/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" #include "js/RootingAPI.h" #include "jsapi-tests/tests.h" #include "vm/Runtime.h" template <typename T> static T* CreateGCThing(JSContext* cx) { MOZ_CRASH(); return nullptr; } template <> JSObject* CreateGCThing(JSContext* cx) { JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_NewPlainObject(cx)); if (!obj) return nullptr; JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "x", 42, 0); return obj; } template <> JSFunction* CreateGCThing(JSContext* cx) { /* * We don't actually use the function as a function, so here we cheat and * cast a JSObject. */ return static_cast<JSFunction*>(CreateGCThing<JSObject>(cx)); } BEGIN_TEST(testGCHeapPostBarriers) { /* Sanity check - objects start in the nursery and then become tenured. */ JS_GC(cx); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, CreateGCThing<JSObject>(cx)); CHECK(js::gc::IsInsideNursery(obj.get())); JS_GC(cx); CHECK(!js::gc::IsInsideNursery(obj.get())); JS::RootedObject tenuredObject(cx, obj); /* Currently JSObject and JSFunction objects are nursery allocated. */ CHECK(TestHeapPostBarriersForType<JSObject>()); CHECK(TestHeapPostBarriersForType<JSFunction>()); return true; } bool CanAccessObject(JSObject* obj) { JS::RootedObject rootedObj(cx, obj); JS::RootedValue value(cx); CHECK(JS_GetProperty(cx, rootedObj, "x", &value)); CHECK(value.isInt32()); CHECK(value.toInt32() == 42); return true; } template <typename T> bool TestHeapPostBarriersForType() { CHECK((TestHeapPostBarriersForWrapper<T, JS::Heap<T*>>())); CHECK((TestHeapPostBarriersForWrapper<T, js::GCPtr<T*>>())); CHECK((TestHeapPostBarriersForWrapper<T, js::HeapPtr<T*>>())); return true; } template <typename T, typename W> bool TestHeapPostBarriersForWrapper() { CHECK((TestHeapPostBarrierUpdate<T, W>())); CHECK((TestHeapPostBarrierInitFailure<T, W>())); return true; } template <typename T, typename W> bool TestHeapPostBarrierUpdate() { // Normal case - allocate a heap object, write a nursery pointer into it and // check that it gets updated on minor GC. T* initialObj = CreateGCThing<T>(cx); CHECK(initialObj != nullptr); CHECK(js::gc::IsInsideNursery(initialObj)); uintptr_t initialObjAsInt = uintptr_t(initialObj); W* ptr = nullptr; { auto heapPtr = cx->make_unique<W>(); CHECK(heapPtr); W& wrapper = *heapPtr; CHECK(wrapper.get() == nullptr); wrapper = initialObj; CHECK(wrapper == initialObj); ptr = heapPtr.release(); } cx->minorGC(JS::gcreason::API); CHECK(uintptr_t(ptr->get()) != initialObjAsInt); CHECK(!js::gc::IsInsideNursery(ptr->get())); CHECK(CanAccessObject(ptr->get())); return true; } template <typename T, typename W> bool TestHeapPostBarrierInitFailure() { // Failure case - allocate a heap object, write a nursery pointer into it // and fail to complete initialization. T* initialObj = CreateGCThing<T>(cx); CHECK(initialObj != nullptr); CHECK(js::gc::IsInsideNursery(initialObj)); { auto heapPtr = cx->make_unique<W>(); CHECK(heapPtr); W& wrapper = *heapPtr; CHECK(wrapper.get() == nullptr); wrapper = initialObj; CHECK(wrapper == initialObj); } cx->minorGC(JS::gcreason::API); return true; } END_TEST(testGCHeapPostBarriers)