// // Copyright (c) 2012-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Renderer11.cpp: Implements a back-end specific class for the D3D11 renderer. #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Renderer11.h" #include #include #include #include #include "common/tls.h" #include "common/utilities.h" #include "libANGLE/Buffer.h" #include "libANGLE/Display.h" #include "libANGLE/formatutils.h" #include "libANGLE/Framebuffer.h" #include "libANGLE/FramebufferAttachment.h" #include "libANGLE/histogram_macros.h" #include "libANGLE/Program.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/renderer_utils.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/CompilerD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/DisplayD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Blit11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Buffer11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Clear11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Context11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/dxgi_support_table.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Fence11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/formatutils11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Framebuffer11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Image11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/IndexBuffer11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/PixelTransfer11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Query11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/renderer11_utils.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/RenderTarget11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/ShaderExecutable11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/StreamProducerNV12.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/SwapChain11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/texture_format_table.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/TextureStorage11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/TransformFeedback11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/Trim11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/VertexArray11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/VertexBuffer11.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/CompilerD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/DeviceD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/FramebufferD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/IndexDataManager.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/ProgramD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/RenderbufferD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/ShaderD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/SurfaceD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/TextureD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/VertexDataManager.h" #include "libANGLE/State.h" #include "libANGLE/Surface.h" #include "third_party/trace_event/trace_event.h" #ifdef ANGLE_ENABLE_WINDOWS_STORE #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/winrt/NativeWindow11WinRT.h" #else #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d11/win32/NativeWindow11Win32.h" #endif // Include the D3D9 debug annotator header for use by the desktop D3D11 renderer // because the D3D11 interface method ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation::GetStatus // doesn't work with the Graphics Diagnostics tools in Visual Studio 2013. #ifdef ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D9 #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/d3d9/DebugAnnotator9.h" #endif // Enable ANGLE_SKIP_DXGI_1_2_CHECK if there is not a possibility of using cross-process // HWNDs or the Windows 7 Platform Update (KB2670838) is expected to be installed. #ifndef ANGLE_SKIP_DXGI_1_2_CHECK #define ANGLE_SKIP_DXGI_1_2_CHECK 0 #endif #ifdef _DEBUG // this flag enables suppressing some spurious warnings that pop up in certain WebGL samples // and conformance tests. to enable all warnings, remove this define. #define ANGLE_SUPPRESS_D3D11_HAZARD_WARNINGS 1 #endif namespace rx { namespace { enum { MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_VTF_SM4 = 16 }; void CalculateConstantBufferParams(GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, UINT *outFirstConstant, UINT *outNumConstants) { // The offset must be aligned to 256 bytes (should have been enforced by glBindBufferRange). ASSERT(offset % 256 == 0); // firstConstant and numConstants are expressed in constants of 16-bytes. Furthermore they must be a multiple of 16 constants. *outFirstConstant = static_cast(offset / 16); // The GL size is not required to be aligned to a 256 bytes boundary. // Round the size up to a 256 bytes boundary then express the results in constants of 16-bytes. *outNumConstants = static_cast(rx::roundUp(size, static_cast(256)) / 16); // Since the size is rounded up, firstConstant + numConstants may be bigger than the actual size of the buffer. // This behaviour is explictly allowed according to the documentation on ID3D11DeviceContext1::PSSetConstantBuffers1 // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh404649%28v=vs.85%29.aspx } enum ANGLEFeatureLevel { ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_INVALID, ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3, ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0, ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1, ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1, NUM_ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVELS }; ANGLEFeatureLevel GetANGLEFeatureLevel(D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL d3dFeatureLevel) { switch (d3dFeatureLevel) { case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3: return ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3; case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0: return ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0; case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1: return ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1; case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0: return ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0; // Note: we don't ever request a 11_1 device, because this gives // an E_INVALIDARG error on systems that don't have the platform update. case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1: return ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1; default: return ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_INVALID; } } void SetLineLoopIndices(GLuint *dest, size_t count) { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { dest[i] = static_cast(i); } dest[count] = 0; } template void CopyLineLoopIndices(const GLvoid *indices, GLuint *dest, size_t count) { const T *srcPtr = static_cast(indices); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { dest[i] = static_cast(srcPtr[i]); } dest[count] = static_cast(srcPtr[0]); } void SetTriangleFanIndices(GLuint *destPtr, size_t numTris) { for (size_t i = 0; i < numTris; i++) { destPtr[i * 3 + 0] = 0; destPtr[i * 3 + 1] = static_cast(i) + 1; destPtr[i * 3 + 2] = static_cast(i) + 2; } } template void CopyLineLoopIndicesWithRestart(const GLvoid *indices, size_t count, GLenum indexType, std::vector *bufferOut) { GLuint restartIndex = gl::GetPrimitiveRestartIndex(indexType); GLuint d3dRestartIndex = static_cast(d3d11::GetPrimitiveRestartIndex()); const T *srcPtr = static_cast(indices); Optional currentLoopStart; bufferOut->clear(); for (size_t indexIdx = 0; indexIdx < count; ++indexIdx) { GLuint value = static_cast(srcPtr[indexIdx]); if (value == restartIndex) { if (currentLoopStart.valid()) { bufferOut->push_back(currentLoopStart.value()); bufferOut->push_back(d3dRestartIndex); currentLoopStart.reset(); } } else { bufferOut->push_back(value); if (!currentLoopStart.valid()) { currentLoopStart = value; } } } if (currentLoopStart.valid()) { bufferOut->push_back(currentLoopStart.value()); } } void GetLineLoopIndices(const GLvoid *indices, GLenum indexType, GLuint count, bool usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex, std::vector *bufferOut) { if (indexType != GL_NONE && usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex) { switch (indexType) { case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: CopyLineLoopIndicesWithRestart(indices, count, indexType, bufferOut); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: CopyLineLoopIndicesWithRestart(indices, count, indexType, bufferOut); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: CopyLineLoopIndicesWithRestart(indices, count, indexType, bufferOut); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } return; } // For non-primitive-restart draws, the index count is static. bufferOut->resize(static_cast(count) + 1); switch (indexType) { // Non-indexed draw case GL_NONE: SetLineLoopIndices(&(*bufferOut)[0], count); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: CopyLineLoopIndices(indices, &(*bufferOut)[0], count); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: CopyLineLoopIndices(indices, &(*bufferOut)[0], count); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: CopyLineLoopIndices(indices, &(*bufferOut)[0], count); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } template void CopyTriangleFanIndices(const GLvoid *indices, GLuint *destPtr, size_t numTris) { const T *srcPtr = static_cast(indices); for (size_t i = 0; i < numTris; i++) { destPtr[i * 3 + 0] = static_cast(srcPtr[0]); destPtr[i * 3 + 1] = static_cast(srcPtr[i + 1]); destPtr[i * 3 + 2] = static_cast(srcPtr[i + 2]); } } template void CopyTriangleFanIndicesWithRestart(const GLvoid *indices, GLuint indexCount, GLenum indexType, std::vector *bufferOut) { GLuint restartIndex = gl::GetPrimitiveRestartIndex(indexType); GLuint d3dRestartIndex = gl::GetPrimitiveRestartIndex(GL_UNSIGNED_INT); const T *srcPtr = static_cast(indices); Optional vertexA; Optional vertexB; bufferOut->clear(); for (size_t indexIdx = 0; indexIdx < indexCount; ++indexIdx) { GLuint value = static_cast(srcPtr[indexIdx]); if (value == restartIndex) { bufferOut->push_back(d3dRestartIndex); vertexA.reset(); vertexB.reset(); } else { if (!vertexA.valid()) { vertexA = value; } else if (!vertexB.valid()) { vertexB = value; } else { bufferOut->push_back(vertexA.value()); bufferOut->push_back(vertexB.value()); bufferOut->push_back(value); vertexB = value; } } } } void GetTriFanIndices(const GLvoid *indices, GLenum indexType, GLuint count, bool usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex, std::vector *bufferOut) { if (indexType != GL_NONE && usePrimitiveRestartFixedIndex) { switch (indexType) { case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: CopyTriangleFanIndicesWithRestart(indices, count, indexType, bufferOut); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: CopyTriangleFanIndicesWithRestart(indices, count, indexType, bufferOut); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: CopyTriangleFanIndicesWithRestart(indices, count, indexType, bufferOut); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } return; } // For non-primitive-restart draws, the index count is static. GLuint numTris = count - 2; bufferOut->resize(numTris * 3); switch (indexType) { // Non-indexed draw case GL_NONE: SetTriangleFanIndices(&(*bufferOut)[0], numTris); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: CopyTriangleFanIndices(indices, &(*bufferOut)[0], numTris); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: CopyTriangleFanIndices(indices, &(*bufferOut)[0], numTris); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: CopyTriangleFanIndices(indices, &(*bufferOut)[0], numTris); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } int GetWrapBits(GLenum wrap) { switch (wrap) { case GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: return 0x1; case GL_REPEAT: return 0x2; case GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: return 0x3; default: UNREACHABLE(); return 0; } } // If we request a scratch buffer requesting a smaller size this many times, // release and recreate the scratch buffer. This ensures we don't have a // degenerate case where we are stuck hogging memory. const int ScratchMemoryBufferLifetime = 1000; } // anonymous namespace Renderer11::Renderer11(egl::Display *display) : RendererD3D(display), mStateCache(this), mStateManager(this), mLastHistogramUpdateTime(ANGLEPlatformCurrent()->monotonicallyIncreasingTime()), mDebug(nullptr), mScratchMemoryBufferResetCounter(0), mAnnotator(nullptr) { mVertexDataManager = NULL; mIndexDataManager = NULL; mLineLoopIB = NULL; mTriangleFanIB = NULL; mAppliedIBChanged = false; mBlit = NULL; mPixelTransfer = NULL; mClear = NULL; mTrim = NULL; mSyncQuery = NULL; mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsClearView = false; mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsConstantBufferOffsets = false; mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsDXGI1_2 = false; mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B5G6R5support = 0; mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B4G4R4A4support = 0; mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B5G5R5A1support = 0; mD3d11Module = NULL; mDxgiModule = NULL; mDCompModule = NULL; mCreatedWithDeviceEXT = false; mEGLDevice = nullptr; mDevice = NULL; mDeviceContext = NULL; mDeviceContext1 = NULL; mDxgiAdapter = NULL; mDxgiFactory = NULL; mDriverConstantBufferVS = NULL; mDriverConstantBufferPS = NULL; mAppliedVertexShader = NULL; mAppliedGeometryShader = NULL; mAppliedPixelShader = NULL; mAppliedTFObject = angle::DirtyPointer; ZeroMemory(&mAdapterDescription, sizeof(mAdapterDescription)); if (mDisplay->getPlatform() == EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ANGLE) { const auto &attributes = mDisplay->getAttributeMap(); EGLint requestedMajorVersion = static_cast( attributes.get(EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_MAX_VERSION_MAJOR_ANGLE, EGL_DONT_CARE)); EGLint requestedMinorVersion = static_cast( attributes.get(EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_MAX_VERSION_MINOR_ANGLE, EGL_DONT_CARE)); if (requestedMajorVersion == EGL_DONT_CARE || requestedMajorVersion >= 11) { if (requestedMinorVersion == EGL_DONT_CARE || requestedMinorVersion >= 0) { mAvailableFeatureLevels.push_back(D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0); } } if (requestedMajorVersion == EGL_DONT_CARE || requestedMajorVersion >= 10) { if (requestedMinorVersion == EGL_DONT_CARE || requestedMinorVersion >= 1) { mAvailableFeatureLevels.push_back(D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1); } if (requestedMinorVersion == EGL_DONT_CARE || requestedMinorVersion >= 0) { mAvailableFeatureLevels.push_back(D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0); } } if (requestedMajorVersion == 9 && requestedMinorVersion == 3) { mAvailableFeatureLevels.push_back(D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3); } EGLint requestedDeviceType = static_cast(attributes.get( EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_DEVICE_TYPE_ANGLE, EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_DEVICE_TYPE_HARDWARE_ANGLE)); switch (requestedDeviceType) { case EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_DEVICE_TYPE_HARDWARE_ANGLE: mRequestedDriverType = D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE; break; case EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_DEVICE_TYPE_WARP_ANGLE: mRequestedDriverType = D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP; break; case EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_DEVICE_TYPE_REFERENCE_ANGLE: mRequestedDriverType = D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE; break; case EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_DEVICE_TYPE_NULL_ANGLE: mRequestedDriverType = D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_NULL; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } const EGLenum presentPath = static_cast(attributes.get( EGL_EXPERIMENTAL_PRESENT_PATH_ANGLE, EGL_EXPERIMENTAL_PRESENT_PATH_COPY_ANGLE)); mPresentPathFastEnabled = (presentPath == EGL_EXPERIMENTAL_PRESENT_PATH_FAST_ANGLE); } else if (display->getPlatform() == EGL_PLATFORM_DEVICE_EXT) { mEGLDevice = GetImplAs(display->getDevice()); ASSERT(mEGLDevice != nullptr); mCreatedWithDeviceEXT = true; // Also set EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ANGLE variables, in case they're used elsewhere in ANGLE // mAvailableFeatureLevels defaults to empty mRequestedDriverType = D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN; mPresentPathFastEnabled = false; } // The D3D11 renderer must choose the D3D9 debug annotator because the D3D11 interface // method ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation::GetStatus on desktop builds doesn't work with the Graphics // Diagnostics tools in Visual Studio 2013. // The D3D9 annotator works properly for both D3D11 and D3D9. // Incorrect status reporting can cause ANGLE to log unnecessary debug events. #ifdef ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D9 mAnnotator = new DebugAnnotator9(); #else mAnnotator = new DebugAnnotator11(); #endif ASSERT(mAnnotator); gl::InitializeDebugAnnotations(mAnnotator); } Renderer11::~Renderer11() { release(); } #ifndef __d3d11_1_h__ #define D3D11_MESSAGE_ID_DEVICE_DRAW_RENDERTARGETVIEW_NOT_SET ((D3D11_MESSAGE_ID)3146081) #endif egl::Error Renderer11::initialize() { HRESULT result = S_OK; egl::Error error = initializeD3DDevice(); if (error.isError()) { return error; } #if !defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_WINDOWS_STORE) #if !ANGLE_SKIP_DXGI_1_2_CHECK { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "Renderer11::initialize (DXGICheck)"); // In order to create a swap chain for an HWND owned by another process, DXGI 1.2 is required. // The easiest way to check is to query for a IDXGIDevice2. bool requireDXGI1_2 = false; HWND hwnd = WindowFromDC(mDisplay->getNativeDisplayId()); if (hwnd) { DWORD currentProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); DWORD wndProcessId; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &wndProcessId); requireDXGI1_2 = (currentProcessId != wndProcessId); } else { requireDXGI1_2 = true; } if (requireDXGI1_2) { IDXGIDevice2 *dxgiDevice2 = NULL; result = mDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice2), (void**)&dxgiDevice2); if (FAILED(result)) { return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, D3D11_INIT_INCOMPATIBLE_DXGI, "DXGI 1.2 required to present to HWNDs owned by another process."); } SafeRelease(dxgiDevice2); } } #endif #endif { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "Renderer11::initialize (ComQueries)"); // Cast the DeviceContext to a DeviceContext1. // This could fail on Windows 7 without the Platform Update. // Don't error in this case- just don't use mDeviceContext1. mDeviceContext1 = d3d11::DynamicCastComObject(mDeviceContext); IDXGIDevice *dxgiDevice = NULL; result = mDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice), (void**)&dxgiDevice); if (FAILED(result)) { return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, D3D11_INIT_OTHER_ERROR, "Could not query DXGI device."); } result = dxgiDevice->GetParent(__uuidof(IDXGIAdapter), (void**)&mDxgiAdapter); if (FAILED(result)) { return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, D3D11_INIT_OTHER_ERROR, "Could not retrieve DXGI adapter"); } SafeRelease(dxgiDevice); IDXGIAdapter2 *dxgiAdapter2 = d3d11::DynamicCastComObject(mDxgiAdapter); // On D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_*, IDXGIAdapter::GetDesc returns "Software Adapter" for the description string. // If DXGI1.2 is available then IDXGIAdapter2::GetDesc2 can be used to get the actual hardware values. if (mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel <= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3 && dxgiAdapter2 != NULL) { DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC2 adapterDesc2 = {}; result = dxgiAdapter2->GetDesc2(&adapterDesc2); if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { // Copy the contents of the DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC2 into mAdapterDescription (a DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC). memcpy(mAdapterDescription.Description, adapterDesc2.Description, sizeof(mAdapterDescription.Description)); mAdapterDescription.VendorId = adapterDesc2.VendorId; mAdapterDescription.DeviceId = adapterDesc2.DeviceId; mAdapterDescription.SubSysId = adapterDesc2.SubSysId; mAdapterDescription.Revision = adapterDesc2.Revision; mAdapterDescription.DedicatedVideoMemory = adapterDesc2.DedicatedVideoMemory; mAdapterDescription.DedicatedSystemMemory = adapterDesc2.DedicatedSystemMemory; mAdapterDescription.SharedSystemMemory = adapterDesc2.SharedSystemMemory; mAdapterDescription.AdapterLuid = adapterDesc2.AdapterLuid; } } else { result = mDxgiAdapter->GetDesc(&mAdapterDescription); } SafeRelease(dxgiAdapter2); if (FAILED(result)) { return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, D3D11_INIT_OTHER_ERROR, "Could not read DXGI adaptor description."); } memset(mDescription, 0, sizeof(mDescription)); wcstombs(mDescription, mAdapterDescription.Description, sizeof(mDescription) - 1); result = mDxgiAdapter->GetParent(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory), (void**)&mDxgiFactory); if (!mDxgiFactory || FAILED(result)) { return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, D3D11_INIT_OTHER_ERROR, "Could not create DXGI factory."); } } // Disable some spurious D3D11 debug warnings to prevent them from flooding the output log #if defined(ANGLE_SUPPRESS_D3D11_HAZARD_WARNINGS) && defined(_DEBUG) { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "Renderer11::initialize (HideWarnings)"); ID3D11InfoQueue *infoQueue; result = mDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D11InfoQueue), (void **)&infoQueue); if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { D3D11_MESSAGE_ID hideMessages[] = { D3D11_MESSAGE_ID_DEVICE_DRAW_RENDERTARGETVIEW_NOT_SET }; D3D11_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER filter = {}; filter.DenyList.NumIDs = static_cast(ArraySize(hideMessages)); filter.DenyList.pIDList = hideMessages; infoQueue->AddStorageFilterEntries(&filter); SafeRelease(infoQueue); } } #endif #if !defined(NDEBUG) mDebug = d3d11::DynamicCastComObject(mDevice); #endif initializeDevice(); return egl::Error(EGL_SUCCESS); } egl::Error Renderer11::initializeD3DDevice() { HRESULT result = S_OK; if (!mCreatedWithDeviceEXT) { #if !defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_WINDOWS_STORE) PFN_D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE D3D11CreateDevice = nullptr; { SCOPED_ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_TIMER("GPU.ANGLE.Renderer11InitializeDLLsMS"); TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "Renderer11::initialize (Load DLLs)"); mDxgiModule = LoadLibrary(TEXT("dxgi.dll")); mD3d11Module = LoadLibrary(TEXT("d3d11.dll")); mDCompModule = LoadLibrary(TEXT("dcomp.dll")); if (mD3d11Module == nullptr || mDxgiModule == nullptr) { return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, D3D11_INIT_MISSING_DEP, "Could not load D3D11 or DXGI library."); } // create the D3D11 device ASSERT(mDevice == nullptr); D3D11CreateDevice = reinterpret_cast( GetProcAddress(mD3d11Module, "D3D11CreateDevice")); if (D3D11CreateDevice == nullptr) { return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, D3D11_INIT_MISSING_DEP, "Could not retrieve D3D11CreateDevice address."); } } #endif #ifdef _DEBUG { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "D3D11CreateDevice (Debug)"); result = D3D11CreateDevice(nullptr, mRequestedDriverType, nullptr, D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG, mAvailableFeatureLevels.data(), static_cast(mAvailableFeatureLevels.size()), D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &mDevice, &(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel), &mDeviceContext); } if (!mDevice || FAILED(result)) { ERR("Failed creating Debug D3D11 device - falling back to release runtime.\n"); } if (!mDevice || FAILED(result)) #endif { SCOPED_ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_TIMER("GPU.ANGLE.D3D11CreateDeviceMS"); TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "D3D11CreateDevice"); result = D3D11CreateDevice( nullptr, mRequestedDriverType, nullptr, 0, mAvailableFeatureLevels.data(), static_cast(mAvailableFeatureLevels.size()), D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &mDevice, &(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel), &mDeviceContext); // Cleanup done by destructor if (!mDevice || FAILED(result)) { ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_SPARSE_SLOWLY("GPU.ANGLE.D3D11CreateDeviceError", static_cast(result)); return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, D3D11_INIT_CREATEDEVICE_ERROR, "Could not create D3D11 device."); } } } else { // We should use the inputted D3D11 device instead void *device = nullptr; egl::Error error = mEGLDevice->getDevice(&device); if (error.isError()) { return error; } ID3D11Device *d3dDevice = reinterpret_cast(device); if (FAILED(d3dDevice->GetDeviceRemovedReason())) { return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "Inputted D3D11 device has been lost."); } if (d3dDevice->GetFeatureLevel() < D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3) { return egl::Error(EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "Inputted D3D11 device must be Feature Level 9_3 or greater."); } // The Renderer11 adds a ref to the inputted D3D11 device, like D3D11CreateDevice does. mDevice = d3dDevice; mDevice->AddRef(); mDevice->GetImmediateContext(&mDeviceContext); mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel = mDevice->GetFeatureLevel(); } d3d11::SetDebugName(mDeviceContext, "DeviceContext"); return egl::Error(EGL_SUCCESS); } // do any one-time device initialization // NOTE: this is also needed after a device lost/reset // to reset the scene status and ensure the default states are reset. void Renderer11::initializeDevice() { SCOPED_ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_TIMER("GPU.ANGLE.Renderer11InitializeDeviceMS"); TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "Renderer11::initializeDevice"); populateRenderer11DeviceCaps(); mStateCache.initialize(mDevice); mInputLayoutCache.initialize(mDevice, mDeviceContext); ASSERT(!mVertexDataManager && !mIndexDataManager); mVertexDataManager = new VertexDataManager(this); mIndexDataManager = new IndexDataManager(this, getRendererClass()); ASSERT(!mBlit); mBlit = new Blit11(this); ASSERT(!mClear); mClear = new Clear11(this); const auto &attributes = mDisplay->getAttributeMap(); // If automatic trim is enabled, DXGIDevice3::Trim( ) is called for the application // automatically when an application is suspended by the OS. This feature is currently // only supported for Windows Store applications. EGLint enableAutoTrim = static_cast( attributes.get(EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_TRIM_ANGLE, EGL_FALSE)); if (enableAutoTrim == EGL_TRUE) { ASSERT(!mTrim); mTrim = new Trim11(this); } ASSERT(!mPixelTransfer); mPixelTransfer = new PixelTransfer11(this); const gl::Caps &rendererCaps = getNativeCaps(); mStateManager.initialize(rendererCaps); mForceSetVertexSamplerStates.resize(rendererCaps.maxVertexTextureImageUnits); mCurVertexSamplerStates.resize(rendererCaps.maxVertexTextureImageUnits); mSamplerMetadataVS.initData(rendererCaps.maxVertexTextureImageUnits); mForceSetPixelSamplerStates.resize(rendererCaps.maxTextureImageUnits); mCurPixelSamplerStates.resize(rendererCaps.maxTextureImageUnits); mSamplerMetadataPS.initData(rendererCaps.maxTextureImageUnits); mStateManager.initialize(rendererCaps); markAllStateDirty(); // Gather stats on DXGI and D3D feature level ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("GPU.ANGLE.SupportsDXGI1_2", mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsDXGI1_2); ANGLEFeatureLevel angleFeatureLevel = GetANGLEFeatureLevel(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel); // We don't actually request a 11_1 device, because of complications with the platform // update. Instead we check if the mDeviceContext1 pointer cast succeeded. // Note: we should support D3D11_0 always, but we aren't guaranteed to be at FL11_0 // because the app can specify a lower version (such as 9_3) on Display creation. if (mDeviceContext1 != nullptr) { angleFeatureLevel = ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1; } ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("GPU.ANGLE.D3D11FeatureLevel", angleFeatureLevel, NUM_ANGLE_FEATURE_LEVELS); } void Renderer11::populateRenderer11DeviceCaps() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (mDeviceContext1) { D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_D3D11_OPTIONS d3d11Options; HRESULT result = mDevice->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D11_FEATURE_D3D11_OPTIONS, &d3d11Options, sizeof(D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_D3D11_OPTIONS)); if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsClearView = (d3d11Options.ClearView != FALSE); mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsConstantBufferOffsets = (d3d11Options.ConstantBufferOffsetting != FALSE); } } if (getWorkarounds().disableB5G6R5Support) { mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B5G6R5support = 0; } else { hr = mDevice->CheckFormatSupport(DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM, &(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B5G6R5support)); if (FAILED(hr)) { mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B5G6R5support = 0; } } hr = mDevice->CheckFormatSupport(DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM, &(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B4G4R4A4support)); if (FAILED(hr)) { mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B4G4R4A4support = 0; } hr = mDevice->CheckFormatSupport(DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM, &(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B5G5R5A1support)); if (FAILED(hr)) { mRenderer11DeviceCaps.B5G5R5A1support = 0; } IDXGIAdapter2 *dxgiAdapter2 = d3d11::DynamicCastComObject(mDxgiAdapter); mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsDXGI1_2 = (dxgiAdapter2 != nullptr); SafeRelease(dxgiAdapter2); LARGE_INTEGER version; hr = mDxgiAdapter->CheckInterfaceSupport(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice), &version); if (FAILED(hr)) { mRenderer11DeviceCaps.driverVersion.reset(); ERR("Error querying driver version from DXGI Adapter."); } else { mRenderer11DeviceCaps.driverVersion = version; } } egl::ConfigSet Renderer11::generateConfigs() { std::vector colorBufferFormats; // 32-bit supported formats colorBufferFormats.push_back(GL_BGRA8_EXT); colorBufferFormats.push_back(GL_RGBA8_OES); // 24-bit supported formats colorBufferFormats.push_back(GL_RGB8_OES); if (!mPresentPathFastEnabled) { // 16-bit supported formats // These aren't valid D3D11 swapchain formats, so don't expose them as configs // if present path fast is active colorBufferFormats.push_back(GL_RGBA4); colorBufferFormats.push_back(GL_RGB5_A1); colorBufferFormats.push_back(GL_RGB565); } static const GLenum depthStencilBufferFormats[] = { GL_NONE, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, }; const gl::Caps &rendererCaps = getNativeCaps(); const gl::TextureCapsMap &rendererTextureCaps = getNativeTextureCaps(); const EGLint optimalSurfaceOrientation = mPresentPathFastEnabled ? 