/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef gc_Statistics_h #define gc_Statistics_h #include "mozilla/EnumeratedArray.h" #include "mozilla/IntegerRange.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include "jsalloc.h" #include "jsgc.h" #include "jspubtd.h" #include "js/GCAPI.h" #include "js/Vector.h" using mozilla::Maybe; namespace js { namespace gcstats { enum Phase : uint8_t { PHASE_MUTATOR, PHASE_GC_BEGIN, PHASE_WAIT_BACKGROUND_THREAD, PHASE_MARK_DISCARD_CODE, PHASE_RELAZIFY_FUNCTIONS, PHASE_PURGE, PHASE_MARK, PHASE_UNMARK, PHASE_MARK_DELAYED, PHASE_SWEEP, PHASE_SWEEP_MARK, PHASE_SWEEP_MARK_TYPES, PHASE_SWEEP_MARK_INCOMING_BLACK, PHASE_SWEEP_MARK_WEAK, PHASE_SWEEP_MARK_INCOMING_GRAY, PHASE_SWEEP_MARK_GRAY, PHASE_SWEEP_MARK_GRAY_WEAK, PHASE_FINALIZE_START, PHASE_WEAK_ZONEGROUP_CALLBACK, PHASE_WEAK_COMPARTMENT_CALLBACK, PHASE_SWEEP_ATOMS, PHASE_SWEEP_SYMBOL_REGISTRY, PHASE_SWEEP_COMPARTMENTS, PHASE_SWEEP_DISCARD_CODE, PHASE_SWEEP_INNER_VIEWS, PHASE_SWEEP_CC_WRAPPER, PHASE_SWEEP_BASE_SHAPE, PHASE_SWEEP_INITIAL_SHAPE, PHASE_SWEEP_TYPE_OBJECT, PHASE_SWEEP_BREAKPOINT, PHASE_SWEEP_REGEXP, PHASE_SWEEP_MISC, PHASE_SWEEP_TYPES, PHASE_SWEEP_TYPES_BEGIN, PHASE_SWEEP_TYPES_END, PHASE_SWEEP_OBJECT, PHASE_SWEEP_STRING, PHASE_SWEEP_SCRIPT, PHASE_SWEEP_SCOPE, PHASE_SWEEP_SHAPE, PHASE_SWEEP_JITCODE, PHASE_FINALIZE_END, PHASE_DESTROY, PHASE_COMPACT, PHASE_COMPACT_MOVE, PHASE_COMPACT_UPDATE, PHASE_COMPACT_UPDATE_CELLS, PHASE_GC_END, PHASE_MINOR_GC, PHASE_EVICT_NURSERY, PHASE_TRACE_HEAP, PHASE_BARRIER, PHASE_UNMARK_GRAY, PHASE_MARK_ROOTS, PHASE_BUFFER_GRAY_ROOTS, PHASE_MARK_CCWS, PHASE_MARK_STACK, PHASE_MARK_RUNTIME_DATA, PHASE_MARK_EMBEDDING, PHASE_MARK_COMPARTMENTS, PHASE_PURGE_SHAPE_TABLES, PHASE_LIMIT, PHASE_NONE = PHASE_LIMIT, PHASE_EXPLICIT_SUSPENSION = PHASE_LIMIT, PHASE_IMPLICIT_SUSPENSION, PHASE_MULTI_PARENTS }; enum Stat { STAT_NEW_CHUNK, STAT_DESTROY_CHUNK, STAT_MINOR_GC, // Number of times a 'put' into a storebuffer overflowed, triggering a // compaction STAT_STOREBUFFER_OVERFLOW, // Number of arenas relocated by compacting GC. STAT_ARENA_RELOCATED, STAT_LIMIT }; struct ZoneGCStats { /* Number of zones collected in this GC. */ int collectedZoneCount = 0; /* Total number of zones in the Runtime at the start of this GC. */ int zoneCount = 0; /* Number of zones swept in this GC. */ int sweptZoneCount = 0; /* Total number of compartments in all zones collected. */ int collectedCompartmentCount = 0; /* Total number of compartments in the Runtime at the start of this GC. */ int compartmentCount = 0; /* Total number of compartments swept by this GC. */ int sweptCompartmentCount = 0; bool isCollectingAllZones() const { return collectedZoneCount == zoneCount; } ZoneGCStats() = default; }; #define FOR_EACH_GC_PROFILE_TIME(_) \ _(BeginCallback, "beginCB", PHASE_GC_BEGIN) \ _(WaitBgThread, "waitBG", PHASE_WAIT_BACKGROUND_THREAD) \ _(DiscardCode, "discard", PHASE_MARK_DISCARD_CODE) \ _(RelazifyFunc, "relazify", PHASE_RELAZIFY_FUNCTIONS) \ _(PurgeTables, "purgeTables", PHASE_PURGE_SHAPE_TABLES) \ _(Purge, "purge", PHASE_PURGE) \ _(Mark, "mark", PHASE_MARK) \ _(Sweep, "sweep", PHASE_SWEEP) \ _(Compact, "compact", PHASE_COMPACT) \ _(EndCallback, "endCB", PHASE_GC_END) \ _(Barriers, "barriers", PHASE_BARRIER) const char* ExplainAbortReason(gc::AbortReason