/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */


#include "gfxTypes.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "gfxFontConstants.h"
#include "gfxFontFeatures.h"
#include "gfxFontUtils.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsTHashtable.h"
#include "mozilla/HashFunctions.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "nsUnicodeScriptCodes.h"
#include "nsDataHashtable.h"
#include "harfbuzz/hb.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"

typedef struct gr_face gr_face;

#ifdef DEBUG
#include <stdio.h>

struct gfxFontStyle;
class gfxContext;
class gfxFont;
class gfxFontFamily;
class gfxUserFontData;
class gfxSVGGlyphs;
class FontInfoData;
struct FontListSizes;
class nsIAtom;

namespace mozilla {
class SVGContextPaint;

class gfxCharacterMap : public gfxSparseBitSet {
    nsrefcnt AddRef() {
        NS_PRECONDITION(int32_t(mRefCnt) >= 0, "illegal refcnt");
        NS_LOG_ADDREF(this, mRefCnt, "gfxCharacterMap", sizeof(*this));
        return mRefCnt;

    nsrefcnt Release() {
        NS_PRECONDITION(0 != mRefCnt, "dup release");
        NS_LOG_RELEASE(this, mRefCnt, "gfxCharacterMap");
        if (mRefCnt == 0) {
            // |this| has been deleted.
            return 0;
        return mRefCnt;

    gfxCharacterMap() :
        mHash(0), mBuildOnTheFly(false), mShared(false)
    { }

    explicit gfxCharacterMap(const gfxSparseBitSet& aOther) :
        mHash(0), mBuildOnTheFly(false), mShared(false)
    { }

    void CalcHash() { mHash = GetChecksum(); }

    size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const {
        return gfxSparseBitSet::SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);

    // hash of the cmap bitvector
    uint32_t mHash;

    // if cmap is built on the fly it's never shared
    bool mBuildOnTheFly;

    // cmap is shared globally
    bool mShared;

    void NotifyReleased();

    nsAutoRefCnt mRefCnt;

    gfxCharacterMap(const gfxCharacterMap&);
    gfxCharacterMap& operator=(const gfxCharacterMap&);

class gfxFontEntry {
    typedef mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget DrawTarget;
    typedef mozilla::unicode::Script Script;


    explicit gfxFontEntry(const nsAString& aName, bool aIsStandardFace = false);

    // unique name for the face, *not* the family; not necessarily the
    // "real" or user-friendly name, may be an internal identifier
    const nsString& Name() const { return mName; }

    // family name
    const nsString& FamilyName() const { return mFamilyName; }

    // The following two methods may be relatively expensive, as they
    // will (usually, except on Linux) load and parse the 'name' table;
    // they are intended only for the font-inspection API, not for
    // perf-critical layout/drawing work.

    // The "real" name of the face, if available from the font resource;
    // returns Name() if nothing better is available.
    virtual nsString RealFaceName();

    uint16_t Weight() const { return mWeight; }
    int16_t Stretch() const { return mStretch; }

    bool IsUserFont() const { return mIsDataUserFont || mIsLocalUserFont; }
    bool IsLocalUserFont() const { return mIsLocalUserFont; }
    bool IsFixedPitch() const { return mFixedPitch; }
    bool IsItalic() const { return mStyle == NS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC; }
    bool IsOblique() const { return mStyle == NS_FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE; }
    bool IsUpright() const { return mStyle == NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL; }
    bool IsBold() const { return mWeight >= 600; } // bold == weights 600 and above
    bool IgnoreGDEF() const { return mIgnoreGDEF; }
    bool IgnoreGSUB() const { return mIgnoreGSUB; }

    // whether a feature is supported by the font (limited to a small set
    // of features for which some form of fallback needs to be implemented)
    bool SupportsOpenTypeFeature(Script aScript, uint32_t aFeatureTag);
    bool SupportsGraphiteFeature(uint32_t aFeatureTag);

