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#ifndef mozilla_layers_AxisPhysicsMSDModel_h
#define mozilla_layers_AxisPhysicsMSDModel_h

#include "AxisPhysicsModel.h"

namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {

 * AxisPhysicsMSDModel encapsulates a 1-dimensional MSD (Mass-Spring-Damper)
 * model.  A unit mass is assumed.
class AxisPhysicsMSDModel : public AxisPhysicsModel {
  AxisPhysicsMSDModel(double aInitialPosition, double aInitialDestination,
                      double aInitialVelocity, double aSpringConstant,
                      double aDampingRatio);


   * Gets the raw destination of this axis at this moment.
  double GetDestination() const;

   * Sets the raw destination of this axis at this moment.
  void SetDestination(double aDestination);

   * Returns true when the position is close to the destination and the
   * velocity is low.
  bool IsFinished(double aSmallestVisibleIncrement);

  virtual double Acceleration(const State &aState);


   * mDestination represents the target position and the resting position of
   * the simulated spring.
  double mDestination;

   * Greater values of mSpringConstant result in a stiffer / stronger spring.
  double mSpringConstant;

   * mSpringConstantSqrtTimesTwo is calculated from mSpringConstant to reduce
   * calculations performed in the inner loop.
  double mSpringConstantSqrtXTwo;

   * Damping Ratio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damping_ratio
   * When mDampingRatio < 1.0, this is an under damped system.
   * - Overshoots destination and oscillates with the amplitude gradually
   *   decreasing to zero.
   * When mDampingRatio == 1.0, this is a critically damped system.
   * - Reaches destination as quickly as possible without oscillating.
   * When mDampingRatio > 1.0, this is an over damped system.
   * - Reaches destination (exponentially decays) without oscillating.
  double mDampingRatio;


} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla
