/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef mozilla_image_Decoder_h
#define mozilla_image_Decoder_h

#include "FrameAnimator.h"
#include "RasterImage.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/NotNull.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "DecodePool.h"
#include "DecoderFlags.h"
#include "Downscaler.h"
#include "ImageMetadata.h"
#include "Orientation.h"
#include "SourceBuffer.h"
#include "StreamingLexer.h"
#include "SurfaceFlags.h"

namespace mozilla {

namespace Telemetry {
  enum ID : uint32_t;
} // namespace Telemetry

namespace image {

struct DecoderFinalStatus final
  DecoderFinalStatus(bool aWasMetadataDecode,
                     bool aFinished,
                     bool aHadError,
                     bool aShouldReportError)
    : mWasMetadataDecode(aWasMetadataDecode)
    , mFinished(aFinished)
    , mHadError(aHadError)
    , mShouldReportError(aShouldReportError)
  { }

  /// True if this was a metadata decode.
  const bool mWasMetadataDecode : 1;

  /// True if this decoder finished, whether successfully or due to failure.
  const bool mFinished : 1;

  /// True if this decoder encountered an error.
  const bool mHadError : 1;

  /// True if this decoder encountered the kind of error that should be reported
  /// to the console.
  const bool mShouldReportError : 1;

struct DecoderTelemetry final
  DecoderTelemetry(Maybe<Telemetry::ID> aSpeedHistogram,
                   size_t aBytesDecoded,
                   uint32_t aChunkCount,
                   TimeDuration aDecodeTime)
    : mSpeedHistogram(aSpeedHistogram)
    , mBytesDecoded(aBytesDecoded)
    , mChunkCount(aChunkCount)
    , mDecodeTime(aDecodeTime)
  { }

  /// @return our decoder's speed, in KBps.
  int32_t Speed() const
    return mBytesDecoded / (1024 * mDecodeTime.ToSeconds());

  /// @return our decoder's decode time, in microseconds.
  int32_t DecodeTimeMicros() { return mDecodeTime.ToMicroseconds(); }

  /// The per-image-format telemetry ID for recording our decoder's speed, or
  /// Nothing() if we don't record speed telemetry for this kind of decoder.
  const Maybe<Telemetry::ID> mSpeedHistogram;

  /// The number of bytes of input our decoder processed.
  const size_t mBytesDecoded;

  /// The number of chunks our decoder's input was divided into.
  const uint32_t mChunkCount;

  /// The amount of time our decoder spent inside DoDecode().
  const TimeDuration mDecodeTime;

class Decoder

  explicit Decoder(RasterImage* aImage);

   * Initialize an image decoder. Decoders may not be re-initialized.
   * @return NS_OK if the decoder could be initialized successfully.
  nsresult Init();

   * Decodes, reading all data currently available in the SourceBuffer.
   * If more data is needed and @aOnResume is non-null, Decode() will schedule
   * @aOnResume to be called when more data is available.
   * @return a LexerResult which may indicate:
   *   - the image has been successfully decoded (TerminalState::SUCCESS), or
   *   - the image has failed to decode (TerminalState::FAILURE), or
   *   - the decoder is yielding until it gets more data (Yield::NEED_MORE_DATA), or
   *   - the decoder is yielding to allow the caller to access intermediate
   *     output (Yield::OUTPUT_AVAILABLE).
  LexerResult Decode(IResumable* aOnResume = nullptr);

   * Terminate this decoder in a failure state, just as if the decoder
   * implementation had returned TerminalState::FAILURE from DoDecode().
   * XXX(seth): This method should be removed ASAP; it exists only because
   * RasterImage::FinalizeDecoder() requires an actual Decoder object as an
   * argument, so we can't simply tell RasterImage a decode failed except via an
   * intervening decoder. We'll fix this in bug 1291071.
  LexerResult TerminateFailure();

   * Given a maximum number of bytes we're willing to decode, @aByteLimit,
   * returns true if we should attempt to run this decoder synchronously.
  bool ShouldSyncDecode(size_t aByteLimit);

   * Gets the invalidation region accumulated by the decoder so far, and clears
   * the decoder's invalidation region. This means that each call to
   * TakeInvalidRect() returns only the invalidation region accumulated since
   * the last call to TakeInvalidRect().
  nsIntRect TakeInvalidRect()
    nsIntRect invalidRect = mInvalidRect;
    return invalidRect;

   * Gets the progress changes accumulated by the decoder so far, and clears
   * them. This means that each call to TakeProgress() returns only the changes
   * accumulated since the last call to TakeProgress().
  Progress TakeProgress()
    Progress progress = mProgress;
    mProgress = NoProgress;
    return progress;

   * Returns true if there's any progress to report.
  bool HasProgress() const
    return mProgress != NoProgress || !mInvalidRect.IsEmpty() || mFinishedNewFrame;

   * State.

