/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "unicpriv.h" #include "nsUnicodeEncodeHelper.h" #include "nsDebug.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class nsUnicodeEncodeHelper [implementation] nsresult nsUnicodeEncodeHelper::ConvertByTable( const char16_t * aSrc, int32_t * aSrcLength, char * aDest, int32_t * aDestLength, uScanClassID aScanClass, uShiftOutTable * aShiftOutTable, uMappingTable * aMappingTable) { const char16_t * src = aSrc; const char16_t * srcEnd = aSrc + *aSrcLength; char * dest = aDest; int32_t destLen = *aDestLength; char16_t med; int32_t bcw; // byte count for write; nsresult res = NS_OK; while (src < srcEnd) { if (!uMapCode((uTable*) aMappingTable, static_cast<char16_t>(*(src++)), reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&med))) { if (aScanClass == u1ByteCharset && *(src - 1) < 0x20) { // some tables are missing the 0x00 - 0x20 part med = *(src - 1); } else { res = NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING; break; } } bool charFound; if (aScanClass == uMultibytesCharset) { NS_ASSERTION(aShiftOutTable, "shift table missing"); charFound = uGenerateShift(aShiftOutTable, 0, med, (uint8_t *)dest, destLen, (uint32_t *)&bcw); } else { charFound = uGenerate(aScanClass, 0, med, (uint8_t *)dest, destLen, (uint32_t *)&bcw); } if (!charFound) { src--; res = NS_OK_UENC_MOREOUTPUT; break; } dest += bcw; destLen -= bcw; } *aSrcLength = src - aSrc; *aDestLength = dest - aDest; return res; } nsresult nsUnicodeEncodeHelper::ConvertByMultiTable( const char16_t * aSrc, int32_t * aSrcLength, char * aDest, int32_t * aDestLength, int32_t aTableCount, uScanClassID * aScanClassArray, uShiftOutTable ** aShiftOutTable, uMappingTable ** aMappingTable) { const char16_t * src = aSrc; const char16_t * srcEnd = aSrc + *aSrcLength; char * dest = aDest; int32_t destLen = *aDestLength; char16_t med; int32_t bcw; // byte count for write; nsresult res = NS_OK; int32_t i; while (src < srcEnd) { for (i=0; i<aTableCount; i++) if (uMapCode((uTable*) aMappingTable[i], static_cast<uint16_t>(*src), reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&med))) break; src++; if (i == aTableCount) { res = NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING; break; } bool charFound; if (aScanClassArray[i] == uMultibytesCharset) { NS_ASSERTION(aShiftOutTable[i], "shift table missing"); charFound = uGenerateShift(aShiftOutTable[i], 0, med, (uint8_t *)dest, destLen, (uint32_t *)&bcw); } else charFound = uGenerate(aScanClassArray[i], 0, med, (uint8_t *)dest, destLen, (uint32_t *)&bcw); if (!charFound) { src--; res = NS_OK_UENC_MOREOUTPUT; break; } dest += bcw; destLen -= bcw; } *aSrcLength = src - aSrc; *aDestLength = dest - aDest; return res; }