// Copyright (c) 2009-2017 The OTS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "silf.h" #include "name.h" #include "mozilla/Compression.h" #include <cmath> namespace ots { bool OpenTypeSILF::Parse(const uint8_t* data, size_t length, bool prevent_decompression) { if (GetFont()->dropped_graphite) { return Drop("Skipping Graphite table"); } Buffer table(data, length); if (!table.ReadU32(&this->version)) { return DropGraphite("Failed to read version"); } if (this->version >> 16 != 1 && this->version >> 16 != 2 && this->version >> 16 != 3 && this->version >> 16 != 4 && this->version >> 16 != 5) { return DropGraphite("Unsupported table version: %u", this->version >> 16); } if (this->version >> 16 >= 3 && !table.ReadU32(&this->compHead)) { return DropGraphite("Failed to read compHead"); } if (this->version >> 16 >= 5) { switch ((this->compHead & SCHEME) >> 27) { case 0: // uncompressed break; case 1: { // lz4 if (prevent_decompression) { return DropGraphite("Illegal nested compression"); } size_t decompressed_size = this->compHead & FULL_SIZE; if (decompressed_size < length) { return DropGraphite("Decompressed size is less than compressed size"); } if (decompressed_size == 0) { return DropGraphite("Decompressed size is set to 0"); } // decompressed table must be <= 30MB if (decompressed_size > 30 * 1024 * 1024) { return DropGraphite("Decompressed size exceeds 30MB: %gMB", decompressed_size / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); } std::vector<uint8_t> decompressed(decompressed_size); size_t outputSize = 0; bool ret = mozilla::Compression::LZ4::decompressPartial( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data + table.offset()), table.remaining(), // input buffer size (input size + padding) reinterpret_cast<char*>(decompressed.data()), decompressed.size(), // target output size &outputSize); // return output size if (!ret || outputSize != decompressed.size()) { return DropGraphite("Decompression failed"); } return this->Parse(decompressed.data(), decompressed.size(), true); } default: return DropGraphite("Unknown compression scheme"); } } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numSub)) { return DropGraphite("Failed to read numSub"); } if (this->version >> 16 >= 2 && !table.ReadU16(&this->reserved)) { return DropGraphite("Failed to read reserved"); } if (this->version >> 16 >= 2 && this->reserved != 0) { Warning("Nonzero reserved"); } unsigned long last_offset = 0; //this->offset.resize(this->numSub); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numSub; ++i) { this->offset.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU32(&this->offset[i]) || this->offset[i] < last_offset) { return DropGraphite("Failed to read offset[%u]", i); } last_offset = this->offset[i]; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numSub; ++i) { if (table.offset() != this->offset[i]) { return DropGraphite("Offset check failed for tables[%lu]", i); } SILSub subtable(this); if (!subtable.ParsePart(table)) { return DropGraphite("Failed to read tables[%u]", i); } tables.push_back(subtable); } if (table.remaining()) { return Warning("%zu bytes unparsed", table.remaining()); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::Serialize(OTSStream* out) { if (!out->WriteU32(this->version) || (this->version >> 16 >= 3 && !out->WriteU32(this->compHead)) || !out->WriteU16(this->numSub) || (this->version >> 16 >= 2 && !out->WriteU16(this->reserved)) || !SerializeParts(this->offset, out) || !SerializeParts(this->tables, out)) { return Error("Failed to write table"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub::ParsePart(Buffer& table) { size_t init_offset = table.offset(); if (parent->version >> 16 >= 3) { if (!table.ReadU32(&this->ruleVersion)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read ruleVersion"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->passOffset)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read passOffset"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->pseudosOffset)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read pseudosOffset"); } } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->maxGlyphID)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read maxGlyphID"); } if (!table.ReadS16(&this->extraAscent)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read extraAscent"); } if (!table.ReadS16(&this->extraDescent)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read extraDescent"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->numPasses)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read numPasses"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->iSubst) || this->iSubst > this->numPasses) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read valid iSubst"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->iPos) || this->iPos > this->numPasses) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read valid iPos"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->iJust) || this->iJust > this->numPasses) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read valid iJust"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->iBidi) || !(iBidi == 0xFF || this->iBidi <= this->iPos)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read valid iBidi"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->flags)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read flags"); // checks omitted } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->maxPreContext)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read maxPreContext"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->maxPostContext)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read maxPostContext"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attrPseudo)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read attrPseudo"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attrBreakWeight)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read attrBreakWeight"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attrDirectionality)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read attrDirectionality"); } if (parent->version >> 16 >= 2) { if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attrMirroring)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read attrMirroring"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attrSkipPasses)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read attrSkipPasses"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->numJLevels)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read numJLevels"); } //this->jLevels.resize(this->numJLevels, parent); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numJLevels; ++i) { this->jLevels.emplace_back(parent); if (!this->jLevels[i].ParsePart(table)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read jLevels[%u]", i); } } } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numLigComp)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read numLigComp"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->numUserDefn)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read numUserDefn"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->maxCompPerLig)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read maxCompPerLig"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->direction)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read direction"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attCollisions)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read attCollisions"); } if (parent->version >> 16 < 5 && this->attCollisions != 0) { parent->Warning("SILSub: Nonzero attCollisions (reserved before v5)"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->reserved4)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read reserved4"); } if (this->reserved4 != 0) { parent->Warning("SILSub: Nonzero reserved4"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->reserved5)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read reserved5"); } if (this->reserved5 != 0) { parent->Warning("SILSub: Nonzero reserved5"); } if (parent->version >> 16 >= 2) { if (!table.ReadU8(&this->reserved6)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read reserved6"); } if (this->reserved6 != 0) { parent->Warning("SILSub: Nonzero reserved6"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->numCritFeatures)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read numCritFeatures"); } //this->critFeatures.resize(this->numCritFeatures); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numCritFeatures; ++i) { this->critFeatures.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->critFeatures[i])) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read critFeatures[%u]", i); } } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->reserved7)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read reserved7"); } if (this->reserved7 != 0) { parent->Warning("SILSub: Nonzero reserved7"); } } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->numScriptTag)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read numScriptTag"); } //this->scriptTag.resize(this->numScriptTag); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numScriptTag; ++i) { this->scriptTag.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU32(&this->scriptTag[i])) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read scriptTag[%u]", i); } } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->lbGID)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read lbGID"); } if (this->lbGID > this->maxGlyphID) { parent->Warning("SILSub: lbGID %u outside range 0..%u, replaced with 0", this->lbGID, this->maxGlyphID); this->lbGID = 0; } if (parent->version >> 16 >= 3 && table.offset() != init_offset + this->passOffset) { return parent->Error("SILSub: passOffset check failed"); } unsigned long last_oPass = 0; //this->oPasses.resize(static_cast<unsigned>(this->numPasses) + 1); for (unsigned i = 0; i <= this->numPasses; ++i) { this->oPasses.