/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef jscompartment_h #define jscompartment_h #include "mozilla/LinkedList.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "mozilla/Tuple.h" #include "mozilla/Variant.h" #include "mozilla/XorShift128PlusRNG.h" #include "builtin/RegExp.h" #include "gc/Barrier.h" #include "gc/NurseryAwareHashMap.h" #include "gc/Zone.h" #include "vm/GlobalObject.h" #include "vm/PIC.h" #include "vm/SavedStacks.h" #include "vm/Time.h" #include "wasm/WasmCompartment.h" namespace js { namespace jit { class JitCompartment; } // namespace jit namespace gc { template <typename Node, typename Derived> class ComponentFinder; } // namespace gc class LexicalEnvironmentObject; class ScriptSourceObject; struct NativeIterator; /* * A single-entry cache for some base-10 double-to-string conversions. This * helps date-format-xparb.js. It also avoids skewing the results for * v8-splay.js when measured by the SunSpider harness, where the splay tree * initialization (which includes many repeated double-to-string conversions) * is erroneously included in the measurement; see bug 562553. */ class DtoaCache { double d; int base; JSFlatString* s; // if s==nullptr, d and base are not valid public: DtoaCache() : s(nullptr) {} void purge() { s = nullptr; } JSFlatString* lookup(int base, double d) { return this->s && base == this->base && d == this->d ? this->s : nullptr; } void cache(int base, double d, JSFlatString* s) { this->base = base; this->d = d; this->s = s; } #ifdef JSGC_HASH_TABLE_CHECKS void checkCacheAfterMovingGC() { MOZ_ASSERT(!s || !IsForwarded(s)); } #endif }; class CrossCompartmentKey { public: enum DebuggerObjectKind : uint8_t { DebuggerSource, DebuggerEnvironment, DebuggerObject, DebuggerWasmScript, DebuggerWasmSource }; using DebuggerAndObject = mozilla::Tuple<NativeObject*, JSObject*, DebuggerObjectKind>; using DebuggerAndScript = mozilla::Tuple<NativeObject*, JSScript*>; using WrappedType = mozilla::Variant< JSObject*, JSString*, DebuggerAndScript, DebuggerAndObject>; explicit CrossCompartmentKey(JSObject* obj) : wrapped(obj) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(obj); } explicit CrossCompartmentKey(JSString* str) : wrapped(str) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(str); } explicit CrossCompartmentKey(const JS::Value& v) : wrapped(v.isString() ? WrappedType(v.toString()) : WrappedType(&v.toObject())) {} explicit CrossCompartmentKey(NativeObject* debugger, JSObject* obj, DebuggerObjectKind kind) : wrapped(DebuggerAndObject(debugger, obj, kind)) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(debugger); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(obj); } explicit CrossCompartmentKey(NativeObject* debugger, JSScript* script) : wrapped(DebuggerAndScript(debugger, script)) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(debugger); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(script); } bool operator==(const CrossCompartmentKey& other) const { return wrapped == other.wrapped; } bool operator!=(const CrossCompartmentKey& other) const { return wrapped != other.wrapped; } template <typename T> bool is() const { return wrapped.is<T>(); } template <typename T> const T& as() const { return wrapped.as<T>(); } template <typename F> auto applyToWrapped(F f) -> decltype(f(static_cast<JSObject**>(nullptr))) { using ReturnType = decltype(f(static_cast<JSObject**>(nullptr))); struct WrappedMatcher { F f_; explicit WrappedMatcher(F f) : f_(f) {} ReturnType match(JSObject*& obj) { return f_(&obj); } ReturnType match(JSString*& str) { return f_(&str); } ReturnType match(DebuggerAndScript& tpl) { return f_(&mozilla::Get<1>(tpl)); } ReturnType match(DebuggerAndObject& tpl) { return f_(&mozilla::Get<1>(tpl)); } } matcher(f); return wrapped.match(matcher); } template <typename F> auto applyToDebugger(F f) -> decltype(f(static_cast<NativeObject**>(nullptr))) { using ReturnType = decltype(f(static_cast<NativeObject**>(nullptr))); struct DebuggerMatcher { F f_; explicit DebuggerMatcher(F f) : f_(f) {} ReturnType match(JSObject*& obj) { return ReturnType(); } ReturnType match(JSString*& str) { return ReturnType(); } ReturnType match(DebuggerAndScript& tpl) { return f_(&mozilla::Get<0>(tpl)); } ReturnType match(DebuggerAndObject& tpl) { return f_(&mozilla::Get<0>(tpl)); } } matcher(f); return wrapped.match(matcher); } // Valid for JSObject* and Debugger keys. Crashes immediately if used on a // JSString* key. JSCompartment* compartment() { struct GetCompartmentFunctor { JSCompartment* operator()(JSObject** tp) const { return (*tp)->compartment(); } JSCompartment* operator()(JSScript** tp) const { return (*tp)->compartment(); } JSCompartment* operator()(JSString** tp) const { MOZ_CRASH("invalid ccw key"); return nullptr; } }; return applyToWrapped(GetCompartmentFunctor()); } struct Hasher : public DefaultHasher<CrossCompartmentKey> { struct HashFunctor { HashNumber match(JSObject* obj) { return DefaultHasher<JSObject*>::hash(obj); } HashNumber match(JSString* str) { return DefaultHasher<JSString*>::hash(str); } HashNumber match(const DebuggerAndScript& tpl) { return DefaultHasher<NativeObject*>::hash(mozilla::Get<0>(tpl)) ^ DefaultHasher<JSScript*>::hash(mozilla::Get<1>(tpl)); } HashNumber match(const DebuggerAndObject& tpl) { return DefaultHasher<NativeObject*>::hash(mozilla::Get<0>(tpl)) ^ DefaultHasher<JSObject*>::hash(mozilla::Get<1>(tpl)) ^ (mozilla::Get<2>(tpl) << 5); } }; static HashNumber hash(const CrossCompartmentKey& key) { return key.wrapped.match(HashFunctor()); } static bool match(const CrossCompartmentKey& l, const CrossCompartmentKey& k) { return l.wrapped == k.wrapped; } }; bool isTenured() const { struct IsTenuredFunctor { using ReturnType = bool; ReturnType operator()(JSObject** tp) { return !IsInsideNursery(*tp); } ReturnType operator()(JSScript** tp) { return true; } ReturnType operator()(JSString** tp) { return true; } }; return const_cast<CrossCompartmentKey*>(this)->applyToWrapped(IsTenuredFunctor()); } void trace(JSTracer* trc); bool needsSweep(); private: CrossCompartmentKey() = delete; WrappedType wrapped; }; using WrapperMap = NurseryAwareHashMap<CrossCompartmentKey, JS::Value, CrossCompartmentKey::Hasher, SystemAllocPolicy>; // We must ensure that all newly allocated JSObjects get their metadata // set. However, metadata builders may require the new object be in a sane // state (eg, have its reserved slots initialized so they can get the // sizeOfExcludingThis of the object). Therefore, for objects of certain // JSClasses (those marked with JSCLASS_DELAY_METADATA_BUILDER), it is not safe // for the allocation paths to call the object metadata builder // immediately. Instead, the JSClass-specific "constructor" C++ function up the // stack makes a promise that it will ensure that the new object has its // metadata set after the object is initialized. // // To help those constructor functions keep their promise of setting metadata, // each compartment is in one of three states at any given time: // // * ImmediateMetadata: Allocators should set new object metadata immediately, // as usual. // // * DelayMetadata: Allocators should *not* set new object metadata, it will be // handled after reserved slots are initialized by custom code // for the object's JSClass. The newly allocated object's // JSClass *must* have the JSCLASS_DELAY_METADATA_BUILDER flag // set. // // * PendingMetadata: This object has been allocated and is still pending its // metadata. This should never be the case when we begin an // allocation, as a constructor function was supposed to have // set the metadata of the previous object *before* // allocating another object. // // The js::AutoSetNewObjectMetadata RAII class provides an ergonomic way for // constructor functions to navigate state transitions, and its instances // collectively maintain a stack of previous states. The stack is required to // support the lazy resolution and allocation of global builtin constructors and // prototype objects. The initial (and intuitively most common) state is // ImmediateMetadata. // // Without the presence of internal errors (such as OOM), transitions between // the states are as follows: // // ImmediateMetadata .----- previous state on stack // | | ^ // | via constructor | | // | | | via setting the new // | via constructor | | object's metadata // | .-----------------------' | // | | | // V V | // DelayMetadata -------------------------> PendingMetadata // via allocation // // In the presence of internal errors, we do not set the new object's metadata // (if it was even allocated) and reset to the previous state on the stack. struct ImmediateMetadata { }; struct DelayMetadata { }; using PendingMetadata = JSObject*; using NewObjectMetadataState = mozilla::Variant<ImmediateMetadata, DelayMetadata, PendingMetadata>; class MOZ_RAII AutoSetNewObjectMetadata : private JS::CustomAutoRooter { MOZ_DECL_USE_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER; JSContext* cx_; NewObjectMetadataState prevState_; AutoSetNewObjectMetadata(const AutoSetNewObjectMetadata& aOther) = delete; void operator=(const AutoSetNewObjectMetadata& aOther) = delete; protected: virtual void trace(JSTracer* trc) override { if (prevState_.is<PendingMetadata>()) { TraceRoot(trc, &prevState_.as<PendingMetadata>(), "Object pending metadata"); } } public: explicit AutoSetNewObjectMetadata(ExclusiveContext* ecx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM); ~AutoSetNewObjectMetadata(); }; } /* namespace js */ namespace js { class DebugEnvironments; class ObjectWeakMap; class WatchpointMap; class WeakMapBase; } // namespace js struct JSCompartment { const JS::CompartmentCreationOptions creationOptions_; JS::CompartmentBehaviors behaviors_; private: JS::Zone* zone_; JSRuntime* runtime_; public: /* * The principals associated with this compartment. Note that the * same several compartments may share the same principals and * that a compartment may change principals during its lifetime * (e.g. in case of lazy parsing). */ inline JSPrincipals* principals() { return principals_; } inline void setPrincipals(JSPrincipals* principals) { if (principals_ == principals) return; // If we change principals, we need to unlink immediately this // compartment from its PerformanceGroup. For one thing, the // performance data we collect should not be improperly associated // with a group to which we do not belong anymore. For another thing, // we use `principals()` as part of the key to map compartments // to a `PerformanceGroup`, so if we do not unlink now, this will // be too late once we have updated `principals_`. performanceMonitoring.unlink(); principals_ = principals; } inline bool isSystem() const { return isSystem_; } inline void setIsSystem(bool isSystem) { if (isSystem_ == isSystem) return; // If we change `isSystem*(`, we need to unlink immediately this // compartment from its PerformanceGroup. For one thing, the // performance data we collect should not be improperly associated // to a group to which we do not belong anymore. For another thing, // we use `isSystem()` as part of the key to map compartments // to a `PerformanceGroup`, so if we do not unlink now, this will // be too late once we have updated `isSystem_`. performanceMonitoring.unlink(); isSystem_ = isSystem; } bool isAtomsCompartment() const { return isAtomsCompartment_; } void setIsAtomsCompartment() { isAtomsCompartment_ = true; } private: JSPrincipals* principals_; bool isSystem_; bool isAtomsCompartment_; public: bool isSelfHosting; bool marked; bool warnedAboutExprClosure; bool warnedAboutForEach; #ifdef DEBUG bool firedOnNewGlobalObject; #endif void mark() { marked = true; } private: friend struct JSRuntime; friend struct JSContext; friend class js::ExclusiveContext; js::ReadBarrieredGlobalObject global_; unsigned enterCompartmentDepth; int64_t startInterval; public: js::PerformanceGroupHolder performanceMonitoring; void enter() { enterCompartmentDepth++; } void leave() { enterCompartmentDepth--; } bool hasBeenEntered() { return !!enterCompartmentDepth; } JS::Zone* zone() { return zone_; } const JS::Zone* zone() const { return zone_; } const JS::CompartmentCreationOptions& creationOptions() const { return creationOptions_; } JS::CompartmentBehaviors& behaviors() { return behaviors_; } const JS::CompartmentBehaviors& behaviors() const { return behaviors_; } JSRuntime* runtimeFromMainThread() const { MOZ_ASSERT(CurrentThreadCanAccessRuntime(runtime_)); return runtime_; } // Note: Unrestricted access to the zone's runtime from an arbitrary // thread can easily lead to races. Use this method very carefully. JSRuntime* runtimeFromAnyThread() const { return runtime_; } JSContext* contextFromMainThread() const { return runtime_->contextFromMainThread(); } /* * Nb: global_ might be nullptr, if (a) it's the atoms compartment, or * (b) the compartment's global has been collected. The latter can happen * if e.g. a string in a compartment is rooted but no object is, and thus * the global isn't rooted, and thus the global can be finalized while