ_CRASH("invalid scalar type"); } } static inline bool isSignedIntType(Type atype) { switch (atype) { case Int8: case Int16: case Int32: case Int64: case Int8x16: case Int16x8: case Int32x4: return true; case Uint8: case Uint8Clamped: case Uint16: case Uint32: case Float32: case Float64: case Float32x4: return false; default: MOZ_CRASH("invalid scalar type"); } } static inline bool isSimdType(Type atype) { switch (atype) { case Int8: case Uint8: case Uint8Clamped: case Int16: case Uint16: case Int32: case Uint32: case Int64: case Float32: case Float64: return false; case Int8x16: case Int16x8: case Int32x4: case Float32x4: return true; case MaxTypedArrayViewType: break; } MOZ_CRASH("invalid scalar type"); } static inline size_t scalarByteSize(Type atype) { switch (atype) { case Int8x16: return 1; case Int16x8: return 2; case Int32x4: case Float32x4: return 4; case Int8: case Uint8: case Uint8Clamped: case Int16: case Uint16: case Int32: case Uint32: case Int64: case Float32: case Float64: case MaxTypedArrayViewType: break; } MOZ_CRASH("invalid simd type"); } } /* namespace Scalar */ } /* namespace js */ /* * Create a new typed array with nelements elements. * * These functions (except the WithBuffer variants) fill in the array with zeros. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewInt8Array(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nelements); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint8Array(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nelements); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint8ClampedArray(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nelements); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewInt16Array(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nelements); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint16Array(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nelements); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewInt32Array(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nelements); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint32Array(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nelements); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewFloat32Array(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nelements); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewFloat64Array(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nelements); /* * Create a new typed array and copy in values from the given object. The * object is used as if it were an array; that is, the new array (if * successfully created) will have length given by array.length, and its * elements will be those specified by array[0], array[1], and so on, after * conversion to the typed array element type. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewInt8ArrayFromArray(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject array); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint8ArrayFromArray(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject array); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint8ClampedArrayFromArray(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject array); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewInt16ArrayFromArray(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject array); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint16ArrayFromArray(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject array); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewInt32ArrayFromArray(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject array); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint32ArrayFromArray(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject array); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewFloat32ArrayFromArray(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject array); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewFloat64ArrayFromArray(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject array); /* * Create a new typed array using the given ArrayBuffer or * SharedArrayBuffer for storage. The length value is optional; if -1 * is passed, enough elements to use up the remainder of the byte * array is used as the default value. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewInt8ArrayWithBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t length); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint8ArrayWithBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t length); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint8ClampedArrayWithBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t length); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewInt16ArrayWithBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t length); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint16ArrayWithBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t length); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewInt32ArrayWithBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t length); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewUint32ArrayWithBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t length); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewFloat32ArrayWithBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t length); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewFloat64ArrayWithBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t length); /** * Create a new SharedArrayBuffer with the given byte length. This * may only be called if * JS::CompartmentCreationOptionsRef(cx).getSharedMemoryAndAtomicsEnabled() is * true. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewSharedArrayBuffer(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nbytes); /** * Create a new ArrayBuffer with the given byte length. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewArrayBuffer(JSContext* cx, uint32_t nbytes); /** * Check whether obj supports JS_GetTypedArray* APIs. Note that this may return * false if a security wrapper is encountered that denies the unwrapping. If * this test or one of the JS_Is*Array tests succeeds, then it is safe to call * the various accessor JSAPI calls defined below. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsTypedArrayObject(JSObject* obj); /** * Check whether obj supports JS_GetArrayBufferView* APIs. Note that this may * return false if a security wrapper is encountered that denies the * unwrapping. If this test or one of the more specific tests succeeds, then it * is safe to call the various ArrayBufferView accessor JSAPI calls defined * below. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsArrayBufferViewObject(JSObject* obj); /* * Test for specific typed array types (ArrayBufferView subtypes) */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsInt8Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsUint8Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsUint8ClampedArray(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsInt16Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsUint16Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsInt32Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsUint32Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsFloat32Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsFloat64Array(JSObject* obj); /** * Return the isShared flag of a typed array, which denotes whether * the underlying buffer is a SharedArrayBuffer. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsTypedArrayObject/JS_Is*Array test, or somehow * be known that it would pass such a test: it is a typed array or a wrapper of * a typed array, and the unwrapping will succeed. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_GetTypedArraySharedness(JSObject* obj); /* * Test for specific typed array types (ArrayBufferView subtypes) and return * the unwrapped object if so, else nullptr. Never throws. */ namespace js { extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapInt8Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapUint8Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapUint8ClampedArray(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapInt16Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapUint16Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapInt32Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapUint32Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapFloat32Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapFloat64Array(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapArrayBuffer(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapArrayBufferView(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) UnwrapSharedArrayBuffer(JSObject* obj); namespace detail { extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const Class* const) Int8ArrayClassPtr; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const Class* const) Uint8ArrayClassPtr; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const Class* const) Uint8ClampedArrayClassPtr; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const Class* const) Int16ArrayClassPtr; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const Class* const) Uint16ArrayClassPtr; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const Class* const) Int32ArrayClassPtr; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const Class* const) Uint32ArrayClassPtr; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const Class* const) Float32ArrayClassPtr; extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const Class* const) Float64ArrayClassPtr; const size_t TypedArrayLengthSlot = 1; } // namespace detail #define JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Type, type) \ inline void \ Get ## Type ## ArrayLengthAndData(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, type** data) \ { \ MOZ_ASSERT(GetObjectClass(obj) == detail::Type ## ArrayClassPtr); \ const JS::Value& lenSlot = GetReservedSlot(obj, detail::TypedArrayLengthSlot); \ *length = mozilla::AssertedCast<uint32_t>(lenSlot.toInt32()); \ *isSharedMemory = JS_GetTypedArraySharedness(obj); \ *data = static_cast<type*>(GetObjectPrivate(obj)); \ } JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Int8, int8_t) JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Uint8, uint8_t) JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Uint8Clamped, uint8_t) JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Int16, int16_t) JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Uint16, uint16_t) JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Int32, int32_t) JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Uint32, uint32_t) JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Float32, float) JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR(Float64, double) #undef JS_DEFINE_DATA_AND_LENGTH_ACCESSOR // This one isn't inlined because it's rather tricky (by dint of having to deal // with a dozen-plus classes and varying slot layouts. extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) GetArrayBufferViewLengthAndData(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, uint8_t** data); // This one isn't inlined because there are a bunch of different ArrayBuffer // classes that would have to be individually handled here. // // There is an isShared out argument for API consistency (eases use from DOM). // It will always be set to false. extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) GetArrayBufferLengthAndData(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, uint8_t** data); // Ditto for SharedArrayBuffer. // // There is an isShared out argument for API consistency (eases use from DOM). // It will always be set to true. extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) GetSharedArrayBufferLengthAndData(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, uint8_t** data); } // namespace js JS_FRIEND_API(uint8_t*) JS_GetSharedArrayBufferData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); /* * Unwrap Typed arrays all at once. Return nullptr without throwing if the * object cannot be viewed as the correct typed array, or the typed array * object on success, filling both outparameters. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsInt8Array(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, int8_t** data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsUint8Array(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, uint8_t** data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsUint8ClampedArray(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, uint8_t** data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsInt16Array(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, int16_t** data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsUint16Array(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, uint16_t** data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsInt32Array(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, int32_t** data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsUint32Array(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, uint32_t** data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsFloat32Array(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, float** data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsFloat64Array(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, double** data); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsArrayBufferView(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, bool* isSharedMemory, uint8_t** data); /* * Unwrap an ArrayBuffer, return nullptr if it's a different type. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetObjectAsArrayBuffer(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* length, uint8_t** data); /* * Get the type of elements in a typed array, or MaxTypedArrayViewType if a DataView. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsArrayBufferView/JS_Is*Array test, or somehow * be known that it would pass such a test: it is an ArrayBufferView or a * wrapper of an ArrayBufferView, and the unwrapping will succeed. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(js::Scalar::Type) JS_GetArrayBufferViewType(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(js::Scalar::Type) JS_GetSharedArrayBufferViewType(JSObject* obj); /* * Check whether obj supports the JS_GetArrayBuffer* APIs. Note that this may * return false if a security wrapper is encountered that denies the * unwrapping. If this test succeeds, then it is safe to call the various * accessor JSAPI calls defined below. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsArrayBufferObject(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsSharedArrayBufferObject(JSObject* obj); /** * Return the available byte length of an array buffer. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsArrayBufferObject test, or somehow be known * that it would pass such a test: it is an ArrayBuffer or a wrapper of an * ArrayBuffer, and the unwrapping will succeed. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) JS_GetArrayBufferByteLength(JSObject* obj); extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) JS_GetSharedArrayBufferByteLength(JSObject* obj); /** * Return true if the arrayBuffer contains any data. This will return false for * ArrayBuffer.prototype and detached ArrayBuffers. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsArrayBufferObject test, or somehow be known * that it would pass such a test: it is an ArrayBuffer or a wrapper of an * ArrayBuffer, and the unwrapping will succeed. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_ArrayBufferHasData(JSObject* obj); /** * Return a pointer to the start of the data referenced by a typed array. The * data is still owned by the typed array, and should not be modified on * another thread. Furthermore, the pointer can become invalid on GC (if the * data is small and fits inside the array's GC header), so callers must take * care not to hold on across anything that could GC. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsArrayBufferObject test, or somehow be known * that it would pass such a test: it is an ArrayBuffer or a wrapper of an * ArrayBuffer, and the unwrapping will succeed. * * *isSharedMemory will be set to false, the argument is present to simplify * its use from code that also interacts with SharedArrayBuffer. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint8_t*) JS_GetArrayBufferData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); /** * Check whether the obj is ArrayBufferObject and memory mapped. Note that this * may return false if a security wrapper is encountered that denies the * unwrapping. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsMappedArrayBufferObject(JSObject* obj); /** * Return the number of elements in a typed array. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsTypedArrayObject/JS_Is*Array test, or somehow * be known that it would pass such a test: it is a typed array or a wrapper of * a typed array, and the unwrapping will succeed. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) JS_GetTypedArrayLength(JSObject* obj); /** * Return the byte offset from the start of an array buffer to the start of a * typed array view. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsTypedArrayObject/JS_Is*Array test, or somehow * be known that it would pass such a test: it is a typed array or a wrapper of * a typed array, and the unwrapping will succeed. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) JS_GetTypedArrayByteOffset(JSObject* obj); /** * Return the byte length of a typed array. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsTypedArrayObject/JS_Is*Array test, or somehow * be known that it would pass such a test: it is a typed array or a wrapper of * a typed array, and the unwrapping will succeed. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) JS_GetTypedArrayByteLength(JSObject* obj); /** * Check whether obj supports JS_ArrayBufferView* APIs. Note that this may * return false if a security wrapper is encountered that denies the * unwrapping. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsArrayBufferViewObject(JSObject* obj); /** * More generic name for JS_GetTypedArrayByteLength to cover DataViews as well */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) JS_GetArrayBufferViewByteLength(JSObject* obj); /* * Return a pointer to the start of the data referenced by a typed array. The * data is still owned by the typed array, and should not be modified on * another thread. Furthermore, the pointer can become invalid on GC (if the * data is small and fits inside the array's GC header), so callers must take * care not to hold on across anything that could GC. