#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; my @source_files; my @sjis_h; $sjis_h[0] = -1; @sjis_h[0x81..0x9f] = map { 0x2100 + $_ * 0x200 } (0 .. 30); @sjis_h[0xe0..0xef] = map { 0x5F00 + $_ * 0x200 } (0 .. 15); @sjis_h[0xf0..0xf9] = (-2) x 10; my @sjis_l; @sjis_l[0x40..0x7e] = (0x21..0x5f); @sjis_l[0x80..0xfc] = (0x60..0x7e, 0x121..0x17e); sub sjis_to_jis { my ($s) = @_; my $j; my $type; my $h = $sjis_h[($s>>8)&0xff]; if ( $h > 0 ) { # jis0208 my $l = $sjis_l[$s&0xff]; if ( $l == 0 ) { $j = $s; $type = 'sjis2undef'; } else { $j = $h + $l; if ( $j >= 0x3000 && $j < 0x7500 ) { # jis0208 kanji $type = 'jis0208'; } elsif ( $j < 0x2900 ) { # jis0208 $type = 'jis0208'; } else { $type = 'jis0208undef'; } } } elsif ( $h == -1 ) { # single byte $j = $s; if ( $s <= 0x7f ) { # jis0201 roman $type = 'jis0201'; } elsif ( $s >= 0xa1 && $s <= 0xdf ) { # jis0201 kana $type = 'jis0201'; } else { # sjis single byte undefined $type = 'sjis1undef'; } } elsif ( $h == -2 ) { # private use $j = $s; $type = 'private'; } else { # sjis undefined $j = $s; $type = 'sjis2undef'; } return ($j, $type); } sub read_sjis_map { my ($filename, $s_col, $u_col) = @_; my %map; open MAP, $filename or die $!; while (<MAP>) { my @cols = split /\s+/; my ($s, $u) = @cols[$s_col, $u_col]; $s =~ /^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/ && $u =~ /^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/ or next; $s = oct($s); $u = oct($u); my ($j, $type) = sjis_to_jis($s); push @{$map{$type}}, [$j, $s, $u]; } close MAP or warn $!; push @source_files, $filename; return %map; } sub read_0212_map { my ($filename, $j_col, $u_col) = @_; my $map; open MAP, $filename or die $!; while (<MAP>) { my @cols = split /\s+/; my ($j, $u) = @cols[$j_col, $u_col]; $j =~ /^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/ && $u =~ /^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/ or next; $j = oct($j); $u = oct($u); $u = 0xff5e if $u == 0x007e; push @$map, [$j, 0, $u]; } close MAP or warn $!; push @source_files, $filename; return $map; } my %printed; sub write_fromu_map { my ($filename, $code, @maps) = @_; open MAP, ">$filename" or die $!; foreach my $map (@maps) { foreach my $pair (@$map) { my ($j, $s, $u) = @$pair; if ( $code eq 'sjis' ) { $j = $s; } if ( defined($printed{$u}) ) { if ( $printed{$u} ne $j ) { printf "conflict 0x%04x to 0x%04x, 0x%04x\n", $u, $printed{$u}, $j; } } else { if ( $j < 0x100 ) { printf MAP "0x%02X\t0x%04X\n", $j, $u; } else { printf MAP "0x%04X\t0x%04X\n", $j, $u; } $printed{$u} = $j; } } } close MAP or warn $!; } my @table; my %table; my $table_next_count = 0; sub get_94table_index { my ($map_table) = @_; my $key = join ',', map {int($map_table->[$_])} (0 .. 93); my $table_index = $table{$key}; if ( !defined($table_index) ) { $table_index = $table_next_count; $table_next_count += 94; $table[$table_index] = $map_table; $table{$key} = $table_index; } return $table_index; } sub get_188table_index { my ($map_table) = @_; my $map_table1 = [ @{$map_table}[0 .. 93] ]; my $map_table2 = [ @{$map_table}[94 .. 187] ]; my $key = join ',', map {int($map_table->[$_])} (0 .. 187); my $key1 = join ',', map {int($map_table1->[$_])} (0 .. 93); my $key2 = join ',', map {int($map_table2->[$_])} (0 .. 