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU32(&this->oPasses[i]) || this->oPasses[i] < last_oPass) { return false; } last_oPass = this->oPasses[i]; } if (parent->version >> 16 >= 3 && table.offset() != init_offset + this->pseudosOffset) { return parent->Error("SILSub: pseudosOffset check failed"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numPseudo)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read numPseudo"); } // The following three fields are deprecated and ignored. We fix them up here // just for internal consistency, but the Graphite engine doesn't care. if (!table.ReadU16(&this->searchPseudo) || !table.ReadU16(&this->pseudoSelector) || !table.ReadU16(&this->pseudoShift)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read searchPseudo..pseudoShift"); } if (this->numPseudo == 0) { if (this->searchPseudo != 0 || this->pseudoSelector != 0 || this->pseudoShift != 0) { this->searchPseudo = this->pseudoSelector = this->pseudoShift = 0; } } else { unsigned floorLog2 = std::floor(std::log2(this->numPseudo)); if (this->searchPseudo != 6 * (unsigned)std::pow(2, floorLog2) || this->pseudoSelector != floorLog2 || this->pseudoShift != 6 * this->numPseudo - this->searchPseudo) { this->searchPseudo = 6 * (unsigned)std::pow(2, floorLog2); this->pseudoSelector = floorLog2; this->pseudoShift = 6 * this->numPseudo - this->searchPseudo; } } //this->pMaps.resize(this->numPseudo, parent); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numPseudo; i++) { this->pMaps.emplace_back(parent); if (!this->pMaps[i].ParsePart(table)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read pMaps[%u]", i); } } if (!this->classes.ParsePart(table)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read classes"); } //this->passes.resize(this->numPasses, parent); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numPasses; ++i) { this->passes.emplace_back(parent); if (table.offset() != init_offset + this->oPasses[i]) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Offset check failed for passes[%u]", i); } if (!this->passes[i].ParsePart(table, init_offset, this->oPasses[i+1])) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to read passes[%u]", i); } } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub::SerializePart(OTSStream* out) const { if ((parent->version >> 16 >= 3 && (!out->WriteU32(this->ruleVersion) || !out->WriteU16(this->passOffset) || !out->WriteU16(this->pseudosOffset))) || !out->WriteU16(this->maxGlyphID) || !out->WriteS16(this->extraAscent) || !out->WriteS16(this->extraDescent) || !out->WriteU8(this->numPasses) || !out->WriteU8(this->iSubst) || !out->WriteU8(this->iPos) || !out->WriteU8(this->iJust) || !out->WriteU8(this->iBidi) || !out->WriteU8(this->flags) || !out->WriteU8(this->maxPreContext) || !out->WriteU8(this->maxPostContext) || !out->WriteU8(this->attrPseudo) || !out->WriteU8(this->attrBreakWeight) || !out->WriteU8(this->attrDirectionality) || (parent->version >> 16 >= 2 && (!out->WriteU8(this->attrMirroring) || !out->WriteU8(this->attrSkipPasses) || !out->WriteU8(this->numJLevels) || !SerializeParts(this->jLevels, out))) || !out->WriteU16(this->numLigComp) || !out->WriteU8(this->numUserDefn) || !out->WriteU8(this->maxCompPerLig) || !out->WriteU8(this->direction) || !out->WriteU8(this->attCollisions) || !out->WriteU8(this->reserved4) || !out->WriteU8(this->reserved5) || (parent->version >> 16 >= 2 && (!out->WriteU8(this->reserved6) || !out->WriteU8(this->numCritFeatures) || !SerializeParts(this->critFeatures, out) || !out->WriteU8(this->reserved7))) || !out->WriteU8(this->numScriptTag) || !SerializeParts(this->scriptTag, out) || !out->WriteU16(this->lbGID) || !SerializeParts(this->oPasses, out) || !out->WriteU16(this->numPseudo) || !out->WriteU16(this->searchPseudo) || !out->WriteU16(this->pseudoSelector) || !out->WriteU16(this->pseudoShift) || !SerializeParts(this->pMaps, out) || !this->classes.SerializePart(out) || !SerializeParts(this->passes, out)) { return parent->Error("SILSub: Failed to write"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub:: JustificationLevel::ParsePart(Buffer& table) { if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attrStretch)) { return parent->Error("JustificationLevel: Failed to read attrStretch"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attrShrink)) { return parent->Error("JustificationLevel: Failed to read attrShrink"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attrStep)) { return parent->Error("JustificationLevel: Failed to read attrStep"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->attrWeight)) { return parent->Error("JustificationLevel: Failed to read attrWeight"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->runto)) { return parent->Error("JustificationLevel: Failed to read