the * compartment lives on. * * In contrast, JSObject::global() is infallible because marking a JSObject * always marks its global as well. * TODO: add infallible JSScript::global() */ inline js::GlobalObject* maybeGlobal() const; /* An unbarriered getter for use while tracing. */ inline js::GlobalObject* unsafeUnbarrieredMaybeGlobal() const; inline void initGlobal(js::GlobalObject& global); public: void* data; private: const js::AllocationMetadataBuilder *allocationMetadataBuilder; js::SavedStacks savedStacks_; js::WrapperMap crossCompartmentWrappers; using CCKeyVector = mozilla::Vector<js::CrossCompartmentKey, 0, js::SystemAllocPolicy>; CCKeyVector nurseryCCKeys; // The global environment record's [[VarNames]] list that contains all // names declared using FunctionDeclaration, GeneratorDeclaration, and // VariableDeclaration declarations in global code in this compartment. // Names are only removed from this list by a |delete IdentifierReference| // that successfully removes that global property. JS::GCHashSet<JSAtom*, js::DefaultHasher<JSAtom*>, js::SystemAllocPolicy> varNames_; public: /* Last time at which an animation was played for a global in this compartment. */ int64_t lastAnimationTime; js::RegExpCompartment regExps; /* * For generational GC, record whether a write barrier has added this * compartment's global to the store buffer since the last minor GC. * * This is used to avoid calling into the VM every time a nursery object is * written to a property of the global. */ uint32_t globalWriteBarriered; // Non-zero if the storage underlying any typed object in this compartment // might be detached. int32_t detachedTypedObjects; private: friend class js::AutoSetNewObjectMetadata; js::NewObjectMetadataState objectMetadataState; public: // Recompute the probability with which this compartment should record // profiling data (stack traces, allocations log, etc.) about each // allocation. We consult the probabilities requested by the Debugger // instances observing us, if any. void chooseAllocationSamplingProbability() { savedStacks_.chooseSamplingProbability(this); } bool hasObjectPendingMetadata() const { return objectMetadataState.is<js::PendingMetadata>(); } void setObjectPendingMetadata(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(objectMetadataState.is<js::DelayMetadata>()); objectMetadataState = js::NewObjectMetadataState(js::PendingMetadata(obj)); } void setObjectPendingMetadata(js::ExclusiveContext* ecx, JSObject* obj) { if (JSContext* cx = ecx->maybeJSContext()) setObjectPendingMetadata(cx, obj); } public: void addSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf, size_t* tiAllocationSiteTables, size_t* tiArrayTypeTables, size_t* tiObjectTypeTables, size_t* compartmentObject, size_t* compartmentTables, size_t* innerViews, size_t* lazyArrayBuffers, size_t* objectMetadataTables, size_t* crossCompartmentWrappers, size_t* regexpCompartment, size_t* savedStacksSet, size_t* varNamesSet, size_t* nonSyntacticLexicalScopes, size_t* jitCompartment, size_t* privateData); // Object group tables and other state in the compartment. js::ObjectGroupCompartment objectGroups; #ifdef JSGC_HASH_TABLE_CHECKS void checkWrapperMapAfterMovingGC(); void checkScriptMapsAfterMovingGC(); #endif /* * Lazily initialized script source object to use for scripts cloned * from the self-hosting global. */ js::ReadBarrieredScriptSourceObject selfHostingScriptSource; // Keep track of the metadata objects which can be associated with each JS // object. Both keys and values are in this compartment. js::ObjectWeakMap* objectMetadataTable; // Map from array buffers to views sharing that storage. JS::WeakCache<js::InnerViewTable> innerViews; // Inline transparent typed objects do not initially have an array buffer, // but can have that buffer created lazily if it is accessed later. This // table manages references from such typed objects to their buffers. js::ObjectWeakMap* lazyArrayBuffers; // All unboxed layouts in the compartment. mozilla::LinkedList<js::UnboxedLayout> unboxedLayouts; // WebAssembly state for the compartment. js::wasm::Compartment wasm; private: // All non-syntactic lexical environments in the compartment. These are kept in // a map because when loading scripts into a non-syntactic environment, we need // to use the same lexical environment to persist lexical bindings. js::ObjectWeakMap* nonSyntacticLexicalEnvironments_; public: /* During GC, stores the index of this compartment in rt->compartments. */ unsigned gcIndex; /* * During GC, stores the head of a list of incoming pointers from gray cells. * * The objects in the list are either cross-compartment wrappers, or * debugger wrapper objects. The list link is either in the second extra * slot for the former, or a special slot for the latter. */ JSObject* gcIncomingGrayPointers; private: enum { IsDebuggee = 1 << 0, DebuggerObservesAllExecution = 1 << 1, DebuggerObservesAsmJS = 1 << 2, DebuggerObservesCoverage = 1 << 3, DebuggerNeedsDelazification = 1 << 4 }; unsigned debugModeBits; friend class AutoRestoreCompartmentDebugMode; static const unsigned DebuggerObservesMask = IsDebuggee | DebuggerObservesAllExecution | DebuggerObservesCoverage | DebuggerObservesAsmJS; void updateDebuggerObservesFlag(unsigned flag); bool getNonWrapperObjectForCurrentCompartment(JSContext* cx, js::MutableHandleObject obj); bool getOrCreateWrapper(JSContext* cx, js::HandleObject existing, js::MutableHandleObject obj); public: JSCompartment(JS::Zone* zone, const JS::CompartmentOptions& options); ~JSCompartment(); MOZ_MUST_USE bool init(JSContext* maybecx); MOZ_MUST_USE inline bool wrap(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue vp); MOZ_MUST_USE bool wrap(JSContext* cx, js::MutableHandleString strp); MOZ_MUST_USE bool wrap(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleObject obj); MOZ_MUST_USE bool wrap(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<js::PropertyDescriptor> desc); MOZ_MUST_USE bool wrap(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::GCVector<JS::Value>> vec); MOZ_MUST_USE bool rewrap(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleObject obj, JS::HandleObject existing); MOZ_MUST_USE bool putWrapper(JSContext* cx, const js::CrossCompartmentKey& wrapped, const js::Value& wrapper); js::WrapperMap::Ptr lookupWrapper(const js::Value& wrapped) const { return crossCompartmentWrappers.lookup(js::CrossCompartmentKey(wrapped)); } void removeWrapper(js::WrapperMap::Ptr p) { crossCompartmentWrappers.remove(p); } struct WrapperEnum : public js::WrapperMap::Enum { explicit WrapperEnum(JSCompartment* c) : js::WrapperMap::Enum(c->crossCompartmentWrappers) {} }; js::LexicalEnvironmentObject* getOrCreateNonSyntacticLexicalEnvironment(JSContext* cx, js::HandleObject enclosing); js::LexicalEnvironmentObject* getNonSyntacticLexicalEnvironment(JSObject* enclosing) const; /* * This method traces data that is live iff we know that this compartment's * global is still live. */ void trace(JSTracer* trc); /* * This method traces JSCompartment-owned GC roots that are considered live * regardless of whether the JSCompartment itself is still live. */ void traceRoots(JSTracer* trc, js::gc::GCRuntime::TraceOrMarkRuntime traceOrMark); /* * This method clears out tables of roots in preparation for the final GC. */ void finishRoots(); /* * These methods mark pointers that cross compartment boundaries. They are * called in per-zone GCs to prevent the wrappers' outgoing edges from * dangling (full GCs naturally follow pointers across compartments) and * when compacting to update cross-compartment pointers. */ void traceOutgoingCrossCompartmentWrappers(JSTracer* trc); static void traceIncomingCrossCompartmentEdgesForZoneGC(JSTracer* trc); /* Whether to preserve JIT code on non-shrinking GCs. */ bool preserveJitCode() { return creationOptions_.preserveJitCode(); } void sweepAfterMinorGC(JSTracer* trc); void sweepCrossCompartmentWrappers(); void sweepSavedStacks(); void sweepGlobalObject(js::FreeOp* fop); void sweepSelfHostingScriptSource(); void sweepJitCompartment(js::FreeOp* fop); void sweepRegExps(); void sweepDebugEnvironments(); void sweepNativeIterators(); void sweepTemplateObjects(); void sweepVarNames(); void purge(); void clearTables(); static void fixupCrossCompartmentWrappersAfterMovingGC(JSTracer* trc); void fixupAfterMovingGC(); void fixupGlobal(); void fixupScriptMapsAfterMovingGC(); bool hasAllocationMetadataBuilder() const { return allocationMetadataBuilder; } const js::AllocationMetadataBuilder* getAllocationMetadataBuilder() const { return allocationMetadataBuilder; } void setAllocationMetadataBuilder(const js::AllocationMetadataBuilder* builder); void forgetAllocationMetadataBuilder() { allocationMetadataBuilder = nullptr; } void setNewObjectMetadata(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj); void clearObjectMetadata(); const void* addressOfMetadataBuilder() const { return &allocationMetadataBuilder; } js::SavedStacks& savedStacks() { return savedStacks_; } // Add a name to [[VarNames]]. Reports OOM on failure. MOZ_MUST_USE bool addToVarNames(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSAtom*> name); void removeFromVarNames(JS::Handle<JSAtom*> name) { varNames_.remove(name); } // Whether the given name is in [[VarNames]]. bool isInVarNames(JS::Handle<JSAtom*> name) { return varNames_.has(name); } void findOutgoingEdges(js::gc::ZoneComponentFinder& finder); js::DtoaCache dtoaCache; // Random number generator for Math.random(). mozilla::Maybe<mozilla::non_crypto::XorShift128PlusRNG> randomNumberGenerator; // Initialize randomNumberGenerator if needed. void ensureRandomNumberGenerator(); private: mozilla::non_crypto::XorShift128PlusRNG randomKeyGenerator_; public: js::HashNumber randomHashCode(); mozilla::HashCodeScrambler randomHashCodeScrambler(); static size_t offsetOfRegExps() { return offsetof(JSCompartment, regExps); } private: JSCompartment* thisForCtor() { return this; } public: // // The Debugger observes execution on a frame-by-frame basis. The // invariants of JSCompartment's debug mode bits, JSScript::isDebuggee, // InterpreterFrame::isDebuggee, and BaselineFrame::isDebuggee are // enumerated below. // // 1. When a compartment's isDebuggee() == true, relazification and lazy // parsing are disabled. // // Whether AOT wasm is disabled is togglable by the Debugger API. By // default it is disabled. See debuggerObservesAsmJS below. // // 2. When a compartment's debuggerObservesAllExecution() == true, all of // the compartment's scripts are considered debuggee scripts. // // 3. A script is considered a debuggee script either when, per above, its // compartment is observing all execution, or if it has breakpoints set. // // 4. A debuggee script always pushes a debuggee frame. // // 5. A debuggee frame calls all slow path Debugger hooks in the // Interpreter and Baseline. A debuggee frame implies that its script's // BaselineScript, if extant, has been compiled with debug hook calls. // // 6. A debuggee script or a debuggee frame (i.e., during OSR) ensures // that the compiled BaselineScript is compiled with debug hook calls // when attempting to enter Baseline. // // 7. A debuggee script or a debuggee frame (i.e., during OSR) does not // attempt to enter Ion. // // Note that a debuggee frame may exist without its script being a // debuggee script. e.g., Debugger.Frame.prototype.eval only marks the // frame in which it is evaluating as a debuggee frame. // // True if this compartment's global is a debuggee of some Debugger // object. bool isDebuggee() const { return !!(debugModeBits & IsDebuggee); } void setIsDebuggee() { debugModeBits |= IsDebuggee; } void unsetIsDebuggee(); // True if this compartment's global is a debuggee of some Debugger // object with a live hook that observes all execution; e.g., // onEnterFrame. bool debuggerObservesAllExecution() const { static const unsigned Mask = IsDebuggee | DebuggerObservesAllExecution; return (debugModeBits & Mask) == Mask; } void updateDebuggerObservesAllExecution() { updateDebuggerObservesFlag(DebuggerObservesAllExecution); } // True if this compartment's global is a debuggee of some Debugger object // whose allowUnobservedAsmJS flag is false. // // Note that since AOT wasm functions cannot bail out, this flag really // means "observe wasm from this point forward". We cannot make // already-compiled wasm code observable to Debugger. bool debuggerObservesAsmJS() const { static const unsigned Mask = IsDebuggee | DebuggerObservesAsmJS; return (debugModeBits & Mask) == Mask; } void updateDebuggerObservesAsmJS() { updateDebuggerObservesFlag(DebuggerObservesAsmJS); } // True if this compartment's global is a debuggee of some Debugger object // whose collectCoverageInfo flag is true. bool debuggerObservesCoverage() const { static const unsigned Mask = DebuggerObservesCoverage; return (debugModeBits & Mask) == Mask; } void updateDebuggerObservesCoverage(); // The code coverage can be enabled either for each compartment, with the // Debugger API, or for the entire runtime. bool