93); my $table_index = $table{$key}; if ( !defined($table_index) ) { $table_index = $table_next_count; $table_next_count += 188; $table[$table_index] = $map_table1; $table[$table_index + 94] = $map_table2; $table{$key} = $table_index; $table{$key1} = $table_index unless defined($table{$key1}); $table{$key2} = $table_index + 94 unless defined($table{$key2}); } return $table_index; } get_188table_index([]); sub print_sjis_table_index { my @maps = @_; my %map_table; foreach my $map (@maps) { foreach my $pair (@$map) { my ($j, $s, $u) = @$pair; my $row = $s >> 8; my $cell = $s&0xff; if ( $cell >= 0x40 && $cell <= 0x7e ) { $cell -= 0x40; } elsif ( $cell >= 0x80 && $cell <= 0xfc ) { $cell -= 0x41; } else { next; } if ( defined($map_table{$row}->[$cell]) && $map_table{$row}->[$cell] != $u ) { print "conflict!\n"; } $map_table{$row}->[$cell] = $u; } } for ( my $i = 0x80; $i < 0x100; $i++ ) { if ( ($i & 0x7) == 0 ) { print MAP "\n "; } if ( $i >= 0xa1 && $i <= 0xdf ) { printf MAP " 0x%04X,", $i + 0xfec0; } elsif ( $i >= 0xf0 && $i <= 0xf9 ) { printf MAP " 0x%04X,", 0xe000 + ($i - 0xf0) * 188; } elsif ( $i == 0x80 ) { print MAP " 0xFFFD,"; } elsif ( $i == 0xa0 ) { print MAP " 0xF8F0,"; } elsif ( $i >= 0xfd ) { printf MAP " 0x%04X,", $i + (0xf8f1 - 0xfd); } else { my $table_index = get_188table_index($map_table{$i}); printf MAP " %6d,", $table_index; } } } sub print_jis_table_index { my @maps = @_; my %map_table; foreach my $map (@maps) { foreach my $pair (@$map) { my ($j, $s, $u) = @$pair; my $row = $j >> 8; my $cell = ($j&0xff) - 0x21; if ( defined($map_table{$row}->[$cell]) && $map_table{$row}->[$cell] != $u ) { print "conflict!\n"; } $map_table{$row}->[$cell] = $u; } } for ( my $i = 0; $i < 0x80; $i++ ) { if ( ($i & 0x7) == 0 ) { print MAP "\n "; } if ( $i >= 0x21 && $i <= 0x7e ) { my $table_index = get_94table_index($map_table{$i}); printf MAP " %6d,", $table_index; } else { print MAP " 0xFFFD,"; } } } sub print_table_index { my ($map_name, @maps) = @_; print MAP "static const uint16_t g${map_name}IndexShiftJis[] = {"; print_sjis_table_index(@maps); print MAP "\n};\n"; print MAP "static const uint16_t g${map_name}IndexJis0208[] = {"; print_jis_table_index(@maps); print MAP "\n};\n"; print MAP "static const uint16_t * const g${map_name}Index[] = {"; print MAP "\n g${map_name}IndexShiftJis, g${map_name}IndexJis0208"; print MAP "\n};\n\n"; } sub print_0212_table_index { my ($map_name, @maps) = @_; print MAP "static const uint16_t g${map_name}Index[] = {"; print_jis_table_index(@maps); print MAP "\n};\n\n"; } sub print_table { print MAP "static const uint16_t gJapaneseMap[] = {"; for ( my $i = 0; $i < $table_next_count; $i += 94 ) { my $index = $i; print MAP "\n /* index $index */\n "; my $map_table = $table[$i]; my $print_count = 1; for ( my $j = 0; $j < 94; $j++ ) { my $u = $map_table->[$j]; if ( $u == 0 ) { $u = 0xfffd; } printf MAP " 0x%04X,", $u; if ( ++$print_count == 8 ) { print MAP "\n "; $print_count = 0; } } } print MAP "\n};\n"; } my %cp932 = read_sjis_map('CP932.TXT', 0, 1); my $jis0212 = read_0212_map('JIS0212.TXT', 0, 1); %printed = (); write_fromu_map('jis0201-uf-unify', 'jis', $cp932{jis0201}, ); write_fromu_map('jis0208-uf-unify', 'jis', $cp932{jis0208}, ); %printed = (); write_fromu_map('jis0208ext-uf-unify', 'jis', $cp932{jis0208undef}, ); %printed = (); write_fromu_map('sjis-uf-unify', 'sjis', @cp932{'jis0201', 'jis0208', 'jis0208undef', 'sjis1undef', 'sjis2undef'}, ); open MAP, ">japanese.map" or die $!; binmode MAP; while (<DATA>) { if ( /^!/ ) { last; } print MAP; } print MAP "/* generated by jamap.pl @source_files */\n\n"; print MAP <<EOM; // IE-compatible handling of undefined codepoints: // 0x80 --> U+0080 // 0xa0 --> U+F8F0 // 0xfd --> U+F8F1 // 0xfe --> U+F8F2 // 0xff --> U+F8F3 EOM print_table_index('CP932', @cp932{'jis0208', 'jis0208undef', 'sjis2undef'}); print_0212_table_index('JIS0212', $jis0212); print_table(); close MAP or warn $!; __DATA__ /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ !