/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "jit/mips32/Assembler-mips32.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" using mozilla::DebugOnly; using namespace js; using namespace js::jit; ABIArgGenerator::ABIArgGenerator() : usedArgSlots_(0), firstArgFloatSize_(0), useGPRForFloats_(false), current_() {} ABIArg ABIArgGenerator::next(MIRType type) { Register destReg; switch (type) { case MIRType::Int32: case MIRType::Pointer: if (GetIntArgReg(usedArgSlots_, &destReg)) current_ = ABIArg(destReg); else current_ = ABIArg(usedArgSlots_ * sizeof(intptr_t)); usedArgSlots_++; break; case MIRType::Int64: if (!usedArgSlots_) { current_ = ABIArg(a0, a1); usedArgSlots_ = 2; } else if (usedArgSlots_ <= 2) { current_ = ABIArg(a2, a3); usedArgSlots_ = 4; } else { if (usedArgSlots_ < NumIntArgRegs) usedArgSlots_ = NumIntArgRegs; usedArgSlots_ += usedArgSlots_ % 2; current_ = ABIArg(usedArgSlots_ * sizeof(intptr_t)); usedArgSlots_ += 2; } break; case MIRType::Float32: if (!usedArgSlots_) { current_ = ABIArg(f12.asSingle()); firstArgFloatSize_ = 1; } else if (usedArgSlots_ == firstArgFloatSize_) { current_ = ABIArg(f14.asSingle()); } else if (useGPRForFloats_ && GetIntArgReg(usedArgSlots_, &destReg)) { current_ = ABIArg(destReg); } else { if (usedArgSlots_ < NumIntArgRegs) usedArgSlots_ = NumIntArgRegs; current_ = ABIArg(usedArgSlots_ * sizeof(intptr_t)); } usedArgSlots_++; break; case MIRType::Double: if (!usedArgSlots_) { current_ = ABIArg(f12); usedArgSlots_ = 2; firstArgFloatSize_ = 2; } else if (usedArgSlots_ == firstArgFloatSize_) { current_ = ABIArg(f14); usedArgSlots_ = 4; } else if (useGPRForFloats_ && usedArgSlots_ <= 2) { current_ = ABIArg(a2, a3); usedArgSlots_ = 4; } else { if (usedArgSlots_ < NumIntArgRegs) usedArgSlots_ = NumIntArgRegs; usedArgSlots_ += usedArgSlots_ % 2; current_ = ABIArg(usedArgSlots_ * sizeof(intptr_t)); usedArgSlots_ += 2; } break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected argument type"); } return current_; } uint32_t js::jit::RT(FloatRegister r) { MOZ_ASSERT(r.id() < FloatRegisters::RegisterIdLimit); return r.id() << RTShift; } uint32_t js::jit::RD(FloatRegister r) { MOZ_ASSERT(r.id() < FloatRegisters::RegisterIdLimit); return r.id() << RDShift; } uint32_t js::jit::RZ(FloatRegister r) { MOZ_ASSERT(r.id() < FloatRegisters::RegisterIdLimit); return r.id() << RZShift; } uint32_t js::jit::SA(FloatRegister r) { MOZ_ASSERT(r.id() < FloatRegisters::RegisterIdLimit); return r.id() << SAShift; } // Used to patch jumps created by MacroAssemblerMIPSCompat::jumpWithPatch. void jit::PatchJump(CodeLocationJump& jump_, CodeLocationLabel label, ReprotectCode reprotect) { Instruction* inst1 = (Instruction*)jump_.raw(); Instruction* inst2 = inst1->next(); MaybeAutoWritableJitCode awjc(inst1, 8, reprotect); AssemblerMIPSShared::UpdateLuiOriValue(inst1, inst2, (uint32_t)label.raw()); AutoFlushICache::flush(uintptr_t(inst1), 8); } // For more infromation about backedges look at comment in // MacroAssemblerMIPSCompat::backedgeJump() void jit::PatchBackedge(CodeLocationJump& jump, CodeLocationLabel label, JitRuntime::BackedgeTarget target) { uint32_t sourceAddr = (uint32_t)jump.raw(); uint32_t targetAddr = (uint32_t)label.raw(); InstImm* branch = (InstImm*)jump.raw(); MOZ_ASSERT(branch->extractOpcode() == (uint32_t(op_beq) >> OpcodeShift)); if (BOffImm16::IsInRange(targetAddr - sourceAddr)) { branch->setBOffImm16(BOffImm16(targetAddr - sourceAddr)); } else { if (target == JitRuntime::BackedgeLoopHeader) { Instruction* lui = &branch[1]; AssemblerMIPSShared::UpdateLuiOriValue(lui, lui->next(), targetAddr); // Jump to ori. The lui will be executed in delay slot. branch->setBOffImm16(BOffImm16(2 * sizeof(uint32_t))); } else { Instruction* lui = &branch[4]; AssemblerMIPSShared::UpdateLuiOriValue(lui, lui->next(), targetAddr); branch->setBOffImm16(BOffImm16(4 * sizeof(uint32_t))); } } } void Assembler::executableCopy(uint8_t* buffer) { MOZ_ASSERT(isFinished); m_buffer.executableCopy(buffer); // Patch all long jumps during code copy. for (size_t i = 0; i < longJumps_.length(); i++) { Instruction* inst1 = (Instruction*) ((uint32_t)buffer + longJumps_[i]); uint32_t value = Assembler::ExtractLuiOriValue(inst1, inst1->next()); AssemblerMIPSShared::UpdateLuiOriValue(inst1, inst1->next(), (uint32_t)buffer + value); } AutoFlushICache::setRange(uintptr_t(buffer), m_buffer.size()); } uintptr_t Assembler::GetPointer(uint8_t* instPtr) { Instruction* inst = (Instruction*)instPtr; return Assembler::ExtractLuiOriValue(inst, inst->next()); } static JitCode* CodeFromJump(Instruction* jump) { uint8_t* target = (uint8_t*)Assembler::ExtractLuiOriValue(jump, jump->next()); return JitCode::FromExecutable(target); } void Assembler::TraceJumpRelocations(JSTracer* trc, JitCode* code, CompactBufferReader& reader) { while (reader.more()) { JitCode* child = CodeFromJump((Instruction*)(code->raw() + reader.readUnsigned())); TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge(trc, &child, "rel32"); } } static void TraceOneDataRelocation(JSTracer* trc, Instruction* inst) { void* ptr = (void*)Assembler::ExtractLuiOriValue(inst, inst->next()); void* prior = ptr; // No barrier needed since these are constants. TraceManuallyBarrieredGenericPointerEdge(trc, reinterpret_cast(&ptr), "ion-masm-ptr"); if (ptr != prior) { AssemblerMIPSShared::UpdateLuiOriValue(inst, inst->next(), uint32_t(ptr)); AutoFlushICache::flush(uintptr_t(inst), 8); } } static void TraceDataRelocations(JSTracer* trc, uint8_t* buffer, CompactBufferReader& reader) { while (reader.more()) { size_t offset = reader.readUnsigned(); Instruction* inst = (Instruction*)(buffer + offset); TraceOneDataRelocation(trc, inst); } } static void TraceDataRelocations(JSTracer* trc, MIPSBuffer* buffer, CompactBufferReader& reader) { while (reader.more()) { BufferOffset bo (reader.readUnsigned()); MIPSBuffer::AssemblerBufferInstIterator iter(bo, buffer); TraceOneDataRelocation(trc, iter.cur()); } } void Assembler::TraceDataRelocations(JSTracer* trc, JitCode* code, CompactBufferReader& reader) { ::TraceDataRelocations(trc, code->raw(), reader); } Assembler::Condition Assembler::UnsignedCondition(Condition cond) { switch (cond) { case Zero: case NonZero: return cond; case LessThan: case Below: return Below; case LessThanOrEqual: case BelowOrEqual: return BelowOrEqual; case GreaterThan: case Above: return Above; case AboveOrEqual: case GreaterThanOrEqual: return AboveOrEqual; default: MOZ_CRASH("unexpected condition"); } } Assembler::Condition Assembler::ConditionWithoutEqual(Condition cond) { switch (cond) { case LessThan: case LessThanOrEqual: return LessThan; case Below: case BelowOrEqual: return Below; case GreaterThan: case GreaterThanOrEqual: return GreaterThan; case Above: case AboveOrEqual: return Above; default: MOZ_CRASH("unexpected condition"); } } void Assembler::trace(JSTracer* trc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < jumps_.length(); i++) { RelativePatch& rp = jumps_[i]; if (rp.kind == Relocation::JITCODE) { JitCode* code = JitCode::FromExecutable((uint8_t*)rp.target); TraceManuallyBarrieredEdge(trc, &code, "masmrel32"); MOZ_ASSERT(code == JitCode::FromExecutable((uint8_t*)rp.target)); } } if (dataRelocations_.length()) { CompactBufferReader reader(dataRelocations_); ::TraceDataRelocations(trc, &m_buffer, reader); } } void Assembler::Bind(uint8_t* rawCode, CodeOffset* label, const void* address) { if (label->bound()) { intptr_t offset = label->offset(); Instruction* inst = (Instruction*) (rawCode + offset); AssemblerMIPSShared::UpdateLuiOriValue(inst, inst->next(), (uint32_t)address); } } void