function test_syntax(postfixes, check_error, ignore_opts) { function test_reflect(code, module) { var options = undefined; if (module) { options = {target: "module"}; } for (var postfix of postfixes) { var cur_code = code + postfix; var caught = false; try { Reflect.parse(cur_code, options); } catch (e) { caught = true; check_error(e, cur_code, "reflect"); } assertEq(caught, true); } } function test_eval(code) { for (var postfix of postfixes) { var cur_code = code + postfix; var caught = false; try { eval(cur_code); } catch (e) { caught = true; check_error(e, cur_code, "eval"); } assertEq(caught, true); } } function test(code, opts={}) { if (ignore_opts) { opts = {}; } let no_strict = "no_strict" in opts && opts.no_strict; let no_fun = "no_fun" in opts && opts.no_fun; let no_eval = "no_eval" in opts && opts.no_eval; let module = "module" in opts && opts.module; test_reflect(code, module); if (!no_strict) { test_reflect("'use strict'; " + code, module); } if (!no_fun) { test_reflect("(function() { " + code, module); if (!no_strict) { test_reflect("(function() { 'use strict'; " + code, module); } } if (!no_eval) { test_eval(code); if (!no_strict) { test_eval("'use strict'; " + code); } if (!no_fun) { test_eval("(function() { " + code); if (!no_strict) { test_eval("(function() { 'use strict'; " + code); } } } } function test_fun_arg(arg) { for (var postfix of postfixes) { var cur_arg = arg + postfix; var caught = false; try { new Function(cur_arg, ""); } catch (e) { caught = true; check_error(e, cur_arg, "fun_arg"); } assertEq(caught, true); } } // ==== Statements and declarations ==== // ---- Control flow ---- // Block test("{ "); test("{ } "); test("{ 1 "); test("{ 1; "); test("{ 1; } "); // break test("a: for (;;) { break "); test("a: for (;;) { break; "); test("a: for (;;) { break a "); test("a: for (;;) { break a; "); test("a: for (;;) { break\n"); // continue test("a: for (;;) { continue "); test("a: for (;;) { continue; "); test("a: for (;;) { continue a "); test("a: for (;;) { continue a; "); test("a: for (;;) { continue\n"); // Empty test(""); test("; "); // if...else test("if "); test("if ("); test("if (x "); test("if (x) "); test("if (x) { "); test("if (x) {} "); test("if (x) {} else "); test("if (x) {} else { "); test("if (x) {} else {} "); test("if (x) x "); test("if (x) x; "); test("if (x) x; else "); test("if (x) x; else y "); test("if (x) x; else y; "); // switch test("switch "); test("switch ("); test("switch (x "); test("switch (x) "); test("switch (x) { "); test("switch (x) { case "); test("switch (x) { case 1 "); test("switch (x) { case 1: "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2 "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; case "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; case 3 "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; case 3: y "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; case 3: y; "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; case 3: y; default "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; case 3: y; default: "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; case 3: y; default: z "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; case 3: y; default: z; "); test("switch (x) { case 1: case 2: x; break; case 3: y; default: z; } "); // throw test("throw "); test("throw x "); test("throw x; "); // try...catch test("try "); test("try { "); test("try {} "); test("try {} catch "); test("try {} catch ( "); test("try {} catch (e "); test("try {} catch (e) "); test("try {} catch (e) { "); test("try {} catch (e) {} "); test("try {} catch (e) {} finally "); test("try {} catch (e) {} finally { "); test("try {} catch (e) {} finally {} "); test("try {} catch (e if "); test("try {} catch (e if e "); test("try {} catch (e if e instanceof "); test("try {} catch (e if e instanceof x "); test("try {} catch (e if e instanceof x) "); test("try {} catch (e if e instanceof x) { "); test("try {} catch (e if e instanceof x) {} "); // ---- Declarations ---- // var test("var "); test("var x "); test("var x = "); test("var x = 1 "); test("var x = 1 + "); test("var x = 1 + 2 "); test("var x = 1 + 2, "); test("var x = 1 + 2, y "); test("var x = 1 + 2, y, "); test("var x = 1 + 2, y, z "); test("var x = 1 + 2, y, z; "); test("var [ "); test("var [ x "); test("var [ x, "); test("var [ x, ... "); test("var { "); test("var { x "); test("var { x: "); test("var { x: y "); test("var { x: y, "); test("var { x: y } "); test("var { x: y } = "); // let test("let "); test("let x "); test("let x = "); test("let x = 1 "); test("let x = 1 + "); test("let x = 1 + 2 "); test("let x = 1 + 2, "); test("let x = 1 + 2, y "); test("let x = 1 + 2, y, "); test("let x = 1 + 2, y, z "); test("let x = 1 + 2, y, z; "); test("let [ "); test("let [ x "); test("let [ x, "); test("let [ x, ... "); test("let { "); test("let { x "); test("let { x: "); test("let { x: y "); test("let { x: y, "); test("let { x: y } "); test("let { x: y } = "); // const test("const "); test("const x "); test("const x = "); test("const x = 1 "); test("const x = 1 + "); test("const x = 1 + 2 "); test("const x = 1 + 2, "); test("const x = 1 + 2, y = 0"); test("const x = 1 + 2, y = 0, "); test("const x = 1 + 2, y = 0, z = 0 "); test("const x = 1 + 2, y = 0, z = 0; "); test("const [ "); test("const [ x "); test("const [ x, "); test("const [ x, ... "); test("const { "); test("const { x "); test("const { x: "); test("const { x: y "); test("const { x: y, "); test("const { x: y } "); test("const { x: y } = "); // ---- Functions ---- // function test("function "); test("function f "); test("function f( "); test("function f(x "); test("function f(x, "); test("function f(x, [ "); test("function f(x, [y "); test("function f(x, [y, "); test("function f(x, [y, { "); test("function f(x, [y, {z "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w} "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}] "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v= "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v=1 "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v=1, "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v=1, ... "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v=1, ...t "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v=1, ...t) "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v=1, ...t) {"); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v=1, ...t) { x "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v=1, ...t) { x; "); test("function f(x, [y, {z: zz, w}], v=1, ...t) { x; } "); // star function test("function* "); test("function* f "); test("function* f( "); test("function* f(x "); test("function* f(x, "); test("function* f(x, ... "); test("function* f(x, ...t "); test("function* f(x, ...t) "); test("function* f(x, ...t) {"); test("function* f(x, ...t) { x "); test("function* f(x, ...t) { x; "); test("function* f(x, ...t) { x; } "); // return test("function f() { return "); test("function f() { return 1 "); test("function f() { return 1; "); test("function f() { return 1; } "); test("function f() { return; "); test("function f() { return\n"); // yield test("function* f() { yield "); test("function* f() { yield 1 "); test("function* f() { yield* "); test("function* f() { yield* 1 "); test("function* f() { yield\n"); test("function* f() { yield*\n"); // ---- Iterations ---- // do...while test("do "); test("do {"); test("do {} "); test("do {} while "); test("do {} while ( "); test("do {} while (x "); test("do {} while (x) "); test("do {} while (x); "); test("do x "); test("do x; "); test("do x; while "); // for test("for "); test("for ("); test("for (x "); test("for (x; "); test("for (x; y "); test("for (x; y; "); test("for (x; y; z "); test("for (x; y; z) "); test("for (x; y; z) { "); test("for (x; y; z) {} "); test("for (x; y; z) x "); test("for (x; y; z) x; "); test("for (var "); test("for (var x "); test("for (var x = "); test("for (var x = y "); test("for (var x = y; "); test("for (let "); test("for (let x "); test("for (let x = "); test("for (let x = y "); test("for (let x = y; "); // test("for (x in "); test("for (x in y "); test("for (x in y) "); test("for (var x in "); test("for (var x in y "); test("for (var x in y) "); test("for (let x in "); test("for (let x in y "); test("for (let x in y) "); // for...of test("for (x of "); test("for (x of y "); test("for (x of y) "); test("for (var x of "); test("for (var x of y "); test("for (var x of y) "); test("for (let x of "); test("for (let x of y "); test("for (let x of y) "); // while test("while "); test("while ("); test("while (x "); test("while (x) "); test("while (x) { "); test("while (x) {} "); test("while (x) x "); test("while (x) x; "); // ---- Others ---- // debugger test("debugger "); test("debugger; "); // export var opts = { no_fun: true, no_eval: true, module: true }; test("export ", opts); test("export { ", opts); test("export { x ", opts); test("export { x, ", opts); test("export { x, y ", opts); test("export { x, y as ", opts); test("export { x, y as z ", opts); test("export { x, y as z } ", opts); test("export { x, y as z } from ", opts); test("export { x, y as z } from 'a' ", opts); test("export { x, y as z } from 'a'; ", opts); test("export * ", opts); test("export * from ", opts); test("export * from 'a' ", opts); test("export * from 'a'; ", opts); test("export function ", opts); test("export function f ", opts); test("export function f( ", opts); test("export function f() ", opts); test("export function f() { ", opts); test("export function f() {} ", opts); test("export function f() {}; ", opts); test("export var ", opts); test("export var a ", opts); test("export var a = ", opts); test("export var a = 1 ", opts); test("export var a = 1, ", opts); test("export var a = 1, b ", opts); test("export var a = 1, b = ", opts); test("export var a = 1, b = 2 ", opts); test("export var a = 1, b = 2; ", opts); test("export let ", opts); test("export let a ", opts); test("export let a = ", opts); test("export let a = 1 ", opts); test("export let a = 1, ", opts); test("export let a = 1, b ", opts); test("export let a = 1, b = ", opts); test("export let a = 1, b = 2 ", opts); test("export let a = 1, b = 2; ", opts); test("export const ", opts); test("export const a ", opts); test("export const a = ", opts); test("export const a = 1 ", opts); test("export const a = 1, ", opts); test("export const a = 1, b ", opts); test("export const a = 1, b = ", opts); test("export const a = 1, b = 2 ", opts); test("export const a = 1, b = 2; ", opts); test("export class ", opts); test("export class Foo ", opts); test("export class Foo { ", opts); test("export class Foo { constructor ", opts); test("export class Foo { constructor( ", opts); test("export class Foo { constructor() ", opts); test("export class Foo { constructor() { ", opts); test("export class Foo { constructor() {} ", opts); test("export class Foo { constructor() {} } ", opts); test("export class Foo { constructor() {} }; ", opts); test("export default ", opts); test("export default 1 ", opts); test("export default 1; ", opts); test("export default function ", opts); test("export default function() ", opts); test("export default function() { ", opts); test("export default function() {} ", opts); test("export default function() {}; ", opts); test("export default function foo ", opts); test("export default function foo( ", opts); test("export default function foo() ", opts); test("export default function foo() { ", opts); test("export default function foo() {} ", opts); test("export default function foo() {}; ", opts); test("export default class ", opts); test("export default class { ", opts); test("export default class { constructor ", opts); test("export default class { constructor( ", opts); test("export default class { constructor() ", opts); test("export default class { constructor() { ", opts); test("export default class { constructor() {} ", opts); test("export default class { constructor() {} } ", opts); test("export default class { constructor() {} }; ", opts); test("export default class Foo ", opts); test("export default class Foo { ", opts); test("export default class Foo { constructor ", opts); test("export default class Foo { constructor( ", opts); test("export default class Foo { constructor() ", opts); test("export default class Foo { constructor() { ", opts); test("export default class Foo { constructor() {} ", opts); test("export default class Foo { constructor() {} } ", opts); test("export default class Foo { constructor() {} }; ", opts); // import test("import ", opts); test("import x ", opts); test("import x from ", opts); test("import x from 'a' ", opts); test("import x from 'a'; ", opts); test("import { ", opts); test("import { x ", opts); test("import { x, ", opts); test("import { x, y ", opts); test("import { x, y } ", opts); test("import { x, y } from ", opts); test("import { x, y } from 'a' ", opts); test("import { x, y } from 'a'; ", opts); test("import { x as ", opts); test("import { x as y ", opts); test("import { x as y } ", opts); test("import { x as y } from ", opts); test("import { x as y } from 'a' ", opts); test("import { x as y } from 'a'; ", opts); test("import 'a' ", opts); test("import 'a'; ", opts); test("import * ", opts); test("import * as ", opts); test("import * as a ", opts); test("import * as a from ", opts); test("import * as a from 'a' ", opts); test("import * as a from 'a'; ", opts); test("import a ", opts); test("import a, ", opts); test("import a, * ", opts); test("import a, * as ", opts); test("import a, * as b ", opts); test("import a, * as b from ", opts); test("import a, * as b from 'c' ", opts); test("import a, * as b from 'c'; ", opts); test("import a, { ", opts); test("import a, { b ", opts); test("import a, { b } ", opts); test("import a, { b } from ", opts); test("import a, { b } from 'c' ", opts); test("import a, { b } from 'c'; ", opts); // label test("a "); test("a: "); // with opts = { no_strict: true }; test("with ", opts); test("with (", opts); test("with (x ", opts); test("with (x) ", opts); test("with (x) { ", opts); test("with (x) {} ", opts); test("with (x) x ", opts); test("with (x) x; ", opts); // ==== Expressions and operators ==== // ---- Primary expressions ---- // this test("this "); // function test("(function "); test("(function ( "); test("(function (x "); test("(function (x, "); test("(function (x, ... "); test("(function (x, ...t "); test("(function (x, ...t) "); test("(function (x, ...t) {"); test("(function (x, ...t) { x "); test("(function (x, ...t) { x; "); test("(function (x, ...t) { x; } "); test("(function (x, ...t) { x; }) "); // star function test("(function* "); test("(function* ( "); test("(function* (x "); test("(function* (x, "); test("(function* (x, ... "); test("(function* (x, ...t "); test("(function* (x, ...t) "); test("(function* (x, ...t) {"); test("(function* (x, ...t) { x "); test("(function* (x, ...t) { x; "); test("(function* (x, ...t) { x; } "); test("(function* (x, ...t) { x; }) "); // Array literal test("[ "); test("[] "); test("[1 "); test("[1, "); test("[1, ... "); test("[1, ...x "); test("[1, ...x] "); // object test("({ "); test("({ x "); test("({ x: "); test("({ x: 1 "); test("({ x: 1, "); test("({ x: 1, y "); test("({ x: 1, y: "); test("({ x: 1, y: 2 "); test("({ x: 1, y: 2, "); test("({ x: 1, y: 2, z "); test("({ x: 1, y: 2, z, "); test("({ x: 1, y: 2, z, w "); test("({ x: 1, y: 2, z, w } "); test("({ x: 1, y: 2, z, w }) "); // object: computed property test("({ ["); test("({ [k "); test("({ [k] "); test("({ [k]: "); test("({ [k]: 1 "); test("({ [k]: 1, "); // object: getter test("({ get "); test("({ get p "); test("({ get p( "); test("({ get p() "); test("({ get p() { "); test("({ get p() {} "); test("({ get p() {}, "); test("({ get p() {}, } "); test("({ get [ "); test("({ get [p "); test("({ get [p] "); test("({ get [p]( "); test("({ get [p]() "); // object: setter test("({ set "); test("({ set p "); test("({ set p( "); test("({ set p(v "); test("({ set p(v) "); test("({ set p(v) { "); test("({ set p(v) {} "); test("({ set [ "); test("({ set [p "); test("({ set [p] "); test("({ set [p]( "); test("({ set [p](v "); test("({ set [p](v) "); // object: method test("({ m "); test("({ m( "); test("({ m() "); test("({ m() { "); test("({ m() {} "); test("({ m() {}, "); test("({ [ "); test("({ [m "); test("({ [m] "); test("({ [m]( "); test("({ [m]() "); test("({ [m]() { "); test("({ [m]() {} "); test("({ [m]() {}, "); test("({ * "); test("({ *m "); test("({ *m( "); test("({ *m() "); test("({ *m() { "); test("({ *m() {} "); test("({ *m() {}, "); test("({ *[ "); test("({ *[m "); test("({ *[m] "); test("({ *[m]( "); test("({ *[m]() "); test("({ *[m]() { "); test("({ *[m]() {} "); test("({ *[m]() {}, "); test("({ * get "); test("({ * get ( "); test("({ * get () "); test("({ * get () { "); test("({ * get () {} "); test("({ * get () {}, "); test("({ * set "); test("({ * set ( "); test("({ * set () "); test("({ * set () { "); test("({ * set () {} "); test("({ * set () {}, "); // Regular expression literal test("/a/ "); test("/a/g "); // Array comprehensions test("[for "); test("[for ( "); test("[for (x "); test("[for (x of "); test("[for (x of y "); test("[for (x of y) "); test("[for (x of y) x "); test("[for (x of y) if "); test("[for (x of y) if ( "); test("[for (x of y) if (x "); test("[for (x of y) if (x == "); test("[for (x of y) if (x == 1 "); test("[for (x of y) if (x == 1) "); test("[for (x of y) if (x == 1) x "); test("[for (x of y) if (x == 1) x] "); // Generator comprehensions test("(for "); test("(for ( "); test("(for (x "); test("(for (x of "); test("(for (x of y "); test("(for (x of y) "); test("(for (x of y) x "); test("(for (x of y) if "); test("(for (x of y) if ( "); test("(for (x of y) if (x "); test("(for (x of y) if (x == "); test("(for (x of y) if (x == 1 "); test("(for (x of y) if (x == 1) "); test("(for (x of y) if (x == 1) x "); test("(for (x of y) if (x == 1) x) "); // ---- Left-hand-side expressions ---- // property access test("a[ "); test("a[1 "); test("a[1] "); test("a. "); test("a.b "); test("a.b; "); // new test("new "); test("new f "); test("new f( "); test("new f() "); test("new f(); "); // ---- Increment and decrement ---- test("a ++ "); test("a ++; "); test("-- "); test("-- a "); test("-- a; "); // ---- Unary operators ---- // delete test("delete "); test("delete a "); test("delete a[ "); test("delete a[b "); test("delete a[b] "); test("delete a[b]; "); test("delete ( "); test("delete (a "); test("delete (a[ "); test("delete (a[b "); test("delete (a[b] "); test("delete (a[b]) "); test("delete (a[b]); "); // void test("void "); test("void a "); test("void a; "); test("void ("); test("void (a "); test("void (a) "); test("void (a); "); // typeof test("typeof "); test("typeof a "); test("typeof a; "); test("typeof ("); test("typeof (a "); test("typeof (a) "); test("typeof (a); "); // - test("- "); test("- 1 "); test("- 1; "); // + test("+ "); test("+ 1 "); test("+ 1; "); // ---- Arithmetic operators ---- // + test("1 + "); test("1 + 1 "); test("1 + 1; "); // ---- Relational operators ---- // in test("a in "); test("a in b "); test("a in b; "); // instanceof test("a instanceof "); test("a instanceof b "); test("a instanceof b; "); // ---- Equality operators ---- // == test("1 == "); test("1 == 1 "); test("1 == 1; "); // ---- Bitwise shift operators ---- // << test("1 << "); test("1 << 1 "); test("1 << 1; "); // ---- Binary bitwise operators ---- // & test("1 & "); test("1 & 1 "); test("1 & 1; "); // ---- Binary logical operators ---- // || test("1 || "); test("1 || 1 "); test("1 || 1; "); // ---- Conditional (ternary) operator ---- test("1 ? "); test("1 ? 2 "); test("1 ? 2 : "); test("1 ? 2 : 3 "); test("1 ? 2 : 3; "); // ---- Assignment operators ---- test("x = "); test("x = 1 "); test("x = 1 + "); test("x = 1 + 2 "); test("x = 1 + 2; "); // ---- Comma operator ---- test("1, "); test("1, 2 "); test("1, 2; "); // ---- Functions ---- // Arrow functions test("a => "); test("a => 1 "); test("a => 1; "); test("a => { "); test("a => {} "); test("a => {}; "); test("( "); test("() "); test("() => "); test("(..."); test("(...a "); test("(...a) "); test("(...a) => "); test("([ "); test("([a "); test("([a] "); test("([a]) "); test("([a]) => "); test("({ "); test("({a "); test("({a} "); test("({a}) "); test("({a}) => "); test("({a: "); test("({a: b "); test("({a: b, "); test("({a: b} "); test("({a: b}) "); test("({a: b}) => "); // ---- Class declaration ---- test("class "); test("class a "); test("class a { "); test("class a { constructor "); test("class a { constructor( "); test("class a { constructor() "); test("class a { constructor() { "); test("class a { constructor() { } "); test("class a { constructor() { } } "); test("class a { constructor() { } static "); test("class a { constructor() { } static m "); test("class a { constructor() { } static m( "); test("class a { constructor() { } static m() "); test("class a { constructor() { } static m() { "); test("class a { constructor() { } static m() {} "); test("class a { constructor() { } static m() {} } "); test("class a { constructor() { } static ( "); test("class a { constructor() { } static () "); test("class a { constructor() { } static () { "); test("class a { constructor() { } static () {} "); test("class a { constructor() { } static () {} } "); test("class a { constructor() { } static get "); test("class a { constructor() { } static get p "); test("class a { constructor() { } static get p( "); test("class a { constructor() { } static get