/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef GFX_OGLSHADERPROGRAM_H #define GFX_OGLSHADERPROGRAM_H #include "GLContext.h" // for fast inlines of glUniform* #include "gfxTypes.h" #include "ImageTypes.h" #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" // for MOZ_ASSERT, etc #include "mozilla/Pair.h" // for Pair #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" // for RefPtr #include "mozilla/gfx/Matrix.h" // for Matrix4x4 #include "mozilla/gfx/Rect.h" // for Rect #include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h" #include "nsDebug.h" // for NS_ASSERTION #include "nsPoint.h" // for nsIntPoint #include "nsTArray.h" // for nsTArray #include "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h" #include <string> namespace mozilla { namespace layers { class Layer; enum ShaderFeatures { ENABLE_RENDER_COLOR=0x01, ENABLE_TEXTURE_RECT=0x02, ENABLE_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL=0x04, ENABLE_TEXTURE_YCBCR=0x08, ENABLE_TEXTURE_NV12=0x10, ENABLE_TEXTURE_COMPONENT_ALPHA=0x20, ENABLE_TEXTURE_NO_ALPHA=0x40, ENABLE_TEXTURE_RB_SWAP=0x80, ENABLE_OPACITY=0x100, ENABLE_BLUR=0x200, ENABLE_COLOR_MATRIX=0x400, ENABLE_MASK=0x800, ENABLE_NO_PREMUL_ALPHA=0x1000, ENABLE_DEAA=0x2000, ENABLE_DYNAMIC_GEOMETRY=0x4000 }; class KnownUniform { public: // this needs to be kept in sync with strings in 'AddUniforms' enum KnownUniformName { NotAKnownUniform = -1, LayerTransform = 0, LayerTransformInverse, MaskTransform, BackdropTransform, LayerRects, MatrixProj, TextureTransform, TextureRects, RenderTargetOffset, LayerOpacity, Texture, YTexture, CbTexture, CrTexture, BlackTexture, WhiteTexture, MaskTexture, BackdropTexture, RenderColor, TexCoordMultiplier, CbCrTexCoordMultiplier, TexturePass2, ColorMatrix, ColorMatrixVector, BlurRadius, BlurOffset, BlurAlpha, BlurGaussianKernel, SSEdges, ViewportSize, VisibleCenter, YuvColorMatrix, KnownUniformCount }; KnownUniform() { mName = NotAKnownUniform; mNameString = nullptr; mLocation = -1; memset(&mValue, 0, sizeof(mValue)); } bool UpdateUniform(int32_t i1) { if (mLocation == -1) return false; if (mValue.i1 != i1) { mValue.i1 = i1; return true; } return false; } bool UpdateUniform(float f1) { if (mLocation == -1) return false; if (mValue.f1 != f1) { mValue.f1 = f1; return true; } return false; } bool UpdateUniform(float f1, float f2) { if (mLocation == -1) return false; if (mValue.f16v[0] != f1 || mValue.f16v[1] != f2) { mValue.f16v[0] = f1; mValue.f16v[1] = f2; return true; } return false; } bool UpdateUniform(float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4) { if (mLocation == -1) return false; if (mValue.f16v[0] != f1 || mValue.f16v[1] != f2 || mValue.f16v[2] != f3 || mValue.f16v[3] != f4) { mValue.f16v[0] = f1; mValue.f16v[1] = f2; mValue.f16v[2] = f3; mValue.f16v[3] = f4; return true; } return false; } bool UpdateUniform(int cnt, const float *fp) { if (mLocation == -1) return false; switch (cnt) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 9: case 16: if (memcmp(mValue.f16v, fp, sizeof(float) * cnt) != 0) { memcpy(mValue.f16v, fp, sizeof(float) * cnt); return true; } return false; } NS_NOTREACHED("cnt must be 1 2 3 4 9 or 16"); return false; } bool UpdateArrayUniform(int cnt, const float *fp) { if (mLocation == -1) return false; if (cnt > 16) { return false; } if (memcmp(mValue.f16v, fp, sizeof(float) * cnt) != 