runto"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->reserved)) { return parent->Error("JustificationLevel: Failed to read reserved"); } if (this->reserved != 0) { parent->Warning("JustificationLevel: Nonzero reserved"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->reserved2)) { return parent->Error("JustificationLevel: Failed to read reserved2"); } if (this->reserved2 != 0) { parent->Warning("JustificationLevel: Nonzero reserved2"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->reserved3)) { return parent->Error("JustificationLevel: Failed to read reserved3"); } if (this->reserved3 != 0) { parent->Warning("JustificationLevel: Nonzero reserved3"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub:: JustificationLevel::SerializePart(OTSStream* out) const { if (!out->WriteU8(this->attrStretch) || !out->WriteU8(this->attrShrink) || !out->WriteU8(this->attrStep) || !out->WriteU8(this->attrWeight) || !out->WriteU8(this->runto) || !out->WriteU8(this->reserved) || !out->WriteU8(this->reserved2) || !out->WriteU8(this->reserved3)) { return parent->Error("JustificationLevel: Failed to write"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub:: PseudoMap::ParsePart(Buffer& table) { if (parent->version >> 16 >= 2 && !table.ReadU32(&this->unicode)) { return parent->Error("PseudoMap: Failed to read unicode"); } if (parent->version >> 16 == 1) { uint16_t unicode; if (!table.ReadU16(&unicode)) { return parent->Error("PseudoMap: Failed to read unicode"); } this->unicode = unicode; } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->nPseudo)) { return parent->Error("PseudoMap: Failed to read nPseudo"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub:: PseudoMap::SerializePart(OTSStream* out) const { if ((parent->version >> 16 >= 2 && !out->WriteU32(this->unicode)) || (parent->version >> 16 == 1 && !out->WriteU16(static_cast<uint16_t>(this->unicode))) || !out->WriteU16(this->nPseudo)) { return parent->Error("PseudoMap: Failed to write"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub:: ClassMap::ParsePart(Buffer& table) { size_t init_offset = table.offset(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numClass)) { return parent->Error("ClassMap: Failed to read numClass"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numLinear) || this->numLinear > this->numClass) { return parent->Error("ClassMap: Failed to read valid numLinear"); } //this->oClass.resize(static_cast<unsigned long>(this->numClass) + 1); if (parent->version >> 16 >= 4) { unsigned long last_oClass = 0; for (unsigned long i = 0; i <= this->numClass; ++i) { this->oClass.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU32(&this->oClass[i]) || this->oClass[i] < last_oClass) { return parent->Error("ClassMap: Failed to read oClass[%lu]", i); } last_oClass = this->oClass[i]; } } if (parent->version >> 16 < 4) { unsigned last_oClass = 0; for (unsigned long i = 0; i <= this->numClass; ++i) { uint16_t offset; if (!table.ReadU16(&offset) || offset < last_oClass) { return parent->Error("ClassMap: Failed to read oClass[%lu]", i); } last_oClass = offset; this->oClass.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(offset)); } } if (table.offset() - init_offset > this->oClass[this->numLinear]) { return parent->Error("ClassMap: Failed to calculate length of glyphs"); } unsigned long glyphs_len = (this->oClass[this->numLinear] - (table.offset() - init_offset))/2; //this->glyphs.resize(glyphs_len); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < glyphs_len; ++i) { this->glyphs.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->glyphs[i])) { return parent->Error("ClassMap: Failed to read glyphs[%lu]", i); } } unsigned lookups_len = this->numClass - this->numLinear; // this->numLinear <= this->numClass //this->lookups.resize(lookups_len, parent); for (unsigned i = 0; i < lookups_len; ++i) { this->lookups.emplace_back(parent); if (table.offset() != init_offset + oClass[this->numLinear + i]) { return parent->Error("ClassMap: Offset check failed for lookups[%u]", i); } if (!this->lookups[i].ParsePart(table)) { return parent->Error("ClassMap: Failed to read lookups[%u]", i); } } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub:: ClassMap::SerializePart(OTSStream* out) const { if (!out->WriteU16(this->numClass) || !out->WriteU16(this->numLinear) || (parent->version >> 16 >= 4 && !SerializeParts(this->oClass, out)) || (parent->version >> 16 < 4 && ![&] { for (uint32_t offset : this->oClass) { if (!out->WriteU16(static_cast<uint16_t>(offset))) { return false; } } return true; }()) || !SerializeParts(this->glyphs, out) || !SerializeParts(this->lookups, out)) { return parent->Error("ClassMap: Failed to write"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub::ClassMap:: LookupClass::ParsePart(Buffer& table) { if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numIDs)) { return parent->Error("LookupClass: Failed to read