0 : EGL_SURFACE_ORIENTATION_INVERT_Y_ANGLE; egl::ConfigSet configs; for (GLenum colorBufferInternalFormat : colorBufferFormats) { const gl::TextureCaps &colorBufferFormatCaps = rendererTextureCaps.get(colorBufferInternalFormat); if (!colorBufferFormatCaps.renderable) { continue; } for (GLenum depthStencilBufferInternalFormat : depthStencilBufferFormats) { const gl::TextureCaps &depthStencilBufferFormatCaps = rendererTextureCaps.get(depthStencilBufferInternalFormat); if (!depthStencilBufferFormatCaps.renderable && depthStencilBufferInternalFormat != GL_NONE) { continue; } const gl::InternalFormat &colorBufferFormatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(colorBufferInternalFormat); const gl::InternalFormat &depthStencilBufferFormatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(depthStencilBufferInternalFormat); egl::Config config; config.renderTargetFormat = colorBufferInternalFormat; config.depthStencilFormat = depthStencilBufferInternalFormat; config.bufferSize = colorBufferFormatInfo.pixelBytes * 8; config.redSize = colorBufferFormatInfo.redBits; config.greenSize = colorBufferFormatInfo.greenBits; config.blueSize = colorBufferFormatInfo.blueBits; config.luminanceSize = colorBufferFormatInfo.luminanceBits; config.alphaSize = colorBufferFormatInfo.alphaBits; config.alphaMaskSize = 0; config.bindToTextureRGB = (colorBufferFormatInfo.format == GL_RGB); config.bindToTextureRGBA = (colorBufferFormatInfo.format == GL_RGBA || colorBufferFormatInfo.format == GL_BGRA_EXT); config.colorBufferType = EGL_RGB_BUFFER; config.configCaveat = EGL_NONE; config.configID = static_cast(configs.size() + 1); // Can only support a conformant ES2 with feature level greater than 10.0. config.conformant = (mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0) ? (EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT | EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR) : 0; // PresentPathFast may not be conformant if (mPresentPathFastEnabled) { config.conformant = 0; } config.depthSize = depthStencilBufferFormatInfo.depthBits; config.level = 0; config.matchNativePixmap = EGL_NONE; config.maxPBufferWidth = rendererCaps.max2DTextureSize; config.maxPBufferHeight = rendererCaps.max2DTextureSize; config.maxPBufferPixels = rendererCaps.max2DTextureSize * rendererCaps.max2DTextureSize; config.maxSwapInterval = 4; config.minSwapInterval = 0; config.nativeRenderable = EGL_FALSE; config.nativeVisualID = 0; config.nativeVisualType = EGL_NONE; // Can't support ES3 at all without feature level 10.0 config.renderableType = EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT | ((mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0) ? EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR : 0); config.sampleBuffers = 0; // FIXME: enumerate multi-sampling config.samples = 0; config.stencilSize = depthStencilBufferFormatInfo.stencilBits; config.surfaceType = EGL_PBUFFER_BIT | EGL_WINDOW_BIT | EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED_BIT; config.transparentType = EGL_NONE; config.transparentRedValue = 0; config.transparentGreenValue = 0; config.transparentBlueValue = 0; config.optimalOrientation = optimalSurfaceOrientation; configs.add(config); } } ASSERT(configs.size() > 0); return configs; } void Renderer11::generateDisplayExtensions(egl::DisplayExtensions *outExtensions) const { outExtensions->createContextRobustness = true; if (getShareHandleSupport()) { outExtensions->d3dShareHandleClientBuffer = true; outExtensions->surfaceD3DTexture2DShareHandle = true; } outExtensions->keyedMutex = true; outExtensions->querySurfacePointer = true; outExtensions->windowFixedSize = true; // If present path fast is active then the surface orientation extension isn't supported outExtensions->surfaceOrientation = !mPresentPathFastEnabled; // D3D11 does not support present with dirty rectangles until DXGI 1.2. outExtensions->postSubBuffer = mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsDXGI1_2; outExtensions->deviceQuery = true; outExtensions->image = true; outExtensions->imageBase = true; outExtensions->glTexture2DImage = true; outExtensions->glTextureCubemapImage = true; outExtensions->glRenderbufferImage = true; outExtensions->stream = true; outExtensions->streamConsumerGLTexture = true; outExtensions->streamConsumerGLTextureYUV = true; // Not all D3D11 devices support NV12 textures if (getNV12TextureSupport()) { outExtensions->streamProducerD3DTextureNV12 = true; } outExtensions->flexibleSurfaceCompatibility = true; outExtensions->directComposition = !!mDCompModule; } gl::Error Renderer11::flush() { mDeviceContext->Flush(); return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::finish() { HRESULT result; if (!mSyncQuery) { D3D11_QUERY_DESC queryDesc; queryDesc.Query = D3D11_QUERY_EVENT; queryDesc.MiscFlags = 0; result = mDevice->CreateQuery(&queryDesc, &mSyncQuery); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create event query, result: 0x%X.", result); } } mDeviceContext->End(mSyncQuery); unsigned int attempt = 0; do { unsigned int flushFrequency = 100; UINT flags = (attempt % flushFrequency == 0) ? 0 : D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_DONOTFLUSH; attempt++; result = mDeviceContext->GetData(mSyncQuery, NULL, 0, flags); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to get event query data, result: 0x%X.", result); } // Keep polling, but allow other threads to do something useful first ScheduleYield(); if (testDeviceLost()) { mDisplay->notifyDeviceLost(); return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Device was lost while waiting for sync."); } } while (result == S_FALSE); return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } bool Renderer11::isValidNativeWindow(EGLNativeWindowType window) const { #ifdef ANGLE_ENABLE_WINDOWS_STORE return NativeWindow11WinRT::IsValidNativeWindow(window); #else return NativeWindow11Win32::IsValidNativeWindow(window); #endif } NativeWindowD3D *Renderer11::createNativeWindow(EGLNativeWindowType window, const egl::Config *config, const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) const { #ifdef ANGLE_ENABLE_WINDOWS_STORE UNUSED_VARIABLE(attribs); return new NativeWindow11WinRT(window, config->alphaSize > 0); #else return new NativeWindow11Win32( window, config->alphaSize > 0, attribs.get(EGL_DIRECT_COMPOSITION_ANGLE, EGL_FALSE) == EGL_TRUE); #endif } SwapChainD3D *Renderer11::createSwapChain(NativeWindowD3D *nativeWindow, HANDLE shareHandle, GLenum backBufferFormat, GLenum depthBufferFormat, EGLint orientation) { return new SwapChain11(this, GetAs(nativeWindow), shareHandle, backBufferFormat, depthBufferFormat, orientation); } void *Renderer11::getD3DDevice() { return reinterpret_cast(mDevice); } gl::Error Renderer11::generateSwizzle(gl::Texture *texture) { if (texture) { TextureD3D *textureD3D = GetImplAs(texture); ASSERT(textureD3D); TextureStorage *texStorage = nullptr; gl::Error error = textureD3D->getNativeTexture(&texStorage); if (error.isError()) { return error; } if (texStorage) { TextureStorage11 *storage11 = GetAs(texStorage); const gl::TextureState &textureState = texture->getTextureState(); error = storage11->generateSwizzles(textureState.getSwizzleState()); if (error.isError()) { return error; } } } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::generateSwizzles(const gl::ContextState &data, gl::SamplerType type) { ProgramD3D *programD3D = GetImplAs(data.getState().getProgram()); unsigned int samplerRange = programD3D->getUsedSamplerRange(type); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < samplerRange; i++) { GLenum textureType = programD3D->getSamplerTextureType(type, i); GLint textureUnit = programD3D->getSamplerMapping(type, i, data.getCaps()); if (textureUnit != -1) { gl::Texture *texture = data.getState().getSamplerTexture(textureUnit, textureType); ASSERT(texture); if (texture->getTextureState().swizzleRequired()) { ANGLE_TRY(generateSwizzle(texture)); } } } return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::generateSwizzles(const gl::ContextState &data) { ANGLE_TRY(generateSwizzles(data, gl::SAMPLER_VERTEX)); ANGLE_TRY(generateSwizzles(data, gl::SAMPLER_PIXEL)); return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::setSamplerState(gl::SamplerType type, int index, gl::Texture *texture, const gl::SamplerState &samplerState) { // Make sure to add the level offset for our tiny compressed texture workaround TextureD3D *textureD3D = GetImplAs(texture); TextureStorage *storage = nullptr; gl::Error error = textureD3D->getNativeTexture(&storage); if (error.isError()) { return error; } // Storage should exist, texture should be complete ASSERT(storage); // Sampler metadata that's passed to shaders in uniforms is stored separately from rest of the // sampler state since having it in contiguous memory makes it possible to memcpy to a constant // buffer, and it doesn't affect the state set by PSSetSamplers/VSSetSamplers. SamplerMetadataD3D11 *metadata = nullptr; if (type == gl::SAMPLER_PIXEL) { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < getNativeCaps().maxTextureImageUnits); if (mForceSetPixelSamplerStates[index] || memcmp(&samplerState, &mCurPixelSamplerStates[index], sizeof(gl::SamplerState)) != 0) { ID3D11SamplerState *dxSamplerState = NULL; error = mStateCache.getSamplerState(samplerState, &dxSamplerState); if (error.isError()) { return error; } ASSERT(dxSamplerState != NULL); mDeviceContext->PSSetSamplers(index, 1, &dxSamplerState); mCurPixelSamplerStates[index] = samplerState; } mForceSetPixelSamplerStates[index] = false; metadata = &mSamplerMetadataPS; } else if (type == gl::SAMPLER_VERTEX) { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < getNativeCaps().maxVertexTextureImageUnits); if (mForceSetVertexSamplerStates[index] || memcmp(&samplerState, &mCurVertexSamplerStates[index], sizeof(gl::SamplerState)) != 0) { ID3D11SamplerState *dxSamplerState = NULL; error = mStateCache.getSamplerState(samplerState, &dxSamplerState); if (error.isError()) { return error; } ASSERT(dxSamplerState != NULL); mDeviceContext->VSSetSamplers(index, 1, &dxSamplerState); mCurVertexSamplerStates[index] = samplerState; } mForceSetVertexSamplerStates[index] = false; metadata = &mSamplerMetadataVS; } else UNREACHABLE(); ASSERT(metadata != nullptr); metadata->update(index, *texture); return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::setTexture(gl::SamplerType type, int index, gl::Texture *texture) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView *textureSRV = NULL; if (texture) { TextureD3D *textureImpl = GetImplAs(texture); TextureStorage *texStorage = nullptr; gl::Error error = textureImpl->getNativeTexture(&texStorage); if (error.isError()) { return error; } // Texture should be complete and have a storage ASSERT(texStorage); TextureStorage11 *storage11 = GetAs(texStorage); ANGLE_TRY(storage11->getSRV(texture->getTextureState(), &textureSRV)); // If we get NULL back from getSRV here, something went wrong in the texture class and we're unexpectedly // missing the shader resource view ASSERT(textureSRV != NULL); textureImpl->resetDirty(); } ASSERT((type == gl::SAMPLER_PIXEL && static_cast(index) < getNativeCaps().maxTextureImageUnits) || (type == gl::SAMPLER_VERTEX && static_cast(index) < getNativeCaps().maxVertexTextureImageUnits)); mStateManager.setShaderResource(type, index, textureSRV); return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::setUniformBuffers(const gl::ContextState &data, const std::vector &vertexUniformBuffers, const std::vector &fragmentUniformBuffers) { for (size_t uniformBufferIndex = 0; uniformBufferIndex < vertexUniformBuffers.size(); uniformBufferIndex++) { GLint binding = vertexUniformBuffers[uniformBufferIndex]; if (binding == -1) { continue; } const OffsetBindingPointer &uniformBuffer = data.getState().getIndexedUniformBuffer(binding); GLintptr uniformBufferOffset = uniformBuffer.getOffset(); GLsizeiptr uniformBufferSize = uniformBuffer.getSize(); if (uniformBuffer.get() == nullptr) { continue; } Buffer11 *bufferStorage = GetImplAs(uniformBuffer.get()); ID3D11Buffer *constantBuffer = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY_RESULT( bufferStorage->getConstantBufferRange(uniformBufferOffset, uniformBufferSize), constantBuffer); if (!constantBuffer) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Error retrieving constant buffer"); } if (mCurrentConstantBufferVS[uniformBufferIndex] != bufferStorage->getSerial() || mCurrentConstantBufferVSOffset[uniformBufferIndex] != uniformBufferOffset || mCurrentConstantBufferVSSize[uniformBufferIndex] != uniformBufferSize) { if (mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsConstantBufferOffsets && uniformBufferSize != 0) { UINT firstConstant = 0, numConstants = 0; CalculateConstantBufferParams(uniformBufferOffset, uniformBufferSize, &firstConstant, &numConstants); mDeviceContext1->VSSetConstantBuffers1( getReservedVertexUniformBuffers() + static_cast(uniformBufferIndex), 1, &constantBuffer, &firstConstant, &numConstants); } else { mDeviceContext->VSSetConstantBuffers( getReservedVertexUniformBuffers() + static_cast(uniformBufferIndex), 1, &constantBuffer); } mCurrentConstantBufferVS[uniformBufferIndex] = bufferStorage->getSerial(); mCurrentConstantBufferVSOffset[uniformBufferIndex] = uniformBufferOffset; mCurrentConstantBufferVSSize[uniformBufferIndex] = uniformBufferSize; } } for (size_t uniformBufferIndex = 0; uniformBufferIndex < fragmentUniformBuffers.size(); uniformBufferIndex++) { GLint binding = fragmentUniformBuffers[uniformBufferIndex]; if (binding == -1) { continue; } const OffsetBindingPointer &uniformBuffer = data.getState().getIndexedUniformBuffer(binding); GLintptr uniformBufferOffset = uniformBuffer.getOffset(); GLsizeiptr uniformBufferSize = uniformBuffer.getSize(); if (uniformBuffer.get() == nullptr) { continue; } Buffer11 *bufferStorage = GetImplAs(uniformBuffer.get()); ID3D11Buffer *constantBuffer = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY_RESULT( bufferStorage->getConstantBufferRange(uniformBufferOffset, uniformBufferSize), constantBuffer); if (!constantBuffer) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Error retrieving constant buffer"); } if (mCurrentConstantBufferPS[uniformBufferIndex] != bufferStorage->getSerial() || mCurrentConstantBufferPSOffset[uniformBufferIndex] != uniformBufferOffset || mCurrentConstantBufferPSSize[uniformBufferIndex] != uniformBufferSize) { if (mRenderer11DeviceCaps.supportsConstantBufferOffsets && uniformBufferSize != 0) { UINT firstConstant = 0, numConstants = 0; CalculateConstantBufferParams(uniformBufferOffset, uniformBufferSize, &firstConstant, &numConstants); mDeviceContext1->PSSetConstantBuffers1( getReservedFragmentUniformBuffers() + static_cast(uniformBufferIndex), 1, &constantBuffer, &firstConstant, &numConstants); } else { mDeviceContext->PSSetConstantBuffers( getReservedFragmentUniformBuffers() + static_cast(uniformBufferIndex), 1, &constantBuffer); } mCurrentConstantBufferPS[uniformBufferIndex] = bufferStorage->getSerial(); mCurrentConstantBufferPSOffset[uniformBufferIndex] = uniformBufferOffset; mCurrentConstantBufferPSSize[uniformBufferIndex] = uniformBufferSize; } } return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::updateState(const gl::ContextState &data, GLenum drawMode) { const auto &glState = data.getState(); // Applies the render target surface, depth stencil surface, viewport rectangle and // scissor rectangle to the renderer gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer = glState.getDrawFramebuffer(); ASSERT(framebuffer && !framebuffer->hasAnyDirtyBit() && framebuffer->complete(data)); ANGLE_TRY(applyRenderTarget(framebuffer)); // Set the present path state auto firstColorAttachment = framebuffer->getFirstColorbuffer(); const bool presentPathFastActive = UsePresentPathFast(this, firstColorAttachment); mStateManager.updatePresentPath(presentPathFastActive, firstColorAttachment); // Setting viewport state mStateManager.setViewport(&data.getCaps(), glState.getViewport(), glState.getNearPlane(), glState.getFarPlane()); // Setting scissor state mStateManager.setScissorRectangle(glState.getScissor(), glState.isScissorTestEnabled()); // Applying rasterizer state to D3D11 device int samples = framebuffer->getSamples(data); gl::RasterizerState rasterizer = glState.getRasterizerState(); rasterizer.pointDrawMode = (drawMode == GL_POINTS); rasterizer.multiSample = (samples != 0); ANGLE_TRY(mStateManager.setRasterizerState(rasterizer)); // Setting blend state unsigned int mask = GetBlendSampleMask(data, samples); ANGLE_TRY(mStateManager.setBlendState(framebuffer, glState.getBlendState(), glState.getBlendColor(), mask)); // Setting depth stencil state ANGLE_TRY(mStateManager.setDepthStencilState(glState)); return gl::NoError(); } bool Renderer11::applyPrimitiveType(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, bool usesPointSize) { D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY primitiveTopology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_UNDEFINED; GLsizei minCount = 0; switch (mode) { case GL_POINTS: primitiveTopology = D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINTLIST; minCount = 1; break; case GL_LINES: primitiveTopology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINELIST; minCount = 2; break; case GL_LINE_LOOP: primitiveTopology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINESTRIP; minCount = 2; break; case GL_LINE_STRIP: primitiveTopology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINESTRIP; minCount = 2; break; case GL_TRIANGLES: primitiveTopology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST; minCount = 3; break; case GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP: primitiveTopology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP; minCount = 3; break; // emulate fans via rewriting index buffer case GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: primitiveTopology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST; minCount = 3; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); return false; } // If instanced pointsprite emulation is being used and If gl_PointSize is used in the shader, // GL_POINTS mode is expected to render pointsprites. // Instanced PointSprite emulation requires that the topology to be D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST. if (mode == GL_POINTS && usesPointSize && getWorkarounds().useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation) { primitiveTopology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST; } if (primitiveTopology != mCurrentPrimitiveTopology) { mDeviceContext->IASetPrimitiveTopology(primitiveTopology); mCurrentPrimitiveTopology = primitiveTopology; } return count >= minCount; } gl::Error Renderer11::applyRenderTarget(gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer) { return mStateManager.syncFramebuffer(framebuffer); } gl::Error Renderer11::applyVertexBuffer(const gl::State &state, GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances, TranslatedIndexData *indexInfo) { const auto &vertexArray = state.getVertexArray(); auto *vertexArray11 = GetImplAs(vertexArray); gl::Error error = vertexArray11->updateDirtyAndDynamicAttribs(mVertexDataManager, state, first, count, instances); if (error.isError()) { return error; } error = mStateManager.updateCurrentValueAttribs(state, mVertexDataManager); if (error.isError()) { return error; } // If index information is passed, mark it with the current changed status. if (indexInfo) { indexInfo->srcIndexData.srcIndicesChanged = mAppliedIBChanged; } GLsizei numIndicesPerInstance = 0; if (instances > 0) { numIndicesPerInstance = count; } const auto &vertexArrayAttribs = vertexArray11->getTranslatedAttribs(); const auto ¤tValueAttribs = mStateManager.getCurrentValueAttribs(); ANGLE_TRY(mInputLayoutCache.applyVertexBuffers(state, vertexArrayAttribs, currentValueAttribs, mode, first, indexInfo, numIndicesPerInstance)); // InputLayoutCache::applyVertexBuffers calls through to the Bufer11 to get the native vertex // buffer (ID3D11Buffer *). Because we allocate these buffers lazily, this will trigger // allocation. This in turn will signal that the buffer is dirty. Since we just resolved the // dirty-ness in VertexArray11::updateDirtyAndDynamicAttribs, this can make us do a needless // update on the second draw call. // Hence we clear the flags here, after we've applied vertex data, since we know everything // is clean. This is a bit of a hack. vertexArray11->clearDirtyAndPromoteDynamicAttribs(state, count); return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::applyIndexBuffer(const gl::ContextState &data, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei count, GLenum mode, GLenum type, TranslatedIndexData *indexInfo) { const auto &glState = data.getState(); gl::VertexArray *vao = glState.getVertexArray(); gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer = vao->getElementArrayBuffer().get(); ANGLE_TRY(mIndexDataManager->prepareIndexData(type, count, elementArrayBuffer, indices, indexInfo, glState.isPrimitiveRestartEnabled())); ID3D11Buffer *buffer = nullptr; DXGI_FORMAT bufferFormat = (indexInfo->indexType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) ? DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT : DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT; if (indexInfo->storage) { Buffer11 *storage = GetAs(indexInfo->storage); ANGLE_TRY_RESULT(storage->getBuffer(BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX), buffer); } else { IndexBuffer11* indexBuffer = GetAs(indexInfo->indexBuffer); buffer = indexBuffer->getBuffer(); } mAppliedIBChanged = false; if (buffer != mAppliedIB || bufferFormat != mAppliedIBFormat || indexInfo->startOffset != mAppliedIBOffset) { mDeviceContext->IASetIndexBuffer(buffer, bufferFormat, indexInfo->startOffset); mAppliedIB = buffer; mAppliedIBFormat = bufferFormat; mAppliedIBOffset = indexInfo->startOffset; mAppliedIBChanged = true; } return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::applyTransformFeedbackBuffers(const gl::ContextState &data) { const auto &state = data.getState(); // If transform feedback is not active, unbind all buffers if (!state.isTransformFeedbackActiveUnpaused()) { if (mAppliedTFObject != 0) { mDeviceContext->SOSetTargets(0, nullptr, nullptr); mAppliedTFObject = 0; } return gl::NoError(); } gl::TransformFeedback *transformFeedback = state.getCurrentTransformFeedback(); TransformFeedback11 *transformFeedback11 = GetImplAs(transformFeedback); uintptr_t transformFeedbackId = reinterpret_cast(transformFeedback11); if (mAppliedTFObject == transformFeedbackId && !transformFeedback11->isDirty()) { return gl::NoError(); } const std::vector *soBuffers = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY_RESULT(transformFeedback11->getSOBuffers(), soBuffers); const std::vector &soOffsets = transformFeedback11->getSOBufferOffsets(); mDeviceContext->SOSetTargets(transformFeedback11->getNumSOBuffers(), soBuffers->data(), soOffsets.data()); mAppliedTFObject = transformFeedbackId; transformFeedback11->onApply(); return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::drawArraysImpl(const gl::ContextState &data, GLenum mode, GLint startVertex, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances) { const auto &glState = data.getState(); ProgramD3D *programD3D = GetImplAs(glState.getProgram()); if (programD3D->usesGeometryShader(mode) && glState.isTransformFeedbackActiveUnpaused()) { // Since we use a geometry if-and-only-if we rewrite vertex streams, transform feedback // won't get the correct output. To work around this, draw with *only* the stream out // first (no pixel shader) to feed the stream out buffers and then draw again with the // geometry shader + pixel shader to rasterize the primitives. mDeviceContext->PSSetShader(nullptr, nullptr, 0); if (instances > 0) { mDeviceContext->DrawInstanced(count, instances, 0, 0); } else { mDeviceContext->Draw(count, 0); } rx::ShaderExecutableD3D *pixelExe = nullptr; gl::Error error = programD3D->getPixelExecutableForFramebuffer(glState.getDrawFramebuffer(), &pixelExe); if (error.isError()) { return error; } // Skip the draw call if rasterizer discard is enabled (or no fragment shader). if (!pixelExe || glState.getRasterizerState().rasterizerDiscard) { return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } ID3D11PixelShader *pixelShader = GetAs(pixelExe)->getPixelShader(); ASSERT(reinterpret_cast(pixelShader) == mAppliedPixelShader); mDeviceContext->PSSetShader(pixelShader, NULL, 0); // Retrieve the geometry shader. rx::ShaderExecutableD3D *geometryExe = nullptr; error = programD3D->getGeometryExecutableForPrimitiveType(data, mode, &geometryExe, nullptr); if (error.isError()) { return error; } ID3D11GeometryShader *geometryShader = (geometryExe ? GetAs(geometryExe)->getGeometryShader() : NULL); mAppliedGeometryShader = reinterpret_cast(geometryShader); ASSERT(geometryShader); mDeviceContext->GSSetShader(geometryShader, NULL, 0); if (instances > 0) { mDeviceContext->DrawInstanced(count, instances, 0, 0); } else { mDeviceContext->Draw(count, 0); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } if (mode == GL_LINE_LOOP) { return drawLineLoop(data, count, GL_NONE, nullptr, nullptr, instances); } if (mode == GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) { return drawTriangleFan(data, count, GL_NONE, nullptr, 0, instances); } bool useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation = programD3D->usesPointSize() && getWorkarounds().useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation; if (instances > 0) { if (mode == GL_POINTS && useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation) { // If pointsprite emulation is used with glDrawArraysInstanced then we need to take a // less efficent code path. // Instanced rendering of emulated pointsprites requires a loop to draw each batch of // points. An offset into the instanced data buffer is calculated and applied on each // iteration to ensure all instances are rendered correctly. // Each instance being rendered requires the inputlayout cache to reapply buffers and // offsets. for (GLsizei i = 0; i < instances; i++) { ANGLE_TRY( mInputLayoutCache.updateVertexOffsetsForPointSpritesEmulation(startVertex, i)); mDeviceContext->DrawIndexedInstanced(6, count, 0, 0, 0); } } else { mDeviceContext->DrawInstanced(count, instances, 0, 0); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } // If the shader is writing to gl_PointSize, then pointsprites are being rendered. // Emulating instanced point sprites for FL9_3 requires the topology to be // D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST and DrawIndexedInstanced is called instead. if (mode == GL_POINTS && useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation) { mDeviceContext->DrawIndexedInstanced(6, count, 0, 0, 0); } else { mDeviceContext->Draw(count, 0); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::drawElementsImpl(const gl::ContextState &data, const TranslatedIndexData &indexInfo, GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei instances) { int minIndex = static_cast(indexInfo.indexRange.start); if (mode == GL_LINE_LOOP) { return drawLineLoop(data, count, type, indices, &indexInfo, instances); } if (mode == GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) { return drawTriangleFan(data, count, type, indices, minIndex, instances); } const ProgramD3D *programD3D = GetImplAs(data.getState().getProgram()); if (instances > 0) { if (mode == GL_POINTS && programD3D->usesInstancedPointSpriteEmulation()) { // If pointsprite emulation is used with glDrawElementsInstanced then we need to take a // less efficent code path. // Instanced rendering of emulated pointsprites requires a loop to draw each batch of // points. An offset into the instanced data buffer is calculated and applied on each // iteration to ensure all instances are rendered correctly. GLsizei elementsToRender = static_cast(indexInfo.indexRange.vertexCount()); // Each instance being rendered requires the inputlayout cache to reapply buffers and // offsets. for (GLsizei i = 0; i < instances; i++) { ANGLE_TRY( mInputLayoutCache.updateVertexOffsetsForPointSpritesEmulation(minIndex, i)); mDeviceContext->DrawIndexedInstanced(6, elementsToRender, 0, 0, 0); } } else { mDeviceContext->DrawIndexedInstanced(count, instances, 0, -minIndex, 0); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } // If the shader is writing to gl_PointSize, then pointsprites are being rendered. // Emulating instanced point sprites for FL9_3 requires the topology to be // D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST and DrawIndexedInstanced is called instead. if (mode == GL_POINTS && programD3D->usesInstancedPointSpriteEmulation()) { // The count parameter passed to drawElements represents the total number of instances // to be rendered. Each instance is referenced by the bound index buffer from the // the caller. // // Indexed pointsprite emulation replicates