0) { memcpy(mValue.f16v, fp, sizeof(float) * cnt); return true; } return false; } bool UpdateArrayUniform(int cnt, const gfx::Point3D* points) { if (mLocation == -1) return false; if (cnt > 4) { return false; } float fp[12]; float *d = fp; for(int i=0; i < cnt; i++) { // Note: Do not want to make assumptions about .x, .y, .z member packing. // If gfx::Point3D is updated to make this guarantee, SIMD optimizations // may be possible *d++ = points[i].x; *d++ = points[i].y; *d++ = points[i].z; } if (memcmp(mValue.f16v, fp, sizeof(float) * cnt * 3) != 0) { memcpy(mValue.f16v, fp, sizeof(float) * cnt * 3); return true; } return false; } KnownUniformName mName; const char *mNameString; int32_t mLocation; union { int i1; float f1; float f16v[16]; } mValue; }; class ShaderConfigOGL { public: ShaderConfigOGL() : mFeatures(0), mCompositionOp(gfx::CompositionOp::OP_OVER) {} void SetRenderColor(bool aEnabled); void SetTextureTarget(GLenum aTarget); void SetRBSwap(bool aEnabled); void SetNoAlpha(bool aEnabled); void SetOpacity(bool aEnabled); void SetYCbCr(bool aEnabled); void SetNV12(bool aEnabled); void SetComponentAlpha(bool aEnabled); void SetColorMatrix(bool aEnabled); void SetBlur(bool aEnabled); void SetMask(bool aEnabled); void SetDEAA(bool aEnabled); void SetCompositionOp(gfx::CompositionOp aOp); void SetNoPremultipliedAlpha(); void SetDynamicGeometry(bool aEnabled); bool operator< (const ShaderConfigOGL& other) const { return mFeatures < other.mFeatures || (mFeatures == other.mFeatures && (int)mCompositionOp < (int)other.mCompositionOp); } public: void SetFeature(int aBitmask, bool aState) { if (aState) mFeatures |= aBitmask; else mFeatures &= (~aBitmask); } int mFeatures; gfx::CompositionOp mCompositionOp; }; static inline ShaderConfigOGL ShaderConfigFromTargetAndFormat(GLenum aTarget, gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat) { ShaderConfigOGL config; config.SetTextureTarget(aTarget); config.SetRBSwap(aFormat == gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8 || aFormat == gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8); config.SetNoAlpha(aFormat == gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8 || aFormat == gfx::SurfaceFormat::R8G8B8X8 || aFormat == gfx::SurfaceFormat::R5G6B5_UINT16); return config; } /** * This struct represents the shaders that make up a program and the uniform * and attribute parmeters that those shaders take. * It is used by ShaderProgramOGL. * Use the factory method GetProfileFor to create instances. */ struct ProgramProfileOGL { /** * Factory method; creates an instance of this class for the given * ShaderConfigOGL */ static ProgramProfileOGL GetProfileFor(ShaderConfigOGL aConfig); // the source code for the program's shaders std::string mVertexShaderString; std::string mFragmentShaderString; // the vertex attributes nsTArray<Pair<nsCString, GLuint>> mAttributes; KnownUniform mUniforms[KnownUniform::KnownUniformCount]; nsTArray<const char *> mDefines; size_t mTextureCount; ProgramProfileOGL() : mTextureCount(0) {} private: static void BuildMixBlender(const ShaderConfigOGL& aConfig, std::ostringstream& fs); }; #if defined(DEBUG) #define CHECK_CURRENT_PROGRAM 1 #define ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM \ do { \ GLuint currentProgram; \ mGL->GetUIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, ¤tProgram); \ MOZ_ASSERT(currentProgram == mProgram, \ "SetUniform with wrong program active!"); \ } while (0) #else #define ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM \ do { } while (0) #endif /** * Represents an OGL shader program. The details of a program are represented * by a ProgramProfileOGL */ class ShaderProgramOGL { public: typedef mozilla::gl::GLContext GLContext; ShaderProgramOGL(GLContext* aGL, const ProgramProfileOGL& aProfile); ~ShaderProgramOGL(); bool HasInitialized() { NS_ASSERTION(mProgramState != STATE_OK || mProgram > 0, "Inconsistent program state"); return mProgramState == STATE_OK; } GLuint GetProgram(); bool Initialize(); GLint CreateShader(GLenum aShaderType, const char *aShaderSource); /** * Creates a program and stores its id. */ bool CreateProgram(const char *aVertexShaderString, const char *aFragmentShaderString); /** * The following set of methods set a uniform argument to the shader program. * Not all uniforms may be set for all programs, and such uses will throw * an assertion. */ void SetLayerTransform(const gfx::Matrix4x4& aMatrix) { SetMatrixUniform(KnownUniform::LayerTransform, aMatrix); } void SetLayerTransformInverse(const gfx::Matrix4x4& aMatrix) { SetMatrixUniform(KnownUniform::LayerTransformInverse, aMatrix); } void SetMaskLayerTransform(const gfx::Matrix4x4& aMatrix) { SetMatrixUniform(KnownUniform::MaskTransform, aMatrix); } void SetBackdropTransform(const gfx::Matrix4x4& aMatrix) { SetMatrixUniform(KnownUniform::BackdropTransform, aMatrix); } void SetDEAAEdges(const gfx::Point3D* aEdges) { SetArrayUniform(KnownUniform::SSEdges, 4, aEdges); } void SetViewportSize(const gfx::IntSize& aSize) { float vals[2] = { (float)aSize.width, (float)aSize.height }; SetUniform(KnownUniform::ViewportSize, 2, vals); } void SetVisibleCenter(const gfx::Point& aVisibleCenter) { float vals[2] = { aVisibleCenter.x, aVisibleCenter.y }; SetUniform(KnownUniform::VisibleCenter, 2, vals); } void SetLayerRects(const gfx::Rect* aRects) { float vals[16] = { aRects[0].x, aRects[0].y, aRects[0].width, aRects[0].height, aRects[1].x, aRects[1].y, aRects[1].width, aRects[1].height, aRects[2].x, aRects[2].y, aRects[2].width, aRects[2].height, aRects[3].x, aRects[3].y, aRects[3].width, aRects[3].height }; SetUniform(KnownUniform::LayerRects, 16, vals); } void SetProjectionMatrix(const gfx::Matrix4x4& aMatrix) { SetMatrixUniform(KnownUniform::MatrixProj, aMatrix); } // sets this program's texture transform, if it uses one void SetTextureTransform(const gfx::Matrix4x4& aMatrix) { SetMatrixUniform(KnownUniform::TextureTransform, aMatrix); } void SetTextureRects(const gfx::Rect* aRects) { float vals[16] = { aRects[0].x, aRects[0].y, aRects[0].width, aRects[0].height, aRects[1].x, aRects[1].y, aRects[1].width, aRects[1].height, aRects[2].x, aRects[2].y, aRects[2].width, aRects[2].height, aRects[3].x, aRects[3].y, aRects[3].width, aRects[3].height }; SetUniform(KnownUniform::TextureRects, 16, vals); } void SetRenderOffset(const nsIntPoint& aOffset) { float vals[4] = { float(aOffset.x), float(aOffset.y) }; SetUniform(KnownUniform::RenderTargetOffset, 2, vals); } void SetRenderOffset(float aX, float aY) { float vals[2] = { aX, aY }; SetUniform(KnownUniform::RenderTargetOffset, 2, vals); } void SetLayerOpacity(float aOpacity) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::LayerOpacity, aOpacity); } void