load(libdir + "wasm.js"); assertEq(wasmEvalText('(module (func (result i32) (i32.const -1)) (export "" 0))').exports[""](), -1); assertEq(wasmEvalText('(module (func (result i32) (i32.const -2147483648)) (export "" 0))').exports[""](), -2147483648); assertEq(wasmEvalText('(module (func (result i32) (i32.const 4294967295)) (export "" 0))').exports[""](), -1); function testUnary(type, opcode, op, expect) { var fullPass = wasmFullPass; if (type === 'i64') { expect = createI64(expect); fullPass = wasmFullPassI64; } // Test with constant fullPass(`(module (func (result ${type}) (${type}.${opcode} (${type}.const ${op}))) (export "run" 0))`, expect); if (type === 'i64') { op = createI64(op); } // Test with param fullPass(`(module (func (param ${type}) (result ${type}) (${type}.${opcode} (get_local 0))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}, op); } function testBinary64(opcode, lhs, rhs, expect) { let lobj = createI64(lhs); let robj = createI64(rhs); expect = createI64(expect); wasmFullPassI64(`(module (func (param i64) (param i64) (result i64) (i64.${opcode} (get_local 0) (get_local 1))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}, lobj, robj); // The same, but now the RHS is a constant. wasmFullPassI64(`(module (func (param i64) (result i64) (i64.${opcode} (get_local 0) (i64.const ${rhs}))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}, lobj); // LHS and RHS are constants. wasmFullPassI64(`(module (func (result i64) (i64.${opcode} (i64.const ${lhs}) (i64.const ${rhs}))) (export "run" 0))`, expect); } function testBinary32(opcode, lhs, rhs, expect) { wasmFullPass(`(module (func (param i32) (param i32) (result i32) (i32.${opcode} (get_local 0) (get_local 1))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}, lhs, rhs); // The same, but now the RHS is a constant. wasmFullPass(`(module (func (param i32) (result i32) (i32.${opcode} (get_local 0) (i32.const ${rhs}))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}, lhs); // LHS and RHS are constants. wasmFullPass(`(module (func (result i32) (i32.${opcode} (i32.const ${lhs}) (i32.const ${rhs}))) (export "run" 0))`, expect); } function testComparison32(opcode, lhs, rhs, expect) { wasmFullPass(`(module (func (param i32) (param i32) (result i32) (i32.${opcode} (get_local 0) (get_local 1))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}, lhs, rhs); } function testComparison64(opcode, lhs, rhs, expect) { let lobj = createI64(lhs); let robj = createI64(rhs); wasmFullPass(`(module (func (param i64) (param i64) (result i32) (i64.${opcode} (get_local 0) (get_local 1))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}, lobj, robj); // Also test `if`, for the compare-and-branch path. wasmFullPass(`(module (func (param i64) (param i64) (result i32) (if i32 (i64.${opcode} (get_local 0) (get_local 1)) (i32.const 1) (i32.const 0))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}, lobj, robj); } function testI64Eqz(input, expect) { wasmFullPass(`(module (func (result i32) (i64.eqz (i64.const ${input}))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}); input = createI64(input); wasmFullPass(`(module (func (param i64) (result i32) (i64.eqz (get_local 0))) (export "run" 0))`, expect, {}, input); } function testTrap32(opcode, lhs, rhs, expect) { assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (func (param i32) (param i32) (result i32) (i32.${opcode} (get_local 0) (get_local 1))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""](lhs, rhs), Error, expect); // The same, but now the RHS is a constant. assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (func (param i32) (result i32) (i32.${opcode} (get_local 0) (i32.const ${rhs}))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""](lhs), Error, expect); // LHS and RHS are constants. assertErrorMessage(wasmEvalText(`(module (func (result i32) (i32.${opcode} (i32.const ${lhs}) (i32.const ${rhs}))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""], Error, expect); } function testTrap64(opcode, lhs, rhs, expect) { let lobj = createI64(lhs); let robj = createI64(rhs); assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (func (param i64) (param i64) (result i64) (i64.