collectCoverage() const; bool collectCoverageForDebug() const; bool collectCoverageForPGO() const; void clearScriptCounts(); bool needsDelazificationForDebugger() const { return debugModeBits & DebuggerNeedsDelazification; } /* * Schedule the compartment to be delazified. Called from * LazyScript::Create. */ void scheduleDelazificationForDebugger() { debugModeBits |= DebuggerNeedsDelazification; } /* * If we scheduled delazification for turning on debug mode, delazify all * scripts. */ bool ensureDelazifyScriptsForDebugger(JSContext* cx); void clearBreakpointsIn(js::FreeOp* fop, js::Debugger* dbg, JS::HandleObject handler); private: void sweepBreakpoints(js::FreeOp* fop); public: js::WatchpointMap* watchpointMap; js::ScriptCountsMap* scriptCountsMap; js::DebugScriptMap* debugScriptMap; /* Bookkeeping information for debug scope objects. */ js::DebugEnvironments* debugEnvs; /* * List of potentially active iterators that may need deleted property * suppression. */ js::NativeIterator* enumerators; /* Native iterator most recently started. */ js::PropertyIteratorObject* lastCachedNativeIterator; private: /* Used by memory reporters and invalid otherwise. */ JS::CompartmentStats* compartmentStats_; public: // This should only be called when it is non-null, i.e. during memory // reporting. JS::CompartmentStats& compartmentStats() { // We use MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT here because in bug 1132502 there was some // (inconclusive) evidence that compartmentStats_ can be nullptr // unexpectedly. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(compartmentStats_); return *compartmentStats_; } void nullCompartmentStats() { MOZ_ASSERT(compartmentStats_); compartmentStats_ = nullptr; } void setCompartmentStats(JS::CompartmentStats* newStats) { MOZ_ASSERT(!compartmentStats_ && newStats); compartmentStats_ = newStats; } // These flags help us to discover if a compartment that shouldn't be alive // manages to outlive a GC. bool scheduledForDestruction; bool maybeAlive; private: js::jit::JitCompartment* jitCompartment_; js::ReadBarriered<js::ArgumentsObject*> mappedArgumentsTemplate_; js::ReadBarriered<js::ArgumentsObject*> unmappedArgumentsTemplate_; public: bool ensureJitCompartmentExists(JSContext* cx); js::jit::JitCompartment* jitCompartment() { return jitCompartment_; } js::ArgumentsObject* getOrCreateArgumentsTemplateObject(JSContext* cx, bool mapped); js::ArgumentsObject* maybeArgumentsTemplateObject(bool mapped) const; public: // Aggregated output used to collect JSScript hit counts when code coverage // is enabled. js::coverage::LCovCompartment lcovOutput; }; inline bool JSRuntime::isAtomsZone(const JS::Zone* zone) const { return zone == atomsCompartment_->zone(); } namespace js { // We only set the maybeAlive flag for objects and scripts. It's assumed that, // if a compartment is alive, then it will have at least some live object or // script it in. Even if we get this wrong, the worst that will happen is that // scheduledForDestruction will be set on the compartment, which will cause // some extra GC activity to try to free the compartment. template<typename T> inline void SetMaybeAliveFlag(T* thing) {} template<> inline void SetMaybeAliveFlag(JSObject* thing) {thing->compartment()->maybeAlive = true;} template<> inline void SetMaybeAliveFlag(JSScript* thing) {thing->compartment()->maybeAlive = true;} inline js::Handle<js::GlobalObject*> ExclusiveContext::global() const { /* * It's safe to use |unsafeGet()| here because any compartment that is * on-stack will be marked automatically, so there's no need for a read * barrier on it. Once the compartment is popped, the handle is no longer * safe to use. */ MOZ_ASSERT(compartment_, "Caller needs to enter a compartment first"); return Handle<GlobalObject*>::fromMarkedLocation(compartment_->global_.unsafeGet()); } class MOZ_RAII AssertCompartmentUnchanged { public: explicit AssertCompartmentUnchanged(JSContext* cx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : cx(cx), oldCompartment(cx->compartment()) { MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_INIT; } ~AssertCompartmentUnchanged() { MOZ_ASSERT(cx->compartment() == oldCompartment); } protected: JSContext * const cx; JSCompartment * const oldCompartment; MOZ_DECL_USE_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER }; class