data for duplicate entries found // in the index buffer. // This is not an efficent rendering mechanism and is only used on downlevel renderers // that do not support geometry shaders. mDeviceContext->DrawIndexedInstanced(6, count, 0, 0, 0); } else { mDeviceContext->DrawIndexed(count, 0, -minIndex); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::drawLineLoop(const gl::ContextState &data, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indexPointer, const TranslatedIndexData *indexInfo, int instances) { const auto &glState = data.getState(); gl::VertexArray *vao = glState.getVertexArray(); gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer = vao->getElementArrayBuffer().get(); const GLvoid *indices = indexPointer; // Get the raw indices for an indexed draw if (type != GL_NONE && elementArrayBuffer) { BufferD3D *storage = GetImplAs(elementArrayBuffer); intptr_t offset = reinterpret_cast(indices); const uint8_t *bufferData = NULL; gl::Error error = storage->getData(&bufferData); if (error.isError()) { return error; } indices = bufferData + offset; } if (!mLineLoopIB) { mLineLoopIB = new StreamingIndexBufferInterface(this); gl::Error error = mLineLoopIB->reserveBufferSpace(INITIAL_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE, GL_UNSIGNED_INT); if (error.isError()) { SafeDelete(mLineLoopIB); return error; } } // Checked by Renderer11::applyPrimitiveType ASSERT(count >= 0); if (static_cast(count) + 1 > (std::numeric_limits::max() / sizeof(unsigned int))) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create a 32-bit looping index buffer for GL_LINE_LOOP, too many indices required."); } GetLineLoopIndices(indices, type, static_cast(count), glState.isPrimitiveRestartEnabled(), &mScratchIndexDataBuffer); unsigned int spaceNeeded = static_cast(sizeof(GLuint) * mScratchIndexDataBuffer.size()); gl::Error error = mLineLoopIB->reserveBufferSpace(spaceNeeded, GL_UNSIGNED_INT); if (error.isError()) { return error; } void* mappedMemory = NULL; unsigned int offset; error = mLineLoopIB->mapBuffer(spaceNeeded, &mappedMemory, &offset); if (error.isError()) { return error; } // Copy over the converted index data. memcpy(mappedMemory, &mScratchIndexDataBuffer[0], sizeof(GLuint) * mScratchIndexDataBuffer.size()); error = mLineLoopIB->unmapBuffer(); if (error.isError()) { return error; } IndexBuffer11 *indexBuffer = GetAs(mLineLoopIB->getIndexBuffer()); ID3D11Buffer *d3dIndexBuffer = indexBuffer->getBuffer(); DXGI_FORMAT indexFormat = indexBuffer->getIndexFormat(); if (mAppliedIB != d3dIndexBuffer || mAppliedIBFormat != indexFormat || mAppliedIBOffset != offset) { mDeviceContext->IASetIndexBuffer(d3dIndexBuffer, indexFormat, offset); mAppliedIB = d3dIndexBuffer; mAppliedIBFormat = indexFormat; mAppliedIBOffset = offset; } INT baseVertexLocation = (indexInfo ? -static_cast(indexInfo->indexRange.start) : 0); UINT indexCount = static_cast(mScratchIndexDataBuffer.size()); if (instances > 0) { mDeviceContext->DrawIndexedInstanced(indexCount, instances, 0, baseVertexLocation, 0); } else { mDeviceContext->DrawIndexed(indexCount, 0, baseVertexLocation); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::drawTriangleFan(const gl::ContextState &data, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, int minIndex, int instances) { gl::VertexArray *vao = data.getState().getVertexArray(); gl::Buffer *elementArrayBuffer = vao->getElementArrayBuffer().get(); const GLvoid *indexPointer = indices; // Get the raw indices for an indexed draw if (type != GL_NONE && elementArrayBuffer) { BufferD3D *storage = GetImplAs(elementArrayBuffer); intptr_t offset = reinterpret_cast(indices); const uint8_t *bufferData = NULL; gl::Error error = storage->getData(&bufferData); if (error.isError()) { return error; } indexPointer = bufferData + offset; } if (!mTriangleFanIB) { mTriangleFanIB = new StreamingIndexBufferInterface(this); gl::Error error = mTriangleFanIB->reserveBufferSpace(INITIAL_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE, GL_UNSIGNED_INT); if (error.isError()) { SafeDelete(mTriangleFanIB); return error; } } // Checked by Renderer11::applyPrimitiveType ASSERT(count >= 3); const GLuint numTris = count - 2; if (numTris > (std::numeric_limits::max() / (sizeof(unsigned int) * 3))) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create a scratch index buffer for GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, too many indices required."); } GetTriFanIndices(indexPointer, type, count, data.getState().isPrimitiveRestartEnabled(), &mScratchIndexDataBuffer); const unsigned int spaceNeeded = static_cast(mScratchIndexDataBuffer.size() * sizeof(unsigned int)); gl::Error error = mTriangleFanIB->reserveBufferSpace(spaceNeeded, GL_UNSIGNED_INT); if (error.isError()) { return error; } void *mappedMemory = nullptr; unsigned int offset; error = mTriangleFanIB->mapBuffer(spaceNeeded, &mappedMemory, &offset); if (error.isError()) { return error; } memcpy(mappedMemory, &mScratchIndexDataBuffer[0], spaceNeeded); error = mTriangleFanIB->unmapBuffer(); if (error.isError()) { return error; } IndexBuffer11 *indexBuffer = GetAs(mTriangleFanIB->getIndexBuffer()); ID3D11Buffer *d3dIndexBuffer = indexBuffer->getBuffer(); DXGI_FORMAT indexFormat = indexBuffer->getIndexFormat(); if (mAppliedIB != d3dIndexBuffer || mAppliedIBFormat != indexFormat || mAppliedIBOffset != offset) { mDeviceContext->IASetIndexBuffer(d3dIndexBuffer, indexFormat, offset); mAppliedIB = d3dIndexBuffer; mAppliedIBFormat = indexFormat; mAppliedIBOffset = offset; } UINT indexCount = static_cast(mScratchIndexDataBuffer.size()); if (instances > 0) { mDeviceContext->DrawIndexedInstanced(indexCount, instances, 0, -minIndex, 0); } else { mDeviceContext->DrawIndexed(indexCount, 0, -minIndex); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::applyShaders(const gl::ContextState &data, GLenum drawMode) { const auto &glState = data.getState(); ProgramD3D *programD3D = GetImplAs(glState.getProgram()); programD3D->updateCachedInputLayout(glState); const auto &inputLayout = programD3D->getCachedInputLayout(); ShaderExecutableD3D *vertexExe = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(programD3D->getVertexExecutableForInputLayout(inputLayout, &vertexExe, nullptr)); const gl::Framebuffer *drawFramebuffer = glState.getDrawFramebuffer(); ShaderExecutableD3D *pixelExe = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(programD3D->getPixelExecutableForFramebuffer(drawFramebuffer, &pixelExe)); ShaderExecutableD3D *geometryExe = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY( programD3D->getGeometryExecutableForPrimitiveType(data, drawMode, &geometryExe, nullptr)); ID3D11VertexShader *vertexShader = (vertexExe ? GetAs(vertexExe)->getVertexShader() : nullptr); ID3D11PixelShader *pixelShader = nullptr; // Skip pixel shader if we're doing rasterizer discard. bool rasterizerDiscard = glState.getRasterizerState().rasterizerDiscard; if (!rasterizerDiscard) { pixelShader = (pixelExe ? GetAs(pixelExe)->getPixelShader() : nullptr); } ID3D11GeometryShader *geometryShader = nullptr; bool transformFeedbackActive = glState.isTransformFeedbackActiveUnpaused(); if (transformFeedbackActive) { geometryShader = (vertexExe ? GetAs(vertexExe)->getStreamOutShader() : nullptr); } else { geometryShader = (geometryExe ? GetAs(geometryExe)->getGeometryShader() : nullptr); } bool dirtyUniforms = false; if (reinterpret_cast(vertexShader) != mAppliedVertexShader) { mDeviceContext->VSSetShader(vertexShader, nullptr, 0); mAppliedVertexShader = reinterpret_cast(vertexShader); dirtyUniforms = true; } if (reinterpret_cast(geometryShader) != mAppliedGeometryShader) { mDeviceContext->GSSetShader(geometryShader, nullptr, 0); mAppliedGeometryShader = reinterpret_cast(geometryShader); dirtyUniforms = true; } if (reinterpret_cast(pixelShader) != mAppliedPixelShader) { mDeviceContext->PSSetShader(pixelShader, nullptr, 0); mAppliedPixelShader = reinterpret_cast(pixelShader); dirtyUniforms = true; } if (dirtyUniforms) { programD3D->dirtyAllUniforms(); } return programD3D->applyUniforms(drawMode); } gl::Error Renderer11::applyUniforms(const ProgramD3D &programD3D, GLenum drawMode, const std::vector &uniformArray) { unsigned int totalRegisterCountVS = 0; unsigned int totalRegisterCountPS = 0; bool vertexUniformsDirty = false; bool pixelUniformsDirty = false; for (const D3DUniform *uniform : uniformArray) { if (uniform->isReferencedByVertexShader() && !uniform->isSampler()) { totalRegisterCountVS += uniform->registerCount; vertexUniformsDirty = (vertexUniformsDirty || uniform->dirty); } if (uniform->isReferencedByFragmentShader() && !uniform->isSampler()) { totalRegisterCountPS += uniform->registerCount; pixelUniformsDirty = (pixelUniformsDirty || uniform->dirty); } } const UniformStorage11 *vertexUniformStorage = GetAs(&programD3D.getVertexUniformStorage()); const UniformStorage11 *fragmentUniformStorage = GetAs(&programD3D.getFragmentUniformStorage()); ASSERT(vertexUniformStorage); ASSERT(fragmentUniformStorage); ID3D11Buffer *vertexConstantBuffer = vertexUniformStorage->getConstantBuffer(); ID3D11Buffer *pixelConstantBuffer = fragmentUniformStorage->getConstantBuffer(); float (*mapVS)[4] = NULL; float (*mapPS)[4] = NULL; if (totalRegisterCountVS > 0 && vertexUniformsDirty) { D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE map = {0}; HRESULT result = mDeviceContext->Map(vertexConstantBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &map); UNUSED_ASSERTION_VARIABLE(result); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); mapVS = (float(*)[4])map.pData; } if (totalRegisterCountPS > 0 && pixelUniformsDirty) { D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE map = {0}; HRESULT result = mDeviceContext->Map(pixelConstantBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &map); UNUSED_ASSERTION_VARIABLE(result); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); mapPS = (float(*)[4])map.pData; } for (const D3DUniform *uniform : uniformArray) { if (uniform->isSampler()) continue; unsigned int componentCount = (4 - uniform->registerElement); // we assume that uniforms from structs are arranged in struct order in our uniforms list. // otherwise we would overwrite previously written regions of memory. if (uniform->isReferencedByVertexShader() && mapVS) { memcpy(&mapVS[uniform->vsRegisterIndex][uniform->registerElement], uniform->data, uniform->registerCount * sizeof(float) * componentCount); } if (uniform->isReferencedByFragmentShader() && mapPS) { memcpy(&mapPS[uniform->psRegisterIndex][uniform->registerElement], uniform->data, uniform->registerCount * sizeof(float) * componentCount); } } if (mapVS) { mDeviceContext->Unmap(vertexConstantBuffer, 0); } if (mapPS) { mDeviceContext->Unmap(pixelConstantBuffer, 0); } if (mCurrentVertexConstantBuffer != vertexConstantBuffer) { mDeviceContext->VSSetConstantBuffers( d3d11::RESERVED_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SLOT_DEFAULT_UNIFORM_BLOCK, 1, &vertexConstantBuffer); mCurrentVertexConstantBuffer = vertexConstantBuffer; } if (mCurrentPixelConstantBuffer != pixelConstantBuffer) { mDeviceContext->PSSetConstantBuffers( d3d11::RESERVED_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SLOT_DEFAULT_UNIFORM_BLOCK, 1, &pixelConstantBuffer); mCurrentPixelConstantBuffer = pixelConstantBuffer; } if (!mDriverConstantBufferVS) { D3D11_BUFFER_DESC constantBufferDescription = {0}; d3d11::InitConstantBufferDesc( &constantBufferDescription, sizeof(dx_VertexConstants11) + mSamplerMetadataVS.sizeBytes()); HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateBuffer(&constantBufferDescription, nullptr, &mDriverConstantBufferVS); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create vertex shader constant buffer, result: 0x%X.", result); } mDeviceContext->VSSetConstantBuffers(d3d11::RESERVED_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SLOT_DRIVER, 1, &mDriverConstantBufferVS); } if (!mDriverConstantBufferPS) { D3D11_BUFFER_DESC constantBufferDescription = {0}; d3d11::InitConstantBufferDesc(&constantBufferDescription, sizeof(dx_PixelConstants11) + mSamplerMetadataPS.sizeBytes()); HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateBuffer(&constantBufferDescription, nullptr, &mDriverConstantBufferPS); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create pixel shader constant buffer, result: 0x%X.", result); } mDeviceContext->PSSetConstantBuffers(d3d11::RESERVED_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SLOT_DRIVER, 1, &mDriverConstantBufferPS); } // Sampler metadata and driver constants need to coexist in the same constant buffer to conserve // constant buffer slots. We update both in the constant buffer if needed. const dx_VertexConstants11 &vertexConstants = mStateManager.getVertexConstants(); size_t samplerMetadataReferencedBytesVS = sizeof(SamplerMetadataD3D11::dx_SamplerMetadata) * programD3D.getUsedSamplerRange(gl::SAMPLER_VERTEX); applyDriverConstantsIfNeeded(&mAppliedVertexConstants, vertexConstants, &mSamplerMetadataVS, samplerMetadataReferencedBytesVS, mDriverConstantBufferVS); const dx_PixelConstants11 &pixelConstants = mStateManager.getPixelConstants(); size_t samplerMetadataReferencedBytesPS = sizeof(SamplerMetadataD3D11::dx_SamplerMetadata) * programD3D.getUsedSamplerRange(gl::SAMPLER_PIXEL); applyDriverConstantsIfNeeded(&mAppliedPixelConstants, pixelConstants, &mSamplerMetadataPS, samplerMetadataReferencedBytesPS, mDriverConstantBufferPS); // GSSetConstantBuffers triggers device removal on 9_3, so we should only call it if necessary if (programD3D.usesGeometryShader(drawMode)) { // needed for the point sprite geometry shader if (mCurrentGeometryConstantBuffer != mDriverConstantBufferPS) { ASSERT(mDriverConstantBufferPS != nullptr); mDeviceContext->GSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &mDriverConstantBufferPS); mCurrentGeometryConstantBuffer = mDriverConstantBufferPS; } } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } // SamplerMetadataD3D11 implementation Renderer11::SamplerMetadataD3D11::SamplerMetadataD3D11() : mDirty(true) { } Renderer11::SamplerMetadataD3D11::~SamplerMetadataD3D11() { } void Renderer11::SamplerMetadataD3D11::initData(unsigned int samplerCount) { mSamplerMetadata.resize(samplerCount); } void Renderer11::SamplerMetadataD3D11::update(unsigned int samplerIndex, const gl::Texture &texture) { unsigned int baseLevel = texture.getTextureState().getEffectiveBaseLevel(); GLenum sizedFormat = texture.getFormat(texture.getTarget(), baseLevel).asSized(); if (mSamplerMetadata[samplerIndex].baseLevel != static_cast(baseLevel)) { mSamplerMetadata[samplerIndex].baseLevel = static_cast(baseLevel); mDirty = true; } // Some metadata is needed only for integer textures. We avoid updating the constant buffer // unnecessarily by changing the data only in case the texture is an integer texture and // the values have changed. bool needIntegerTextureMetadata = false; // internalFormatBits == 0 means a 32-bit texture in the case of integer textures. int internalFormatBits = 0; switch (sizedFormat) { case GL_RGBA32I: case GL_RGBA32UI: case GL_RGB32I: case GL_RGB32UI: case GL_RG32I: case GL_RG32UI: case GL_R32I: case GL_R32UI: needIntegerTextureMetadata = true; break; case GL_RGBA16I: case GL_RGBA16UI: case GL_RGB16I: case GL_RGB16UI: case GL_RG16I: case GL_RG16UI: case GL_R16I: case GL_R16UI: needIntegerTextureMetadata = true; internalFormatBits = 16; break; case GL_RGBA8I: case GL_RGBA8UI: case GL_RGB8I: case GL_RGB8UI: case GL_RG8I: case GL_RG8UI: case GL_R8I: case GL_R8UI: needIntegerTextureMetadata = true; internalFormatBits = 8; break; case GL_RGB10_A2UI: needIntegerTextureMetadata = true; internalFormatBits = 10; break; default: break; } if (needIntegerTextureMetadata) { if (mSamplerMetadata[samplerIndex].internalFormatBits != internalFormatBits) { mSamplerMetadata[samplerIndex].internalFormatBits = internalFormatBits; mDirty = true; } // Pack the wrap values into one integer so we can fit all the metadata in one 4-integer // vector. GLenum wrapS = texture.getWrapS(); GLenum wrapT = texture.getWrapT(); GLenum wrapR = texture.getWrapR(); int wrapModes = GetWrapBits(wrapS) | (GetWrapBits(wrapT) << 2) | (GetWrapBits(wrapR) << 4); if (mSamplerMetadata[samplerIndex].wrapModes != wrapModes) { mSamplerMetadata[samplerIndex].wrapModes = wrapModes; mDirty = true; } } } const Renderer11::SamplerMetadataD3D11::dx_SamplerMetadata * Renderer11::SamplerMetadataD3D11::getData() const { return mSamplerMetadata.data(); } size_t Renderer11::SamplerMetadataD3D11::sizeBytes() const { return sizeof(SamplerMetadataD3D11::dx_SamplerMetadata) * mSamplerMetadata.size(); } template void Renderer11::applyDriverConstantsIfNeeded(TShaderConstants *appliedConstants, const TShaderConstants &constants, SamplerMetadataD3D11 *samplerMetadata, size_t samplerMetadataReferencedBytes, ID3D11Buffer *driverConstantBuffer) { ASSERT(driverConstantBuffer != nullptr); if (memcmp(appliedConstants, &constants, sizeof(TShaderConstants)) != 0 || samplerMetadata->isDirty()) { memcpy(appliedConstants, &constants, sizeof(TShaderConstants)); D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mapping = {0}; HRESULT result = mDeviceContext->Map(driverConstantBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mapping); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); UNUSED_ASSERTION_VARIABLE(result); memcpy(mapping.pData, appliedConstants, sizeof(TShaderConstants)); // Previous buffer contents were discarded, so we need to refresh also the area of the // buffer that isn't used by this program. memcpy(&reinterpret_cast(mapping.pData)[sizeof(TShaderConstants)], samplerMetadata->getData(), samplerMetadata->sizeBytes()); mDeviceContext->Unmap(driverConstantBuffer, 0); samplerMetadata->markClean(); } } template void Renderer11::applyDriverConstantsIfNeeded( dx_VertexConstants11 *appliedConstants, const dx_VertexConstants11 &constants, SamplerMetadataD3D11 *samplerMetadata, size_t samplerMetadataReferencedBytes, ID3D11Buffer *driverConstantBuffer); template void Renderer11::applyDriverConstantsIfNeeded( dx_PixelConstants11 *appliedConstants, const dx_PixelConstants11 &constants, SamplerMetadataD3D11 *samplerMetadata, size_t samplerMetadataReferencedBytes, ID3D11Buffer *driverConstantBuffer); void Renderer11::markAllStateDirty() { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "Renderer11::markAllStateDirty"); for (size_t vsamplerId = 0; vsamplerId < mForceSetVertexSamplerStates.size(); ++vsamplerId) { mForceSetVertexSamplerStates[vsamplerId] = true; } for (size_t fsamplerId = 0; fsamplerId < mForceSetPixelSamplerStates.size(); ++fsamplerId) { mForceSetPixelSamplerStates[fsamplerId] = true; } mStateManager.invalidateEverything(); mAppliedIB = NULL; mAppliedIBFormat = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; mAppliedIBOffset = 0; mAppliedVertexShader = angle::DirtyPointer; mAppliedGeometryShader = angle::DirtyPointer; mAppliedPixelShader = angle::DirtyPointer; mAppliedTFObject = angle::DirtyPointer; memset(&mAppliedVertexConstants, 0, sizeof(dx_VertexConstants11)); memset(&mAppliedPixelConstants, 0, sizeof(dx_PixelConstants11)); mInputLayoutCache.markDirty(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_UNIFORM_BUFFERS; i++) { mCurrentConstantBufferVS[i] = static_cast(-1); mCurrentConstantBufferVSOffset[i] = 0; mCurrentConstantBufferVSSize[i] = 0; mCurrentConstantBufferPS[i] = static_cast(-1); mCurrentConstantBufferPSOffset[i] = 0; mCurrentConstantBufferPSSize[i] = 0; } mCurrentVertexConstantBuffer = NULL; mCurrentPixelConstantBuffer = NULL; mCurrentGeometryConstantBuffer = NULL; mCurrentPrimitiveTopology = D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_UNDEFINED; } void Renderer11::releaseDeviceResources() { mStateManager.deinitialize(); mStateCache.clear(); mInputLayoutCache.clear(); SafeDelete(mVertexDataManager); SafeDelete(mIndexDataManager); SafeDelete(mLineLoopIB); SafeDelete(mTriangleFanIB); SafeDelete(mBlit); SafeDelete(mClear); SafeDelete(mTrim); SafeDelete(mPixelTransfer); SafeRelease(mDriverConstantBufferVS); SafeRelease(mDriverConstantBufferPS); SafeRelease(mSyncQuery); } // set notify to true to broadcast a message to all contexts of the device loss bool Renderer11::testDeviceLost() { bool isLost = false; if (!mDevice) { return true; } // GetRemovedReason is used to test if the device is removed HRESULT result = mDevice->GetDeviceRemovedReason(); isLost = d3d11::isDeviceLostError(result); if (isLost) { ERR("The D3D11 device was removed: 0x%08X", result); } return isLost; } bool Renderer11::testDeviceResettable() { // determine if the device is resettable by creating a dummy device PFN_D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE D3D11CreateDevice = (PFN_D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE)GetProcAddress(mD3d11Module, "D3D11CreateDevice"); if (D3D11CreateDevice == NULL) { return false; } ID3D11Device* dummyDevice; D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL dummyFeatureLevel; ID3D11DeviceContext* dummyContext; ASSERT(mRequestedDriverType != D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN); HRESULT result = D3D11CreateDevice( NULL, mRequestedDriverType, NULL, #if defined(_DEBUG) D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG, #else 0, #endif mAvailableFeatureLevels.data(), static_cast(mAvailableFeatureLevels.size()), D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &dummyDevice, &dummyFeatureLevel, &dummyContext); if (!mDevice || FAILED(result)) { return false; } SafeRelease(dummyContext); SafeRelease(dummyDevice); return true; } void Renderer11::release() { RendererD3D::cleanup(); mScratchMemoryBuffer.resize(0); if (mAnnotator != nullptr) { gl::UninitializeDebugAnnotations(); SafeDelete(mAnnotator); } releaseDeviceResources(); if (!mCreatedWithDeviceEXT) { // Only delete the device if the Renderer11 owns it // Otherwise we should keep it around in case we try to reinitialize the renderer later SafeDelete(mEGLDevice); } SafeRelease(mDxgiFactory); SafeRelease(mDxgiAdapter); SafeRelease(mDeviceContext1); if (mDeviceContext) { mDeviceContext->ClearState(); mDeviceContext->Flush(); SafeRelease(mDeviceContext); } SafeRelease(mDevice); SafeRelease(mDebug); if (mD3d11Module) { FreeLibrary(mD3d11Module); mD3d11Module = NULL; } if (mDxgiModule) { FreeLibrary(mDxgiModule); mDxgiModule = NULL; } if (mDCompModule) { FreeLibrary(mDCompModule); mDCompModule = NULL; } mCompiler.release(); mSupportsShareHandles.reset(); } bool Renderer11::resetDevice() { // recreate everything release(); egl::Error result = initialize(); if (result.isError()) { ERR("Could not reinitialize D3D11 device: %08X", result.getCode()); return false; } return true; } VendorID Renderer11::getVendorId() const { return static_cast(mAdapterDescription.VendorId); } SIZE_T Renderer11::getMaxResourceSize() const { // This formula comes from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff819065%28v=vs.85%29.aspx return std::min(std::max(SIZE_T(128 * 1024 * 1024), mAdapterDescription.DedicatedVideoMemory), SIZE_T(2048) * 1024 * 1024); } std::string Renderer11::getRendererDescription() const { std::ostringstream rendererString; rendererString << mDescription; rendererString << " Direct3D11"; rendererString << " vs_" << getMajorShaderModel() << "_" << getMinorShaderModel() << getShaderModelSuffix(); rendererString << " ps_" << getMajorShaderModel() << "_" << getMinorShaderModel() << getShaderModelSuffix(); return rendererString.str(); } DeviceIdentifier Renderer11::getAdapterIdentifier() const { // Don't use the AdapterLuid here, since that doesn't persist across reboot. DeviceIdentifier deviceIdentifier = { 0 }; deviceIdentifier.VendorId = mAdapterDescription.VendorId; deviceIdentifier.DeviceId = mAdapterDescription.DeviceId; deviceIdentifier.SubSysId = mAdapterDescription.SubSysId; deviceIdentifier.Revision = mAdapterDescription.Revision; deviceIdentifier.FeatureLevel = static_cast(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel); return deviceIdentifier; } unsigned int Renderer11::getReservedVertexUniformVectors() const { // Driver uniforms are stored in a separate constant buffer return d3d11_gl::GetReservedVertexUniformVectors(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel); } unsigned int Renderer11::getReservedFragmentUniformVectors() const { // Driver uniforms are stored in a separate constant buffer return d3d11_gl::GetReservedFragmentUniformVectors(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel); } unsigned int Renderer11::getReservedVertexUniformBuffers() const { // we reserve one buffer for the application uniforms, and one for driver uniforms return 2; } unsigned int Renderer11::getReservedFragmentUniformBuffers() const { // we reserve one buffer for the application uniforms, and one for driver uniforms return 2; } d3d11::ANGLED3D11DeviceType Renderer11::getDeviceType() const { if (mCreatedWithDeviceEXT) { return d3d11::GetDeviceType(mDevice); } if ((mRequestedDriverType == D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_SOFTWARE) || (mRequestedDriverType == D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE) || (mRequestedDriverType == D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_NULL)) { return d3d11::ANGLE_D3D11_DEVICE_TYPE_SOFTWARE_REF_OR_NULL; } if (mRequestedDriverType == D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP) { return d3d11::ANGLE_D3D11_DEVICE_TYPE_WARP; } return d3d11::ANGLE_D3D11_DEVICE_TYPE_HARDWARE; } bool Renderer11::getShareHandleSupport() const { if (mSupportsShareHandles.valid()) { return mSupportsShareHandles.value(); } // We only currently support share handles with BGRA surfaces, because // chrome needs BGRA. Once chrome fixes this, we should always support them. if (!getNativeExtensions().textureFormatBGRA8888) { mSupportsShareHandles = false; return false; } // PIX doesn't seem to support using share handles, so disable them. if (gl::DebugAnnotationsActive()) { mSupportsShareHandles = false; return false; } // Also disable share handles on Feature Level 9_3, since it doesn't support share handles on RGBA8 textures/swapchains. if (mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel <= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3) { mSupportsShareHandles = false; return false; } // Find out which type of D3D11 device the Renderer11 is using d3d11::ANGLED3D11DeviceType deviceType = getDeviceType(); if (deviceType == d3d11::ANGLE_D3D11_DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { mSupportsShareHandles = false; return false; } if (deviceType == d3d11::ANGLE_D3D11_DEVICE_TYPE_SOFTWARE_REF_OR_NULL) { // Software/Reference/NULL devices don't support share handles mSupportsShareHandles = false; return false; } if (deviceType == d3d11::ANGLE_D3D11_DEVICE_TYPE_WARP) { #ifndef ANGLE_ENABLE_WINDOWS_STORE if (!IsWindows8OrGreater()) { // WARP on Windows 7 doesn't support shared handles mSupportsShareHandles = false; return false; } #endif // ANGLE_ENABLE_WINDOWS_STORE // WARP on Windows 8.0+ supports shared handles when shared with another WARP device // TODO: allow applications to query for HARDWARE or WARP-specific share handles, // to prevent them trying to use a WARP share handle with an a HW device (or // vice-versa) // e.g. by creating EGL_D3D11_[HARDWARE/WARP]_DEVICE_SHARE_HANDLE_ANGLE mSupportsShareHandles = true; return true; } ASSERT(mCreatedWithDeviceEXT || mRequestedDriverType == D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE); mSupportsShareHandles = true; return true; } bool Renderer11::getNV12TextureSupport() const { HRESULT result; UINT formatSupport; result = mDevice->CheckFormatSupport(DXGI_FORMAT_NV12, &formatSupport); if (result == E_FAIL) { return false; } return (formatSupport & D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_TEXTURE2D) != 0; } int Renderer11::getMajorShaderModel() const { switch (mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel) { case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0: return D3D11_SHADER_MAJOR_VERSION; // 5 case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1: return D3D10_1_SHADER_MAJOR_VERSION; // 4 case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0: return D3D10_SHADER_MAJOR_VERSION; // 4 case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3: return D3D10_SHADER_MAJOR_VERSION; // 4 default: UNREACHABLE(); return 0; } } int Renderer11::getMinorShaderModel() const { switch (mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel) { case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0: return D3D11_SHADER_MINOR_VERSION; // 0 case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1: return D3D10_1_SHADER_MINOR_VERSION; // 1 case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0: return D3D10_SHADER_MINOR_VERSION; // 0 case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3: return D3D10_SHADER_MINOR_VERSION; // 0 default: UNREACHABLE(); return 0; } } std::string Renderer11::getShaderModelSuffix() const { switch (mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel) { case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0: return ""; case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1: return ""; case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0: return ""; case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3: return "_level_9_3"; default: UNREACHABLE(); return ""; } } const WorkaroundsD3D &RendererD3D::getWorkarounds() const { if (!mWorkaroundsInitialized) { mWorkarounds = generateWorkarounds(); mWorkaroundsInitialized = true; } return mWorkarounds; } gl::Error Renderer11::copyImageInternal(const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat, const gl::Offset &destOffset, RenderTargetD3D *destRenderTarget) { const gl::FramebufferAttachment *colorAttachment = framebuffer->getReadColorbuffer(); ASSERT(colorAttachment); RenderTarget11 *sourceRenderTarget = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(colorAttachment->getRenderTarget(&sourceRenderTarget)); ASSERT(sourceRenderTarget); ID3D11ShaderResourceView *source = sourceRenderTarget->getBlitShaderResourceView(); ASSERT(source); ID3D11RenderTargetView *dest = GetAs(destRenderTarget)->getRenderTargetView(); ASSERT(dest); gl::Box sourceArea(sourceRect.x, sourceRect.y, 0, sourceRect.width, sourceRect.height, 1); gl::Extents sourceSize(sourceRenderTarget->getWidth(), sourceRenderTarget->getHeight(), 1); const bool invertSource = UsePresentPathFast(this, colorAttachment); if (invertSource) { sourceArea.y = sourceSize.height - sourceRect.y; sourceArea.height = -sourceArea.height; } gl::Box destArea(destOffset.x, destOffset.y, 0, sourceRect.width, sourceRect.height, 1); gl::Extents destSize(destRenderTarget->getWidth(), destRenderTarget->getHeight(), 1); // Use nearest filtering because source and destination are the same size for the direct copy. // Convert to the unsized format before calling copyTexture. const gl::InternalFormat &internalFormat = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(destFormat); ANGLE_TRY(mBlit->copyTexture(source, sourceArea, sourceSize, dest, destArea, destSize, nullptr, internalFormat.format, GL_NEAREST, false, false, false)); return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::copyImage2D(const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat, const gl::Offset &destOffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint level) { TextureStorage11_2D *storage11 = GetAs(storage); ASSERT(storage11); gl::ImageIndex index = gl::ImageIndex::Make2D(level); RenderTargetD3D *destRenderTarget = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(storage11->getRenderTarget(index, &destRenderTarget)); ASSERT(destRenderTarget); ANGLE_TRY(copyImageInternal(framebuffer, sourceRect, destFormat, destOffset, destRenderTarget)); storage11->invalidateSwizzleCacheLevel(level); return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::copyImageCube(const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat, const gl::Offset &destOffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLenum target, GLint level) { TextureStorage11_Cube *storage11 = GetAs(storage); ASSERT(storage11); gl::ImageIndex index = gl::ImageIndex::MakeCube(target, level); RenderTargetD3D *destRenderTarget = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(storage11->getRenderTarget(index, &destRenderTarget)); ASSERT(destRenderTarget); ANGLE_TRY(copyImageInternal(framebuffer, sourceRect, destFormat, destOffset, destRenderTarget)); storage11->invalidateSwizzleCacheLevel(level); return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::copyImage3D(const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat, const gl::Offset &destOffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint level) { TextureStorage11_3D *storage11 = GetAs(storage); ASSERT(storage11); gl::ImageIndex index = gl::ImageIndex::Make3D(level, destOffset.z); RenderTargetD3D *destRenderTarget = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(storage11->getRenderTarget(index, &destRenderTarget)); ASSERT(destRenderTarget); ANGLE_TRY(copyImageInternal(framebuffer, sourceRect, destFormat, destOffset, destRenderTarget)); storage11->invalidateSwizzleCacheLevel(level); return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::copyImage2DArray(const gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat, const gl::Offset &destOffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint level) { TextureStorage11_2DArray *storage11 = GetAs(storage); ASSERT(storage11); gl::ImageIndex index = gl::ImageIndex::Make2DArray(level, destOffset.z); RenderTargetD3D *destRenderTarget = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(storage11->getRenderTarget(index, &destRenderTarget)); ASSERT(destRenderTarget); ANGLE_TRY(copyImageInternal(framebuffer, sourceRect, destFormat, destOffset, destRenderTarget)); storage11->invalidateSwizzleCacheLevel(level); return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::copyTexture(const gl::Texture *source, GLint sourceLevel, const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect, GLenum destFormat, const gl::Offset &destOffset, TextureStorage *storage, GLint destLevel, bool unpackFlipY, bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha, bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha) { const TextureD3D *sourceD3D = GetImplAs(source); TextureStorage *sourceStorage = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(const_cast(sourceD3D)->getNativeTexture(&sourceStorage)); TextureStorage11_2D *sourceStorage11 = GetAs(sourceStorage); ASSERT(sourceStorage11); TextureStorage11_2D *destStorage11 = GetAs(storage); ASSERT(destStorage11); // Check for fast path where a CopySubresourceRegion can be used. if (unpackPremultiplyAlpha == unpackUnmultiplyAlpha && !unpackFlipY && sourceStorage11->getFormatSet().texFormat == destStorage11->getFormatSet().texFormat) { ID3D11Resource *sourceResource = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(sourceStorage11->getResource(&sourceResource)); gl::ImageIndex sourceIndex = gl::ImageIndex::Make2D(sourceLevel); UINT sourceSubresource = sourceStorage11->getSubresourceIndex(sourceIndex); ID3D11Resource *destResource = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(destStorage11->getResource(&destResource)); gl::ImageIndex destIndex = gl::ImageIndex::Make2D(destLevel); UINT destSubresource = destStorage11->getSubresourceIndex(destIndex); D3D11_BOX sourceBox{ static_cast(sourceRect.x), static_cast(sourceRect.y), 0u, static_cast(sourceRect.x + sourceRect.width), static_cast(sourceRect.y + sourceRect.height), 1u, }; mDeviceContext->CopySubresourceRegion(destResource, destSubresource, destOffset.x, destOffset.y, destOffset.z, sourceResource, sourceSubresource, &sourceBox); } else { ID3D11ShaderResourceView *sourceSRV = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(sourceStorage11->getSRVLevels(sourceLevel, sourceLevel, &sourceSRV)); gl::ImageIndex destIndex = gl::ImageIndex::Make2D(destLevel); RenderTargetD3D *destRenderTargetD3D = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(destStorage11->getRenderTarget(destIndex, &destRenderTargetD3D)); RenderTarget11 *destRenderTarget11 = GetAs(destRenderTargetD3D); ID3D11RenderTargetView *destRTV = destRenderTarget11->getRenderTargetView(); ASSERT(destRTV); gl::Box sourceArea(sourceRect.x, sourceRect.y, 0, sourceRect.width, sourceRect.height, 1); gl::Extents sourceSize( static_cast(source->getWidth(source->getTarget(), sourceLevel)), static_cast(source->getHeight(source->getTarget(), sourceLevel)), 1); if (unpackFlipY) { sourceArea.y = sourceSize.height - sourceRect.y; sourceArea.height = -sourceArea.height; } gl::Box destArea(destOffset.x, destOffset.y, 0, sourceRect.width, sourceRect.height, 1); gl::Extents destSize(destRenderTarget11->getWidth(), destRenderTarget11->getHeight(), 1); // Use nearest filtering because source and destination are the same size for the direct // copy ANGLE_TRY(mBlit->copyTexture(sourceSRV, sourceArea, sourceSize, destRTV, destArea, destSize, nullptr, destFormat, GL_NEAREST, false, unpackPremultiplyAlpha, unpackUnmultiplyAlpha)); } destStorage11->invalidateSwizzleCacheLevel(destLevel); return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } UINT64 EstimateSize(D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC &desc) { //XXX: handle overflow (64 bits should be enough for anyone...) const d3d11::DXGIFormatSize &dxgiFormatInfo = d3d11::GetDXGIFormatSizeInfo(desc.Format); // NVIDIA seems to align the width of buffers by 8 and the height by 64, so we do the same. UINT64 total = UINT64(rx::roundUp(desc.Width, UINT(8))) * rx::roundUp(desc.Height, UINT(64)) * desc.SampleDesc.Count * dxgiFormatInfo.pixelBytes; return total; } gl::Error Renderer11::createRenderTarget(int width, int height, GLenum format, GLsizei samples, RenderTargetD3D **outRT) { const d3d11::Format &formatInfo = d3d11::Format::Get(format, mRenderer11DeviceCaps); const gl::TextureCaps &textureCaps = getNativeTextureCaps().get(format); GLuint supportedSamples = textureCaps.getNearestSamples(samples); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { // Create texture resource D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc; desc.Width = width; desc.Height = height; desc.MipLevels = 1; desc.ArraySize = 1; desc.Format = formatInfo.texFormat; desc.SampleDesc.Count = (supportedSamples == 0) ? 1 : supportedSamples; desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; desc.MiscFlags = 0; // If a rendertarget or depthstencil format exists for this texture format, // we'll flag it to allow binding that way. Shader resource views are a little // more complicated. bool bindRTV = false, bindDSV = false, bindSRV = false; bindRTV = (formatInfo.rtvFormat != DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); bindDSV = (formatInfo.dsvFormat != DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); bindSRV = (formatInfo.srvFormat != DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); desc.BindFlags = (bindRTV ? D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET : 0) | (bindDSV ? D3D11_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL : 0) | (bindSRV ? D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE : 0); // The format must be either an RTV or a DSV ASSERT(bindRTV != bindDSV); ID3D11Texture2D *texture = NULL; HRESULT result; // Some Nvidia drivers (GeForce GT 610 w/ crash with very large render targets if (EstimateSize(desc) > getMaxResourceSize()) { result = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { result = mDevice->CreateTexture2D(&desc, NULL, &texture); } if (FAILED(result)) { ASSERT(result == E_OUTOFMEMORY); return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create render target texture, result: 0x%X.", result); } ID3D11ShaderResourceView *srv = nullptr; ID3D11ShaderResourceView *blitSRV = nullptr; if (bindSRV) { D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC srvDesc; srvDesc.Format = formatInfo.srvFormat; srvDesc.ViewDimension = (supportedSamples == 0) ? D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D : D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMS; srvDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = 0; srvDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = 1; result = mDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(texture, &srvDesc, &srv); if (FAILED(result)) { ASSERT(result == E_OUTOFMEMORY); SafeRelease(texture); return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create render target shader resource view, result: 0x%X.", result); } if (formatInfo.blitSRVFormat != formatInfo.srvFormat) { D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC blitSRVDesc; blitSRVDesc.Format = formatInfo.blitSRVFormat; blitSRVDesc.ViewDimension = (supportedSamples == 0) ? D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D : D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMS; blitSRVDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = 0; blitSRVDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = 1; result = mDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(texture, &blitSRVDesc, &blitSRV); if (FAILED(result)) { ASSERT(result == E_OUTOFMEMORY); SafeRelease(texture); SafeRelease(srv); return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create render target shader resource view for " "blits, result: 0x%X.", result); } } else { blitSRV = srv; srv->AddRef(); } } if (bindDSV) { D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC dsvDesc; dsvDesc.Format = formatInfo.dsvFormat; dsvDesc.ViewDimension = (supportedSamples == 0) ? D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D : D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMS; dsvDesc.Texture2D.MipSlice = 0; dsvDesc.Flags = 0; ID3D11DepthStencilView *dsv = NULL; result = mDevice->CreateDepthStencilView(texture, &dsvDesc, &dsv); if (FAILED(result)) { ASSERT(result == E_OUTOFMEMORY); SafeRelease(texture); SafeRelease(srv); SafeRelease(blitSRV); return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create render target depth stencil view, result: 0x%X.", result); } *outRT = new TextureRenderTarget11(dsv, texture, srv, format, formatInfo, width, height, 1, supportedSamples); SafeRelease(dsv); } else if (bindRTV) { D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC rtvDesc; rtvDesc.Format = formatInfo.rtvFormat; rtvDesc.ViewDimension = (supportedSamples == 0) ? D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D : D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMS; rtvDesc.Texture2D.MipSlice = 0; ID3D11RenderTargetView *rtv = NULL; result = mDevice->CreateRenderTargetView(texture, &rtvDesc, &rtv); if (FAILED(result)) { ASSERT(result == E_OUTOFMEMORY); SafeRelease(texture); SafeRelease(srv); SafeRelease(blitSRV); return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create render target render target view, result: 0x%X.", result); } if (formatInfo.dataInitializerFunction != NULL) { const float clearValues[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; mDeviceContext->ClearRenderTargetView(rtv, clearValues); } *outRT = new TextureRenderTarget11(rtv, texture, srv, blitSRV, format, formatInfo, width, height, 1, supportedSamples); SafeRelease(rtv); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } SafeRelease(texture); SafeRelease(srv); SafeRelease(blitSRV); } else { *outRT = new TextureRenderTarget11( static_cast(nullptr), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, format, d3d11::Format::Get(GL_NONE, mRenderer11DeviceCaps), width, height, 1, supportedSamples); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::createRenderTargetCopy(RenderTargetD3D *source, RenderTargetD3D **outRT) { ASSERT(source != nullptr); RenderTargetD3D *newRT = nullptr; gl::Error error = createRenderTarget(source->getWidth(), source->getHeight(), source->getInternalFormat(), source->getSamples(), &newRT); if (error.isError()) { return error; } RenderTarget11 *source11 = GetAs(source); RenderTarget11 *dest11 = GetAs(newRT); mDeviceContext->CopySubresourceRegion(dest11->getTexture(), dest11->getSubresourceIndex(), 0, 0, 0, source11->getTexture(), source11->getSubresourceIndex(), nullptr); *outRT = newRT; return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::loadExecutable(const void *function, size_t length, ShaderType type, const std::vector &streamOutVaryings, bool separatedOutputBuffers, ShaderExecutableD3D **outExecutable) { switch (type) { case SHADER_VERTEX: { ID3D11VertexShader *vertexShader = NULL; ID3D11GeometryShader *streamOutShader = NULL; HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateVertexShader(function, length, NULL, &vertexShader); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create vertex shader, result: 0x%X.", result); } if (!streamOutVaryings.empty()) { std::vector soDeclaration; soDeclaration.reserve(streamOutVaryings.size()); for (const auto &streamOutVarying : streamOutVaryings) { D3D11_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY entry = {0}; entry.Stream = 0; entry.SemanticName = streamOutVarying.semanticName.c_str(); entry.SemanticIndex = streamOutVarying.semanticIndex; entry.StartComponent = 0; entry.ComponentCount = static_cast(streamOutVarying.componentCount); entry.OutputSlot = static_cast( (separatedOutputBuffers ? streamOutVarying.outputSlot : 0)); soDeclaration.push_back(entry); } result = mDevice->CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput( function, static_cast(length), soDeclaration.data(), static_cast(soDeclaration.size()), NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &streamOutShader); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create