/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef gc_GCInternals_h
#define gc_GCInternals_h

#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/PodOperations.h"

#include "jscntxt.h"

#include "gc/Zone.h"
#include "vm/HelperThreads.h"
#include "vm/Runtime.h"

namespace js {
namespace gc {

void FinishGC(JSContext* cx);

 * This class should be used by any code that needs to exclusive access to the
 * heap in order to trace through it...
class MOZ_RAII AutoTraceSession
    explicit AutoTraceSession(JSRuntime* rt, JS::HeapState state = JS::HeapState::Tracing);

    // Threads with an exclusive context can hit refillFreeList while holding
    // the exclusive access lock. To avoid deadlocking when we try to acquire
    // this lock during GC and the other thread is waiting, make sure we hold
    // the exclusive access lock during GC sessions.
    AutoLockForExclusiveAccess lock;

    JSRuntime* runtime;

    AutoTraceSession(const AutoTraceSession&) = delete;
    void operator=(const AutoTraceSession&) = delete;

    JS::HeapState prevState;
    AutoSPSEntry pseudoFrame;

class MOZ_RAII AutoPrepareForTracing
    mozilla::Maybe<AutoTraceSession> session_;

    AutoPrepareForTracing(JSContext* cx, ZoneSelector selector);
    AutoTraceSession& session() { return session_.ref(); }

IsIncrementalGCUnsafe(JSRuntime* rt);

void CheckHashTablesAfterMovingGC(JSRuntime* rt);
void CheckHeapAfterGC(JSRuntime* rt);

struct MovingTracer : JS::CallbackTracer
    explicit MovingTracer(JSRuntime* rt) : CallbackTracer(rt, TraceWeakMapKeysValues) {}

    void onObjectEdge(JSObject** objp) override;
    void onShapeEdge(Shape** shapep) override;
    void onStringEdge(JSString** stringp) override;
    void onScriptEdge(JSScript** scriptp) override;
    void onLazyScriptEdge(LazyScript** lazyp) override;
    void onBaseShapeEdge(BaseShape** basep) override;
    void onScopeEdge(Scope** basep) override;
    void onChild(const JS::GCCellPtr& thing) override {

#ifdef DEBUG
    TracerKind getTracerKind() const override { return TracerKind::Moving; }

// Structure for counting how many times objects in a particular group have
// been tenured during a minor collection.
struct TenureCount
    ObjectGroup* group;
    int count;

// Keep rough track of how many times we tenure objects in particular groups
// during minor collections, using a fixed size hash for efficiency at the cost
// of potential collisions.
struct TenureCountCache
    static const size_t EntryShift = 4;
    static const size_t EntryCount = 1 << EntryShift;

    TenureCount entries[EntryCount];

    TenureCountCache() { mozilla::PodZero(this); }

    HashNumber hash(ObjectGroup* group) {
#if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
        static const size_t ZeroBits = 3;
        static const size_t ZeroBits = 4;

        uintptr_t word = uintptr_t(group);
        MOZ_ASSERT((word & ((1 << ZeroBits) - 1)) == 0);
        word >>= ZeroBits;
        return HashNumber((word >> EntryShift) ^ word);

    TenureCount& findEntry(ObjectGroup* group) {
        return entries[hash(group) % EntryCount];

} /* namespace gc */
} /* namespace js */

#endif /* gc_GCInternals_h */