    // returns a set containing all input glyph ids for a given feature
    const hb_set_t*
    InputsForOpenTypeFeature(Script aScript, uint32_t aFeatureTag);

    virtual bool IsSymbolFont();

    virtual bool HasFontTable(uint32_t aTableTag);

    inline bool HasGraphiteTables() {
        if (!mCheckedForGraphiteTables) {
            mCheckedForGraphiteTables = true;
        return mHasGraphiteTables;

    inline bool HasCmapTable() {
        if (!mCharacterMap) {
            NS_ASSERTION(mCharacterMap, "failed to initialize character map");
        return mHasCmapTable;

    inline bool HasCharacter(uint32_t ch) {
        if (mCharacterMap && mCharacterMap->test(ch)) {
            return true;
        return TestCharacterMap(ch);

    virtual bool SkipDuringSystemFallback() { return false; }
    nsresult InitializeUVSMap();
    uint16_t GetUVSGlyph(uint32_t aCh, uint32_t aVS);

    // All concrete gfxFontEntry subclasses (except gfxUserFontEntry) need
    // to override this, otherwise the font will never be used as it will
    // be considered to support no characters.
    // ReadCMAP() must *always* set the mCharacterMap pointer to a valid
    // gfxCharacterMap, even if empty, as other code assumes this pointer
    // can be safely dereferenced.
    virtual nsresult ReadCMAP(FontInfoData *aFontInfoData = nullptr);

    bool TryGetSVGData(gfxFont* aFont);
    bool HasSVGGlyph(uint32_t aGlyphId);
    bool GetSVGGlyphExtents(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget, uint32_t aGlyphId,
                            gfxRect *aResult);
    bool RenderSVGGlyph(gfxContext *aContext, uint32_t aGlyphId,
                        mozilla::SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint);
    // Call this when glyph geometry or rendering has changed
    // (e.g. animated SVG glyphs)
    void NotifyGlyphsChanged();

    bool     TryGetColorGlyphs();
    bool     GetColorLayersInfo(uint32_t aGlyphId,
                                const mozilla::gfx::Color& aDefaultColor,
                                nsTArray<uint16_t>& layerGlyphs,
                                nsTArray<mozilla::gfx::Color>& layerColors);

    virtual bool MatchesGenericFamily(const nsACString& aGeneric) const {
        return true;
    virtual bool SupportsLangGroup(nsIAtom *aLangGroup) const {
        return true;

    // Access to raw font table data (needed for Harfbuzz):
    // returns a pointer to data owned by the fontEntry or the OS,
    // which will remain valid until the blob is destroyed.
    // The data MUST be treated as read-only; we may be getting a
    // reference to a shared system font cache.
    // The default implementation uses CopyFontTable to get the data
    // into a byte array, and maintains a cache of loaded tables.
    // Subclasses should override this if they can provide more efficient
    // access than copying table data into our own buffers.
    // Get blob that encapsulates a specific font table, or nullptr if
    // the table doesn't exist in the font.
    // Caller is responsible to call hb_blob_destroy() on the returned blob
    // (if non-nullptr) when no longer required. For transient access to a
    // table, use of AutoTable (below) is generally preferred.
    virtual hb_blob_t *GetFontTable(uint32_t aTag);

    // Stack-based utility to return a specified table, automatically releasing
    // the blob when the AutoTable goes out of scope.
    class AutoTable {
        AutoTable(gfxFontEntry* aFontEntry, uint32_t aTag)
            mBlob = aFontEntry->GetFontTable(aTag);
        ~AutoTable() {
            if (mBlob) {
        operator hb_blob_t*() const { return mBlob; }
        hb_blob_t* mBlob;
        // not implemented:
        AutoTable(const AutoTable&) = delete;
        AutoTable& operator=(const AutoTable&) = delete;

    FindOrMakeFont(const gfxFontStyle *aStyle,
                   bool aNeedsBold,
                   gfxCharacterMap* aUnicodeRangeMap = nullptr);