SetTextureUnit(GLint aUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::Texture, aUnit); } void SetYTextureUnit(GLint aUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::YTexture, aUnit); } void SetCbTextureUnit(GLint aUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::CbTexture, aUnit); } void SetCrTextureUnit(GLint aUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::CrTexture, aUnit); } void SetYCbCrTextureUnits(GLint aYUnit, GLint aCbUnit, GLint aCrUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::YTexture, aYUnit); SetUniform(KnownUniform::CbTexture, aCbUnit); SetUniform(KnownUniform::CrTexture, aCrUnit); } void SetNV12TextureUnits(GLint aYUnit, GLint aCbCrUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::YTexture, aYUnit); SetUniform(KnownUniform::CbTexture, aCbCrUnit); } void SetBlackTextureUnit(GLint aUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::BlackTexture, aUnit); } void SetWhiteTextureUnit(GLint aUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::WhiteTexture, aUnit); } void SetMaskTextureUnit(GLint aUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::MaskTexture, aUnit); } void SetBackdropTextureUnit(GLint aUnit) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::BackdropTexture, aUnit); } void SetRenderColor(const gfx::Color& aColor) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::RenderColor, aColor); } void SetColorMatrix(const gfx::Matrix5x4& aColorMatrix) { SetMatrixUniform(KnownUniform::ColorMatrix, &aColorMatrix._11); SetUniform(KnownUniform::ColorMatrixVector, 4, &aColorMatrix._51); } void SetTexCoordMultiplier(float aWidth, float aHeight) { float f[] = {aWidth, aHeight}; SetUniform(KnownUniform::TexCoordMultiplier, 2, f); } void SetCbCrTexCoordMultiplier(float aWidth, float aHeight) { float f[] = {aWidth, aHeight}; SetUniform(KnownUniform::CbCrTexCoordMultiplier, 2, f); } void SetYUVColorSpace(YUVColorSpace aYUVColorSpace); // Set whether we want the component alpha shader to return the color // vector (pass 1, false) or the alpha vector (pass2, true). With support // for multiple render targets we wouldn't need two passes here. void SetTexturePass2(bool aFlag) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::TexturePass2, aFlag ? 1 : 0); } void SetBlurRadius(float aRX, float aRY); void SetBlurAlpha(float aAlpha) { SetUniform(KnownUniform::BlurAlpha, aAlpha); } void SetBlurOffset(float aOffsetX, float aOffsetY) { float f[] = {aOffsetX, aOffsetY}; SetUniform(KnownUniform::BlurOffset, 2, f); } size_t GetTextureCount() const { return mProfile.mTextureCount; } protected: RefPtr<GLContext> mGL; // the OpenGL id of the program GLuint mProgram; ProgramProfileOGL mProfile; enum { STATE_NEW, STATE_OK, STATE_ERROR } mProgramState; #ifdef CHECK_CURRENT_PROGRAM static int sCurrentProgramKey; #endif void SetUniform(KnownUniform::KnownUniformName aKnownUniform, float aFloatValue) { ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM; NS_ASSERTION(aKnownUniform >= 0 && aKnownUniform < KnownUniform::KnownUniformCount, "Invalid known uniform"); KnownUniform& ku(mProfile.mUniforms[aKnownUniform]); if (ku.UpdateUniform(aFloatValue)) { mGL->fUniform1f(ku.mLocation, aFloatValue); } } void SetUniform(KnownUniform::KnownUniformName aKnownUniform, const gfx::Color& aColor) { ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM; NS_ASSERTION(aKnownUniform >= 0 && aKnownUniform < KnownUniform::KnownUniformCount, "Invalid known uniform"); KnownUniform& ku(mProfile.mUniforms[aKnownUniform]); if (ku.UpdateUniform(aColor.r, aColor.g, aColor.b, aColor.a)) { mGL->fUniform4fv(ku.mLocation, 1, ku.mValue.f16v); } } void SetUniform(KnownUniform::KnownUniformName aKnownUniform, int aLength, const float *aFloatValues) { ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM; NS_ASSERTION(aKnownUniform >= 0 && aKnownUniform < KnownUniform::KnownUniformCount, "Invalid known uniform"); KnownUniform& ku(mProfile.mUniforms[aKnownUniform]); if (ku.UpdateUniform(aLength, aFloatValues)) { switch (aLength) { case 1: mGL->fUniform1fv(ku.mLocation, 1, ku.mValue.f16v); break; case 2: mGL->fUniform2fv(ku.mLocation, 1, ku.mValue.f16v); break; case 3: mGL->fUniform3fv(ku.mLocation, 1, ku.mValue.f16v); break; case 4: mGL->fUniform4fv(ku.mLocation, 1, ku.mValue.f16v); break; case 16: mGL->fUniform4fv(ku.mLocation, 4, ku.mValue.f16v); break; default: NS_NOTREACHED("Bogus aLength param"); } } } void SetArrayUniform(KnownUniform::KnownUniformName aKnownUniform, int aLength, float *aFloatValues) { ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM; NS_ASSERTION(aKnownUniform >= 0 && aKnownUniform < KnownUniform::KnownUniformCount, "Invalid known uniform"); KnownUniform& ku(mProfile.mUniforms[aKnownUniform]); if (ku.UpdateArrayUniform(aLength, aFloatValues)) { mGL->fUniform1fv(ku.mLocation, aLength, ku.mValue.f16v); } } void SetArrayUniform(KnownUniform::KnownUniformName aKnownUniform, int aLength, const gfx::Point3D *aPointValues) { ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM; NS_ASSERTION(aKnownUniform >= 0 && aKnownUniform < KnownUniform::KnownUniformCount, "Invalid known uniform"); KnownUniform& ku(mProfile.mUniforms[aKnownUniform]); if (ku.UpdateArrayUniform(aLength, aPointValues)) { mGL->fUniform3fv(ku.mLocation, aLength, ku.mValue.f16v); } } void SetUniform(KnownUniform::KnownUniformName aKnownUniform, GLint aIntValue) { ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM; NS_ASSERTION(aKnownUniform >= 0 && aKnownUniform < KnownUniform::KnownUniformCount, "Invalid known uniform"); KnownUniform& ku(mProfile.mUniforms[aKnownUniform]); if (ku.UpdateUniform(aIntValue)) { mGL->fUniform1i(ku.mLocation, aIntValue); } } void SetMatrixUniform(KnownUniform::KnownUniformName aKnownUniform, const float *aFloatValues) { ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM; NS_ASSERTION(aKnownUniform >= 0 && aKnownUniform < KnownUniform::KnownUniformCount, "Invalid known uniform"); KnownUniform& ku(mProfile.mUniforms[aKnownUniform]); if (ku.UpdateUniform(16, aFloatValues)) { mGL->fUniformMatrix4fv(ku.mLocation, 1, false, ku.mValue.f16v); } } void SetMatrix3fvUniform(KnownUniform::KnownUniformName aKnownUniform, const float *aFloatValues) { ASSERT_THIS_PROGRAM; NS_ASSERTION(aKnownUniform >= 0 && aKnownUniform < KnownUniform::KnownUniformCount, "Invalid known uniform"); KnownUniform& ku(mProfile.mUniforms[aKnownUniform]); if (ku.UpdateUniform(9, aFloatValues)) { mGL->fUniformMatrix3fv(ku.mLocation, 1, false, ku.mValue.f16v); } } void SetMatrixUniform(KnownUniform::KnownUniformName aKnownUniform, const gfx::Matrix4x4& aMatrix) { SetMatrixUniform(aKnownUniform, &aMatrix._11); } }; } // namespace layers } // namespace mozilla #endif /* GFX_OGLSHADERPROGRAM_H */