/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef mozilla_layers_CheckerboardEvent_h
#define mozilla_layers_CheckerboardEvent_h

#include "mozilla/Monitor.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "Units.h"
#include <vector>

namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {

 * This class records information relevant to one "checkerboard event", which is
 * a contiguous set of frames where a given APZC was checkerboarding. The intent
 * of this class is to record enough information that it can provide actionable
 * steps to reduce the occurrence of checkerboarding. Furthermore, it records
 * information about the severity of the checkerboarding so as to allow
 * prioritizing the debugging of some checkerboarding events over others.
class CheckerboardEvent {
  enum RendertraceProperty {

    // sentinel final value

  static const char* sDescriptions[MAX_RendertraceProperty];
  static const char* sColors[MAX_RendertraceProperty];

  explicit CheckerboardEvent(bool aRecordTrace);

   * Gets the "severity" of the checkerboard event. This doesn't have units,
   * it's just useful for comparing two checkerboard events to see which one
   * is worse, for some implementation-specific definition of "worse".
  uint32_t GetSeverity();

   * Gets the number of CSS pixels that were checkerboarded at the peak of the
   * checkerboard event.
  uint32_t GetPeak();

   * Gets the length of the checkerboard event.
  TimeDuration GetDuration();

   * Gets the raw log of the checkerboard event. This can be called any time,
   * although it really only makes sense to pull once the event is done, after
   * RecordFrameInfo returns true.
  std::string GetLog();

   * Returns true iff this event is recording a detailed trace of the event.
   * This is the argument passed in to the constructor.
  bool IsRecordingTrace();

   * Provide a new value for one of the rects that is tracked for
   * checkerboard events.
  void UpdateRendertraceProperty(RendertraceProperty aProperty,
                                 const CSSRect& aRect,
                                 const std::string& aExtraInfo = std::string());

   * Provide the number of CSS pixels that are checkerboarded in a composite
   * at the current time.
   * @return true if the checkerboard event has completed. The caller should
   * stop updating this object once this happens.
  bool RecordFrameInfo(uint32_t aCssPixelsCheckerboarded);

   * Helper method to do stuff when checkeboarding starts.
  void StartEvent();
   * Helper method to do stuff when checkerboarding stops.
  void StopEvent();

   * Helper method to log a rendertrace property and its value to the
   * rendertrace info buffer (mRendertraceInfo).
  void LogInfo(RendertraceProperty aProperty,
               const TimeStamp& aTimestamp,
               const CSSRect& aRect,
               const std::string& aExtraInfo,
               const MonitorAutoLock& aProofOfLock);

   * Helper struct that holds a single rendertrace property value.
  struct PropertyValue
    RendertraceProperty mProperty;
    TimeStamp mTimeStamp;
    CSSRect mRect;
    std::string mExtraInfo;

    bool operator<(const PropertyValue& aOther) const;

   * A circular buffer that stores the most recent BUFFER_SIZE values of a
   * given property.
  class PropertyBuffer
     * Add a new value to the buffer, overwriting the oldest one if needed.
    void Update(RendertraceProperty aProperty, const CSSRect& aRect,
                const std::string& aExtraInfo,
                const MonitorAutoLock& aProofOfLock);
     * Dump the recorded values, oldest to newest, to the given vector, and
     * remove them from this buffer.
    void Flush(std::vector<PropertyValue>& aOut,
               const MonitorAutoLock& aProofOfLock);

    static const uint32_t BUFFER_SIZE = 5;

     * The index of the oldest value in the buffer. This is the next index
     * that will be written to.
    uint32_t mIndex;
    PropertyValue mValues[BUFFER_SIZE];

   * If true, we should log the various properties during the checkerboard
   * event. If false, we only need to record things we need for telemetry
   * measures.
  const bool mRecordTrace;
   * A base time so that the other timestamps can be turned into durations.
  const TimeStamp mOriginTime;
   * Whether or not a checkerboard event is currently occurring.
  bool mCheckerboardingActive;

   * The start time of the checkerboard event.
  TimeStamp mStartTime;
   * The end time of the checkerboard event.
  TimeStamp mEndTime;
   * The sample time of the last frame recorded.
  TimeStamp mLastSampleTime;
   * The number of contiguous frames with checkerboard.
  uint32_t mFrameCount;
   * The total number of pixel-milliseconds of checkerboarding visible to
   * the user during the checkerboarding event.
  uint64_t mTotalPixelMs;
   * The largest number of pixels of checkerboarding visible to the user
   * during any one frame, during this checkerboarding event.
  uint32_t mPeakPixels;

   * Monitor that needs to be acquired before touching mBufferedProperties
   * or mRendertraceInfo.
  mutable Monitor mRendertraceLock;
   * A circular buffer to store some properties. This is used before the
   * checkerboarding actually starts, so that we have some data on what
   * was happening before the checkerboarding started.
  PropertyBuffer mBufferedProperties[MAX_RendertraceProperty];
   * The rendertrace info buffer that gives us info on what was happening
   * during the checkerboard event.
  std::ostringstream mRendertraceInfo;

} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla

#endif // mozilla_layers_CheckerboardEvent_h