p() "); test("class a { constructor() { } static get p() { "); test("class a { constructor() { } static get p() {} "); test("class a { constructor() { } static get p() {} } "); test("class a { constructor() { } static set "); test("class a { constructor() { } static set p "); test("class a { constructor() { } static set p( "); test("class a { constructor() { } static set p(v "); test("class a { constructor() { } static set p(v) "); test("class a { constructor() { } static set p(v) { "); test("class a { constructor() { } static set p(v) {} "); test("class a { constructor() { } static set p(v) {} } "); test("class a { constructor() { } * "); test("class a { constructor() { } *m "); test("class a { constructor() { } *m( "); test("class a { constructor() { } *m() "); test("class a { constructor() { } *m() { "); test("class a { constructor() { } *m() {} "); test("class a { constructor() { } *m() {} } "); test("class a { constructor() { } static * "); test("class a { constructor() { } static *m "); test("class a { constructor() { } static *m( "); test("class a { constructor() { } static *m() "); test("class a { constructor() { } static *m() { "); test("class a { constructor() { } static *m() {} "); test("class a { constructor() { } static *m() {} } "); test("class a extends "); test("class a extends b "); test("class a extends b { "); test("class a extends ( "); test("class a extends ( b "); test("class a extends ( b ) "); test("class a extends ( b ) { "); // ---- Class expression ---- test("( class "); test("( class a "); test("( class a { "); test("( class a { constructor "); test("( class a { constructor( "); test("( class a { constructor() "); test("( class a { constructor() { "); test("( class a { constructor() { } "); test("( class a { constructor() { } } "); test("( class a { constructor() { } } ) "); test("(class a extends "); test("(class a extends b "); test("(class a extends b { "); test("(class a extends ( "); test("(class a extends ( b "); test("(class a extends ( b ) "); test("(class a extends ( b ) { "); test("( class { "); test("( class { constructor "); test("( class { constructor( "); test("( class { constructor() "); test("( class { constructor() { "); test("( class { constructor() { } "); test("( class { constructor() { } } "); test("( class { constructor() { } } ) "); test("(class extends "); test("(class extends b "); test("(class extends b { "); test("(class extends ( "); test("(class extends ( b "); test("(class extends ( b ) "); test("(class extends ( b ) { "); // ---- Other ---- // Literals test("a "); test("1 "); test("1. "); test("1.2 "); test("true "); test("false "); test("\"a\" "); test("'a' "); test("null "); // Template strings test("`${ "); test("`${a "); test("`${a}` "); // Function calls test("f( "); test("f() "); test("f(); "); test("f(... "); test("f(...x "); test("f(...x) "); // Function constructors test_fun_arg(""); test_fun_arg("a "); test_fun_arg("... "); test_fun_arg("...a "); // ==== Legacy ==== // Expression closures test("function f() 1 "); test("function f() 1; "); test("(function () 1 "); test("(function () 1); "); // Legacy generator test("function f() { (yield "); test("function f() { (yield 1 "); test("function f() { f(yield "); test("function f() { f(yield 1 "); // for test("for each "); test("for each ("); test("for each (x "); test("for each (x in "); test("for each (x in y "); test("for each (x in y) "); test("for each (var "); test("for each (var x "); test("for each (var x in "); test("for each (var x in y "); test("for each (var x in y) "); test("for each (let "); test("for each (let x "); test("for each (let x in "); test("for each (let x in y "); test("for each (let x in y) "); // ==== asm.js ==== test("(function() { 'use asm'; "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1 "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f( "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [ "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [f "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [f] "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [f]; "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [f]; return "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [f]; return f "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [f]; return f; "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [f]; return f; } "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [f]; return f; }) "); test("(function() { 'use asm'; var a = 1; function f() { } var tbl = [f]; return f; }); "); // ==== async/await ==== // async/await function decralation test("async "); test("async function "); test("async function A "); test("async function A( "); test("async function A() "); test("async function A(a "); test("async function A(a) "); test("async function A(a) { "); test("async function A(a) {} "); test("async function A(a) { await "); test("async function A(a) { await X "); test("async function A(a) { await X; "); test("async function A(a) { await X; } "); test("async function A(a) { await await "); test("async function A(a) { await await await "); test("async function A(a) { await await await X "); test("async function A(a) { await await await X; "); test("async function A(a) { await await await X; } "); opts = { no_fun: true, no_eval: true, module: true }; test("export default async ", opts); test("export default async function ", opts); test("export default async function ( ", opts); test("export default async function () ", opts); test("export default async function (a ", opts); test("export default async function (a) ", opts); test("export default async function (a) { ", opts); test("export default async function (a) {} ", opts); test("export default async function (a) { await ", opts); test("export default async function (a) { await X ", opts); test("export default async function (a) { await X; ", opts); test("export default async function (a) { await X; } ", opts); // async/await function expression test("(async "); test("(async function "); test("(async function A "); test("(async function A( "); test("(async function A() "); test("(async function A(a "); test("(async function A(a) "); test("(async function A(a) { "); test("(async function A(a) {} "); test("(async function A(a) { await "); test("(async function A(a) { await X "); test("(async function A(a) { await X; "); test("(async function A(a) { await X; } "); test("(async function A(a) { await X; }) "); test("(async function ( "); test("(async function () "); test("(async function (a "); test("(async function (a) "); test("(async function (a) { "); test("(async function (a) {} "); test("(async function (a) { await "); test("(async function (a) { await X "); test("(async function (a) { await X; "); test("(async function (a) { await X; } "); test("(async function (a) { await X; }) "); // async/await method test("({ async "); test("({ async m "); test("({ async m( "); test("({ async m() "); test("({ async m() { "); test("({ async m() {} "); test("({ async m() {}, "); test("class X { async "); test("class X { async m "); test("class X { async m( "); test("class X { async m() "); test("class X { async m() { "); test("class X { async m() {} "); test("class X { static async "); test("class X { static async m "); test("class X { static async m( "); test("class X { static async m() "); test("class X { static async m() { "); test("class X { static async m() {} "); // async/await arrow test("(async a "); test("(async a => "); test("(async a => b "); test("(async a => b) "); test("(async a => { "); test("(async a => { b "); test("(async a => { b } "); test("(async a => { b }) "); test("(async ( "); test("(async (a "); test("(async (a) "); test("(async (a) => "); test("(async (a) => b "); test("(async (a) => b) "); test("(async (a, "); test("(async (a, b "); test("(async (a, b) "); test("(async (a, b) => "); test("(async (a, b) => b "); test("(async (a, b) => b) "); test("(async ([ "); test("(async ([a "); test("(async ([a] "); test("(async ([a]) "); test("(async ([a]) => "); test("(async ([a]) => b "); test("(async ([a]) => b) "); test("(async ([a, "); test("(async ([a, b "); test("(async ([a, b] "); test("(async ([a, b]) "); test("(async ([a, b]) => "); test("(async ([a, b]) => b "); test("(async ([a, b]) => b) "); test("(async ({ "); test("(async ({a "); test("(async ({a} "); test("(async ({a}) "); test("(async ({a}) => "); test("(async ({a}) => b "); test("(async ({a}) => b) "); test("(async ({a, "); test("(async ({a, b "); test("(async ({a, b} "); test("(async ({a, b}) "); test("(async ({a, b}) => "); test("(async ({a, b}) => b "); test("(async ({a, b}) => b) "); }