/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef jit_x86_shared_MacroAssembler_x86_shared_inl_h #define jit_x86_shared_MacroAssembler_x86_shared_inl_h #include "jit/x86-shared/MacroAssembler-x86-shared.h" namespace js { namespace jit { //{{{ check_macroassembler_style // =============================================================== // Move instructions void MacroAssembler::moveFloat32ToGPR(FloatRegister src, Register dest) { vmovd(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::moveGPRToFloat32(Register src, FloatRegister dest) { vmovd(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::move8SignExtend(Register src, Register dest) { movsbl(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::move16SignExtend(Register src, Register dest) { movswl(src, dest); } // =============================================================== // Logical instructions void MacroAssembler::not32(Register reg) { notl(reg); } void MacroAssembler::and32(Register src, Register dest) { andl(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::and32(Imm32 imm, Register dest) { andl(imm, dest); } void MacroAssembler::and32(Imm32 imm, const Address& dest) { andl(imm, Operand(dest)); } void MacroAssembler::and32(const Address& src, Register dest) { andl(Operand(src), dest); } void MacroAssembler::or32(Register src, Register dest) { orl(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::or32(Imm32 imm, Register dest) { orl(imm, dest); } void MacroAssembler::or32(Imm32 imm, const Address& dest) { orl(imm, Operand(dest)); } void MacroAssembler::xor32(Register src, Register dest) { xorl(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::xor32(Imm32 imm, Register dest) { xorl(imm, dest); } void MacroAssembler::clz32(Register src, Register dest, bool knownNotZero) { // On very recent chips (Haswell and newer?) there is actually an // LZCNT instruction that does all of this. bsrl(src, dest); if (!knownNotZero) { // If the source is zero then bsrl leaves garbage in the destination. Label nonzero; j(Assembler::NonZero, &nonzero); movl(Imm32(0x3F), dest); bind(&nonzero); } xorl(Imm32(0x1F), dest); } void MacroAssembler::ctz32(Register src, Register dest, bool knownNotZero) { bsfl(src, dest); if (!knownNotZero) { Label nonzero; j(Assembler::NonZero, &nonzero); movl(Imm32(32), dest); bind(&nonzero); } } void MacroAssembler::popcnt32(Register input, Register output, Register tmp) { if (AssemblerX86Shared::HasPOPCNT()) { popcntl(input, output); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(tmp != InvalidReg); // Equivalent to mozilla::CountPopulation32() movl(input, tmp); if (input != output) movl(input, output); shrl(Imm32(1), output); andl(Imm32(0x55555555), output); subl(output, tmp); movl(tmp, output); andl(Imm32(0x33333333), output); shrl(Imm32(2), tmp); andl(Imm32(0x33333333), tmp); addl(output, tmp); movl(tmp, output); shrl(Imm32(4), output); addl(tmp, output); andl(Imm32(0xF0F0F0F), output); imull(Imm32(0x1010101), output, output); shrl(Imm32(24), output); } // =============================================================== // Arithmetic instructions void MacroAssembler::add32(Register src, Register dest) { addl(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::add32(Imm32 imm, Register dest) { addl(imm, dest); } void MacroAssembler::add32(Imm32 imm, const Address& dest) { addl(imm, Operand(dest)); } void MacroAssembler::add32(Imm32 imm, const AbsoluteAddress& dest) { addl(imm, Operand(dest)); } void MacroAssembler::addFloat32(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vaddss(src, dest, dest); } void MacroAssembler::addDouble(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vaddsd(src, dest, dest); } void MacroAssembler::sub32(Register src, Register dest) { subl(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::sub32(Imm32 imm, Register dest) { subl(imm, dest); } void MacroAssembler::sub32(const Address& src, Register dest) { subl(Operand(src), dest); } void MacroAssembler::subDouble(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vsubsd(src, dest, dest); } void MacroAssembler::subFloat32(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vsubss(src, dest, dest); } void MacroAssembler::mul32(Register rhs, Register srcDest) { MOZ_ASSERT(srcDest == eax); imull(rhs, srcDest); // Clobbers edx } void MacroAssembler::mulFloat32(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vmulss(src, dest, dest); } void MacroAssembler::mulDouble(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vmulsd(src, dest, dest); } void MacroAssembler::quotient32(Register rhs, Register srcDest, bool isUnsigned) { MOZ_ASSERT(srcDest == eax); // Sign extend eax into edx to make (edx:eax): idiv/udiv are 64-bit. if (isUnsigned) { mov(ImmWord(0), edx); udiv(rhs); } else { cdq(); idiv(rhs); } } void MacroAssembler::remainder32(Register rhs, Register srcDest, bool isUnsigned) { MOZ_ASSERT(srcDest == eax); // Sign extend eax into edx to make (edx:eax): idiv/udiv are 64-bit. if (isUnsigned) { mov(ImmWord(0), edx); udiv(rhs); } else { cdq(); idiv(rhs); } mov(edx, eax); } void MacroAssembler::divFloat32(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vdivss(src, dest, dest); } void MacroAssembler::divDouble(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vdivsd(src, dest, dest); } void MacroAssembler::neg32(Register reg) { negl(reg); } void MacroAssembler::negateFloat(FloatRegister reg) { ScratchFloat32Scope