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_Is*Array test, or somehow be known that it would * pass such a test: it is a typed array or a wrapper of a typed array, and the * unwrapping will succeed. * * *isSharedMemory will be set to true if the typed array maps a * SharedArrayBuffer, otherwise to false. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(int8_t*) JS_GetInt8ArrayData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint8_t*) JS_GetUint8ArrayData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint8_t*) JS_GetUint8ClampedArrayData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); extern JS_FRIEND_API(int16_t*) JS_GetInt16ArrayData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint16_t*) JS_GetUint16ArrayData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); extern JS_FRIEND_API(int32_t*) JS_GetInt32ArrayData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); extern JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t*) JS_GetUint32ArrayData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); extern JS_FRIEND_API(float*) JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); extern JS_FRIEND_API(double*) JS_GetFloat64ArrayData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); /** * Same as above, but for any kind of ArrayBufferView. Prefer the type-specific * versions when possible. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void*) JS_GetArrayBufferViewData(JSObject* obj, bool* isSharedMemory, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); /** * Return the ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer underlying an ArrayBufferView. * This may return a detached buffer. |obj| must be an object that would * return true for JS_IsArrayBufferViewObject(). */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_GetArrayBufferViewBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, bool* isSharedMemory); /** * Detach an ArrayBuffer, causing all associated views to no longer refer to * the ArrayBuffer's original attached memory. * * The |changeData| argument is obsolete and ignored. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_DetachArrayBuffer(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj); /** * Check whether the obj is a detached ArrayBufferObject. Note that this may * return false if a security wrapper is encountered that denies the * unwrapping. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsDetachedArrayBufferObject(JSObject* obj); /** * Check whether obj supports JS_GetDataView* APIs. */ JS_FRIEND_API(bool) JS_IsDataViewObject(JSObject* obj); /** * Create a new DataView using the given ArrayBuffer for storage. The given * buffer must be an ArrayBuffer (or a cross-compartment wrapper of an * ArrayBuffer), and the offset and length must fit within the bounds of the * arrayBuffer. Currently, nullptr will be returned and an exception will be * thrown if these conditions do not hold, but do not depend on that behavior. */ JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) JS_NewDataView(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject arrayBuffer, uint32_t byteOffset, int32_t byteLength); /** * Return the byte offset of a data view into its array buffer. |obj| must be a * DataView. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsDataViewObject test, or somehow be known that * it would pass such a test: it is a data view or a wrapper of a data view, * and the unwrapping will succeed. */ JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) JS_GetDataViewByteOffset(JSObject* obj); /** * Return the byte length of a data view. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsDataViewObject test, or somehow be known that * it would pass such a test: it is a data view or a wrapper of a data view, * and the unwrapping will succeed. If cx is nullptr, then DEBUG builds may be * unable to assert when unwrapping should be disallowed. */ JS_FRIEND_API(uint32_t) JS_GetDataViewByteLength(JSObject* obj); /** * Return a pointer to the beginning of the data referenced by a DataView. * * |obj| must have passed a JS_IsDataViewObject test, or somehow be known that * it would pass such a test: it is a data view or a wrapper of a data view, * and the unwrapping will succeed. If cx is nullptr, then DEBUG builds may be * unable to assert when unwrapping should be disallowed. */ JS_FRIEND_API(void*) JS_GetDataViewData(JSObject* obj, const JS::AutoCheckCannotGC&); namespace js { namespace jit { enum class InlinableNative : uint16_t; } // namespace jit } // namespace js /** * A class, expected to be passed by value, which represents the CallArgs for a * JSJitGetterOp. */ class JSJitGetterCallArgs : protected JS::MutableHandleValue { public: explicit JSJitGetterCallArgs(const JS::CallArgs& args) : JS::MutableHandleValue(args.rval()) {} explicit JSJitGetterCallArgs(JS::RootedValue* rooted) : JS::MutableHandleValue(rooted) {} JS::MutableHandleValue rval() { return *this; } }; /** * A class, expected to be passed by value, which represents the CallArgs for a * JSJitSetterOp. */ class JSJitSetterCallArgs : protected JS::MutableHandleValue { public: explicit JSJitSetterCallArgs(const JS::CallArgs& args) : JS::MutableHandleValue(args[0]) {} JS::MutableHandleValue operator[](unsigned i) { MOZ_ASSERT(i == 0); return *this; } unsigned length() const { return 1; } // Add get() or maybe hasDefined() as needed }; struct JSJitMethodCallArgsTraits; /** * A class, expected to be passed by reference, which represents the CallArgs * for a JSJitMethodOp. */ class JSJitMethodCallArgs : protected JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::NoUsedRval> { private: typedef JS::detail::CallArgsBase<JS::detail::NoUsedRval> Base; friend struct JSJitMethodCallArgsTraits; public: explicit JSJitMethodCallArgs(const JS::CallArgs& args) { argv_ = args.array(); argc_ = args.length(); } JS::MutableHandleValue rval() const { return Base::rval(); } unsigned length() const { return Base::length(); } JS::MutableHandleValue operator[](unsigned i) const { return Base::operator[](i); } bool hasDefined(unsigned i) const { return