numIDs"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->searchRange) || !table.ReadU16(&this->entrySelector) || !table.ReadU16(&this->rangeShift)) { return parent->Error("LookupClass: Failed to read searchRange..rangeShift"); } if (this->numIDs == 0) { if (this->searchRange != 0 || this->entrySelector != 0 || this->rangeShift != 0) { parent->Warning("LookupClass: Correcting binary-search header for zero-length LookupPair list"); this->searchRange = this->entrySelector = this->rangeShift = 0; } } else { unsigned floorLog2 = std::floor(std::log2(this->numIDs)); if (this->searchRange != (unsigned)std::pow(2, floorLog2) || this->entrySelector != floorLog2 || this->rangeShift != this->numIDs - this->searchRange) { parent->Warning("LookupClass: Correcting binary-search header for LookupPair list"); this->searchRange = (unsigned)std::pow(2, floorLog2); this->entrySelector = floorLog2; this->rangeShift = this->numIDs - this->searchRange; } } //this->lookups.resize(this->numIDs, parent); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numIDs; ++i) { this->lookups.emplace_back(parent); if (!this->lookups[i].ParsePart(table)) { return parent->Error("LookupClass: Failed to read lookups[%u]", i); } } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub::ClassMap:: LookupClass::SerializePart(OTSStream* out) const { if (!out->WriteU16(this->numIDs) || !out->WriteU16(this->searchRange) || !out->WriteU16(this->entrySelector) || !out->WriteU16(this->rangeShift) || !SerializeParts(this->lookups, out)) { return parent->Error("LookupClass: Failed to write"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub::ClassMap::LookupClass:: LookupPair::ParsePart(Buffer& table) { if (!table.ReadU16(&this->glyphId)) { return parent->Error("LookupPair: Failed to read glyphId"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->index)) { return parent->Error("LookupPair: Failed to read index"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub::ClassMap::LookupClass:: LookupPair::SerializePart(OTSStream* out) const { if (!out->WriteU16(this->glyphId) || !out->WriteU16(this->index)) { return parent->Error("LookupPair: Failed to write"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub:: SILPass::ParsePart(Buffer& table, const size_t SILSub_init_offset, const size_t next_pass_offset) { size_t init_offset = table.offset(); if (!table.ReadU8(&this->flags)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read flags"); // checks omitted } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->maxRuleLoop)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid maxRuleLoop"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->maxRuleContext)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read maxRuleContext"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->maxBackup)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read maxBackup"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numRules)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read numRules"); } if (parent->version >> 16 >= 2) { if (!table.ReadU16(&this->fsmOffset)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read fsmOffset"); } if (!table.ReadU32(&this->pcCode) || (parent->version >= 3 && this->pcCode < this->fsmOffset)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read pcCode"); } } if (!table.ReadU32(&this->rcCode) || (parent->version >> 16 >= 2 && this->rcCode < this->pcCode)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid rcCode"); } if (!table.ReadU32(&this->aCode) || this->aCode < this->rcCode) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid aCode"); } if (!table.ReadU32(&this->oDebug) || (this->oDebug && this->oDebug < this->aCode)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid oDebug"); } if (parent->version >> 16 >= 3 && table.offset() != init_offset + this->fsmOffset) { return parent->Error("SILPass: fsmOffset check failed"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numRows) || (this->oDebug && this->numRows < this->numRules)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid numRows"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numTransitional)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read numTransitional"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numSuccess)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read numSuccess"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numColumns)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read numColumns"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->numRange)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read numRange"); } // The following three fields are deprecated and ignored. We fix them up here // just for internal consistency, but the Graphite engine doesn't care. if (!table.ReadU16(&this->searchRange) || !table.ReadU16(&this->entrySelector) || !table.ReadU16(&this->rangeShift)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read