License information for hyph_fi.dic:

This file is based on the Finnish hyphenation patterns for,
which in turn are based on patterns for TeX.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At the time this file was first modified, a complete, unmodified copy of
the original work was available from:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This work was donated into the Public Domain by its author:

% ----->  Finnish hyphenation patterns for MLPCTeX  <------
%  + January 1986: first release by Kauko Saarinen,
%    Computing Centre, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
%  + January 1988: completely rewritten by Kauko Saarinen.
%    The new patterns make much less mistakes with foreign
%    and compound words. The article "Automatic Hyphenation
%    of Finnish" by Professor Fred Karlsson is also referred
%  + 8th March 1989 (vers. 2.2): some vowel triples added by
%    Kauko Saarinen based on Fred Karlsson's ideas
%  + 9th January 1995: added \uccode and \lccode by Thomas Esser
%  + 24th May 2004: changelog reformatted for disambiguation and
%    Thomas Esser's \[u/l]ccode changes complete rewritten to make
%    certain Saarinen is the sole copyright owner of the file again,
%    by Jarno Elonen (who donated all his modification works into
%    the Public Domain.)
%  + 24th May 2004: rewrote donated into the Public Domain
%    by Kauko Saarinen
% This file/works is donated completely into the Public Domain.
% However, the author kindly asks that any modifications be
% voluntarily reported by logging them above, if possible.