   * If we're doing a metadata decode, we only decode the image's headers, which
   * is enough to determine the image's intrinsic size. A metadata decode is
   * enabled by calling SetMetadataDecode() *before* calling Init().
  void SetMetadataDecode(bool aMetadataDecode)
    MOZ_ASSERT(!mInitialized, "Shouldn't be initialized yet");
    mMetadataDecode = aMetadataDecode;
  bool IsMetadataDecode() const { return mMetadataDecode; }

   * Sets the output size of this decoder. If this is smaller than the intrinsic
   * size of the image, we'll downscale it while decoding. For memory usage
   * reasons, upscaling is forbidden and will trigger assertions in debug
   * builds.
   * Not calling SetOutputSize() means that we should just decode at the
   * intrinsic size, whatever it is.
   * If SetOutputSize() was called, ExplicitOutputSize() can be used to
   * determine the value that was passed to it.
   * This must be called before Init() is called.
  void SetOutputSize(const gfx::IntSize& aSize);

   * @return the output size of this decoder. If this is smaller than the
   * intrinsic size, then the image will be downscaled during the decoding
   * process.
   * Illegal to call if HasSize() returns false.
  gfx::IntSize OutputSize() const { MOZ_ASSERT(HasSize()); return *mOutputSize; }

   * @return either the size passed to SetOutputSize() or Nothing(), indicating
   * that SetOutputSize() was not explicitly called.
  Maybe<gfx::IntSize> ExplicitOutputSize() const;

   * Set the requested sample size for this decoder. Used to implement the
   * -moz-sample-size media fragment.
   *  XXX(seth): Support for -moz-sample-size will be removed in bug 1120056.
  virtual void SetSampleSize(int aSampleSize) { }

   * Set an iterator to the SourceBuffer which will feed data to this decoder.
   * This must always be called before calling Init(). (And only before Init().)
   * XXX(seth): We should eliminate this method and pass a SourceBufferIterator
   * to the various decoder constructors instead.
  void SetIterator(SourceBufferIterator&& aIterator)
    MOZ_ASSERT(!mInitialized, "Shouldn't be initialized yet");

   * Should this decoder send partial invalidations?
  bool ShouldSendPartialInvalidations() const
    return !(mDecoderFlags & DecoderFlags::IS_REDECODE);

   * Should we stop decoding after the first frame?
  bool IsFirstFrameDecode() const
    return bool(mDecoderFlags & DecoderFlags::FIRST_FRAME_ONLY);

   * @return the number of complete animation frames which have been decoded so
   * far, if it has changed since the last call to TakeCompleteFrameCount();
   * otherwise, returns Nothing().
  Maybe<uint32_t> TakeCompleteFrameCount();

  // The number of frames we have, including anything in-progress. Thus, this
  // is only 0 if we haven't begun any frames.
  uint32_t GetFrameCount() { return mFrameCount; }

  // Did we discover that the image we're decoding is animated?
  bool HasAnimation() const { return mImageMetadata.HasAnimation(); }

  // Error tracking
  bool HasError() const { return mError; }
  bool ShouldReportError() const { return mShouldReportError; }

  /// Did we finish decoding enough that calling Decode() again would be useless?
  bool GetDecodeDone() const
    return mReachedTerminalState || mDecodeDone ||
           (mMetadataDecode && HasSize()) || HasError();

  /// Are we in the middle of a frame right now? Used for assertions only.
  bool InFrame() const { return mInFrame; }

  enum DecodeStyle {
      PROGRESSIVE, // produce intermediate frames representing the partial
                   // state of the image
      SEQUENTIAL   // decode to final image immediately

   * Get or set the DecoderFlags that influence the behavior of this decoder.
  void SetDecoderFlags(DecoderFlags aDecoderFlags)
    mDecoderFlags = aDecoderFlags;
  DecoderFlags GetDecoderFlags() const { return mDecoderFlags; }

