/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */


#include "nsTArrayForwardDeclare.h"
#include "gfxPlatform.h"
#include "mozilla/LookAndFeel.h"

namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
class DrawTarget;
class VsyncSource;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace mozilla

class gfxPlatformMac : public gfxPlatform {
    virtual ~gfxPlatformMac();

    static gfxPlatformMac *GetPlatform() {
        return (gfxPlatformMac*) gfxPlatform::GetPlatform();

    virtual already_AddRefed<gfxASurface>
      CreateOffscreenSurface(const IntSize& aSize,
                             gfxImageFormat aFormat) override;

      GetScaledFontForFont(mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget* aTarget, gfxFont *aFont) override;

    CreateFontGroup(const mozilla::FontFamilyList& aFontFamilyList,
                    const gfxFontStyle *aStyle,
                    gfxTextPerfMetrics* aTextPerf,
                    gfxUserFontSet *aUserFontSet,
                    gfxFloat aDevToCssSize) override;

    virtual gfxPlatformFontList* CreatePlatformFontList() override;

    bool IsFontFormatSupported(nsIURI *aFontURI, uint32_t aFormatFlags) override;

    virtual void GetCommonFallbackFonts(uint32_t aCh, uint32_t aNextCh,
                                        Script aRunScript,
                                        nsTArray<const char*>& aFontList) override;

    // lookup the system font for a particular system font type and set
    // the name and style characteristics
    static void
    LookupSystemFont(mozilla::LookAndFeel::FontID aSystemFontID,
                     nsAString& aSystemFontName,
                     gfxFontStyle &aFontStyle,
                     float aDevPixPerCSSPixel);

    virtual bool CanRenderContentToDataSurface() const override {
      return true;

    virtual bool SupportsApzWheelInput() const override {
      return true;

    bool RespectsFontStyleSmoothing() const override {
      // gfxMacFont respects the font smoothing hint.
      return true;

    bool RequiresAcceleratedGLContextForCompositorOGL() const override {
      // On OS X in a VM, unaccelerated CompositorOGL shows black flashes, so we
      // require accelerated GL for CompositorOGL but allow unaccelerated GL for
      // BasicCompositor.
      return true;

    virtual already_AddRefed<mozilla::gfx::VsyncSource> CreateHardwareVsyncSource() override;

    // lower threshold on font anti-aliasing
    uint32_t GetAntiAliasingThreshold() { return mFontAntiAliasingThreshold; }

    virtual void GetPlatformCMSOutputProfile(void* &mem, size_t &size) override;

    // read in the pref value for the lower threshold on font anti-aliasing
    static uint32_t ReadAntiAliasingThreshold();

    uint32_t mFontAntiAliasingThreshold;

#endif /* GFX_PLATFORM_MAC_H */