reason); const char* ExplainInvocationKind(JSGCInvocationKind gckind); /* * Struct for collecting timing statistics on a "phase tree". The tree is * specified as a limited DAG, but the timings are collected for the whole tree * that you would get by expanding out the DAG by duplicating subtrees rooted * at nodes with multiple parents. * * During execution, a child phase can be activated multiple times, and the * total time will be accumulated. (So for example, you can start and end * PHASE_MARK_ROOTS multiple times before completing the parent phase.) * * Incremental GC is represented by recording separate timing results for each * slice within the overall GC. */ struct Statistics { /* * Phases are allowed to have multiple parents, though any path from root * to leaf is allowed at most one multi-parented phase. We keep a full set * of timings for each of the multi-parented phases, to be able to record * all the timings in the expanded tree induced by our dag. * * Note that this wastes quite a bit of space, since we have a whole * separate array of timing data containing all the phases. We could be * more clever and keep an array of pointers biased by the offset of the * multi-parented phase, and thereby preserve the simple * timings[slot][PHASE_*] indexing. But the complexity doesn't seem worth * the few hundred bytes of savings. If we want to extend things to full * DAGs, this decision should be reconsidered. */ static const size_t MaxMultiparentPhases = 6; static const size_t NumTimingArrays = MaxMultiparentPhases + 1; /* Create a convenient type for referring to tables of phase times. */ using PhaseTimeTable = int64_t[NumTimingArrays][PHASE_LIMIT]; static MOZ_MUST_USE bool initialize(); explicit Statistics(JSRuntime* rt); ~Statistics(); void beginPhase(Phase phase); void endPhase(Phase phase); void endParallelPhase(Phase phase, const GCParallelTask* task); // Occasionally, we may be in the middle of something that is tracked by // this class, and we need to do something unusual (eg evict the nursery) // that doesn't normally nest within the current phase. Suspend the // currently tracked phase stack, at which time the caller is free to do // other tracked operations. // // This also happens internally with PHASE_GC_BEGIN and other "non-GC" // phases. While in these phases, any beginPhase will automatically suspend // the non-GC phase, until that inner stack is complete, at which time it // will automatically resume the non-GC phase. Explicit suspensions do not // get auto-resumed. void suspendPhases(Phase suspension = PHASE_EXPLICIT_SUSPENSION); // Resume a suspended stack of phases. void resumePhases(); void beginSlice(const ZoneGCStats& zoneStats, JSGCInvocationKind gckind, SliceBudget budget, JS::gcreason::Reason reason); void endSlice(); MOZ_MUST_USE bool startTimingMutator(); MOZ_MUST_USE bool stopTimingMutator(double& mutator_ms, double& gc_ms); // Note when we sweep a zone or compartment. void sweptZone() { ++zoneStats.sweptZoneCount; } void sweptCompartment() { ++zoneStats.sweptCompartmentCount; } void reset(gc::AbortReason reason) { MOZ_ASSERT(reason != gc::AbortReason::None); if (!aborted) slices.back().resetReason = reason; } void nonincremental(gc::AbortReason reason) { MOZ_ASSERT(reason != gc::AbortReason::None); nonincrementalReason_ = reason; } bool nonincremental() const { return nonincrementalReason_ != gc::AbortReason::None; } const char* nonincrementalReason() const { return ExplainAbortReason(nonincrementalReason_); } void count(Stat s) { MOZ_ASSERT(s < STAT_LIMIT); counts[s]++; } void beginNurseryCollection(JS::gcreason::Reason reason); void endNurseryCollection(JS::gcreason::Reason reason); int64_t beginSCC(); void endSCC(unsigned scc, int64_t start); UniqueChars formatCompactSliceMessage() const; UniqueChars formatCompactSummaryMessage() const; UniqueChars formatJsonMessage(uint64_t timestamp); UniqueChars formatDetailedMessage(); JS::GCSliceCallback setSliceCallback(JS::GCSliceCallback callback); JS::GCNurseryCollectionCallback setNurseryCollectionCallback( JS::GCNurseryCollectionCallback callback); int64_t clearMaxGCPauseAccumulator(); int64_t getMaxGCPauseSinceClear(); // Return the current phase, suppressing the synthetic PHASE_MUTATOR phase. Phase currentPhase() { if (phaseNestingDepth == 0) return PHASE_NONE; if (phaseNestingDepth == 1) return phaseNesting[0] == PHASE_MUTATOR ? PHASE_NONE : phaseNesting[0]; return phaseNesting[phaseNestingDepth - 1]; } static const size_t MAX_NESTING = 20; struct SliceData { SliceData(SliceBudget budget, JS::gcreason::Reason reason, int64_t start, double startTimestamp, size_t startFaults, gc::State initialState) : budget(budget), reason(reason), initialState(initialState), finalState(gc::State::NotActive), resetReason(gc::AbortReason::None), start(start), startTimestamp(startTimestamp), startFaults(startFaults) { for (auto i : mozilla::MakeRange(NumTimingArrays)) mozilla::PodArrayZero(phaseTimes[i]); } SliceBudget budget; JS::gcreason::Reason reason; gc::State initialState, finalState; gc::AbortReason resetReason; int64_t start, end; double startTimestamp, endTimestamp; size_t startFaults, endFaults; PhaseTimeTable phaseTimes; int64_t duration() const { return end - start; } bool wasReset() const { return resetReason != gc::AbortReason::None; } }; typedef Vector<SliceData, 8, SystemAllocPolicy> SliceDataVector; typedef SliceDataVector::ConstRange SliceRange; SliceRange sliceRange() const { return slices.all(); } size_t slicesLength() const { return slices.length(); } /* Print total profile times on shutdown. */ void printTotalProfileTimes(); private: JSRuntime* runtime; int64_t startupTime; /* File pointer used for MOZ_GCTIMER output. */ FILE* fp; /* * GCs can't really nest, but a second GC can be triggered from within the * JSGC_END callback. */ int gcDepth; ZoneGCStats zoneStats; JSGCInvocationKind gckind; gc::AbortReason nonincrementalReason_; SliceDataVector slices; /* Most recent time when the given phase started. */ int64_t phaseStartTimes[PHASE_LIMIT]; /* Bookkeeping for GC timings when timingMutator is true */ int64_t timedGCStart; int64_t timedGCTime; /* Total time in a given phase for this GC. */ PhaseTimeTable phaseTimes; /* Total time in a given phase over all GCs. */ PhaseTimeTable phaseTotals; /* Number of events of this type for this GC. */ unsigned int counts[STAT_LIMIT]; /* Allocated space before the GC started. */ size_t preBytes; /* Records the maximum GC pause in an API-controlled interval (in us). */ mutable int64_t maxPauseInInterval; /* Phases that are currently on stack. */ Phase phaseNesting[MAX_NESTING]; size_t phaseNestingDepth; size_t activeDagSlot; /* * Certain phases can interrupt the phase stack, eg callback phases. When * this happens, we move the suspended phases over to a sepearate list, * terminated by a dummy PHASE_SUSPENSION phase (so that we can nest * suspensions by suspending multiple stacks with a PHASE_SUSPENSION in * between). */ Phase suspendedPhases[MAX_NESTING * 3]; size_t suspended; /* Sweep times for SCCs of compartments. */ Vector<int64_t, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> sccTimes; JS::GCSliceCallback sliceCallback; JS::GCNurseryCollectionCallback nurseryCollectionCallback; /* * True if we saw an OOM while allocating slices. The statistics for this * GC will be invalid. */ bool aborted; /* Profiling data. */ enum class ProfileKey { Total, #define DEFINE_TIME_KEY(name, text, phase) \ name, FOR_EACH_GC_PROFILE_TIME(DEFINE_TIME_KEY) #undef DEFINE_TIME_KEY KeyCount }; using ProfileTimes = mozilla::EnumeratedArray<ProfileKey, ProfileKey::KeyCount, int64_t>; int64_t profileThreshold_; bool enableProfiling_; ProfileTimes totalTimes_; uint64_t sliceCount_; void beginGC(JSGCInvocationKind kind); void endGC(); void recordPhaseEnd(Phase phase); void gcDuration(int64_t* total, int64_t* maxPause) const; void sccDurations(int64_t* total, int64_t* maxPause); void printStats(); UniqueChars formatCompactSlicePhaseTimes(const PhaseTimeTable phaseTimes) const; UniqueChars formatDetailedDescription(); UniqueChars formatDetailedSliceDescription(unsigned i, const SliceData& slice); UniqueChars formatDetailedPhaseTimes(const PhaseTimeTable phaseTimes); UniqueChars formatDetailedTotals(); UniqueChars formatJsonDescription(uint64_t timestamp); UniqueChars formatJsonSliceDescription(unsigned i, const SliceData& slice); UniqueChars formatJsonPhaseTimes(const PhaseTimeTable phaseTimes); double computeMMU(int64_t resolution) const; void printSliceProfile(); static void printProfileHeader(); static void printProfileTimes(const ProfileTimes& times); }; struct MOZ_RAII AutoGCSlice { AutoGCSlice(Statistics& stats, const ZoneGCStats& zoneStats, JSGCInvocationKind gckind, SliceBudget budget, JS::gcreason::Reason reason) : stats(stats) { stats.beginSlice(zoneStats, gckind, budget, reason); } ~AutoGCSlice() { stats.endSlice(); } Statistics& stats; }; struct MOZ_RAII AutoPhase { AutoPhase(Statistics& stats, Phase phase) : stats(stats), task(nullptr), phase(phase), enabled(true) { stats.beginPhase(phase); } AutoPhase(Statistics& stats, bool condition, Phase phase) : stats(stats), task(nullptr), phase(phase), enabled(condition) { if (enabled) stats.beginPhase(phase); } AutoPhase(Statistics& stats, const GCParallelTask& task, Phase phase) : stats(stats), task(&task), phase(phase), enabled(true) { if (enabled) stats.beginPhase(phase); } ~AutoPhase() { if (enabled) { if (task) stats.endParallelPhase(phase, task); else stats.endPhase(phase); } } Statistics& stats; const GCParallelTask* task; Phase phase; bool enabled; }; struct MOZ_RAII AutoSCC { AutoSCC(Statistics& stats, unsigned scc) : stats(stats), scc(scc) { start = stats.beginSCC(); } ~AutoSCC() { stats.endSCC(scc, start); } Statistics& stats; unsigned scc; int64_t start; }; } /* namespace gcstats */ } /* namespace js */ #endif /* gc_Statistics_h */