/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * JS boolean implementation. */ #include "jsboolinlines.h" #include "jsapi.h" #include "jsatom.h" #include "jscntxt.h" #include "jsobj.h" #include "jstypes.h" #include "vm/GlobalObject.h" #include "vm/ProxyObject.h" #include "vm/StringBuffer.h" #include "vm/BooleanObject-inl.h" using namespace js; const Class BooleanObject::class_ = { "Boolean", JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(1) | JSCLASS_HAS_CACHED_PROTO(JSProto_Boolean) }; MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsBoolean(HandleValue v) { return v.isBoolean() || (v.isObject() && v.toObject().is<BooleanObject>()); } #if JS_HAS_TOSOURCE MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool bool_toSource_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { HandleValue thisv = args.thisv(); MOZ_ASSERT(IsBoolean(thisv)); bool b = thisv.isBoolean() ? thisv.toBoolean() : thisv.toObject().as<BooleanObject>().unbox(); StringBuffer sb(cx); if (!sb.append("(new Boolean(") || !BooleanToStringBuffer(b, sb) || !sb.append("))")) return false; JSString* str = sb.finishString(); if (!str) return false; args.rval().setString(str); return true; } static bool bool_toSource(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod<IsBoolean, bool_toSource_impl>(cx, args); } #endif MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool bool_toString_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { HandleValue thisv = args.thisv(); MOZ_ASSERT(IsBoolean(thisv)); bool b = thisv.isBoolean() ? thisv.toBoolean() : thisv.toObject().as<BooleanObject>().unbox(); args.rval().setString(BooleanToString(cx, b)); return true; } static bool bool_toString(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod<IsBoolean, bool_toString_impl>(cx, args); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool bool_valueOf_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { HandleValue thisv = args.thisv(); MOZ_ASSERT(IsBoolean(thisv)); bool b = thisv.isBoolean() ? thisv.toBoolean() : thisv.toObject().as<BooleanObject>().unbox(); args.rval().setBoolean(b); return true; } static bool bool_valueOf(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod<IsBoolean, bool_valueOf_impl>(cx, args); } static const JSFunctionSpec boolean_methods[] = { #if JS_HAS_TOSOURCE JS_FN(js_toSource_str, bool_toSource, 0, 0), #endif JS_FN(js_toString_str, bool_toString, 0, 0), JS_FN(js_valueOf_str, bool_valueOf, 0, 0), JS_FS_END }; static bool Boolean(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); bool b = args.length() != 0 ? JS::ToBoolean(args[0]) : false; if (args.isConstructing()) { RootedObject newTarget (cx, &args.newTarget().toObject()); RootedObject proto(cx); if (!GetPrototypeFromConstructor(cx, newTarget, &proto)) return false; JSObject* obj = BooleanObject::create(cx, b, proto); if (!obj) return false; args.rval().setObject(*obj); } else { args.rval().setBoolean(b); } return true; } JSObject* js::InitBooleanClass(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(obj->isNative()); Handle<GlobalObject*> global = obj.as<GlobalObject>(); Rooted<BooleanObject*> booleanProto(cx, GlobalObject::createBlankPrototype<BooleanObject>(cx, global)); if (!booleanProto) return nullptr; booleanProto->setFixedSlot(BooleanObject::PRIMITIVE_VALUE_SLOT, BooleanValue(false)); RootedFunction ctor(cx, GlobalObject::createConstructor(cx, Boolean, cx->names().Boolean, 1)); if (!ctor) return nullptr; if (!LinkConstructorAndPrototype(cx, ctor, booleanProto)) return nullptr; if (!DefinePropertiesAndFunctions(cx, booleanProto, nullptr, boolean_methods)) return nullptr; if (!GlobalObject::initBuiltinConstructor(cx, global, JSProto_Boolean, ctor, booleanProto)) return nullptr; return booleanProto; } JSString* js::BooleanToString(ExclusiveContext* cx, bool b) { return b ? cx->names().true_ : cx->names().false_; } JS_PUBLIC_API(bool) js::ToBooleanSlow(HandleValue v) { if (v.isString()) return v.toString()->length() != 0; MOZ_ASSERT(v.isObject()); return !EmulatesUndefined(&v.toObject()); }