searchRange..rangeShift"); } if (this->numRange == 0) { if (this->searchRange != 0 || this->entrySelector != 0 || this->rangeShift != 0) { this->searchRange = this->entrySelector = this->rangeShift = 0; } } else { unsigned floorLog2 = std::floor(std::log2(this->numRange)); if (this->searchRange != 6 * (unsigned)std::pow(2, floorLog2) || this->entrySelector != floorLog2 || this->rangeShift != 6 * this->numRange - this->searchRange) { this->searchRange = 6 * (unsigned)std::pow(2, floorLog2); this->entrySelector = floorLog2; this->rangeShift = 6 * this->numRange - this->searchRange; } } //this->ranges.resize(this->numRange, parent); for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < this->numRange; ++i) { this->ranges.emplace_back(parent); if (!this->ranges[i].ParsePart(table)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read ranges[%u]", i); } } unsigned ruleMap_len = 0; // maximum value in oRuleMap //this->oRuleMap.resize(static_cast<unsigned long>(this->numSuccess) + 1); for (unsigned long i = 0; i <= this->numSuccess; ++i) { this->oRuleMap.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->oRuleMap[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read oRuleMap[%u]", i); } if (oRuleMap[i] > ruleMap_len) { ruleMap_len = oRuleMap[i]; } } //this->ruleMap.resize(ruleMap_len); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ruleMap_len; ++i) { this->ruleMap.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->ruleMap[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read ruleMap[%u]", i); } } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->minRulePreContext)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read minRulePreContext"); } if (!table.ReadU8(&this->maxRulePreContext) || this->maxRulePreContext < this->minRulePreContext) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid maxRulePreContext"); } unsigned startStates_len = this->maxRulePreContext - this->minRulePreContext + 1; // this->minRulePreContext <= this->maxRulePreContext //this->startStates.resize(startStates_len); for (unsigned i = 0; i < startStates_len; ++i) { this->startStates.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadS16(&this->startStates[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read startStates[%u]", i); } } //this->ruleSortKeys.resize(this->numRules); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numRules; ++i) { this->ruleSortKeys.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->ruleSortKeys[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read ruleSortKeys[%u]", i); } } //this->rulePreContext.resize(this->numRules); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numRules; ++i) { this->rulePreContext.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU8(&this->rulePreContext[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read rulePreContext[%u]", i); } } if (parent->version >> 16 >= 2) { if (!table.ReadU8(&this->collisionThreshold)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read collisionThreshold"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->pConstraint)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read pConstraint"); } } unsigned long ruleConstraints_len = this->aCode - this->rcCode; // this->rcCode <= this->aCode //this->oConstraints.resize(static_cast<unsigned long>(this->numRules) + 1); for (unsigned long i = 0; i <= this->numRules; ++i) { this->oConstraints.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->oConstraints[i]) || this->oConstraints[i] > ruleConstraints_len) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid oConstraints[%lu]", i); } } if (!this->oDebug && this->aCode > next_pass_offset) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to calculate length of actions"); } unsigned long actions_len = this->oDebug ? this->oDebug - this->aCode : next_pass_offset - this->aCode; // if this->oDebug, then this->aCode <= this->oDebug //this->oActions.resize(static_cast<unsigned long>(this->numRules) + 1); for (unsigned long i = 0; i <= this->numRules; ++i) { this->oActions.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->oActions[i]) || (this->oActions[i] > actions_len)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid oActions[%lu]", i); } } //this->stateTrans.resize(this->numTransitional); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numTransitional; ++i) { this->stateTrans.emplace_back(); //this->stateTrans[i].resize(this->numColumns); for (unsigned j = 0; j < this->numColumns; ++j) { this->stateTrans[i].emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&stateTrans[i][j])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read stateTrans[%u][%u]", i, j); } } } if (parent->version >> 16 >= 2) { if (!table.ReadU8(&this->reserved2)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read reserved2"); } if (this->reserved2 != 0) { parent->Warning("SILPass: Nonzero reserved2"); } if (table.offset() != SILSub_init_offset + this->pcCode) { return parent->Error("SILPass: pcCode check failed"); } //this->passConstraints.resize(this->pConstraint); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->pConstraint; ++i) { this->passConstraints.