/** @file @brief Header Must be c-safe! @date 2015 @author Sensics, Inc. <http://sensics.com/osvr> */ /* // Copyright 2015 Sensics, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #ifndef INCLUDED_MatrixConventionsC_h_GUID_6FC7A4C6_E6C5_4A96_1C28_C3D21B909681 #define INCLUDED_MatrixConventionsC_h_GUID_6FC7A4C6_E6C5_4A96_1C28_C3D21B909681 /* Internal Includes */ #include <osvr/Util/Export.h> #include <osvr/Util/APIBaseC.h> #include <osvr/Util/StdInt.h> #include <osvr/Util/Pose3C.h> #include <osvr/Util/ReturnCodesC.h> /* Library/third-party includes */ /* none */ /* Standard includes */ /* none */ OSVR_EXTERN_C_BEGIN /** @defgroup MatrixConvention Matrix conventions and bit flags @ingroup UtilMath */ /** @brief Type for passing matrix convention flags. @ingroup MatrixConvention */ typedef uint16_t OSVR_MatrixConventions; #ifndef OSVR_DOXYGEN_EXTERNAL /** @brief Bitmasks for testing matrix conventions. @ingroup MatrixConvention */ typedef enum OSVR_MatrixMasks { OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_ROWMAJOR = 0x1, OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_ROWVECTORS = 0x2, OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_LHINPUT = 0x4, OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_UNSIGNEDZ = 0x8 } OSVR_MatrixMasks; #endif /** @defgroup MatrixFlags Matrix flags @ingroup MatrixConvention Bit flags for specifying matrix options. Only one option may be specified per enum, with all the specified options combined with bitwise-or `|`. Most methods that take matrix flags only obey ::OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags and ::OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags - the flags that affect memory order. The remaining flags are for use with projection matrix generation API methods. @{ */ /** @brief Flag bit controlling output memory order */ typedef enum OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags { /** @brief Column-major memory order (default) */ OSVR_MATRIX_COLMAJOR = 0x0, /** @brief Row-major memory order */ OSVR_MATRIX_ROWMAJOR = OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_ROWMAJOR } OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags; /** @brief Flag bit controlling expected input to matrices. (Related to ::OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags - setting one to non-default results in an output change, but setting both to non-default results in effectively no change in the output. If this blows your mind, just ignore this aside and carry on.) */ typedef enum OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags { /** @brief Matrix transforms column vectors (default) */ OSVR_MATRIX_COLVECTORS = 0x0, /** @brief Matrix transforms row vectors */ OSVR_MATRIX_ROWVECTORS = OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_ROWVECTORS } OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags; /** @brief Flag bit to indicate coordinate system input to projection matrix */ typedef enum OSVR_ProjectionMatrixInputFlags { /** @brief Matrix takes vectors from a right-handed coordinate system (default) */ OSVR_MATRIX_RHINPUT = 0x0, /** @brief Matrix takes vectors from a left-handed coordinate system */ OSVR_MATRIX_LHINPUT = OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_LHINPUT } OSVR_ProjectionMatrixInputFlags; /** @brief Flag bit to indicate the desired post-projection Z value convention */ typedef enum OSVR_ProjectionMatrixZFlags { /** @brief Matrix maps the near and far planes to signed Z values (in the range [-1, 1]) (default)*/ OSVR_MATRIX_SIGNEDZ = 0x0, /** @brief Matrix maps the near and far planes to unsigned Z values (in the range [0, 1]) */ OSVR_MATRIX_UNSIGNEDZ = OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_UNSIGNEDZ } OSVR_ProjectionMatrixZFlags; /** @} */ /* end of matrix flags group */ enum { /** @brief Constant for the number of elements in the matrices we use - 4x4. @ingroup MatrixConvention */ OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE = 16 }; /** @addtogroup UtilMath @{ */ /** @brief Set a matrix of doubles based on a Pose3. @param pose The Pose3 to convert @param flags Memory ordering flag - see @ref MatrixFlags @param[out] mat an array of 16 doubles */ OSVR_UTIL_EXPORT OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrixd( OSVR_Pose3 const *pose, OSVR_MatrixConventions flags, double *mat); /** @brief Set a matrix of floats based on a Pose3. @param pose The Pose3 to convert @param flags Memory ordering flag - see @ref MatrixFlags @param[out] mat an array of 16 floats */ OSVR_UTIL_EXPORT OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrixf( OSVR_Pose3 const *pose, OSVR_MatrixConventions flags, float *mat); /** @} */ OSVR_EXTERN_C_END #ifdef __cplusplus /** @brief Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detecting scalar * type) */ inline OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 const *pose, OSVR_MatrixConventions flags, double *mat) { return osvrPose3ToMatrixd(pose, flags, mat); } /** @brief Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detecting scalar * type) */ inline OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 const *pose, OSVR_MatrixConventions flags, float *mat) { return osvrPose3ToMatrixf(pose, flags, mat); } /** @brief Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detects scalar * and takes array rather than pointer) */ template <typename Scalar> inline OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 const *pose, OSVR_MatrixConventions flags, Scalar mat[OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE]) { return osvrPose3ToMatrix(pose, flags, &(mat[0])); } /** @brief Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detects scalar, * takes array, takes pose by reference) */ template <typename Scalar> inline OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 const &pose, OSVR_MatrixConventions flags, Scalar mat[OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE]) { return osvrPose3ToMatrix(&pose, flags, &(mat[0])); } #endif /** @} */ #endif