Assembler::bind(InstImm* inst, uintptr_t branch, uintptr_t target) { int32_t offset = target - branch; InstImm inst_bgezal = InstImm(op_regimm, zero, rt_bgezal, BOffImm16(0)); InstImm inst_beq = InstImm(op_beq, zero, zero, BOffImm16(0)); // If encoded offset is 4, then the jump must be short if (BOffImm16(inst[0]).decode() == 4) { MOZ_ASSERT(BOffImm16::IsInRange(offset)); inst[0].setBOffImm16(BOffImm16(offset)); inst[1].makeNop(); return; } // Generate the long jump for calls because return address has to be the // address after the reserved block. if (inst[0].encode() == inst_bgezal.encode()) { addLongJump(BufferOffset(branch)); Assembler::WriteLuiOriInstructions(inst, &inst[1], ScratchRegister, target); inst[2] = InstReg(op_special, ScratchRegister, zero, ra, ff_jalr).encode(); // There is 1 nop after this. return; } if (BOffImm16::IsInRange(offset)) { bool conditional = (inst[0].encode() != inst_bgezal.encode() && inst[0].encode() != inst_beq.encode()); inst[0].setBOffImm16(BOffImm16(offset)); inst[1].makeNop(); // Skip the trailing nops in conditional branches. if (conditional) { inst[2] = InstImm(op_regimm, zero, rt_bgez, BOffImm16(3 * sizeof(void*))).encode(); // There are 2 nops after this } return; } if (inst[0].encode() == inst_beq.encode()) { // Handle long unconditional jump. addLongJump(BufferOffset(branch)); Assembler::WriteLuiOriInstructions(inst, &inst[1], ScratchRegister, target); inst[2] = InstReg(op_special, ScratchRegister, zero, zero, ff_jr).encode(); // There is 1 nop after this. } else { // Handle long conditional jump. inst[0] = invertBranch(inst[0], BOffImm16(5 * sizeof(void*))); // No need for a "nop" here because we can clobber scratch. addLongJump(BufferOffset(branch + sizeof(void*))); Assembler::WriteLuiOriInstructions(&inst[1], &inst[2], ScratchRegister, target); inst[3] = InstReg(op_special, ScratchRegister, zero, zero, ff_jr).encode(); // There is 1 nop after this. } } void Assembler::bind(RepatchLabel* label) { BufferOffset dest = nextOffset(); if (label->used() && !oom()) { // If the label has a use, then change this use to refer to // the bound label; BufferOffset b(label->offset()); InstImm* inst = (InstImm*)editSrc(b); InstImm inst_beq = InstImm(op_beq, zero, zero, BOffImm16(0)); uint32_t offset = dest.getOffset() - label->offset(); // If first instruction is lui, then this is a long jump. // If second instruction is lui, then this is a loop backedge. if (inst[0].extractOpcode() == (uint32_t(op_lui) >> OpcodeShift)) { // For unconditional long branches generated by ma_liPatchable, // such as under: // jumpWithpatch AssemblerMIPSShared::UpdateLuiOriValue(inst, inst->next(), dest.getOffset()); } else if (inst[1].extractOpcode() == (uint32_t(op_lui) >> OpcodeShift) || BOffImm16::IsInRange(offset)) { // Handle code produced by: // backedgeJump // branchWithCode MOZ_ASSERT(BOffImm16::IsInRange(offset)); MOZ_ASSERT(inst[0].extractOpcode() == (uint32_t(op_beq) >> OpcodeShift) || inst[0].extractOpcode() == (uint32_t(op_bne) >> OpcodeShift) || inst[0].extractOpcode() == (uint32_t(op_blez) >> OpcodeShift) || inst[0].extractOpcode() == (uint32_t(op_bgtz) >> OpcodeShift)); inst[0].setBOffImm16(BOffImm16(offset)); } else if (inst[0].encode() == inst_beq.encode()) { // Handle open long unconditional jumps created by // MacroAssemblerMIPSShared::ma_b(..., wasm::Trap, ...). // We need to add it to long jumps array here. // See MacroAssemblerMIPS::branchWithCode(). MOZ_ASSERT(inst[1].encode() == NopInst); MOZ_ASSERT(inst[2].encode() == NopInst); MOZ_ASSERT(inst[3].encode() == NopInst); addLongJump(BufferOffset(label->offset())); Assembler::WriteLuiOriInstructions(inst, &inst[1], ScratchRegister, dest.getOffset()); inst[2] = InstReg(op_special, ScratchRegister, zero, zero, ff_jr).encode(); } else { // Handle open long conditional jumps created by // MacroAssemblerMIPSShared::ma_b(..., wasm::Trap, ...). inst[0] = invertBranch(inst[0], BOffImm16(5 * sizeof(void*))); // No need for a "nop" here because we can clobber scratch. // We need to add it to long jumps array here. // See MacroAssemblerMIPS::branchWithCode(). MOZ_ASSERT(inst[1].encode() == NopInst); MOZ_ASSERT(inst[2].encode() == NopInst); MOZ_ASSERT(inst[3].encode() == NopInst); MOZ_ASSERT(inst[4].encode() == NopInst); addLongJump(BufferOffset(label->offset() + sizeof(void*))); Assembler::WriteLuiOriInstructions(&inst[1], &inst[2], ScratchRegister, dest.getOffset()); inst[3] = InstReg(op_special, ScratchRegister, zero, zero, ff_jr).encode(); } } label->bind(dest.getOffset()); } uint32_t Assembler::PatchWrite_NearCallSize() { return 4 * sizeof(uint32_t); } void Assembler::PatchWrite_NearCall(CodeLocationLabel start, CodeLocationLabel toCall) { Instruction* inst = (Instruction*) start.raw(); uint8_t* dest = toCall.raw(); // Overwrite whatever instruction used to be here with a call. // Always use long jump for two reasons: // - Jump has to be the same size because of PatchWrite_NearCallSize. // - Return address has to be at the end of replaced block. // Short jump wouldn't be more efficient. Assembler::WriteLuiOriInstructions(inst, &inst[1], ScratchRegister, (uint32_t)dest); inst[2] = InstReg(op_special, ScratchRegister, zero, ra, ff_jalr); inst[3] = InstNOP(); // Ensure everyone sees the code that was just written into memory. AutoFlushICache::flush(uintptr_t(inst), PatchWrite_NearCallSize()); } uint32_t Assembler::ExtractLuiOriValue(Instruction* inst0, Instruction* inst1) { InstImm* i0 = (InstImm*) inst0; InstImm* i1 = (InstImm*) inst1; MOZ_ASSERT(i0->extractOpcode() == ((uint32_t)op_lui >> OpcodeShift)); MOZ_ASSERT(i1->extractOpcode() == ((uint32_t)op_ori >> OpcodeShift)); uint32_t value = i0->extractImm16Value() << 16; value = value | i1->extractImm16Value(); return value; } void Assembler::WriteLuiOriInstructions(Instruction* inst0, Instruction* inst1, Register reg, uint32_t value) { *inst0 = InstImm(op_lui, zero, reg, Imm16::Upper(Imm32(value))); *inst1 = InstImm(op_ori, reg, reg, Imm16::Lower(Imm32(value))); } void Assembler::PatchDataWithValueCheck(CodeLocationLabel label, ImmPtr newValue, ImmPtr expectedValue) { PatchDataWithValueCheck(label, PatchedImmPtr(newValue.value), PatchedImmPtr(expectedValue.value)); } void Assembler::PatchDataWithValueCheck(CodeLocationLabel label, PatchedImmPtr newValue, PatchedImmPtr expectedValue) { Instruction* inst = (Instruction*) label.raw(); // Extract old Value DebugOnly value = Assembler::ExtractLuiOriValue(&inst[0], &inst[1]); MOZ_ASSERT(value == uint32_t(expectedValue.value)); // Replace with new value AssemblerMIPSShared::UpdateLuiOriValue(inst, inst->next(), uint32_t(newValue.value)); AutoFlushICache::flush(uintptr_t(inst), 8); } void Assembler::PatchInstructionImmediate(uint8_t* code, PatchedImmPtr imm) { InstImm* inst = (InstImm*)code; AssemblerMIPSShared::UpdateLuiOriValue(inst, inst->next(), (uint32_t)imm.value); } uint32_t Assembler::ExtractInstructionImmediate(uint8_t* code) { InstImm* inst = (InstImm*)code; return Assembler::ExtractLuiOriValue(inst, inst->next()); } void Assembler::ToggleCall(CodeLocationLabel inst_, bool enabled) { Instruction* inst = (Instruction*)inst_.raw(); InstImm* i0 = (InstImm*) inst; InstImm* i1 = (InstImm*) i0->next(); Instruction* i2 = (Instruction*) i1->next(); MOZ_ASSERT(i0->extractOpcode() == ((uint32_t)op_lui >> OpcodeShift)); MOZ_ASSERT(i1->extractOpcode() == ((uint32_t)op_ori >> OpcodeShift)); if (enabled) { InstReg jalr = InstReg(op_special, ScratchRegister, zero, ra, ff_jalr); *i2 = jalr; } else { InstNOP nop; *i2 = nop; } AutoFlushICache::flush(uintptr_t(i2), 4); }