scratch(*this); vpcmpeqw(Operand(scratch), scratch, scratch); vpsllq(Imm32(31), scratch, scratch); // XOR the float in a float register with -0.0. vxorps(scratch, reg, reg); // s ^ 0x80000000 } void MacroAssembler::negateDouble(FloatRegister reg) { // From MacroAssemblerX86Shared::maybeInlineDouble ScratchDoubleScope scratch(*this); vpcmpeqw(Operand(scratch), scratch, scratch); vpsllq(Imm32(63), scratch, scratch); // XOR the float in a float register with -0.0. vxorpd(scratch, reg, reg); // s ^ 0x80000000000000 } void MacroAssembler::absFloat32(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { ScratchFloat32Scope scratch(*this); loadConstantFloat32(mozilla::SpecificNaN<float>(0, mozilla::FloatingPoint<float>::kSignificandBits), scratch); vandps(scratch, src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::absDouble(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { ScratchDoubleScope scratch(*this); loadConstantDouble(mozilla::SpecificNaN<double>(0, mozilla::FloatingPoint<double>::kSignificandBits), scratch); vandpd(scratch, src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::sqrtFloat32(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vsqrtss(src, src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::sqrtDouble(FloatRegister src, FloatRegister dest) { vsqrtsd(src, src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::minFloat32(FloatRegister other, FloatRegister srcDest, bool handleNaN) { minMaxFloat32(srcDest, other, handleNaN, false); } void MacroAssembler::minDouble(FloatRegister other, FloatRegister srcDest, bool handleNaN) { minMaxDouble(srcDest, other, handleNaN, false); } void MacroAssembler::maxFloat32(FloatRegister other, FloatRegister srcDest, bool handleNaN) { minMaxFloat32(srcDest, other, handleNaN, true); } void MacroAssembler::maxDouble(FloatRegister other, FloatRegister srcDest, bool handleNaN) { minMaxDouble(srcDest, other, handleNaN, true); } // =============================================================== // Rotation instructions void MacroAssembler::rotateLeft(Imm32 count, Register input, Register dest) { MOZ_ASSERT(input == dest, "defineReuseInput"); count.value &= 0x1f; if (count.value) roll(count, input); } void MacroAssembler::rotateLeft(Register count, Register input, Register dest) { MOZ_ASSERT(input == dest, "defineReuseInput"); MOZ_ASSERT(count == ecx, "defineFixed(ecx)"); roll_cl(input); } void MacroAssembler::rotateRight(Imm32 count, Register input, Register dest) { MOZ_ASSERT(input == dest, "defineReuseInput"); count.value &= 0x1f; if (count.value) rorl(count, input); } void MacroAssembler::rotateRight(Register count, Register input, Register dest) { MOZ_ASSERT(input == dest, "defineReuseInput"); MOZ_ASSERT(count == ecx, "defineFixed(ecx)"); rorl_cl(input); } // =============================================================== // Shift instructions void MacroAssembler::lshift32(Register shift, Register srcDest) { MOZ_ASSERT(shift == ecx); shll_cl(srcDest); } void MacroAssembler::rshift32(Register shift, Register srcDest) { MOZ_ASSERT(shift == ecx); shrl_cl(srcDest); } void MacroAssembler::rshift32Arithmetic(Register shift, Register srcDest) { MOZ_ASSERT(shift == ecx); sarl_cl(srcDest); } void MacroAssembler::lshift32(Imm32 shift, Register srcDest) { shll(shift, srcDest); } void MacroAssembler::rshift32(Imm32 shift, Register srcDest) { shrl(shift, srcDest); } void MacroAssembler::rshift32Arithmetic(Imm32 shift, Register srcDest) { sarl(shift, srcDest); } // =============================================================== // Condition functions template <typename T1, typename T2> void MacroAssembler::cmp32Set(Condition cond, T1 lhs, T2 rhs, Register dest) { cmp32(lhs, rhs); emitSet(cond, dest); } // =============================================================== // Branch instructions template <class L> void MacroAssembler::branch32(Condition cond, Register lhs, Register rhs, L label) { cmp32(lhs, rhs); j(cond, label); } template <class L> void MacroAssembler::branch32(Condition cond, Register lhs, Imm32 rhs, L label) { cmp32(lhs, rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branch32(Condition cond, const Address& lhs, Register rhs, Label* label) { cmp32(Operand(lhs), rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branch32(Condition cond, const Address& lhs, Imm32 rhs, Label* label) { cmp32(Operand(lhs), rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branch32(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& lhs, Register rhs, Label* label) { cmp32(Operand(lhs), rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branch32(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& lhs, Imm32 rhs, Label* label) { cmp32(Operand(lhs), rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branch32(Condition cond, const Operand& lhs, Register rhs, Label* label) { cmp32(lhs, rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branch32(Condition cond, const Operand& lhs, Imm32 rhs, Label* label) { cmp32(lhs, rhs); j(cond, label); } template <class L> void MacroAssembler::branchPtr(Condition cond, Register lhs, Register rhs, L label) { cmpPtr(lhs, rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchPtr(Condition cond, Register lhs, Imm32 rhs, Label* label) { branchPtrImpl(cond, lhs, rhs, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchPtr(Condition cond, Register lhs, ImmPtr rhs, Label* label) { branchPtrImpl(cond, lhs, rhs, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchPtr(Condition cond, Register lhs, ImmGCPtr rhs, Label* label) { branchPtrImpl(cond, lhs, rhs, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchPtr(Condition cond, Register lhs, ImmWord rhs, Label* label) { branchPtrImpl(cond, lhs, rhs, label); } template <class L> void MacroAssembler::branchPtr(Condition cond, const Address& lhs, Register rhs, L label) { branchPtrImpl(cond, lhs, rhs, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchPtr(Condition cond, const Address& lhs, ImmPtr rhs, Label* label) { branchPtrImpl(cond, lhs, rhs, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchPtr(Condition cond, const Address& lhs, ImmGCPtr rhs, Label* label) { branchPtrImpl(cond, lhs, rhs, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchPtr(Condition cond, const Address& lhs, ImmWord rhs, Label* label) { branchPtrImpl(cond, lhs, rhs, label); } template <typename T, typename S, typename L> void MacroAssembler::branchPtrImpl(Condition cond, const T& lhs, const S& rhs, L label) { cmpPtr(Operand(lhs), rhs); j(cond, label); } template <typename T> CodeOffsetJump MacroAssembler::branchPtrWithPatch(Condition cond, Register lhs, T rhs, RepatchLabel* label) { cmpPtr(lhs, rhs); return jumpWithPatch(label, cond); } template <typename T> CodeOffsetJump MacroAssembler::branchPtrWithPatch(Condition cond, Address lhs, T rhs, RepatchLabel* label) { cmpPtr(lhs, rhs); return jumpWithPatch(label, cond); } void MacroAssembler::branchFloat(DoubleCondition cond, FloatRegister lhs, FloatRegister rhs, Label* label) { compareFloat(cond, lhs, rhs); if (cond == DoubleEqual) { Label unordered; j(Parity, &unordered); j(Equal, label); bind(&unordered); return; } if (cond == DoubleNotEqualOrUnordered) { j(NotEqual, label); j(Parity, label); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(!(cond & DoubleConditionBitSpecial)); j(ConditionFromDoubleCondition(cond), label); } void MacroAssembler::branchDouble(DoubleCondition cond, FloatRegister lhs, FloatRegister rhs, Label* label) { compareDouble(cond, lhs, rhs); if (cond == DoubleEqual) { Label unordered; j(Parity, &unordered); j(Equal, label); bind(&unordered); return; } if (cond == DoubleNotEqualOrUnordered) { j(NotEqual, label); j(Parity, label); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(!(cond & DoubleConditionBitSpecial)); j(ConditionFromDoubleCondition(cond), label); } template <typename T, typename L> void MacroAssembler::branchAdd32(Condition cond, T src, Register dest, L label) { addl(src, dest); j(cond, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchSub32(Condition cond, T src, Register dest, Label* label) { subl(src, dest); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::decBranchPtr(Condition cond, Register lhs, Imm32 rhs, Label* label) { subPtr(rhs, lhs); j(cond, label); } template <class L> void MacroAssembler::branchTest32(Condition cond, Register lhs, Register rhs, L label) { MOZ_ASSERT(cond == Zero || cond == NonZero || cond == Signed || cond == NotSigned); test32(lhs, rhs); j(cond, label); } template <class L> void MacroAssembler::branchTest32(Condition cond, Register lhs, Imm32 rhs, L label) { MOZ_ASSERT(cond == Zero || cond == NonZero || cond == Signed || cond == NotSigned); test32(lhs, rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTest32(Condition cond, const Address& lhs, Imm32 rhs, Label* label) { MOZ_ASSERT(cond == Zero || cond == NonZero || cond == Signed || cond == NotSigned); test32(Operand(lhs), rhs); j(cond, label); } template <class L> void MacroAssembler::branchTestPtr(Condition cond, Register lhs, Register rhs, L label) { testPtr(lhs, rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestPtr(Condition cond, Register lhs, Imm32 rhs, Label* label) { testPtr(lhs, rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestPtr(Condition cond, const Address& lhs, Imm32 rhs, Label* label) { testPtr(Operand(lhs), rhs); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestUndefined(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestUndefinedImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestUndefined(Condition cond, const Address& address, Label* label) { branchTestUndefinedImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestUndefined(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestUndefinedImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestUndefined(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestUndefinedImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestUndefinedImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testUndefined(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestInt32(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestInt32Impl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestInt32(Condition cond, const Address& address, Label* label) { branchTestInt32Impl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestInt32(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestInt32Impl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestInt32(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestInt32Impl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestInt32Impl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testInt32(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestInt32Truthy(bool truthy, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { Condition cond = testInt32Truthy(truthy, value); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestDouble(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestDoubleImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestDouble(Condition cond, const Address& address, Label* label) { branchTestDoubleImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestDouble(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestDoubleImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestDouble(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestDoubleImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestDoubleImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testDouble(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestDoubleTruthy(bool truthy, FloatRegister reg, Label* label) { Condition cond = testDoubleTruthy(truthy, reg); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestNumber(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestNumberImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestNumber(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestNumberImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestNumberImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testNumber(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestBoolean(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestBooleanImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestBoolean(Condition cond, const Address& address, Label* label) { branchTestBooleanImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestBoolean(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestBooleanImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestBoolean(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestBooleanImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestBooleanImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testBoolean(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestString(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestStringImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestString(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestStringImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestString(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestStringImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestStringImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testString(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestStringTruthy(bool truthy, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { Condition cond = testStringTruthy(truthy, value); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestSymbol(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestSymbolImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestSymbol(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestSymbolImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestSymbol(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestSymbolImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestSymbolImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testSymbol(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestNull(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestNullImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestNull(Condition cond, const Address& address, Label* label) { branchTestNullImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestNull(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestNullImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestNull(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestNullImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestNullImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testNull(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestObject(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestObjectImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestObject(Condition cond, const Address& address, Label* label) { branchTestObjectImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestObject(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestObjectImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestObject(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestObjectImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestObjectImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testObject(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestGCThing(Condition cond, const Address& address, Label* label) { branchTestGCThingImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestGCThing(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestGCThingImpl(cond, address, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestGCThingImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testGCThing(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestPrimitive(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestPrimitiveImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestPrimitive(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, Label* label) { branchTestPrimitiveImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T> void MacroAssembler::branchTestPrimitiveImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, Label* label) { cond = testPrimitive(cond, t); j(cond, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestMagic(Condition cond, Register tag, Label* label) { branchTestMagicImpl(cond, tag, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestMagic(Condition cond, const Address& address, Label* label) { branchTestMagicImpl(cond, address, label); } void