/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "jit/IonAnalysis.h" #include "jit/MIRGenerator.h" #include "jit/MIRGraph.h" #include "jit/ValueNumbering.h" #include "jsapi-tests/testJitMinimalFunc.h" #include "jsapi-tests/tests.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::jit; BEGIN_TEST(testJitFoldsTo_DivReciprocal) { MinimalFunc func; MBasicBlock* block = func.createEntryBlock(); // return p / 4.0 MParameter* p = func.createParameter(); block->add(p); MConstant* c = MConstant::New(func.alloc, DoubleValue(4.0)); block->add(c); MDiv* div = MDiv::New(func.alloc, p, c, MIRType::Double); block->add(div); if (!div->typePolicy()->adjustInputs(func.alloc, div)) return false; MDefinition* left = div->getOperand(0); MReturn* ret = MReturn::New(func.alloc, div); block->end(ret); if (!func.runGVN()) return false; // Test that the div got folded to p * 0.25. MDefinition* op = ret->getOperand(0); CHECK(op->isMul()); CHECK(op->getOperand(0) == left); CHECK(op->getOperand(1)->isConstant()); CHECK(op->getOperand(1)->toConstant()->numberToDouble() == 0.25); return true; } END_TEST(testJitFoldsTo_DivReciprocal) BEGIN_TEST(testJitFoldsTo_NoDivReciprocal) { MinimalFunc func; MBasicBlock* block = func.createEntryBlock(); // return p / 5.0 MParameter* p = func.createParameter(); block->add(p); MConstant* c = MConstant::New(func.alloc, DoubleValue(5.0)); block->add(c); MDiv* div = MDiv::New(func.alloc, p, c, MIRType::Double); block->add(div); if (!div->typePolicy()->adjustInputs(func.alloc, div)) return false; MDefinition* left = div->getOperand(0); MDefinition* right = div->getOperand(1); MReturn* ret = MReturn::New(func.alloc, div); block->end(ret); if (!func.runGVN()) return false; // Test that the div didn't get folded. MDefinition* op = ret->getOperand(0); CHECK(op->isDiv()); CHECK(op->getOperand(0) == left); CHECK(op->getOperand(1) == right); return true; } END_TEST(testJitFoldsTo_NoDivReciprocal) BEGIN_TEST(testJitNotNot) { MinimalFunc func; MBasicBlock* block = func.createEntryBlock(); // return Not(Not(p)) MParameter* p = func.createParameter(); block->add(p); MNot* not0 = MNot::New(func.alloc, p); block->add(not0); MNot* not1 = MNot::New(func.alloc, not0); block->add(not1); MReturn* ret = MReturn::New(func.alloc, not1); block->end(ret); if (!func.runGVN()) return false; // Test that the nots did not get folded. MDefinition* op = ret->getOperand(0); CHECK(op->isNot()); CHECK(op->getOperand(0)->isNot()); CHECK(op->getOperand(0)->getOperand(0) == p); return true; } END_TEST(testJitNotNot) BEGIN_TEST(testJitNotNotNot) { MinimalFunc func; MBasicBlock* block = func.createEntryBlock(); // return Not(Not(Not(p))) MParameter* p = func.createParameter(); block->add(p); MNot* not0 = MNot::New(func.alloc, p); block->add(not0); MNot* not1 = MNot::New(func.alloc, not0); block->add(not1); MNot* not2 = MNot::New(func.alloc, not1); block->add(not2); MReturn* ret = MReturn::New(func.alloc, not2); block->end(ret); if (!func.runGVN()) return false; // Test that the nots got folded. MDefinition* op = ret->getOperand(0); CHECK(op->isNot()); CHECK(op->getOperand(0) == p); return true; } END_TEST(testJitNotNotNot) BEGIN_TEST(testJitNotTest) { MinimalFunc func; MBasicBlock* block = func.createEntryBlock(); MBasicBlock* then = func.createBlock(block); MBasicBlock* else_ = func.createBlock(block); MBasicBlock* exit = func.createBlock(block); // MTest(Not(p)) MParameter* p = func.createParameter(); block->add(p); MNot* not0 = MNot::New(func.alloc, p); block->add(not0); MTest* test = MTest::New(func.alloc, not0, then, else_); block->end(test); then->end(MGoto::New(func.alloc, exit)); else_->end(MGoto::New(func.alloc, exit)); MReturn* ret = MReturn::New(func.alloc, p); exit->end(ret); MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(exit->addPredecessorWithoutPhis(then)); if (!func.runGVN()) return false; // Test that the not got folded. test = block->lastIns()->toTest(); CHECK(test->getOperand(0) == p); CHECK(test->getSuccessor(0) == else_); CHECK(test->getSuccessor(1) == then); return true; } END_TEST(testJitNotTest) BEGIN_TEST(testJitNotNotTest) { MinimalFunc func; MBasicBlock* block = func.createEntryBlock(); MBasicBlock* then = func.createBlock(block); MBasicBlock* else_ = func.createBlock(block); MBasicBlock* exit = func.createBlock(block); // MTest(Not(Not(p))) MParameter* p = func.createParameter(); block->add(p); MNot* not0 = MNot::New(func.alloc, p); block->add(not0); MNot* not1 = MNot::New(func.alloc, not0); block->add(not1); MTest* test = MTest::New(func.alloc, not1, then, else_); block->end(test); then->end(MGoto::New(func.alloc, exit)); else_->end(MGoto::New(func.alloc, exit)); MReturn* ret = MReturn::New(func.alloc, p); exit->end(ret); MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(exit->addPredecessorWithoutPhis(then)); if (!func.runGVN()) return false; // Test that the nots got folded. test = block->lastIns()->toTest(); CHECK(test->getOperand(0) == p); CHECK(test->getSuccessor(0) == then); CHECK(test->getSuccessor(1) == else_); return true; } END_TEST(testJitNotNotTest) BEGIN_TEST(testJitFoldsTo_UnsignedDiv) { MinimalFunc func; MBasicBlock* block = func.createEntryBlock(); // return 1.0 / 0xffffffff MConstant* c0 = MConstant::New(func.alloc, Int32Value(1)); block->add(c0); MConstant* c1 = MConstant::New(func.alloc, Int32Value(0xffffffff)); block->add(c1); MDiv* div = MDiv::New(func.alloc, c0, c1, MIRType::Int32, /*unsignd=*/true); block->add(div); MReturn* ret = MReturn::New(func.alloc, div); block->end(ret); if (!func.runGVN()) return false; // Test that the div got folded to 0. MConstant* op = ret->getOperand(0)->toConstant(); CHECK(mozilla::NumbersAreIdentical(op->numberToDouble(), 0.0)); return true; } END_TEST(testJitFoldsTo_UnsignedDiv) BEGIN_TEST(testJitFoldsTo_UnsignedMod) { MinimalFunc func; MBasicBlock* block = func.createEntryBlock(); // return 1.0 % 0xffffffff MConstant* c0 = MConstant::New(func.alloc, Int32Value(1)); block->add(c0); MConstant* c1 = MConstant::New(func.alloc, Int32Value(0xffffffff)); block->add(c1); MMod* mod = MMod::New(func.alloc, c0, c1, MIRType::Int32, /*unsignd=*/true); block->add(mod); MReturn* ret = MReturn::New(func.alloc, mod); block->end(ret); if (!func.runGVN()) return false; // Test that the mod got folded to 1. MConstant* op = ret->getOperand(0)->toConstant(); CHECK(mozilla::NumbersAreIdentical(op->numberToDouble(), 1.0)); return true; } END_TEST(testJitFoldsTo_UnsignedMod)