/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ #include "base/task.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "TestEndpointOpens.h" #include "IPDLUnitTests.h" // fail etc. using namespace mozilla::ipc; using base::ProcessHandle; using base::Thread; namespace mozilla { // NB: this is generally bad style, but I am lazy. using namespace _ipdltest; using namespace _ipdltest2; static MessageLoop* gMainThread; static void AssertNotMainThread() { if (!gMainThread) { fail("gMainThread is not initialized"); } if (MessageLoop::current() == gMainThread) { fail("unexpectedly called on the main thread"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parent // Thread on which TestEndpointOpensOpenedParent runs static Thread* gParentThread; void TestEndpointOpensParent::Main() { if (!SendStart()) { fail("sending Start"); } } static void OpenParent(TestEndpointOpensOpenedParent* aParent, Endpoint<PTestEndpointOpensOpenedParent>&& aEndpoint) { AssertNotMainThread(); // Open the actor on the off-main thread to park it there. // Messages will be delivered to this thread's message loop // instead of the main thread's. if (!aEndpoint.Bind(aParent)) { fail("binding Parent"); } } bool TestEndpointOpensParent::RecvStartSubprotocol( mozilla::ipc::Endpoint<PTestEndpointOpensOpenedParent>&& endpoint) { gMainThread = MessageLoop::current(); gParentThread = new Thread("ParentThread"); if (!gParentThread->Start()) { fail("starting parent thread"); } TestEndpointOpensOpenedParent* a = new TestEndpointOpensOpenedParent(); gParentThread->message_loop()->PostTask( NewRunnableFunction(OpenParent, a, mozilla::Move(endpoint))); return true; } void TestEndpointOpensParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) { // Stops the thread and joins it delete gParentThread; if (NormalShutdown != why) { fail("unexpected destruction A!"); } passed("ok"); QuitParent(); } bool TestEndpointOpensOpenedParent::RecvHello() { AssertNotMainThread(); return SendHi(); } bool TestEndpointOpensOpenedParent::RecvHelloSync() { AssertNotMainThread(); return true; } bool TestEndpointOpensOpenedParent::AnswerHelloRpc() { AssertNotMainThread(); return CallHiRpc(); } static void ShutdownTestEndpointOpensOpenedParent(TestEndpointOpensOpenedParent* parent, Transport* transport) { delete parent; } void TestEndpointOpensOpenedParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) { AssertNotMainThread(); if (NormalShutdown != why) { fail("unexpected destruction B!"); } // ActorDestroy() is just a callback from IPDL-generated code, // which needs the top-level actor (this) to stay alive a little // longer so other things can be cleaned up. gParentThread->message_loop()->PostTask( NewRunnableFunction(ShutdownTestEndpointOpensOpenedParent, this, GetTransport())); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // child static TestEndpointOpensChild* gOpensChild; // Thread on which TestEndpointOpensOpenedChild runs static Thread* gChildThread; TestEndpointOpensChild::TestEndpointOpensChild() { gOpensChild = this; } static void OpenChild(TestEndpointOpensOpenedChild* aChild, Endpoint<PTestEndpointOpensOpenedChild>&& endpoint) { AssertNotMainThread(); // Open the actor on the off-main thread to park it there. // Messages will be delivered to this thread's message loop // instead of the main thread's. if (!endpoint.Bind(aChild)) { fail("binding child endpoint"); } // Kick off the unit tests if (!aChild->SendHello()) { fail("sending Hello"); } } bool TestEndpointOpensChild::RecvStart() { Endpoint<PTestEndpointOpensOpenedParent> parent; Endpoint<PTestEndpointOpensOpenedChild> child; nsresult rv; rv = PTestEndpointOpensOpened::CreateEndpoints(OtherPid(), base::GetCurrentProcId(), &parent, &child); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { fail("opening PTestEndpointOpensOpened"); } gMainThread = MessageLoop::current(); gChildThread = new Thread("ChildThread"); if (!gChildThread->Start()) { fail("starting child thread"); } TestEndpointOpensOpenedChild* a = new TestEndpointOpensOpenedChild(); gChildThread->message_loop()->PostTask( NewRunnableFunction(OpenChild, a, mozilla::Move(child))); if (!SendStartSubprotocol(parent)) { fail("send StartSubprotocol"); } return true; } void TestEndpointOpensChild::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) { // Stops the thread and joins it delete gChildThread; if (NormalShutdown != why) { fail("unexpected destruction C!"); } QuitChild(); } bool TestEndpointOpensOpenedChild::RecvHi() { AssertNotMainThread(); if (!SendHelloSync()) { fail("sending HelloSync"); } if (!CallHelloRpc()) { fail("calling HelloRpc"); } if (!mGotHi) { fail("didn't answer HiRpc"); } // Need to close the channel without message-processing frames on // the C++ stack MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( NewNonOwningRunnableMethod(this, &TestEndpointOpensOpenedChild::Close)); return true; } bool TestEndpointOpensOpenedChild::AnswerHiRpc() { AssertNotMainThread(); mGotHi = true; // d00d return true; } static void ShutdownTestEndpointOpensOpenedChild(TestEndpointOpensOpenedChild* child, Transport* transport) { delete child; // Kick off main-thread shutdown. gMainThread->PostTask( NewNonOwningRunnableMethod(gOpensChild, &TestEndpointOpensChild::Close)); } void TestEndpointOpensOpenedChild::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) { AssertNotMainThread(); if (NormalShutdown != why) { fail("unexpected destruction D!"); } // ActorDestroy() is just a callback from IPDL-generated code, // which needs the top-level actor (this) to stay alive a little // longer so other things can be cleaned up. Defer shutdown to // let cleanup finish. gChildThread->message_loop()->PostTask( NewRunnableFunction(ShutdownTestEndpointOpensOpenedChild, this, GetTransport())); } } // namespace mozilla