${opcode} (get_local 0) (get_local 1))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""](lobj, robj), Error, expect); // The same, but now the RHS is a constant. assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (func (param i64) (result i64) (i64.${opcode} (get_local 0) (i64.const ${rhs}))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""](lobj), Error, expect); // LHS and RHS are constants. assertErrorMessage(wasmEvalText(`(module (func (result i64) (i64.${opcode} (i64.const ${lhs}) (i64.const ${rhs}))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""], Error, expect); } testUnary('i32', 'clz', 40, 26); testUnary('i32', 'clz', 0, 32); testUnary('i32', 'clz', 0xFFFFFFFF, 0); testUnary('i32', 'clz', -2147483648, 0); testUnary('i32', 'ctz', 40, 3); testUnary('i32', 'ctz', 0, 32); testUnary('i32', 'ctz', -2147483648, 31); testUnary('i32', 'popcnt', 40, 2); testUnary('i32', 'popcnt', 0, 0); testUnary('i32', 'popcnt', 0xFFFFFFFF, 32); testUnary('i32', 'eqz', 0, 1); testUnary('i32', 'eqz', 1, 0); testUnary('i32', 'eqz', 0xFFFFFFFF, 0); testBinary32('add', 40, 2, 42); testBinary32('sub', 40, 2, 38); testBinary32('mul', 40, 2, 80); testBinary32('div_s', -40, 2, -20); testBinary32('div_u', -40, 2, 2147483628); testBinary32('rem_s', 40, -3, 1); testBinary32('rem_s', 0, -3, 0); testBinary32('rem_u', 40, -3, 40); testBinary32('and', 42, 6, 2); testBinary32('or', 42, 6, 46); testBinary32('xor', 42, 2, 40); testBinary32('shl', 40, 2, 160); testBinary32('shr_s', -40, 2, -10); testBinary32('shr_u', -40, 2, 1073741814); testTrap32('div_s', 42, 0, /integer divide by zero/); testTrap32('div_s', 0x80000000 | 0, -1, /integer overflow/); testTrap32('div_u', 42, 0, /integer divide by zero/); testTrap32('rem_s', 42, 0, /integer divide by zero/); testTrap32('rem_u', 42, 0, /integer divide by zero/); testBinary32('rotl', 40, 2, 160); testBinary32('rotl', 40, 34, 160); testBinary32('rotr', 40, 2, 10); testBinary32('rotr', 40, 34, 10); testBinary32('rotr', 40, 0, 40); testBinary32('rotl', 40, 0, 40); testComparison32('eq', 40, 40, 1); testComparison32('ne', 40, 40, 0); testComparison32('lt_s', 40, 40, 0); testComparison32('lt_u', 40, 40, 0); testComparison32('le_s', 40, 40, 1); testComparison32('le_u', 40, 40, 1); testComparison32('gt_s', 40, 40, 0); testComparison32('gt_u', 40, 40, 0); testComparison32('ge_s', 40, 40, 1); testComparison32('ge_u', 40, 40, 1); // Test MTest's GVN branch inversion. var testTrunc = wasmEvalText(`(module (func (param f32) (result i32) (if i32 (i32.eqz (i32.trunc_s/f32 (get_local 0))) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 1))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""]; assertEq(testTrunc(0), 0); assertEq(testTrunc(13.37), 1); { setJitCompilerOption('wasm.test-mode', 1); testBinary64('add', 40, 2, 42); testBinary64('add', "0x1234567887654321", -1, "0x1234567887654320"); testBinary64('add', "0xffffffffffffffff", 1, 0); testBinary64('sub', 40, 2, 38); testBinary64('sub', "0x1234567887654321", "0x123456789", "0x12345677641fdb98"); testBinary64('sub', 3, 5, -2); testBinary64('mul', 40, 2, 80); testBinary64('mul', -1, 2, -2); testBinary64('mul', 0x123456, "0x9876543210", "0xad77d2c5f941160"); testBinary64('mul', 2, -1, -2); testBinary64('mul', "0x80000000", -1, -2147483648); testBinary64('mul', "0x7fffffff", -1, -2147483647); testBinary64('mul', "0x7fffffffffffffff", -1, "0x8000000000000001"); testBinary64('mul', 2, 2, 4); testBinary64('mul', "0x80000000", 2, "0x100000000"); testBinary64('mul', "0x7fffffff", 2, "0xfffffffe"); testBinary64('div_s', -40, 2, -20); testBinary64('div_s', "0x1234567887654321", 2, "0x91a2b3c43b2a190"); testBinary64('div_s', "0x1234567887654321", "0x1000000000", "0x1234567"); testBinary64('div_u', -40, 2, "0x7fffffffffffffec"); testBinary64('div_u', "0x1234567887654321", 9, "0x205d0b80f0b4059"); testBinary64('rem_s', 40, -3, 1); testBinary64('rem_s', "0x1234567887654321", "0x1000000000", "0x887654321"); testBinary64('rem_s', "0x7fffffffffffffff", -1, 0); testBinary64('rem_s', "0x8000000000000001", 1000, -807); testBinary64('rem_s', "0x8000000000000000", -1, 0); testBinary64('rem_u', 40, -3, 40); testBinary64('rem_u', "0x1234567887654321", "0x1000000000", "0x887654321"); testBinary64('rem_u', "0x8000000000000000", -1, "0x8000000000000000"); testBinary64('rem_u', "0x8ff00ff00ff00ff0", "0x100000001", "0x80000001"); testTrap64('div_s', 10, 0, /integer