/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: sts=8 sw=2 ts=2 tw=99 et : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "GPUProcessHost.h" #include "GPUChild.h" #include "chrome/common/process_watcher.h" #include "gfxPrefs.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Logging.h" #include "nsITimer.h" namespace mozilla { namespace gfx { using namespace ipc; GPUProcessHost::GPUProcessHost(Listener* aListener) : GeckoChildProcessHost(GeckoProcessType_GPU), mListener(aListener), mTaskFactory(this), mLaunchPhase(LaunchPhase::Unlaunched), mProcessToken(0), mShutdownRequested(false), mChannelClosed(false) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(GPUProcessHost); } GPUProcessHost::~GPUProcessHost() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(GPUProcessHost); } bool GPUProcessHost::Launch() { MOZ_ASSERT(mLaunchPhase == LaunchPhase::Unlaunched); MOZ_ASSERT(!mGPUChild); mLaunchPhase = LaunchPhase::Waiting; mLaunchTime = TimeStamp::Now(); if (!GeckoChildProcessHost::AsyncLaunch()) { mLaunchPhase = LaunchPhase::Complete; return false; } return true; } bool GPUProcessHost::WaitForLaunch() { if (mLaunchPhase == LaunchPhase::Complete) { return !!mGPUChild; } int32_t timeoutMs = gfxPrefs::GPUProcessDevTimeoutMs(); // Our caller expects the connection to be finished after we return, so we // immediately set up the IPDL actor and fire callbacks. The IO thread will // still dispatch a notification to the main thread - we'll just ignore it. bool result = GeckoChildProcessHost::WaitUntilConnected(timeoutMs); InitAfterConnect(result); return result; } void GPUProcessHost::OnChannelConnected(int32_t peer_pid) { MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); GeckoChildProcessHost::OnChannelConnected(peer_pid); // Post a task to the main thread. Take the lock because mTaskFactory is not // thread-safe. RefPtr<Runnable> runnable; { MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor); runnable = mTaskFactory.NewRunnableMethod(&GPUProcessHost::OnChannelConnectedTask); } NS_DispatchToMainThread(runnable); } void GPUProcessHost::OnChannelError() { MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); GeckoChildProcessHost::OnChannelError(); // Post a task to the main thread. Take the lock because mTaskFactory is not // thread-safe. RefPtr<Runnable> runnable; { MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor); runnable = mTaskFactory.NewRunnableMethod(&GPUProcessHost::OnChannelErrorTask); } NS_DispatchToMainThread(runnable); } void GPUProcessHost::OnChannelConnectedTask() { if (mLaunchPhase == LaunchPhase::Waiting) { InitAfterConnect(true); } } void GPUProcessHost::OnChannelErrorTask() { if (mLaunchPhase == LaunchPhase::Waiting) { InitAfterConnect(false); } } static uint64_t sProcessTokenCounter = 0; void GPUProcessHost::InitAfterConnect(bool aSucceeded) { MOZ_ASSERT(mLaunchPhase == LaunchPhase::Waiting); MOZ_ASSERT(!mGPUChild); mLaunchPhase = LaunchPhase::Complete; if (aSucceeded) { mProcessToken = ++sProcessTokenCounter; mGPUChild = MakeUnique<GPUChild>(this); DebugOnly<bool> rv = mGPUChild->Open(GetChannel(), base::GetProcId(GetChildProcessHandle())); MOZ_ASSERT(rv); mGPUChild->Init(); } if (mListener) { mListener->OnProcessLaunchComplete(this); } } void GPUProcessHost::Shutdown() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mShutdownRequested); mListener = nullptr; if (mGPUChild) { // OnChannelClosed uses this to check if the shutdown was expected or // unexpected. mShutdownRequested = true; #ifdef NS_FREE_PERMANENT_DATA // The channel might already be closed if we got here unexpectedly. if (!mChannelClosed) { mGPUChild->Close(); } #else // No need to communicate shutdown, the GPU process doesn't need to // communicate anything back. KillHard("NormalShutdown"); #endif // If we're shutting down unexpectedly, we're in the middle of handling an // ActorDestroy for PGPUChild, which is still on the stack. We'll return // back to OnChannelClosed. // // Otherwise, we'll wait for OnChannelClose to be called whenever PGPUChild // acknowledges shutdown. return; } DestroyProcess(); } void GPUProcessHost::OnChannelClosed() { if (!mShutdownRequested) { // This is an unclean shutdown. Notify our listener that we're going away. mChannelClosed = true; if (mListener) { mListener->OnProcessUnexpectedShutdown(this); } } // Release the actor. GPUChild::Destroy(Move(mGPUChild)); MOZ_ASSERT(!mGPUChild); // If the owner of GPUProcessHost already requested shutdown, we can now // schedule destruction. Otherwise we must wait for someone to call // Shutdown. Note that GPUProcessManager calls Shutdown within // OnProcessUnexpectedShutdown. if (mShutdownRequested) { DestroyProcess(); } } void GPUProcessHost::KillHard(const char* aReason) { ProcessHandle handle = GetChildProcessHandle(); if (!base::KillProcess(handle, base::PROCESS_END_KILLED_BY_USER, false)) { NS_WARNING("failed to kill subprocess!"); } SetAlreadyDead(); } uint64_t GPUProcessHost::GetProcessToken() const { return mProcessToken; } static void DelayedDeleteSubprocess(GeckoChildProcessHost* aSubprocess) { XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()-> PostTask(mozilla::MakeAndAddRef<DeleteTask<GeckoChildProcessHost>>(aSubprocess)); } void GPUProcessHost::KillProcess() { KillHard("DiagnosticKill"); } void GPUProcessHost::DestroyProcess() { // Cancel all tasks. We don't want anything triggering after our caller // expects this to go away. { MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor); mTaskFactory.RevokeAll(); } MessageLoop::current()-> PostTask(NewRunnableFunction(DelayedDeleteSubprocess, this)); } } // namespace gfx } // namespace mozilla