/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "gc/Zone.h" #include "jsgc.h" #include "gc/Policy.h" #include "jit/BaselineJIT.h" #include "jit/Ion.h" #include "jit/JitCompartment.h" #include "vm/Debugger.h" #include "vm/Runtime.h" #include "jscompartmentinlines.h" #include "jsgcinlines.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::gc; Zone * const Zone::NotOnList = reinterpret_cast<Zone*>(1); JS::Zone::Zone(JSRuntime* rt) : JS::shadow::Zone(rt, &rt->gc.marker), debuggers(nullptr), suppressAllocationMetadataBuilder(false), arenas(rt), types(this), compartments(), gcGrayRoots(), gcWeakKeys(SystemAllocPolicy(), rt->randomHashCodeScrambler()), typeDescrObjects(this, SystemAllocPolicy()), gcMallocBytes(0), gcMallocGCTriggered(false), usage(&rt->gc.usage), gcDelayBytes(0), propertyTree(this), baseShapes(this, BaseShapeSet()), initialShapes(this, InitialShapeSet()), data(nullptr), isSystem(false), usedByExclusiveThread(false), active(false), jitZone_(nullptr), gcState_(NoGC), gcScheduled_(false), gcPreserveCode_(false), jitUsingBarriers_(false), keepShapeTables_(false), listNext_(NotOnList) { /* Ensure that there are no vtables to mess us up here. */ MOZ_ASSERT(reinterpret_cast<JS::shadow::Zone*>(this) == static_cast<JS::shadow::Zone*>(this)); AutoLockGC lock(rt); threshold.updateAfterGC(8192, GC_NORMAL, rt->gc.tunables, rt->gc.schedulingState, lock); setGCMaxMallocBytes(rt->gc.maxMallocBytesAllocated() * 0.9); } Zone::~Zone() { JSRuntime* rt = runtimeFromMainThread(); if (this == rt->gc.systemZone) rt->gc.systemZone = nullptr; js_delete(debuggers); js_delete(jitZone_); #ifdef DEBUG // Avoid assertion destroying the weak map list if the embedding leaked GC things. if (!rt->gc.shutdownCollectedEverything()) gcWeakMapList.clear(); #endif } bool Zone::init(bool isSystemArg) { isSystem = isSystemArg; return uniqueIds_.init() && gcZoneGroupEdges.init() && gcWeakKeys.init() && typeDescrObjects.init(); } void Zone::setNeedsIncrementalBarrier(bool needs, ShouldUpdateJit updateJit) { if (updateJit == UpdateJit && needs != jitUsingBarriers_) { jit::ToggleBarriers(this, needs); jitUsingBarriers_ = needs; } MOZ_ASSERT_IF(needs && isAtomsZone(), !runtimeFromMainThread()->exclusiveThreadsPresent()); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(needs, canCollect()); needsIncrementalBarrier_ = needs; } void Zone::resetGCMallocBytes() { gcMallocBytes = ptrdiff_t(gcMaxMallocBytes); gcMallocGCTriggered = false; } void Zone::setGCMaxMallocBytes(size_t value) { /* * For compatibility treat any value that exceeds PTRDIFF_T_MAX to * mean that value. */ gcMaxMallocBytes = (ptrdiff_t(value) >= 0) ? value : size_t(-1) >> 1; resetGCMallocBytes(); } void Zone::onTooMuchMalloc() { if (!gcMallocGCTriggered) { GCRuntime& gc = runtimeFromAnyThread()->gc; gcMallocGCTriggered = gc.triggerZoneGC(this, JS::gcreason::TOO_MUCH_MALLOC); } } void Zone::beginSweepTypes(FreeOp* fop, bool releaseTypes) { // Periodically release observed types for all scripts. This is safe to // do when there are no frames for the zone on the stack. if (active) releaseTypes = false; AutoClearTypeInferenceStateOnOOM oom(this); types.beginSweep(fop, releaseTypes, oom); } Zone::DebuggerVector* Zone::getOrCreateDebuggers(JSContext* cx) { if (debuggers) return debuggers; debuggers = js_new<DebuggerVector>(); if (!debuggers) ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return debuggers; } void Zone::sweepBreakpoints(FreeOp* fop) { if (fop->runtime()->debuggerList.isEmpty()) return; /* * Sweep