MacroAssembler::branchTestMagic(Condition cond, const BaseIndex& address, Label* label) { branchTestMagicImpl(cond, address, label); } template <class L> void MacroAssembler::branchTestMagic(Condition cond, const ValueOperand& value, L label) { branchTestMagicImpl(cond, value, label); } template <typename T, class L> void MacroAssembler::branchTestMagicImpl(Condition cond, const T& t, L label) { cond = testMagic(cond, t); j(cond, label); } // ======================================================================== // Canonicalization primitives. void MacroAssembler::canonicalizeFloat32x4(FloatRegister reg, FloatRegister scratch) { ScratchSimd128Scope scratch2(*this); MOZ_ASSERT(scratch.asSimd128() != scratch2.asSimd128()); MOZ_ASSERT(reg.asSimd128() != scratch2.asSimd128()); MOZ_ASSERT(reg.asSimd128() != scratch.asSimd128()); FloatRegister mask = scratch; vcmpordps(Operand(reg), reg, mask); FloatRegister ifFalse = scratch2; float nanf = float(JS::GenericNaN()); loadConstantSimd128Float(SimdConstant::SplatX4(nanf), ifFalse); bitwiseAndSimd128(Operand(mask), reg); bitwiseAndNotSimd128(Operand(ifFalse), mask); bitwiseOrSimd128(Operand(mask), reg); } // ======================================================================== // Memory access primitives. void MacroAssembler::storeUncanonicalizedDouble(FloatRegister src, const Address& dest) { vmovsd(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::storeUncanonicalizedDouble(FloatRegister src, const BaseIndex& dest) { vmovsd(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::storeUncanonicalizedDouble(FloatRegister src, const Operand& dest) { switch (dest.kind()) { case Operand::MEM_REG_DISP: storeUncanonicalizedDouble(src, dest.toAddress()); break; case Operand::MEM_SCALE: storeUncanonicalizedDouble(src, dest.toBaseIndex()); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("unexpected operand kind"); } } template void MacroAssembler::storeDouble(FloatRegister src, const Operand& dest); void MacroAssembler::storeUncanonicalizedFloat32(FloatRegister src, const Address& dest) { vmovss(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::storeUncanonicalizedFloat32(FloatRegister src, const BaseIndex& dest) { vmovss(src, dest); } void MacroAssembler::storeUncanonicalizedFloat32(FloatRegister src, const Operand& dest) { switch (dest.kind()) { case Operand::MEM_REG_DISP: storeUncanonicalizedFloat32(src, dest.toAddress()); break; case Operand::MEM_SCALE: storeUncanonicalizedFloat32(src, dest.toBaseIndex()); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("unexpected operand kind"); } } template void MacroAssembler::storeFloat32(FloatRegister src, const Operand& dest); void MacroAssembler::storeFloat32x3(FloatRegister src, const Address& dest) { Address destZ(dest); destZ.offset += 2 * sizeof(int32_t); storeDouble(src, dest); ScratchSimd128Scope scratch(*this); vmovhlps(src, scratch, scratch); storeFloat32(scratch, destZ); } void MacroAssembler::storeFloat32x3(FloatRegister src, const BaseIndex& dest) { BaseIndex destZ(dest); destZ.offset += 2 * sizeof(int32_t); storeDouble(src, dest); ScratchSimd128Scope scratch(*this); vmovhlps(src, scratch, scratch); storeFloat32(scratch, destZ); } void MacroAssembler::memoryBarrier(MemoryBarrierBits barrier) { if (barrier & MembarStoreLoad) storeLoadFence(); } // ======================================================================== // Truncate floating point. void MacroAssembler::truncateFloat32ToInt64(Address src, Address dest, Register temp) { if (Assembler::HasSSE3()) { fld32(Operand(src)); fisttp(Operand(dest)); return; } if (src.base == esp) src.offset += 2 * sizeof(int32_t); if (dest.base == esp) dest.offset += 2 * sizeof(int32_t); reserveStack(2 * sizeof(int32_t)); // Set conversion to truncation. fnstcw(Operand(esp, 0)); load32(Operand(esp, 0), temp); andl(Imm32(~0xFF00), temp); orl(Imm32(0xCFF), temp); store32(temp, Address(esp, sizeof(int32_t))); fldcw(Operand(esp, sizeof(int32_t))); // Load double on fp stack, convert and load regular stack. fld32(Operand(src)); fistp(Operand(dest)); // Reset the conversion flag. fldcw(Operand(esp, 0)); freeStack(2 * sizeof(int32_t)); } void MacroAssembler::truncateDoubleToInt64(Address src, Address dest, Register temp) { if (Assembler::HasSSE3()) { fld(Operand(src)); fisttp(Operand(dest)); return; } if (src.base == esp) src.offset += 2*sizeof(int32_t); if (dest.base == esp) dest.offset += 2*sizeof(int32_t); reserveStack(2*sizeof(int32_t)); // Set conversion to truncation. fnstcw(Operand(esp, 0)); load32(Operand(esp, 0), temp); andl(Imm32(~0xFF00), temp); orl(Imm32(0xCFF), temp); store32(temp, Address(esp, 1*sizeof(int32_t))); fldcw(Operand(esp, 1*sizeof(int32_t))); // Load double on fp stack, convert and load regular stack. fld(Operand(src)); fistp(Operand(dest)); // Reset the conversion flag. fldcw(Operand(esp, 0)); freeStack(2*sizeof(int32_t)); } // =============================================================== // Clamping functions. void MacroAssembler::clampIntToUint8(Register reg) { Label inRange; branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, reg, Imm32(0xffffff00), &inRange); { sarl(Imm32(31), reg); notl(reg); andl(Imm32(255), reg); } bind(&inRange); } //}}} check_macroassembler_style // =============================================================== } // namespace jit } // namespace js #endif /* jit_x86_shared_MacroAssembler_x86_shared_inl_h */