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU8(&this->passConstraints[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read passConstraints[%u]", i); } } } if (table.offset() != SILSub_init_offset + this->rcCode) { return parent->Error("SILPass: rcCode check failed"); } //this->ruleConstraints.resize(ruleConstraints_len); // calculated above for (unsigned long i = 0; i < ruleConstraints_len; ++i) { this->ruleConstraints.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU8(&this->ruleConstraints[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read ruleConstraints[%u]", i); } } if (table.offset() != SILSub_init_offset + this->aCode) { return parent->Error("SILPass: aCode check failed"); } //this->actions.resize(actions_len); // calculated above for (unsigned long i = 0; i < actions_len; ++i) { this->actions.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU8(&this->actions[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read actions[%u]", i); } } if (this->oDebug) { OpenTypeNAME* name = static_cast<OpenTypeNAME*>( parent->GetFont()->GetTypedTable(OTS_TAG_NAME)); if (!name) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Required name table is missing"); } if (table.offset() != SILSub_init_offset + this->oDebug) { return parent->Error("SILPass: oDebug check failed"); } //this->dActions.resize(this->numRules); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numRules; ++i) { this->dActions.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->dActions[i]) || !name->IsValidNameId(this->dActions[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid dActions[%u]", i); } } unsigned dStates_len = this->numRows - this->numRules; // this->numRules <= this->numRows //this->dStates.resize(dStates_len); for (unsigned i = 0; i < dStates_len; ++i) { this->dStates.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->dStates[i]) || !name->IsValidNameId(this->dStates[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid dStates[%u]", i); } } //this->dCols.resize(this->numRules); for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->numRules; ++i) { this->dCols.emplace_back(); if (!table.ReadU16(&this->dCols[i]) || !name->IsValidNameId(this->dCols[i])) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to read valid dCols[%u]"); } } } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub:: SILPass::SerializePart(OTSStream* out) const { if (!out->WriteU8(this->flags) || !out->WriteU8(this->maxRuleLoop) || !out->WriteU8(this->maxRuleContext) || !out->WriteU8(this->maxBackup) || !out->WriteU16(this->numRules) || (parent->version >> 16 >= 2 && (!out->WriteU16(this->fsmOffset) || !out->WriteU32(this->pcCode))) || !out->WriteU32(this->rcCode) || !out->WriteU32(this->aCode) || !out->WriteU32(this->oDebug) || !out->WriteU16(this->numRows) || !out->WriteU16(this->numTransitional) || !out->WriteU16(this->numSuccess) || !out->WriteU16(this->numColumns) || !out->WriteU16(this->numRange) || !out->WriteU16(this->searchRange) || !out->WriteU16(this->entrySelector) || !out->WriteU16(this->rangeShift) || !SerializeParts(this->ranges, out) || !SerializeParts(this->oRuleMap, out) || !SerializeParts(this->ruleMap, out) || !out->WriteU8(this->minRulePreContext) || !out->WriteU8(this->maxRulePreContext) || !SerializeParts(this->startStates, out) || !SerializeParts(this->ruleSortKeys, out) || !SerializeParts(this->rulePreContext, out) || (parent->version >> 16 >= 2 && (!out->WriteU8(this->collisionThreshold) || !out->WriteU16(this->pConstraint))) || !SerializeParts(this->oConstraints, out) || !SerializeParts(this->oActions, out) || !SerializeParts(this->stateTrans, out) || (parent->version >> 16 >= 2 && (!out->WriteU8(this->reserved2) || !SerializeParts(this->passConstraints, out))) || !SerializeParts(this->ruleConstraints, out) || !SerializeParts(this->actions, out) || !SerializeParts(this->dActions, out) || !SerializeParts(this->dStates, out) || !SerializeParts(this->dCols, out)) { return parent->Error("SILPass: Failed to write"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub::SILPass:: PassRange::ParsePart(Buffer& table) { if (!table.ReadU16(&this->firstId)) { return parent->Error("PassRange: Failed to read firstId"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->lastId)) { return parent->Error("PassRange: Failed to read lastId"); } if (!table.ReadU16(&this->colId)) { return parent->Error("PassRange: Failed to read colId"); } return true; } bool OpenTypeSILF::SILSub::SILPass:: PassRange::SerializePart(OTSStream* out) const { if (!out->WriteU16(this->firstId) || !out->WriteU16(this->lastId) || !out->WriteU16(this->colId)) { return parent->Error("PassRange: Failed to write"); } return true; } } // namespace ots