   * Get or set the SurfaceFlags that select the kind of output this decoder
   * will produce.
  void SetSurfaceFlags(SurfaceFlags aSurfaceFlags)
    mSurfaceFlags = aSurfaceFlags;
  SurfaceFlags GetSurfaceFlags() const { return mSurfaceFlags; }

  /// @return true if we know the intrinsic size of the image we're decoding.
  bool HasSize() const { return mImageMetadata.HasSize(); }

   * @return the intrinsic size of the image we're decoding.
   * Illegal to call if HasSize() returns false.
  gfx::IntSize Size() const
    return mImageMetadata.GetSize();

   * @return an IntRect which covers the entire area of this image at its
   * intrinsic size, appropriate for use as a frame rect when the image itself
   * does not specify one.
   * Illegal to call if HasSize() returns false.
  gfx::IntRect FullFrame() const
    return gfx::IntRect(gfx::IntPoint(), Size());

   * @return an IntRect which covers the entire area of this image at its size
   * after scaling - that is, at its output size.
   * XXX(seth): This is only used for decoders which are using the old
   * Downscaler code instead of SurfacePipe, since the old AllocateFrame() and
   * Downscaler APIs required that the frame rect be specified in output space.
   * We should remove this once all decoders use SurfacePipe.
   * Illegal to call if HasSize() returns false.
  gfx::IntRect FullOutputFrame() const
    return gfx::IntRect(gfx::IntPoint(), OutputSize());

  /// @return final status information about this decoder. Should be called
  /// after we decide we're not going to run the decoder anymore.
  DecoderFinalStatus FinalStatus() const;

  /// @return the metadata we collected about this image while decoding.
  const ImageMetadata& GetImageMetadata() { return mImageMetadata; }

  /// @return performance telemetry we collected while decoding.
  DecoderTelemetry Telemetry() const;

   * @return a weak pointer to the image associated with this decoder. Illegal
   * to call if this decoder is not associated with an image.
  NotNull<RasterImage*> GetImage() const { return WrapNotNull(mImage.get()); }

   * @return a possibly-null weak pointer to the image associated with this
   * decoder. May be called even if this decoder is not associated with an
   * image.
  RasterImage* GetImageMaybeNull() const { return mImage.get(); }

  RawAccessFrameRef GetCurrentFrameRef()
    return mCurrentFrame ? mCurrentFrame->RawAccessRef()
                         : RawAccessFrameRef();

  friend class AutoRecordDecoderTelemetry;
  friend class nsICODecoder;
  friend class PalettedSurfaceSink;
  friend class SurfaceSink;

  virtual ~Decoder();

   * Internal hooks. Decoder implementations may override these and
   * only these methods.
   * BeforeFinishInternal() can be used to detect if decoding is in an
   * incomplete state, e.g. due to file truncation, in which case it should
   * return a failing nsresult.
  virtual nsresult InitInternal();
  virtual LexerResult DoDecode(SourceBufferIterator& aIterator,
                               IResumable* aOnResume) = 0;
  virtual nsresult BeforeFinishInternal();
  virtual nsresult FinishInternal();
  virtual nsresult FinishWithErrorInternal();

   * @return the per-image-format telemetry ID for recording this decoder's
   * speed, or Nothing() if we don't record speed telemetry for this kind of
   * decoder.
  virtual Maybe<Telemetry::ID> SpeedHistogram() const { return Nothing(); }

   * Progress notifications.

  // Called by decoders when they determine the size of the image. Informs
  // the image of its size and sends notifications.
  void PostSize(int32_t aWidth,
                int32_t aHeight,
                Orientation aOrientation = Orientation());

  // Called by decoders if they determine that the image has transparency.
  // This should be fired as early as possible to allow observers to do things
  // that affect content, so it's necessarily pessimistic - if there's a
  // possibility that the image has transparency, for example because its header
  // specifies that it has an alpha channel, we fire PostHasTransparency
  // immediately. PostFrameStop's aFrameOpacity argument, on the other hand, is
  // only used internally to ImageLib. Because PostFrameStop isn't delivered
  // until the entire frame has been decoded, decoders may take into account the
  // actual contents of the frame and give a more accurate result.
  void PostHasTransparency();

  // Called by decoders if they determine that the image is animated.
  // @param aTimeout The time for which the first frame should be shown before
  //                 we advance to the next frame.
  void PostIsAnimated(FrameTimeout aFirstFrameTimeout);

  // Called by decoders when they end a frame. Informs the image, sends
  // notifications, and does internal book-keeping.
  // Specify whether this frame is opaque as an optimization.
  // For animated images, specify the disposal, blend method and timeout for
  // this frame.
  void PostFrameStop(Opacity aFrameOpacity = Opacity::SOME_TRANSPARENCY,
                     DisposalMethod aDisposalMethod = DisposalMethod::KEEP,
                     FrameTimeout aTimeout = FrameTimeout::Forever(),
                     BlendMethod aBlendMethod = BlendMethod::OVER,
                     const Maybe<nsIntRect>& aBlendRect = Nothing());

   * Called by the decoders when they have a region to invalidate. We may not
   * actually pass these invalidations on right away.
   * @param aRect The invalidation rect in the coordinate system of the unscaled
   *              image (that is, the image at its intrinsic size).
   * @param aRectAtOutputSize If not Nothing(), the invalidation rect in the
   *                          coordinate system of the scaled image (that is,
   *                          the image at our output size). This must
   *                          be supplied if we're downscaling during decode.
  void PostInvalidation(const gfx::IntRect& aRect,
                        const Maybe<gfx::IntRect>& aRectAtOutputSize = Nothing());

  // Called by the decoders when they have successfully decoded the image. This
  // may occur as the result of the decoder getting to the appropriate point in
  // the stream, or by us calling FinishInternal().
  // May not be called mid-frame.
  // For animated images, specify the loop count. -1 means loop forever, 0
  // means a single iteration, stopping on the last frame.
  void PostDecodeDone(int32_t aLoopCount = 0);

   * Allocates a new frame, making it our current frame if successful.
   * The @aFrameNum parameter only exists as a sanity check; it's illegal to
   * create a new frame anywhere but immediately after the existing frames.
   * If a non-paletted frame is desired, pass 0 for aPaletteDepth.
  nsresult AllocateFrame(uint32_t aFrameNum,
                         const gfx::IntSize& aOutputSize,
                         const gfx::IntRect& aFrameRect,
                         gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat,
                         uint8_t aPaletteDepth = 0);

  /// Report that an error was encountered while decoding.
  void PostError();

   * CompleteDecode() finishes up the decoding process after Decode() determines
   * that we're finished. It records final progress and does all the cleanup
   * that's possible off-main-thread.
  void CompleteDecode();

  /// @return the number of complete frames we have. Does not include the
  /// current frame if it's unfinished.
  uint32_t GetCompleteFrameCount()
    if (mFrameCount == 0) {
      return 0;

    return mInFrame ? mFrameCount - 1 : mFrameCount;

  RawAccessFrameRef AllocateFrameInternal(uint32_t aFrameNum,
                                          const gfx::IntSize& aOutputSize,
                                          const gfx::IntRect& aFrameRect,
                                          gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat,
                                          uint8_t aPaletteDepth,
                                          imgFrame* aPreviousFrame);

  Maybe<Downscaler> mDownscaler;

  uint8_t* mImageData;  // Pointer to image data in either Cairo or 8bit format
  uint32_t mImageDataLength;
  uint32_t* mColormap;  // Current colormap to be used in Cairo format
  uint32_t mColormapSize;

  RefPtr<RasterImage> mImage;
  Maybe<SourceBufferIterator> mIterator;
  RawAccessFrameRef mCurrentFrame;
  ImageMetadata mImageMetadata;
  gfx::IntRect mInvalidRect; // Tracks an invalidation region in the current frame.
  Maybe<gfx::IntSize> mOutputSize;  // The size of our output surface.
  Progress mProgress;

  uint32_t mFrameCount; // Number of frames, including anything in-progress
  FrameTimeout mLoopLength;  // Length of a single loop of this image.
  gfx::IntRect mFirstFrameRefreshArea;  // The area of the image that needs to
                                        // be invalidated when the animation loops.

  // Telemetry data for this decoder.
  TimeDuration mDecodeTime;

  DecoderFlags mDecoderFlags;
  SurfaceFlags mSurfaceFlags;

  bool mInitialized : 1;
  bool mMetadataDecode : 1;
  bool mHaveExplicitOutputSize : 1;
  bool mInFrame : 1;
  bool mFinishedNewFrame : 1;  // True if PostFrameStop() has been called since
                               // the last call to TakeCompleteFrameCount().
  bool mReachedTerminalState : 1;
  bool mDecodeDone : 1;
  bool mError : 1;
  bool mShouldReportError : 1;

} // namespace image
} // namespace mozilla

#endif // mozilla_image_Decoder_h