Base::hasDefined(i); } JSObject& callee() const { // We can't use Base::callee() because that will try to poke at // this->usedRval_, which we don't have. return argv_[-2].toObject(); } JS::HandleValue get(unsigned i) const { return Base::get(i); } }; struct JSJitMethodCallArgsTraits { static const size_t offsetOfArgv = offsetof(JSJitMethodCallArgs, argv_); static const size_t offsetOfArgc = offsetof(JSJitMethodCallArgs, argc_); }; typedef bool (* JSJitGetterOp)(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject thisObj, void* specializedThis, JSJitGetterCallArgs args); typedef bool (* JSJitSetterOp)(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject thisObj, void* specializedThis, JSJitSetterCallArgs args); typedef bool (* JSJitMethodOp)(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject thisObj, void* specializedThis, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args); /** * This struct contains metadata passed from the DOM to the JS Engine for JIT * optimizations on DOM property accessors. Eventually, this should be made * available to general JSAPI users, but we are not currently ready to do so. */ struct JSJitInfo { enum OpType { Getter, Setter, Method, StaticMethod, InlinableNative, IgnoresReturnValueNative, // Must be last OpTypeCount }; enum ArgType { // Basic types String = (1 << 0), Integer = (1 << 1), // Only 32-bit or less Double = (1 << 2), // Maybe we want to add Float sometime too Boolean = (1 << 3), Object = (1 << 4), Null = (1 << 5), // And derived types Numeric = Integer | Double, // Should "Primitive" use the WebIDL definition, which // excludes string and null, or the typical JS one that includes them? Primitive = Numeric | Boolean | Null | String, ObjectOrNull = Object | Null, Any = ObjectOrNull | Primitive, // Our sentinel value. ArgTypeListEnd = (1 << 31) }; static_assert(Any & String, "Any must include String."); static_assert(Any & Integer, "Any must include Integer."); static_assert(Any & Double, "Any must include Double."); static_assert(Any & Boolean, "Any must include Boolean."); static_assert(Any & Object, "Any must include Object."); static_assert(Any & Null, "Any must include Null."); /** * An enum that describes what this getter/setter/method aliases. This * determines what things can be hoisted past this call, and if this * call is movable what it can be hoisted past. */ enum AliasSet { /** * Alias nothing: a constant value, getting it can't affect any other * values, nothing can affect it. */ AliasNone, /** * Alias things that can modify the DOM but nothing else. Doing the * call can't affect the behavior of any other function. */ AliasDOMSets, /** * Alias the world. Calling this can change arbitrary values anywhere * in the system. Most things fall in this bucket. */ AliasEverything, /** Must be last. */ AliasSetCount }; bool needsOuterizedThisObject() const { return type() != Getter && type() != Setter; } bool isTypedMethodJitInfo() const { return isTypedMethod; } OpType type() const { return OpType(type_); } AliasSet aliasSet() const { return AliasSet(aliasSet_); } JSValueType returnType() const { return JSValueType(returnType_); } union { JSJitGetterOp getter; JSJitSetterOp setter; JSJitMethodOp method; /** A DOM static method, used for Promise wrappers */ JSNative staticMethod; JSNative ignoresReturnValueMethod; }; static unsigned offsetOfIgnoresReturnValueNative() { return offsetof(JSJitInfo, ignoresReturnValueMethod); } union { uint16_t protoID; js::jit::InlinableNative inlinableNative; }; union { uint16_t depth; // Additional opcode for some InlinableNative functions. uint16_t nativeOp; }; // These fields are carefully packed to take up 4 bytes. If you need more // bits for whatever reason, please see if you can steal bits from existing // fields before adding more members to this structure. #define JITINFO_OP_TYPE_BITS 4 #define JITINFO_ALIAS_SET_BITS 4 #define JITINFO_RETURN_TYPE_BITS 8 #define JITINFO_SLOT_INDEX_BITS 10 /** The OpType that says what sort of function we are. */ uint32_t type_ : JITINFO_OP_TYPE_BITS; /** * The alias set for this op. This is a _minimal_ alias set; in * particular for a method it does not include whatever argument * conversions might do. That's covered by argTypes and runtime * analysis of the actual argument types being passed in. */ uint32_t aliasSet_ : JITINFO_ALIAS_SET_BITS; /** The return type tag. Might be JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN. */ uint32_t returnType_ : JITINFO_RETURN_TYPE_BITS; static_assert(OpTypeCount <= (1 << JITINFO_OP_TYPE_BITS), "Not enough space for OpType"); static_assert(AliasSetCount <= (1 << JITINFO_ALIAS_SET_BITS), "Not enough space for AliasSet"); static_assert((sizeof(JSValueType) * 8) <= JITINFO_RETURN_TYPE_BITS, "Not enough space for JSValueType"); #undef JITINFO_RETURN_TYPE_BITS #undef JITINFO_ALIAS_SET_BITS #undef JITINFO_OP_TYPE_BITS /** Is op fallible? False in setters. */ uint32_t isInfallible : 1; /** * Is op movable? To be movable the op must * not AliasEverything, but even that might * not be enough (e.g. in cases when it can * throw or is explicitly not movable). */ uint32_t isMovable : 1; /** * Can op be dead-code eliminated? Again, this * depends on whether the op can throw, in * addition to the alias set. */ uint32_t isEliminatable : 1; // XXXbz should we have a JSValueType for the type of the member? /** * True if this is a getter that can always * get the value from a slot of the "this" object. */ uint32_t isAlwaysInSlot : 1; /** * True if this is a getter that can sometimes (if the slot doesn't contain * UndefinedValue()) get the value from a slot of the "this" object. */ uint32_t isLazilyCachedInSlot : 1; /** True if this is an instance of JSTypedMethodJitInfo. */ uint32_t isTypedMethod : 1; /** * If isAlwaysInSlot or isSometimesInSlot is true, * the index of the slot to get the value from. * Otherwise 0. */ uint32_t slotIndex : JITINFO_SLOT_INDEX_BITS; static const size_t maxSlotIndex = (1 << JITINFO_SLOT_INDEX_BITS) - 1; #undef JITINFO_SLOT_INDEX_BITS }; static_assert(sizeof(JSJitInfo) == (sizeof(void*) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)), "There are several thousand instances of JSJitInfo stored in " "a binary. Please don't increase its space requirements without " "verifying that there is no other way forward (better packing, " "smaller datatypes for fields, subclassing, etc.)."); struct JSTypedMethodJitInfo { // We use C-style inheritance here, rather than C++ style inheritance // because not all compilers support brace-initialization for non-aggregate // classes. Using C++ style inheritance and constructors instead of // brace-initialization would also force the creation of static // constructors (on some compilers) when JSJitInfo and JSTypedMethodJitInfo // structures are declared. Since there can be several thousand of these // structures present and we want to have roughly equivalent performance // across a range of compilers, we do things manually. JSJitInfo base; const JSJitInfo::ArgType* const argTypes; /* For a method, a list of sets of types that the function expects. This can be used, for example, to figure out when argument coercions can have side-effects. */ }; namespace js { static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE shadow::Function* FunctionObjectToShadowFunction(JSObject* fun) { MOZ_ASSERT(GetObjectClass(fun) == FunctionClassPtr); return reinterpret_cast<shadow::Function*>(fun); } /* Statically asserted in jsfun.h. */ static const unsigned JS_FUNCTION_INTERPRETED_BITS = 0x0201; // Return whether the given function object is native. static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool FunctionObjectIsNative(JSObject* fun) { return !(FunctionObjectToShadowFunction(fun)->flags & JS_FUNCTION_INTERPRETED_BITS); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JSNative GetFunctionObjectNative(JSObject* fun) { MOZ_ASSERT(FunctionObjectIsNative(fun)); return FunctionObjectToShadowFunction(fun)->native; } } // namespace js static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const JSJitInfo* FUNCTION_VALUE_TO_JITINFO(const JS::Value& v) { MOZ_ASSERT(js::FunctionObjectIsNative(&v.toObject())); return js::FunctionObjectToShadowFunction(&v.toObject())->jitinfo; } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void SET_JITINFO(JSFunction * func, const JSJitInfo* info) { js::shadow::Function* fun = reinterpret_cast<js::shadow::Function*>(func); MOZ_ASSERT(!(fun->flags & js::JS_FUNCTION_INTERPRETED_BITS)); fun->jitinfo = info; } /* * Engine-internal extensions of jsid. This code is here only until we * eliminate Gecko's dependencies on it! */ static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE jsid JSID_FROM_BITS(size_t bits) { jsid id; JSID_BITS(id) = bits; return id; } namespace js { namespace detail { bool IdMatchesAtom(jsid id, JSAtom* atom); } // namespace detail } // namespace js /** * Must not be used on atoms that are representable as integer jsids. * Prefer NameToId or AtomToId over this function: * * A PropertyName is an atom that does not contain an integer in the range * [0, UINT32_MAX]. However, jsid can only hold an integer in the range * [0, JSID_INT_MAX] (where JSID_INT_MAX == 2^31-1). Thus, for the range of * integers (JSID_INT_MAX, UINT32_MAX], to represent as a jsid 'id', it must be * the case JSID_IS_ATOM(id) and !JSID_TO_ATOM(id)->isPropertyName(). In most * cases when creating a jsid, code does not have to care about this corner * case because: * * - When given an arbitrary JSAtom*, AtomToId must be used, which checks for * integer atoms representable as integer jsids, and does this conversion. * * - When given a PropertyName*, NameToId can be used which which does not need * to do any dynamic checks. * * Thus, it is only the rare third case which needs this function, which * handles any JSAtom* that is known not to be representable with an int jsid. */ static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE jsid NON_INTEGER_ATOM_TO_JSID(JSAtom* atom) { MOZ_ASSERT(((size_t)atom & 0x7) == 0); jsid id = JSID_FROM_BITS((size_t)atom); MOZ_ASSERT(js::detail::IdMatchesAtom(id, atom)); return id; } /* All strings stored in jsids are atomized, but are not necessarily property names. */ static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool JSID_IS_ATOM(jsid id) { return JSID_IS_STRING(id); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool JSID_IS_ATOM(jsid id, JSAtom* atom) { return id == JSID_FROM_BITS((size_t)atom); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JSAtom* JSID_TO_ATOM(jsid id) { return (JSAtom*)JSID_TO_STRING(id); } JS_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(jsid) == sizeof(void*)); namespace js { static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE JS::Value IdToValue(jsid id) { if (JSID_IS_STRING(id)) return JS::StringValue(JSID_TO_STRING(id)); if (JSID_IS_INT(id)) return JS::Int32Value(JSID_TO_INT(id)); if (JSID_IS_SYMBOL(id)) return JS::SymbolValue(JSID_TO_SYMBOL(id)); MOZ_ASSERT(JSID_IS_VOID(id)); return JS::UndefinedValue(); } /** * If the embedder has registered a ScriptEnvironmentPreparer, * PrepareScriptEnvironmentAndInvoke will call the preparer's 'invoke' method * with the given |closure|, with the assumption that the preparer will set up * any state necessary to run script in |scope|, invoke |closure| with a valid * JSContext*, report any exceptions thrown from the closure, and return. * * If no preparer is registered, PrepareScriptEnvironmentAndInvoke will assert * that |rt| has exactly one JSContext associated with it, enter the compartment * of |scope| on that context, and invoke |closure|. * * In both cases, PrepareScriptEnvironmentAndInvoke will report any exceptions * that are thrown by the closure. Consumers who want to propagate back * whether the closure succeeded should do so via members of the closure * itself. */ struct ScriptEnvironmentPreparer { struct Closure { virtual bool operator()(JSContext* cx) = 0; }; virtual void invoke(JS::HandleObject scope, Closure& closure) = 0; }; extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) PrepareScriptEnvironmentAndInvoke(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject scope, ScriptEnvironmentPreparer::Closure& closure); JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetScriptEnvironmentPreparer(JSContext* cx, ScriptEnvironmentPreparer* preparer); enum CTypesActivityType { CTYPES_CALL_BEGIN, CTYPES_CALL_END, CTYPES_CALLBACK_BEGIN, CTYPES_CALLBACK_END }; typedef void (* CTypesActivityCallback)(JSContext* cx, CTypesActivityType type); /** * Sets a callback that is run whenever js-ctypes is about to be used when * calling into C. */ JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetCTypesActivityCallback(JSContext* cx, CTypesActivityCallback cb); class MOZ_RAII JS_FRIEND_API(AutoCTypesActivityCallback) { private: JSContext* cx; CTypesActivityCallback callback; CTypesActivityType endType; MOZ_DECL_USE_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER public: AutoCTypesActivityCallback(JSContext* cx, CTypesActivityType beginType, CTypesActivityType endType MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM); ~AutoCTypesActivityCallback() { DoEndCallback(); } void DoEndCallback() { if (callback) { callback(cx, endType); callback = nullptr; } } }; // Abstract base class for objects that build allocation metadata for JavaScript // values. struct AllocationMetadataBuilder { AllocationMetadataBuilder() { } // Return a metadata object for the newly constructed object |obj|, or // nullptr if there's no metadata to attach. // // Implementations should treat all errors as fatal; there is no way to // report errors from this callback. In particular, the caller provides an // oomUnsafe for overriding implementations to use. virtual JSObject* build(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion& oomUnsafe) const { return nullptr; } }; /** * Specify a callback to invoke when creating each JS object in the current * compartment, which may return a metadata object to associate with the * object. */ JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetAllocationMetadataBuilder(JSContext* cx, const AllocationMetadataBuilder *callback); /** Get the metadata associated with an object. */ JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) GetAllocationMetadata(JSObject* obj); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) GetElementsWithAdder(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleObject receiver, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end, js::ElementAdder* adder); JS_FRIEND_API(bool) ForwardToNative(JSContext* cx, JSNative native, const JS::CallArgs& args); /** * Helper function for HTMLDocument and HTMLFormElement. * * These are the only two interfaces that have [OverrideBuiltins], a named * getter, and no named setter. They're implemented as proxies with a custom * getOwnPropertyDescriptor() method. Unfortunately, overriding * getOwnPropertyDescriptor() automatically affects the behavior of set(), * which normally is just common sense but is *not* desired for these two * interfaces. * * The fix is for these two interfaces to override set() to ignore the * getOwnPropertyDescriptor() override. * * SetPropertyIgnoringNamedGetter is exposed to make it easier to override * set() in this way. It carries out all the steps of BaseProxyHandler::set() * except the initial getOwnPropertyDescriptor() call. The caller must supply * that descriptor as the 'ownDesc' parameter. * * Implemented in proxy/BaseProxyHandler.cpp. */ JS_FRIEND_API(bool) SetPropertyIgnoringNamedGetter(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, JS::HandleValue v, JS::HandleValue receiver, JS::Handle<JS::PropertyDescriptor> ownDesc, JS::ObjectOpResult& result); JS_FRIEND_API(void) ReportASCIIErrorWithId(JSContext* cx, const char* msg, JS::HandleId id); // This function is for one specific use case, please don't use this for anything else! extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) ExecuteInGlobalAndReturnScope(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleScript script, JS::MutableHandleObject scope); #if defined(XP_WIN) && defined(_WIN64) // Parameters use void* types to avoid #including windows.h. The return value of // this function is returned from the exception handler. typedef long (*JitExceptionHandler)(void* exceptionRecord, // PEXECTION_RECORD void* context); // PCONTEXT /** * Windows uses "structured exception handling" to handle faults. When a fault * occurs, the stack is searched for a handler (similar to C++ exception * handling). If the search does not find a handler, the "unhandled exception * filter" is called. Breakpad uses the unhandled exception filter to do crash * reporting. Unfortunately, on Win64, JIT code on the stack completely throws * off this unwinding process and prevents the unhandled exception filter from * being called. The reason is that Win64 requires unwind information be * registered for all code regions and JIT code has none. While it is possible * to register full unwind information for JIT code, this is a lot of work (one * has to be able to recover the frame pointer at any PC) so instead we register * a handler for all JIT code that simply calls breakpad's unhandled exception * filter (which will perform crash reporting and then terminate the process). * This would be wrong if there was an outer __try block that expected to handle * the fault, but this is not generally allowed. * * Gecko must call SetJitExceptionFilter before any JIT code is compiled and * only once per process. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetJitExceptionHandler(JitExceptionHandler handler); #endif /** * Get the nearest enclosing with environment object for a given function. If * the function is not scripted or is not enclosed by a with scope, returns * the global. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) GetNearestEnclosingWithEnvironmentObjectForFunction(JSFunction* fun); /** * Get the first SavedFrame object in this SavedFrame stack whose principals are * subsumed by the cx's principals. If there is no such frame, return nullptr. * * Do NOT pass a non-SavedFrame object here. * * The savedFrame and cx do not need to be in the same compartment. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) GetFirstSubsumedSavedFrame(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject savedFrame, JS::SavedFrameSelfHosted selfHosted); extern JS_FRIEND_API(bool) ReportIsNotFunction(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue v); extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) ConvertArgsToArray(JSContext* cx, const JS::CallArgs& args); /** * Window and WindowProxy * * The functions below have to do with Windows and WindowProxies. There's an * invariant that actual Window objects (the global objects of web pages) are * never directly exposed to script. Instead we often substitute a WindowProxy. * * The environment chain, on the other hand, contains the Window and never its * WindowProxy. * * As a result, we have calls to these "substitute-this-object-for-that-object" * functions sprinkled at apparently arbitrary (but actually *very* carefully * and nervously selected) places throughout the engine and indeed the * universe. */ /** * Tell the JS engine which Class is used for WindowProxy objects. Used by the * functions below. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetWindowProxyClass(JSContext* cx, const Class* clasp); /** * Associates a WindowProxy with a Window (global object). `windowProxy` must * have the Class set by SetWindowProxyClass. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(void) SetWindowProxy(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject global, JS::HandleObject windowProxy); namespace detail { JS_FRIEND_API(bool) IsWindowSlow(JSObject* obj); } // namespace detail /** * Returns true iff `obj` is a global object with an associated WindowProxy, * see SetWindowProxy. */ inline bool IsWindow(JSObject* obj) { if (GetObjectClass(obj)->flags & JSCLASS_IS_GLOBAL) return detail::IsWindowSlow(obj); return false; } /** * Returns true iff `obj` has the WindowProxy Class (see SetWindowProxyClass). */ JS_FRIEND_API(bool) IsWindowProxy(JSObject* obj); /** * If `obj` is a Window, get its associated WindowProxy (or a CCW or dead * wrapper if the page was navigated away from), else return `obj`. This * function is infallible and never returns nullptr. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) ToWindowProxyIfWindow(JSObject* obj); /** * If `obj` is a WindowProxy, get its associated Window (the compartment's * global), else return `obj`. This function is infallible and never returns * nullptr. */ extern JS_FRIEND_API(JSObject*) ToWindowIfWindowProxy(JSObject* obj); } /* namespace js */ class NativeProfiler { public: virtual ~NativeProfiler() {}; virtual void sampleNative(void* addr, uint32_t size) = 0; virtual void removeNative(void* addr) = 0; virtual void reset() = 0; }; class GCHeapProfiler { public: virtual ~GCHeapProfiler() {}; virtual void sampleTenured(void* addr, uint32_t size) = 0; virtual void sampleNursery(void* addr, uint32_t size) = 0; virtual void markTenuredStart() = 0; virtual void markTenured(void* addr) = 0; virtual void sweepTenured() = 0; virtual void sweepNursery() = 0; virtual void moveNurseryToTenured(void* addrOld, void* addrNew) = 0; virtual void reset() = 0; }; class MemProfiler { static mozilla::Atomic<uint32_t, mozilla::Relaxed> sActiveProfilerCount; static JS_FRIEND_DATA(NativeProfiler*) sNativeProfiler; static GCHeapProfiler* GetGCHeapProfiler(void* addr); static GCHeapProfiler* GetGCHeapProfiler(JSRuntime* runtime); static NativeProfiler* GetNativeProfiler() { return sNativeProfiler; } GCHeapProfiler* mGCHeapProfiler; JSRuntime* mRuntime; public: explicit MemProfiler(JSRuntime* aRuntime) : mGCHeapProfiler(nullptr), mRuntime(aRuntime) {} JS_FRIEND_API(void) start(GCHeapProfiler* aGCHeapProfiler); JS_FRIEND_API(void) stop(); GCHeapProfiler* getGCHeapProfiler() const { return mGCHeapProfiler; } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool enabled() { return sActiveProfilerCount > 0; } static JS_FRIEND_API(MemProfiler*) GetMemProfiler(JSContext* context); static void SetNativeProfiler(NativeProfiler* aProfiler) { sNativeProfiler = aProfiler; } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void SampleNative(void* addr, uint32_t size) { JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (MOZ_LIKELY(!enabled())) return; NativeProfiler* profiler = GetNativeProfiler(); if (profiler) profiler->sampleNative(addr, size); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void SampleTenured(void* addr, uint32_t size) { JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (MOZ_LIKELY(!enabled())) return; GCHeapProfiler* profiler = GetGCHeapProfiler(addr); if (profiler) profiler->sampleTenured(addr, size); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void SampleNursery(void* addr, uint32_t size) { JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (MOZ_LIKELY(!enabled())) return; GCHeapProfiler* profiler = GetGCHeapProfiler(addr); if (profiler) profiler->sampleNursery(addr, size); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void RemoveNative(void* addr) { JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (MOZ_LIKELY(!enabled())) return; NativeProfiler* profiler = GetNativeProfiler(); if (profiler) profiler->removeNative(addr); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void MarkTenuredStart(JSRuntime* runtime) { JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (MOZ_LIKELY(!enabled())) return; GCHeapProfiler* profiler = GetGCHeapProfiler(runtime); if (profiler) profiler->markTenuredStart(); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void MarkTenured(void* addr) { JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (MOZ_LIKELY(!enabled())) return; GCHeapProfiler* profiler = GetGCHeapProfiler(addr); if (profiler) profiler->markTenured(addr); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void SweepTenured(JSRuntime* runtime) { JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (MOZ_LIKELY(!enabled())) return; GCHeapProfiler* profiler = GetGCHeapProfiler(runtime); if (profiler) profiler->sweepTenured(); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void SweepNursery(JSRuntime* runtime) { JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (MOZ_LIKELY(!enabled())) return; GCHeapProfiler* profiler = GetGCHeapProfiler(runtime); if (profiler) profiler->sweepNursery(); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE void MoveNurseryToTenured(void* addrOld, void* addrNew) { JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; if (MOZ_LIKELY(!enabled())) return; GCHeapProfiler* profiler = GetGCHeapProfiler(addrOld); if (profiler) profiler->moveNurseryToTenured(addrOld, addrNew); } }; #endif /* jsfriendapi_h */