    // Get an existing font table cache entry in aBlob if it has been
    // registered, or return false if not.  Callers must call
    // hb_blob_destroy on aBlob if true is returned.
    // Note that some gfxFont implementations may not call this at all,
    // if it is more efficient to get the table from the OS at that level.
    bool GetExistingFontTable(uint32_t aTag, hb_blob_t** aBlob);

    // Elements of aTable are transferred (not copied) to and returned in a
    // new hb_blob_t which is registered on the gfxFontEntry, but the initial
    // reference is owned by the caller.  Removing the last reference
    // unregisters the table from the font entry.
    // Pass nullptr for aBuffer to indicate that the table is not present and
    // nullptr will be returned.  Also returns nullptr on OOM.
    hb_blob_t *ShareFontTableAndGetBlob(uint32_t aTag,
                                        nsTArray<uint8_t>* aTable);

    // Get the font's unitsPerEm from the 'head' table, in the case of an
    // sfnt resource. Will return kInvalidUPEM for non-sfnt fonts,
    // if present on the platform.
    uint16_t UnitsPerEm();
    enum {
        kMinUPEM = 16,    // Limits on valid unitsPerEm range, from the
        kMaxUPEM = 16384, // OpenType spec
        kInvalidUPEM = uint16_t(-1)

    // Shaper face accessors:
    // NOTE that harfbuzz and graphite handle ownership/lifetime of the face
    // object in completely different ways.

    // Get HarfBuzz face corresponding to this font file.
    // Caller must release with hb_face_destroy() when finished with it,
    // and the font entry will be notified via ForgetHBFace.
    hb_face_t* GetHBFace();
    virtual void ForgetHBFace();

    // Get Graphite face corresponding to this font file.
    // Caller must call gfxFontEntry::ReleaseGrFace when finished with it.
    gr_face* GetGrFace();
    virtual void ReleaseGrFace(gr_face* aFace);

    // Does the font have graphite contextuals that involve the space glyph
    // (and therefore we should bypass the word cache)?
    bool HasGraphiteSpaceContextuals();

    // Release any SVG-glyphs document this font may have loaded.
    void DisconnectSVG();

    // Called to notify that aFont is being destroyed. Needed when we're tracking
    // the fonts belonging to this font entry.
    void NotifyFontDestroyed(gfxFont* aFont);

    // For memory reporting of the platform font list.
    virtual void AddSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
                                        FontListSizes* aSizes) const;
    virtual void AddSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
                                        FontListSizes* aSizes) const;

    // Used for reporting on individual font entries in the user font cache,
    // which are not present in the platform font list.
    ComputedSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;

    // Used when checking for complex script support, to mask off cmap ranges
    struct ScriptRange {
        uint32_t         rangeStart;
        uint32_t         rangeEnd;
        hb_tag_t         tags[3]; // one or two OpenType script tags to check,
                                  // plus a NULL terminator

    bool SupportsScriptInGSUB(const hb_tag_t* aScriptTags);

    nsString         mName;
    nsString         mFamilyName;

    uint8_t          mStyle       : 2; // italic/oblique
    bool             mFixedPitch  : 1;
    bool             mIsValid     : 1;
    bool             mIsBadUnderlineFont : 1;
    bool             mIsUserFontContainer : 1; // userfont entry
    bool             mIsDataUserFont : 1;      // platform font entry (data)
    bool             mIsLocalUserFont : 1;     // platform font entry (local)
    bool             mStandardFace : 1;
    bool             mSymbolFont  : 1;
    bool             mIgnoreGDEF  : 1;
    bool             mIgnoreGSUB  : 1;
    bool             mSVGInitialized : 1;
    bool             mHasSpaceFeaturesInitialized : 1;
    bool             mHasSpaceFeatures : 1;
    bool             mHasSpaceFeaturesKerning : 1;
    bool             mHasSpaceFeaturesNonKerning : 1;
    bool             mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck : 1;
    bool             mGraphiteSpaceContextualsInitialized : 1;
    bool             mHasGraphiteSpaceContextuals : 1;
    bool             mSpaceGlyphIsInvisible : 1;
    bool             mSpaceGlyphIsInvisibleInitialized : 1;
    bool             mHasGraphiteTables : 1;
    bool             mCheckedForGraphiteTables : 1;
    bool             mHasCmapTable : 1;
    bool             mGrFaceInitialized : 1;
    bool             mCheckedForColorGlyph : 1;

    // bitvector of substitution space features per script, one each
    // for default and non-default features
    uint32_t         mDefaultSubSpaceFeatures[(int(Script::NUM_SCRIPT_CODES) + 31) / 32];
    uint32_t         mNonDefaultSubSpaceFeatures[(int(Script::NUM_SCRIPT_CODES) + 31) / 32];

    uint16_t         mWeight;
    int16_t          mStretch;

    RefPtr<gfxCharacterMap> mCharacterMap;
    uint32_t         mUVSOffset;
    mozilla::UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> mUVSData;
    mozilla::UniquePtr<gfxUserFontData> mUserFontData;
    mozilla::UniquePtr<gfxSVGGlyphs> mSVGGlyphs;
    // list of gfxFonts that are using SVG glyphs
    nsTArray<gfxFont*> mFontsUsingSVGGlyphs;
    nsTArray<gfxFontFeature> mFeatureSettings;
    mozilla::UniquePtr<nsDataHashtable<nsUint32HashKey,bool>> mSupportedFeatures;
    mozilla::UniquePtr<nsDataHashtable<nsUint32HashKey,hb_set_t*>> mFeatureInputs;
    uint32_t         mLanguageOverride;

    // Color Layer font support
    hb_blob_t*       mCOLR;
    hb_blob_t*       mCPAL;

    friend class gfxPlatformFontList;
    friend class gfxMacPlatformFontList;
    friend class gfxUserFcFontEntry;
    friend class gfxFontFamily;
    friend class gfxSingleFaceMacFontFamily;
    friend class gfxUserFontEntry;


    // Protected destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release():
    virtual ~gfxFontEntry();

    virtual gfxFont *CreateFontInstance(const gfxFontStyle *aFontStyle, bool aNeedsBold) {
        NS_NOTREACHED("oops, somebody didn't override CreateFontInstance");
        return nullptr;

    virtual void CheckForGraphiteTables();

    // Copy a font table into aBuffer.
    // The caller will be responsible for ownership of the data.
    virtual nsresult CopyFontTable(uint32_t aTableTag,
                                   nsTArray<uint8_t>& aBuffer) {
        NS_NOTREACHED("forgot to override either GetFontTable or CopyFontTable?");
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // lookup the cmap in cached font data
    virtual already_AddRefed<gfxCharacterMap>
    GetCMAPFromFontInfo(FontInfoData *aFontInfoData,
                        uint32_t& aUVSOffset,
                        bool& aSymbolFont);

    // helper for HasCharacter(), which is what client code should call
    virtual bool TestCharacterMap(uint32_t aCh);

    // Font's unitsPerEm from the 'head' table, if available (will be set to
    // kInvalidUPEM for non-sfnt font formats)
    uint16_t mUnitsPerEm;

    // Shaper-specific face objects, shared by all instantiations of the same
    // physical font, regardless of size.
    // Usually, only one of these will actually be created for any given font
    // entry, depending on the font tables that are present.

    // hb_face_t is refcounted internally, so each shaper that's using it will
    // bump the ref count when it acquires the face, and "destroy" (release) it
    // in its destructor. The font entry has only this non-owning reference to
    // the face; when the face is deleted, it will tell the font entry to forget
    // it, so that a new face will be created next time it is needed.
    hb_face_t* mHBFace;

    static hb_blob_t* HBGetTable(hb_face_t *face, uint32_t aTag, void *aUserData);

    // Callback that the hb_face will use to tell us when it is being deleted.
    static void HBFaceDeletedCallback(void *aUserData);

    // gr_face is -not- refcounted, so it will be owned directly by the font
    // entry, and we'll keep a count of how many references we've handed out;
    // each shaper is responsible to call ReleaseGrFace on its entry when
    // finished with it, so that we know when it can be deleted.
    gr_face*   mGrFace;

    // hashtable to map raw table data ptr back to its owning blob, for use by
    // graphite table-release callback
    nsDataHashtable<nsPtrHashKey<const void>,void*>* mGrTableMap;

    // number of current users of this entry's mGrFace
    nsrefcnt mGrFaceRefCnt;

    static const void* GrGetTable(const void *aAppFaceHandle,
                                  unsigned int aName,
                                  size_t *aLen);
    static void GrReleaseTable(const void *aAppFaceHandle,
                               const void *aTableBuffer);

    // For memory reporting: size of user-font data belonging to this entry.
    // We record this in the font entry because the actual data block may be
    // handed over to platform APIs, so that it would become difficult (and
    // platform-specific) to measure it directly at report-gathering time.
    uint32_t mComputedSizeOfUserFont;

     * Font table hashtable, to support GetFontTable for harfbuzz.
     * The harfbuzz shaper (and potentially other clients) needs access to raw
     * font table data. This needs to be cached so that it can be used
     * repeatedly (each time we construct a text run; in some cases, for
     * each character/glyph within the run) without re-fetching large tables
     * every time.
     * Because we may instantiate many gfxFonts for the same physical font
     * file (at different sizes), we should ensure that they can share a
     * single cached copy of the font tables. To do this, we implement table
     * access and sharing on the fontEntry rather than the font itself.
     * The default implementation uses GetFontTable() to read font table
     * data into byte arrays, and wraps them in blobs which are registered in
     * a hashtable.  The hashtable can then return pre-existing blobs to
     * harfbuzz.
     * Harfbuzz will "destroy" the blobs when it is finished with them.  When
     * the last blob reference is removed, the FontTableBlobData user data
     * will remove the blob from the hashtable if still registered.

    class FontTableBlobData;

     * FontTableHashEntry manages the entries of hb_blob_t's containing font
     * table data.
     * This is used to share font tables across fonts with the same
     * font entry (but different sizes) for use by HarfBuzz.  The hashtable
     * does not own a strong reference to the blob, but keeps a weak pointer,
     * managed by FontTableBlobData.  Similarly FontTableBlobData keeps only a
     * weak pointer to the hashtable, managed by FontTableHashEntry.

    class FontTableHashEntry : public nsUint32HashKey
        // Declarations for nsTHashtable

        typedef nsUint32HashKey KeyClass;
        typedef KeyClass::KeyType KeyType;
        typedef KeyClass::KeyTypePointer KeyTypePointer;

        explicit FontTableHashEntry(KeyTypePointer aTag)
            : KeyClass(aTag)
            , mSharedBlobData(nullptr)
            , mBlob(nullptr)
        { }

        // NOTE: This assumes the new entry belongs to the same hashtable as
        // the old, because the mHashtable pointer in mSharedBlobData (if
        // present) will not be updated.
        FontTableHashEntry(FontTableHashEntry&& toMove)
            : KeyClass(mozilla::Move(toMove))
            , mSharedBlobData(mozilla::Move(toMove.mSharedBlobData))
            , mBlob(mozilla::Move(toMove.mBlob))
            toMove.mSharedBlobData = nullptr;
            toMove.mBlob = nullptr;

        ~FontTableHashEntry() { Clear(); }

        // FontTable/Blob API

        // Transfer (not copy) elements of aTable to a new hb_blob_t and
        // return ownership to the caller.  A weak reference to the blob is
        // recorded in the hashtable entry so that others may use the same
        // table.
        hb_blob_t *
        ShareTableAndGetBlob(nsTArray<uint8_t>&& aTable,
                             nsTHashtable<FontTableHashEntry> *aHashtable);

        // Return a strong reference to the blob.
        // Callers must hb_blob_destroy the returned blob.
        hb_blob_t *GetBlob() const;

        void Clear();

        size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;

        static void DeleteFontTableBlobData(void *aBlobData);
        // not implemented
        FontTableHashEntry& operator=(FontTableHashEntry& toCopy);

        FontTableBlobData *mSharedBlobData;
        hb_blob_t *mBlob;

    mozilla::UniquePtr<nsTHashtable<FontTableHashEntry> > mFontTableCache;

    gfxFontEntry(const gfxFontEntry&);
    gfxFontEntry& operator=(const gfxFontEntry&);

// used when iterating over all fonts looking for a match for a given character
struct GlobalFontMatch {
    GlobalFontMatch(const uint32_t aCharacter,
                    mozilla::unicode::Script aRunScript,
                    const gfxFontStyle *aStyle) :
        mCh(aCharacter), mRunScript(aRunScript), mStyle(aStyle),
        mMatchRank(0), mCount(0), mCmapsTested(0)


    const uint32_t         mCh;          // codepoint to be matched
    mozilla::unicode::Script mRunScript;   // Unicode script for the codepoint
    const gfxFontStyle*    mStyle;       // style to match
    int32_t                mMatchRank;   // metric indicating closest match
    RefPtr<gfxFontEntry> mBestMatch;   // current best match
    RefPtr<gfxFontFamily> mMatchedFamily; // the family it belongs to
    uint32_t               mCount;       // number of fonts matched
    uint32_t               mCmapsTested; // number of cmaps tested

class gfxFontFamily {

    explicit gfxFontFamily(const nsAString& aName) :
        { }

    const nsString& Name() { return mName; }

    virtual void LocalizedName(nsAString& aLocalizedName);
    virtual bool HasOtherFamilyNames();
    nsTArray<RefPtr<gfxFontEntry> >& GetFontList() { return mAvailableFonts; }
    void AddFontEntry(RefPtr<gfxFontEntry> aFontEntry) {
        // bug 589682 - set the IgnoreGDEF flag on entries for Italic faces
        // of Times New Roman, because of buggy table in those fonts
        if (aFontEntry->IsItalic() && !aFontEntry->IsUserFont() &&
            Name().EqualsLiteral("Times New Roman"))
            aFontEntry->mIgnoreGDEF = true;
        if (aFontEntry->mFamilyName.IsEmpty()) {
            aFontEntry->mFamilyName = Name();
        } else {
        aFontEntry->mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck = mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck;

    // note that the styles for this family have been added
    bool HasStyles() { return mHasStyles; }
    void SetHasStyles(bool aHasStyles) { mHasStyles = aHasStyles; }

    // choose a specific face to match a style using CSS font matching
    // rules (weight matching occurs here).  may return a face that doesn't
    // precisely match (e.g. normal face when no italic face exists).
    // aNeedsSyntheticBold is set to true when synthetic bolding is
    // needed, false otherwise
    gfxFontEntry *FindFontForStyle(const gfxFontStyle& aFontStyle, 
                                   bool& aNeedsSyntheticBold);

    virtual void
    FindAllFontsForStyle(const gfxFontStyle& aFontStyle,
                         nsTArray<gfxFontEntry*>& aFontEntryList,
                         bool& aNeedsSyntheticBold);

    // checks for a matching font within the family
    // used as part of the font fallback process
    void FindFontForChar(GlobalFontMatch *aMatchData);

    // checks all fonts for a matching font within the family
    void SearchAllFontsForChar(GlobalFontMatch *aMatchData);

    // read in other family names, if any, and use functor to add each into cache
    virtual void ReadOtherFamilyNames(gfxPlatformFontList *aPlatformFontList);