all compartments in a zone at the same time, since there is no way * to iterate over the scripts belonging to a single compartment in a zone. */ MOZ_ASSERT(isGCSweepingOrCompacting()); for (auto iter = cellIter<JSScript>(); !iter.done(); iter.next()) { JSScript* script = iter; if (!script->hasAnyBreakpointsOrStepMode()) continue; bool scriptGone = IsAboutToBeFinalizedUnbarriered(&script); MOZ_ASSERT(script == iter); for (unsigned i = 0; i < script->length(); i++) { BreakpointSite* site = script->getBreakpointSite(script->offsetToPC(i)); if (!site) continue; Breakpoint* nextbp; for (Breakpoint* bp = site->firstBreakpoint(); bp; bp = nextbp) { nextbp = bp->nextInSite(); GCPtrNativeObject& dbgobj = bp->debugger->toJSObjectRef(); // If we are sweeping, then we expect the script and the // debugger object to be swept in the same zone group, except if // the breakpoint was added after we computed the zone // groups. In this case both script and debugger object must be // live. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(isGCSweeping() && dbgobj->zone()->isCollecting(), dbgobj->zone()->isGCSweeping() || (!scriptGone && dbgobj->asTenured().isMarked())); bool dying = scriptGone || IsAboutToBeFinalized(&dbgobj); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!dying, !IsAboutToBeFinalized(&bp->getHandlerRef())); if (dying) bp->destroy(fop); } } } } void Zone::sweepWeakMaps() { /* Finalize unreachable (key,value) pairs in all weak maps. */ WeakMapBase::sweepZone(this); } void Zone::discardJitCode(FreeOp* fop, bool discardBaselineCode) { if (!jitZone()) return; if (isPreservingCode()) { PurgeJITCaches(this); } else { if (discardBaselineCode) { #ifdef DEBUG /* Assert no baseline scripts are marked as active. */ for (auto script = cellIter<JSScript>(); !script.done(); script.next()) MOZ_ASSERT_IF(script->hasBaselineScript(), !script->baselineScript()->active()); #endif /* Mark baseline scripts on the stack as active. */ jit::MarkActiveBaselineScripts(this); } /* Only mark OSI points if code is being discarded. */ jit::InvalidateAll(fop, this); for (auto script = cellIter<JSScript>(); !script.done(); script.next()) { jit::FinishInvalidation(fop, script); /* * Discard baseline script if it's not marked as active. Note that * this also resets the active flag. */ if (discardBaselineCode) jit::FinishDiscardBaselineScript(fop, script); /* * Warm-up counter for scripts are reset on GC. After discarding code we * need to let it warm back up to get information such as which * opcodes are setting array holes or accessing getter properties. */ script->resetWarmUpCounter(); } /* * When scripts contains pointers to nursery things, the store buffer * can contain entries that point into the optimized stub space. Since * this method can be called outside the context of a GC, this situation * could result in us trying to mark invalid store buffer entries. * * Defer freeing any allocated blocks until after the next minor GC. */ if (discardBaselineCode) jitZone()->optimizedStubSpace()->freeAllAfterMinorGC(fop->runtime()); } } #ifdef JSGC_HASH_TABLE_CHECKS void JS::Zone::checkUniqueIdTableAfterMovingGC() { for (UniqueIdMap::Enum e(uniqueIds_); !e.empty(); e.popFront()) js::gc::CheckGCThingAfterMovingGC(e.front().key()); } #endif uint64_t Zone::gcNumber() { // Zones in use by exclusive threads are not collected, and threads using // them cannot access the main runtime's gcNumber without racing. return usedByExclusiveThread ? 