/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "gfxMatrix.h" #include "cairo.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Tools.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Matrix.h" // for Matrix4x4 using namespace mozilla::gfx; #define CAIRO_MATRIX(x) reinterpret_cast<cairo_matrix_t*>((x)) #define CONST_CAIRO_MATRIX(x) reinterpret_cast<const cairo_matrix_t*>((x)) const gfxMatrix& gfxMatrix::Reset() { cairo_matrix_init_identity(CAIRO_MATRIX(this)); return *this; } bool gfxMatrix::Invert() { return cairo_matrix_invert(CAIRO_MATRIX(this)) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; } gfxMatrix& gfxMatrix::Scale(gfxFloat x, gfxFloat y) { cairo_matrix_scale(CAIRO_MATRIX(this), x, y); return *this; } gfxMatrix& gfxMatrix::Translate(const gfxPoint& pt) { cairo_matrix_translate(CAIRO_MATRIX(this), pt.x, pt.y); return *this; } gfxMatrix& gfxMatrix::Rotate(gfxFloat radians) { cairo_matrix_rotate(CAIRO_MATRIX(this), radians); return *this; } const gfxMatrix& gfxMatrix::operator *= (const gfxMatrix& m) { cairo_matrix_multiply(CAIRO_MATRIX(this), CAIRO_MATRIX(this), CONST_CAIRO_MATRIX(&m)); return *this; } gfxMatrix& gfxMatrix::PreMultiply(const gfxMatrix& m) { cairo_matrix_multiply(CAIRO_MATRIX(this), CONST_CAIRO_MATRIX(&m), CAIRO_MATRIX(this)); return *this; } /* static */ gfxMatrix gfxMatrix::Rotation(gfxFloat aAngle) { gfxMatrix newMatrix; gfxFloat s = sin(aAngle); gfxFloat c = cos(aAngle); newMatrix._11 = c; newMatrix._12 = s; newMatrix._21 = -s; newMatrix._22 = c; return newMatrix; } gfxPoint gfxMatrix::Transform(const gfxPoint& point) const { gfxPoint ret = point; cairo_matrix_transform_point(CONST_CAIRO_MATRIX(this), &ret.x, &ret.y); return ret; } gfxSize gfxMatrix::Transform(const gfxSize& size) const { gfxSize ret = size; cairo_matrix_transform_distance(CONST_CAIRO_MATRIX(this), &ret.width, &ret.height); return ret; } gfxRect gfxMatrix::Transform(const gfxRect& rect) const { return gfxRect(Transform(rect.TopLeft()), Transform(rect.Size())); } gfxRect gfxMatrix::TransformBounds(const gfxRect& rect) const { /* Code taken from cairo-matrix.c, _cairo_matrix_transform_bounding_box isn't public */ int i; double quad_x[4], quad_y[4]; double min_x, max_x; double min_y, max_y; quad_x[0] = rect.X(); quad_y[0] = rect.Y(); cairo_matrix_transform_point (CONST_CAIRO_MATRIX(this), &quad_x[0], &quad_y[0]); quad_x[1] = rect.XMost(); quad_y[1] = rect.Y(); cairo_matrix_transform_point (CONST_CAIRO_MATRIX(this), &quad_x[1], &quad_y[1]); quad_x[2] = rect.X(); quad_y[2] = rect.YMost(); cairo_matrix_transform_point (CONST_CAIRO_MATRIX(this), &quad_x[2], &quad_y[2]); quad_x[3] = rect.XMost(); quad_y[3] = rect.YMost(); cairo_matrix_transform_point (CONST_CAIRO_MATRIX(this), &quad_x[3], &quad_y[3]); min_x = max_x = quad_x[0]; min_y = max_y = quad_y[0]; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (quad_x[i] < min_x) min_x = quad_x[i]; if (quad_x[i] > max_x) max_x = quad_x[i]; if (quad_y[i] < min_y) min_y = quad_y[i]; if (quad_y[i] > max_y) max_y = quad_y[i]; } return gfxRect(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y); } static void NudgeToInteger(double *aVal) { float f = float(*aVal); mozilla::gfx::NudgeToInteger(&f); *aVal = f; } gfxMatrix& gfxMatrix::NudgeToIntegers(void) { NudgeToInteger(&_11); NudgeToInteger(&_21); NudgeToInteger(&_12); NudgeToInteger(&_22); NudgeToInteger(&_31); NudgeToInteger(&_32); return *this; } mozilla::gfx::Matrix4x4 gfxMatrix::operator *(const mozilla::gfx::Matrix4x4& aMatrix) const { Matrix4x4 resultMatrix; resultMatrix._11 = _11 * aMatrix._11 + _12 * aMatrix._21; resultMatrix._12 = _11 * aMatrix._12 + _12 * aMatrix._22; resultMatrix._13 = _11 * aMatrix._13 + _12 * aMatrix._23; resultMatrix._14 = _11 * aMatrix._14 + _12 * aMatrix._24; resultMatrix._21 = _21 * aMatrix._11 + _22 * aMatrix._21; resultMatrix._22 = _21 * aMatrix._12 + _22 * aMatrix._22; resultMatrix._23 = _21 * aMatrix._13 + _22 * aMatrix._23; resultMatrix._24 = _21 * aMatrix._14 + _22 * aMatrix._24; resultMatrix._31 = aMatrix._31; resultMatrix._32 = aMatrix._32; resultMatrix._33 = aMatrix._33; resultMatrix._34 = aMatrix._34; resultMatrix._41 = _31 * aMatrix._11 + _32 * aMatrix._21 + aMatrix._41; resultMatrix._42 = _31 * aMatrix._12 + _32 * aMatrix._22 + aMatrix._42; resultMatrix._43 = _31 * aMatrix._13 + _32 * aMatrix._23 + aMatrix._43; resultMatrix._44 = _31 * aMatrix._14 + _32 * aMatrix._24 + aMatrix._44; return resultMatrix; }