    // helper method for reading localized family names from the name table
    // of a single face
    static void ReadOtherFamilyNamesForFace(const nsAString& aFamilyName,
                                            const char *aNameData,
                                            uint32_t aDataLength,
                                            nsTArray<nsString>& aOtherFamilyNames,
                                            bool useFullName);

    // set when other family names have been read in
    void SetOtherFamilyNamesInitialized() {
        mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized = true;

    // read in other localized family names, fullnames and Postscript names
    // for all faces and append to lookup tables
    virtual void ReadFaceNames(gfxPlatformFontList *aPlatformFontList,
                               bool aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames,
                               FontInfoData *aFontInfoData = nullptr);

    // find faces belonging to this family (platform implementations override this;
    // should be made pure virtual once all subclasses have been updated)
    virtual void FindStyleVariations(FontInfoData *aFontInfoData = nullptr) { }

    // search for a specific face using the Postscript name
    gfxFontEntry* FindFont(const nsAString& aPostscriptName);

    // read in cmaps for all the faces
    void ReadAllCMAPs(FontInfoData *aFontInfoData = nullptr);

    bool TestCharacterMap(uint32_t aCh) {
        if (!mFamilyCharacterMapInitialized) {
        return mFamilyCharacterMap.test(aCh);

    void ResetCharacterMap() {
        mFamilyCharacterMapInitialized = false;

    // mark this family as being in the "bad" underline offset blacklist
    void SetBadUnderlineFamily() {
        mIsBadUnderlineFamily = true;
        if (mHasStyles) {

    bool IsBadUnderlineFamily() const { return mIsBadUnderlineFamily; }
    bool CheckForFallbackFaces() const { return mCheckForFallbackFaces; }

    // sort available fonts to put preferred (standard) faces towards the end
    void SortAvailableFonts();

    // check whether the family fits into the simple 4-face model,
    // so we can use simplified style-matching;
    // if so set the mIsSimpleFamily flag (defaults to False before we've checked)
    void CheckForSimpleFamily();

    // For memory reporter
    virtual void AddSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
                                        FontListSizes* aSizes) const;
    virtual void AddSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
                                        FontListSizes* aSizes) const;

#ifdef DEBUG
    // Only used for debugging checks - does a linear search
    bool ContainsFace(gfxFontEntry* aFontEntry);

    void SetSkipSpaceFeatureCheck(bool aSkipCheck) {
        mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck = aSkipCheck;

    // Protected destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release():
    virtual ~gfxFontFamily()

    bool ReadOtherFamilyNamesForFace(gfxPlatformFontList *aPlatformFontList,
                                     hb_blob_t           *aNameTable,
                                     bool                 useFullName = false);

    // set whether this font family is in "bad" underline offset blacklist.
    void SetBadUnderlineFonts() {
        uint32_t i, numFonts = mAvailableFonts.Length();
        for (i = 0; i < numFonts; i++) {
            if (mAvailableFonts[i]) {
                mAvailableFonts[i]->mIsBadUnderlineFont = true;

    nsString mName;
    nsTArray<RefPtr<gfxFontEntry> >  mAvailableFonts;
    gfxSparseBitSet mFamilyCharacterMap;
    bool mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized : 1;
    bool mHasOtherFamilyNames : 1;
    bool mFaceNamesInitialized : 1;
    bool mHasStyles : 1;
    bool mIsSimpleFamily : 1;
    bool mIsBadUnderlineFamily : 1;
    bool mFamilyCharacterMapInitialized : 1;
    bool mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck : 1;
    bool mCheckForFallbackFaces : 1;  // check other faces for character

    enum {
        // for "simple" families, the faces are stored in mAvailableFonts
        // with fixed positions:
        kRegularFaceIndex    = 0,
        kBoldFaceIndex       = 1,
        kItalicFaceIndex     = 2,
        kBoldItalicFaceIndex = 3,
        // mask values for selecting face with bold and/or italic attributes
        kBoldMask   = 0x01,
        kItalicMask = 0x02