divide by zero/); testTrap64('div_s', "0x8000000000000000", -1, /integer overflow/); testTrap64('div_u', 0, 0, /integer divide by zero/); testTrap64('rem_s', 10, 0, /integer divide by zero/); testTrap64('rem_u', 10, 0, /integer divide by zero/); // Bitops. testBinary64('or', 42, 6, 46); testBinary64('or', "0x8765432112345678", "0xffff0000ffff0000", "0xffff4321ffff5678"); testBinary64('xor', 42, 2, 40); testBinary64('xor', "0x8765432112345678", "0xffff0000ffff0000", "0x789a4321edcb5678"); testBinary64('shl', 0xff00ff, 28, "0x0ff00ff0000000"); testBinary64('shl', 0xff00ff, 30, "0x3fc03fc0000000"); testBinary64('shl', 0xff00ff, 31, "0x7f807f80000000"); testBinary64('shl', 0xff00ff, 32, "0xff00ff00000000"); testBinary64('shl', 1, 63, "0x8000000000000000"); testBinary64('shl', 1, 64, 1); testBinary64('shl', 40, 2, 160); testBinary64('shr_s', -40, 2, -10); testBinary64('shr_s', "0xff00ff0000000", 28, 0xff00ff); testBinary64('shr_s', "0xff00ff0000000", 30, 0x3fc03f); testBinary64('shr_s', "0xff00ff0000000", 31, 0x1fe01f); testBinary64('shr_s', "0xff00ff0000000", 32, 0x0ff00f); testBinary64('shr_u', -40, 2, "0x3ffffffffffffff6"); testBinary64('shr_u', "0x8ffff00ff0000000", 30, "0x23fffc03f"); testBinary64('shr_u', "0x8ffff00ff0000000", 31, "0x11fffe01f"); testBinary64('shr_u', "0x8ffff00ff0000000", 32, "0x08ffff00f"); testBinary64('shr_u', "0x8ffff00ff0000000", 56, 0x8f); testBinary64('and', 42, 0, 0); testBinary64('and', 42, 6, 2); testBinary64('and', "0x0000000012345678", "0xffff0000ffff0000", "0x0000000012340000"); testBinary64('and', "0x8765432112345678", "0xffff0000ffff0000", "0x8765000012340000"); // Rotations. testBinary64('rotl', 40, 0, 0x28); testBinary64('rotl', 40, 2, 0xA0); testBinary64('rotl', 40, 8, 0x2800); testBinary64('rotl', 40, 30, "0xA00000000"); testBinary64('rotl', 40, 31, "0x1400000000"); testBinary64('rotl', 40, 32, "0x2800000000"); testBinary64('rotl', "0x1234567812345678", 4, "0x2345678123456781"); testBinary64('rotl', "0x1234567812345678", 30, "0x048D159E048D159E"); testBinary64('rotl', "0x1234567812345678", 31, "0x091A2B3C091A2B3C"); testBinary64('rotl', "0x1234567812345678", 32, "0x1234567812345678"); testBinary64('rotl', "0x0000000000001000", 127, "0x0000000000000800"); testBinary64('rotr', 40, 0, 0x28); testBinary64('rotr', 40, 2, 0x0A); testBinary64('rotr', 40, 30, "0xA000000000"); testBinary64('rotr', 40, 31, "0x5000000000"); testBinary64('rotr', 40, 32, "0x2800000000"); testBinary64('rotr', "0x1234567812345678", 4, "0x8123456781234567"); testBinary64('rotr', "0x1234567812345678", 30, "0x48D159E048D159E0"); testBinary64('rotr', "0x1234567812345678", 31, "0x2468ACF02468ACF0"); testBinary64('rotr', "0x1234567812345678", 32, "0x1234567812345678"); testBinary64('rotr', "0x1234567812345678", 60, "0x2345678123456781"); // Comparisons. testComparison64('eq', 40, 40, 1); testComparison64('ne', 40, 40, 0); testComparison64('lt_s', 40, 40, 0); testComparison64('lt_u', 40, 40, 0); testComparison64('le_s', 40, 40, 1); testComparison64('le_u', 40, 40, 1); testComparison64('gt_s', 40, 40, 0); testComparison64('gt_u', 40, 40, 0); testComparison64('ge_s', 40, 40, 1); testComparison64('ge_u', 40, 40, 1); testComparison64('eq', "0x400012345678", "0x400012345678", 1); testComparison64('ne', "0x400012345678", "0x400012345678", 0); testComparison64('ne', "0x400012345678", "0x500012345678", 1); testComparison64('eq', "0xffffffffffffffff", -1, 1); testComparison64('lt_s', "0x8000000012345678", "0x1", 1); testComparison64('lt_u', "0x8000000012345678", "0x1", 0); testComparison64('le_s', -1, 0, 1); testComparison64('le_u', -1, -1, 1); testComparison64('gt_s', 1, "0x8000000000000000", 1); testComparison64('gt_u', 1, "0x8000000000000000", 0); testComparison64('ge_s', 1, "0x8000000000000000", 1); testComparison64('ge_u', 1, "0x8000000000000000", 0); testUnary('i64', 'clz', 40, 58); testUnary('i64', 'clz', "0x8000000000000000", 0); testUnary('i64', 'clz', "0x7fffffffffffffff", 1); testUnary('i64', 'clz', "0x4000000000000000", 1); testUnary('i64', 'clz', "0x3000000000000000", 2); testUnary('i64', 'clz', "0x2000000000000000", 2); testUnary('i64', 'clz', "0x1000000000000000", 3); testUnary('i64', 'clz', "0x0030000000000000", 10); testUnary('i64', 'clz', "0x0000800000000000", 16); testUnary('i64', 'clz', "0x00000000ffffffff", 32); testUnary('i64', 'clz', -1, 0); testUnary('i64', 'clz', 0, 64); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', 40, 3); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', "0x8000000000000000", 63); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', "0x7fffffffffffffff", 0); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', "0x4000000000000000", 62); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', "0x3000000000000000", 60); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', "0x2000000000000000", 61); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', "0x1000000000000000", 60); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', "0x0030000000000000", 52); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', "0x0000800000000000", 47); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', "0x00000000ffffffff", 0); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', -1, 0); testUnary('i64', 'ctz', 0, 64); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', 40, 2); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', 0, 0); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', "0x8000000000000000", 1); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', "0x7fffffffffffffff", 63); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', "0x4000000000000000", 1); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', "0x3000000000000000", 2); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', "0x2000000000000000", 1); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', "0x1000000000000000", 1); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', "0x0030000000000000", 2); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', "0x0000800000000000", 1); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', "0x00000000ffffffff", 32); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', -1, 64); testUnary('i64', 'popcnt', 0, 0); testI64Eqz(40, 0); testI64Eqz(0, 1); assertEqI64(wasmEvalText(`(module (func (param i64) (result i64) (local i64) (set_local 1 (i64.shl (get_local 0) (get_local 0))) (i64.shl (get_local 1) (get_local 1))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""](createI64(2)), 2048); // Test MTest's GVN branch inversion. var testTrunc = wasmEvalText(`(module (func (param f32) (result i32) (if i32 (i64.eqz (i64.trunc_s/f32 (get_local 0))) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 1))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""]; assertEq(testTrunc(0), 0); assertEq(testTrunc(13.37), 1); assertEqI64(wasmEvalText(`(module (func (result i64) (local i64) (set_local 0 (i64.rem_s (i64.const 1) (i64.const 0xf))) (i64.rem_s (get_local 0) (get_local 0))) (export "" 0))`).exports[""](), 0); setJitCompilerOption('wasm.test-mode', 0); } wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param f32) (result i32) (i32.clz (get_local 0))))', mismatchError("f32", "i32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param i32) (result f32) (i32.clz (get_local 0))))', mismatchError("i32", "f32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param f32) (result f32) (i32.clz (get_local 0))))', mismatchError("f32", "i32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param f32) (param i32) (result i32) (i32.add (get_local 0) (get_local 1))))', mismatchError("f32", "i32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param i32) (param f32) (result i32) (i32.add (get_local 0) (get_local 1))))', mismatchError("f32", "i32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param i32) (param i32) (result f32) (i32.add (get_local 0) (get_local 1))))', mismatchError("i32", "f32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param f32) (param f32) (result f32) (i32.add (get_local 0) (get_local 1))))', mismatchError("f32", "i32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param f32) (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eq (get_local 0) (get_local 1))))', mismatchError("f32", "i32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param i32) (param f32) (result i32) (i32.eq (get_local 0) (get_local 1))))', mismatchError("f32", "i32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (func (param i32) (param i32) (result f32) (i32.eq (get_local 0) (get_local 1))))', mismatchError("i32", "f32"));