0 : runtimeFromMainThread()->gc.gcNumber(); } js::jit::JitZone* Zone::createJitZone(JSContext* cx) { MOZ_ASSERT(!jitZone_); if (!cx->runtime()->getJitRuntime(cx)) return nullptr; jitZone_ = cx->new_<js::jit::JitZone>(); return jitZone_; } bool Zone::hasMarkedCompartments() { for (CompartmentsInZoneIter comp(this); !comp.done(); comp.next()) { if (comp->marked) return true; } return false; } bool Zone::canCollect() { // Zones cannot be collected while in use by other threads. if (usedByExclusiveThread) return false; JSRuntime* rt = runtimeFromAnyThread(); if (isAtomsZone() && rt->exclusiveThreadsPresent()) return false; return true; } void Zone::notifyObservingDebuggers() { for (CompartmentsInZoneIter comps(this); !comps.done(); comps.next()) { JSRuntime* rt = runtimeFromAnyThread(); RootedGlobalObject global(rt->contextFromMainThread(), comps->unsafeUnbarrieredMaybeGlobal()); if (!global) continue; GlobalObject::DebuggerVector* dbgs = global->getDebuggers(); if (!dbgs) continue; for (GlobalObject::DebuggerVector::Range r = dbgs->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) { if (!r.front()->debuggeeIsBeingCollected(rt->gc.majorGCCount())) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "OOM while notifying observing Debuggers of a GC: The onGarbageCollection\n" "hook will not be fired for this GC for some Debuggers!\n"); #endif return; } } } } bool js::ZonesIter::atAtomsZone(JSRuntime* rt) { return rt->isAtomsZone(*it); } bool Zone::isOnList() const { return listNext_ != NotOnList; } Zone* Zone::nextZone() const { MOZ_ASSERT(isOnList()); return listNext_; } void Zone::clearTables() { if (baseShapes.initialized()) baseShapes.clear(); if (initialShapes.initialized()) initialShapes.clear(); } void Zone::fixupAfterMovingGC() { fixupInitialShapeTable(); } bool Zone::addTypeDescrObject(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj) { // Type descriptor objects are always tenured so we don't need post barriers // on the set. MOZ_ASSERT(!IsInsideNursery(obj)); if (!typeDescrObjects.put(obj)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; } ZoneList::ZoneList() : head(nullptr), tail(nullptr) {} ZoneList::ZoneList(Zone* zone) : head(zone), tail(zone) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!zone->isOnList()); zone->listNext_ = nullptr; } ZoneList::~ZoneList() { MOZ_ASSERT(isEmpty()); } void ZoneList::check() const { #ifdef DEBUG MOZ_ASSERT((head == nullptr) == (tail == nullptr)); if (!head) return; Zone* zone = head; for (;;) { MOZ_ASSERT(zone && zone->isOnList()); if (zone == tail) break; zone = zone->listNext_; } MOZ_ASSERT(!zone->listNext_); #endif } bool ZoneList::isEmpty() const { return head == nullptr; } Zone* ZoneList::front() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); MOZ_ASSERT(head->isOnList()); return head; } void ZoneList::append(Zone* zone) { ZoneList singleZone(zone); transferFrom(singleZone); } void ZoneList::transferFrom(ZoneList& other) { check(); other.check(); MOZ_ASSERT(tail != other.tail); if (tail) tail->listNext_ = other.head; else head = other.head; tail = other.tail; other.head = nullptr; other.tail = nullptr; } void ZoneList::removeFront() { MOZ_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); check(); Zone* front = head; head = head->listNext_; if (!head) tail = nullptr; front->listNext_ = Zone::NotOnList; } void ZoneList::clear() { while (!isEmpty()) removeFront(); } JS_PUBLIC_API(void) JS::shadow::RegisterWeakCache(JS::Zone* zone, WeakCache<void*>* cachep) { zone->registerWeakCache(cachep); }