namespace mozilla {
namespace _ipdltest {

intr protocol PTestHangs {
    intr StackFrame();

    async Nonce();

    async Start();
    intr Hang();
    async __delete__();

state START:
    send Start goto RACE;

state RACE:
    recv Nonce goto RACE1;
    call StackFrame goto RACE2;
state RACE1:
    call StackFrame goto FRAME2;
state RACE2:
    recv Nonce goto FRAME2;

// So as to test unwinding the RPC stack
state FRAME2: answer StackFrame goto FRAME3;
state FRAME3: call StackFrame goto FRAME4;
state FRAME4: answer StackFrame goto HANG;
state HANG:   call Hang goto DEATH;

state DEATH:
    send __delete__;

} // namespace _ipdltest
} // namespace mozilla