AutoCompartment { ExclusiveContext * const cx_; JSCompartment * const origin_; const js::AutoLockForExclusiveAccess* maybeLock_; public: inline AutoCompartment(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSObject* target, js::AutoLockForExclusiveAccess* maybeLock = nullptr); inline AutoCompartment(ExclusiveContext* cx, JSCompartment* target, js::AutoLockForExclusiveAccess* maybeLock = nullptr); inline ~AutoCompartment(); ExclusiveContext* context() const { return cx_; } JSCompartment* origin() const { return origin_; } private: AutoCompartment(const AutoCompartment&) = delete; AutoCompartment & operator=(const AutoCompartment&) = delete; }; /* * Use this to change the behavior of an AutoCompartment slightly on error. If * the exception happens to be an Error object, copy it to the origin compartment * instead of wrapping it. */ class ErrorCopier { mozilla::Maybe<AutoCompartment>& ac; public: explicit ErrorCopier(mozilla::Maybe<AutoCompartment>& ac) : ac(ac) {} ~ErrorCopier(); }; /* * AutoWrapperVector and AutoWrapperRooter can be used to store wrappers that * are obtained from the cross-compartment map. However, these classes should * not be used if the wrapper will escape. For example, it should not be stored * in the heap. * * The AutoWrapper rooters are different from other autorooters because their * wrappers are marked on every GC slice rather than just the first one. If * there's some wrapper that we want to use temporarily without causing it to be * marked, we can use these AutoWrapper classes. If we get unlucky and a GC * slice runs during the code using the wrapper, the GC will mark the wrapper so * that it doesn't get swept out from under us. Otherwise, the wrapper needn't * be marked. This is useful in functions like JS_TransplantObject that * manipulate wrappers in compartments that may no longer be alive. */ /* * This class stores the data for AutoWrapperVector and AutoWrapperRooter. It * should not be used in any other situations. */ struct WrapperValue { /* * We use unsafeGet() in the constructors to avoid invoking a read barrier * on the wrapper, which may be dead (see the comment about bug 803376 in * jsgc.cpp regarding this). If there is an incremental GC while the wrapper * is in use, the AutoWrapper rooter will ensure the wrapper gets marked. */ explicit WrapperValue(const WrapperMap::Ptr& ptr) : value(*ptr->value().unsafeGet()) {} explicit WrapperValue(const WrapperMap::Enum& e) : value(*e.front().value().unsafeGet()) {} Value& get() { return value; } Value get() const { return value; } operator const Value&() const { return value; } JSObject& toObject() const { return value.toObject(); } private: Value value; }; class MOZ_RAII AutoWrapperVector : public JS::AutoVectorRooterBase<WrapperValue> { public: explicit AutoWrapperVector(JSContext* cx MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : AutoVectorRooterBase<WrapperValue>(cx, WRAPVECTOR) { MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_INIT; } MOZ_DECL_USE_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER }; class MOZ_RAII AutoWrapperRooter : private JS::AutoGCRooter { public: AutoWrapperRooter(JSContext* cx, const WrapperValue& v MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM) : JS::AutoGCRooter(cx, WRAPPER), value(v) { MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_INIT; } operator JSObject*() const { return value.get().toObjectOrNull(); } friend void JS::AutoGCRooter::trace(JSTracer* trc); private: WrapperValue value; MOZ_DECL_USE_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER }; class MOZ_RAII AutoSuppressAllocationMetadataBuilder { JS::Zone* zone; bool saved; public: explicit AutoSuppressAllocationMetadataBuilder(ExclusiveContext* cx) : AutoSuppressAllocationMetadataBuilder(cx->compartment()->zone()) { } explicit AutoSuppressAllocationMetadataBuilder(JS::Zone* zone) : zone(zone), saved(zone->suppressAllocationMetadataBuilder) { zone->suppressAllocationMetadataBuilder = true; } ~AutoSuppressAllocationMetadataBuilder() { zone->suppressAllocationMetadataBuilder = saved; } }; } /* namespace js */ namespace JS { template <> struct GCPolicy<js::CrossCompartmentKey> : public StructGCPolicy<js::CrossCompartmentKey> { static bool isTenured(const js::CrossCompartmentKey& key) { return key.isTenured(); } }; } // namespace JS #endif /* jscompartment_h */