steam output shader, result: 0x%X.", result); } } *outExecutable = new ShaderExecutable11(function, length, vertexShader, streamOutShader); } break; case SHADER_PIXEL: { ID3D11PixelShader *pixelShader = NULL; HRESULT result = mDevice->CreatePixelShader(function, length, NULL, &pixelShader); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create pixel shader, result: 0x%X.", result); } *outExecutable = new ShaderExecutable11(function, length, pixelShader); } break; case SHADER_GEOMETRY: { ID3D11GeometryShader *geometryShader = NULL; HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateGeometryShader(function, length, NULL, &geometryShader); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(result)); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create geometry shader, result: 0x%X.", result); } *outExecutable = new ShaderExecutable11(function, length, geometryShader); } break; default: UNREACHABLE(); return gl::Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::compileToExecutable(gl::InfoLog &infoLog, const std::string &shaderHLSL, ShaderType type, const std::vector &streamOutVaryings, bool separatedOutputBuffers, const D3DCompilerWorkarounds &workarounds, ShaderExecutableD3D **outExectuable) { const char *profileType = NULL; switch (type) { case SHADER_VERTEX: profileType = "vs"; break; case SHADER_PIXEL: profileType = "ps"; break; case SHADER_GEOMETRY: profileType = "gs"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); return gl::Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); } std::string profile = FormatString("%s_%d_%d%s", profileType, getMajorShaderModel(), getMinorShaderModel(), getShaderModelSuffix().c_str()); UINT flags = D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL2; if (gl::DebugAnnotationsActive()) { #ifndef NDEBUG flags = D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION; #endif flags |= D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG; } if (workarounds.enableIEEEStrictness) flags |= D3DCOMPILE_IEEE_STRICTNESS; // Sometimes D3DCompile will fail with the default compilation flags for complicated shaders when it would otherwise pass with alternative options. // Try the default flags first and if compilation fails, try some alternatives. std::vector configs; configs.push_back(CompileConfig(flags, "default" )); configs.push_back(CompileConfig(flags | D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_VALIDATION, "skip validation" )); configs.push_back(CompileConfig(flags | D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION, "skip optimization")); if (getMajorShaderModel() == 4 && getShaderModelSuffix() != "") { // Some shaders might cause a "blob content mismatch between level9 and d3d10 shader". // e.g. dEQP-GLES2.functional.shaders.struct.local.loop_nested_struct_array_*. // Using the [unroll] directive works around this, as does this D3DCompile flag. configs.push_back( CompileConfig(flags | D3DCOMPILE_AVOID_FLOW_CONTROL, "avoid flow control")); } D3D_SHADER_MACRO loopMacros[] = { {"ANGLE_ENABLE_LOOP_FLATTEN", "1"}, {0, 0} }; ID3DBlob *binary = NULL; std::string debugInfo; gl::Error error = mCompiler.compileToBinary(infoLog, shaderHLSL, profile, configs, loopMacros, &binary, &debugInfo); if (error.isError()) { return error; } // It's possible that binary is NULL if the compiler failed in all configurations. Set the executable to NULL // and return GL_NO_ERROR to signify that there was a link error but the internal state is still OK. if (!binary) { *outExectuable = NULL; return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } error = loadExecutable(binary->GetBufferPointer(), binary->GetBufferSize(), type, streamOutVaryings, separatedOutputBuffers, outExectuable); SafeRelease(binary); if (error.isError()) { return error; } if (!debugInfo.empty()) { (*outExectuable)->appendDebugInfo(debugInfo); } return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } UniformStorageD3D *Renderer11::createUniformStorage(size_t storageSize) { return new UniformStorage11(this, storageSize); } VertexBuffer *Renderer11::createVertexBuffer() { return new VertexBuffer11(this); } IndexBuffer *Renderer11::createIndexBuffer() { return new IndexBuffer11(this); } StreamProducerImpl *Renderer11::createStreamProducerD3DTextureNV12( egl::Stream::ConsumerType consumerType, const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) { return new StreamProducerNV12(this); } bool Renderer11::supportsFastCopyBufferToTexture(GLenum internalFormat) const { ASSERT(getNativeExtensions().pixelBufferObject); const gl::InternalFormat &internalFormatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(internalFormat); const d3d11::Format &d3d11FormatInfo = d3d11::Format::Get(internalFormat, mRenderer11DeviceCaps); // sRGB formats do not work with D3D11 buffer SRVs if (internalFormatInfo.colorEncoding == GL_SRGB) { return false; } // We cannot support direct copies to non-color-renderable formats if (d3d11FormatInfo.rtvFormat == DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { return false; } // We skip all 3-channel formats since sometimes format support is missing if (internalFormatInfo.componentCount == 3) { return false; } // We don't support formats which we can't represent without conversion if (d3d11FormatInfo.format.glInternalFormat != internalFormat) { return false; } // Buffer SRV creation in this format was not working on Windows 10, repro at least on Intel // and NVIDIA. if (internalFormat == GL_RGB5_A1) { return false; } return true; } gl::Error Renderer11::fastCopyBufferToTexture(const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack, unsigned int offset, RenderTargetD3D *destRenderTarget, GLenum destinationFormat, GLenum sourcePixelsType, const gl::Box &destArea) { ASSERT(supportsFastCopyBufferToTexture(destinationFormat)); return mPixelTransfer->copyBufferToTexture(unpack, offset, destRenderTarget, destinationFormat, sourcePixelsType, destArea); } ImageD3D *Renderer11::createImage() { return new Image11(this); } gl::Error Renderer11::generateMipmap(ImageD3D *dest, ImageD3D *src) { Image11 *dest11 = GetAs(dest); Image11 *src11 = GetAs(src); return Image11::generateMipmap(dest11, src11, mRenderer11DeviceCaps); } gl::Error Renderer11::generateMipmapUsingD3D(TextureStorage *storage, const gl::TextureState &textureState) { TextureStorage11 *storage11 = GetAs(storage); ASSERT(storage11->isRenderTarget()); ASSERT(storage11->supportsNativeMipmapFunction()); ID3D11ShaderResourceView *srv; gl::Error error = storage11->getSRVLevels(textureState.getEffectiveBaseLevel(), textureState.getEffectiveMaxLevel(), &srv); if (error.isError()) { return error; } mDeviceContext->GenerateMips(srv); return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } TextureStorage *Renderer11::createTextureStorage2D(SwapChainD3D *swapChain) { SwapChain11 *swapChain11 = GetAs(swapChain); return new TextureStorage11_2D(this, swapChain11); } TextureStorage *Renderer11::createTextureStorageEGLImage(EGLImageD3D *eglImage, RenderTargetD3D *renderTargetD3D) { return new TextureStorage11_EGLImage(this, eglImage, GetAs(renderTargetD3D)); } TextureStorage *Renderer11::createTextureStorageExternal( egl::Stream *stream, const egl::Stream::GLTextureDescription &desc) { return new TextureStorage11_External(this, stream, desc); } TextureStorage *Renderer11::createTextureStorage2D(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, int levels, bool hintLevelZeroOnly) { return new TextureStorage11_2D(this, internalformat, renderTarget, width, height, levels, hintLevelZeroOnly); } TextureStorage *Renderer11::createTextureStorageCube(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, int size, int levels, bool hintLevelZeroOnly) { return new TextureStorage11_Cube(this, internalformat, renderTarget, size, levels, hintLevelZeroOnly); } TextureStorage *Renderer11::createTextureStorage3D(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int levels) { return new TextureStorage11_3D(this, internalformat, renderTarget, width, height, depth, levels); } TextureStorage *Renderer11::createTextureStorage2DArray(GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int levels) { return new TextureStorage11_2DArray(this, internalformat, renderTarget, width, height, depth, levels); } gl::Error Renderer11::readFromAttachment(const gl::FramebufferAttachment &srcAttachment, const gl::Rectangle &sourceArea, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLuint outputPitch, const gl::PixelPackState &pack, uint8_t *pixelsOut) { ASSERT(sourceArea.width >= 0); ASSERT(sourceArea.height >= 0); const bool invertTexture = UsePresentPathFast(this, &srcAttachment); RenderTargetD3D *renderTarget = nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(srcAttachment.getRenderTarget(&renderTarget)); RenderTarget11 *rt11 = GetAs(renderTarget); ASSERT(rt11->getTexture()); TextureHelper11 textureHelper = TextureHelper11::MakeAndReference(rt11->getTexture(), rt11->getFormatSet()); unsigned int sourceSubResource = rt11->getSubresourceIndex(); const gl::Extents &texSize = textureHelper.getExtents(); gl::Rectangle actualArea = sourceArea; if (invertTexture) { actualArea.y = texSize.height - actualArea.y - actualArea.height; } // Clamp read region to the defined texture boundaries, preventing out of bounds reads // and reads of uninitialized data. gl::Rectangle safeArea; safeArea.x = gl::clamp(actualArea.x, 0, texSize.width); safeArea.y = gl::clamp(actualArea.y, 0, texSize.height); safeArea.width = gl::clamp(actualArea.width + std::min(actualArea.x, 0), 0, texSize.width - safeArea.x); safeArea.height = gl::clamp(actualArea.height + std::min(actualArea.y, 0), 0, texSize.height - safeArea.y); ASSERT(safeArea.x >= 0 && safeArea.y >= 0); ASSERT(safeArea.x + safeArea.width <= texSize.width); ASSERT(safeArea.y + safeArea.height <= texSize.height); if (safeArea.width == 0 || safeArea.height == 0) { // no work to do return gl::NoError(); } gl::Extents safeSize(safeArea.width, safeArea.height, 1); TextureHelper11 stagingHelper; ANGLE_TRY_RESULT( CreateStagingTexture(textureHelper.getTextureType(), textureHelper.getFormatSet(), safeSize, StagingAccess::READ, mDevice), stagingHelper); TextureHelper11 resolvedTextureHelper; // "srcTexture" usually points to the source texture. // For 2D multisampled textures, it points to the multisampled resolve texture. const TextureHelper11 *srcTexture = &textureHelper; if (textureHelper.getTextureType() == GL_TEXTURE_2D && textureHelper.getSampleCount() > 1) { D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC resolveDesc; resolveDesc.Width = static_cast(texSize.width); resolveDesc.Height = static_cast(texSize.height); resolveDesc.MipLevels = 1; resolveDesc.ArraySize = 1; resolveDesc.Format = textureHelper.getFormat(); resolveDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; resolveDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; resolveDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; resolveDesc.BindFlags = 0; resolveDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; resolveDesc.MiscFlags = 0; ID3D11Texture2D *resolveTex2D = nullptr; HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateTexture2D(&resolveDesc, nullptr, &resolveTex2D); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Renderer11::readTextureData failed to create internal resolve " "texture for ReadPixels, HRESULT: 0x%X.", result); } mDeviceContext->ResolveSubresource(resolveTex2D, 0, textureHelper.getTexture2D(), sourceSubResource, textureHelper.getFormat()); resolvedTextureHelper = TextureHelper11::MakeAndReference(resolveTex2D, textureHelper.getFormatSet()); sourceSubResource = 0; srcTexture = &resolvedTextureHelper; } D3D11_BOX srcBox; srcBox.left = static_cast(safeArea.x); srcBox.right = static_cast(safeArea.x + safeArea.width); srcBox.top = static_cast(safeArea.y); srcBox.bottom = static_cast(safeArea.y + safeArea.height); // Select the correct layer from a 3D attachment srcBox.front = 0; if (textureHelper.getTextureType() == GL_TEXTURE_3D) { srcBox.front = static_cast(srcAttachment.layer()); } srcBox.back = srcBox.front + 1; mDeviceContext->CopySubresourceRegion(stagingHelper.getResource(), 0, 0, 0, 0, srcTexture->getResource(), sourceSubResource, &srcBox); if (!invertTexture) { PackPixelsParams packParams(safeArea, format, type, outputPitch, pack, 0); return packPixels(stagingHelper, packParams, pixelsOut); } gl::PixelPackState invertTexturePack; // Create a new PixelPackState with reversed row order. Note that we can't just assign // 'invertTexturePack' to be 'pack' (or memcpy) since that breaks the ref counting/object // tracking in the 'pixelBuffer' members, causing leaks. Instead we must use // pixelBuffer.set() twice, which performs the addRef/release correctly invertTexturePack.alignment = pack.alignment; invertTexturePack.pixelBuffer.set(pack.pixelBuffer.get()); invertTexturePack.reverseRowOrder = !pack.reverseRowOrder; PackPixelsParams packParams(safeArea, format, type, outputPitch, invertTexturePack, 0); gl::Error error = packPixels(stagingHelper, packParams, pixelsOut); invertTexturePack.pixelBuffer.set(nullptr); ANGLE_TRY(error); return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::packPixels(const TextureHelper11 &textureHelper, const PackPixelsParams ¶ms, uint8_t *pixelsOut) { ID3D11Resource *readResource = textureHelper.getResource(); D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mapping; HRESULT hr = mDeviceContext->Map(readResource, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, &mapping); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to map internal texture for reading, result: 0x%X.", hr); } uint8_t *source = static_cast(mapping.pData); int inputPitch = static_cast(mapping.RowPitch); const auto &formatInfo = textureHelper.getFormatSet(); ASSERT(formatInfo.format.glInternalFormat != GL_NONE); PackPixels(params, formatInfo.format, inputPitch, source, pixelsOut); mDeviceContext->Unmap(readResource, 0); return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR); } gl::Error Renderer11::blitRenderbufferRect(const gl::Rectangle &readRectIn, const gl::Rectangle &drawRectIn, RenderTargetD3D *readRenderTarget, RenderTargetD3D *drawRenderTarget, GLenum filter, const gl::Rectangle *scissor, bool colorBlit, bool depthBlit, bool stencilBlit) { // Since blitRenderbufferRect is called for each render buffer that needs to be blitted, // it should never be the case that both color and depth/stencil need to be blitted at // at the same time. ASSERT(colorBlit != (depthBlit || stencilBlit)); RenderTarget11 *drawRenderTarget11 = GetAs(drawRenderTarget); if (!drawRenderTarget11) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to retrieve the internal draw render target from the draw framebuffer."); } TextureHelper11 drawTexture = TextureHelper11::MakeAndReference( drawRenderTarget11->getTexture(), drawRenderTarget11->getFormatSet()); unsigned int drawSubresource = drawRenderTarget11->getSubresourceIndex(); ID3D11RenderTargetView *drawRTV = drawRenderTarget11->getRenderTargetView(); ID3D11DepthStencilView *drawDSV = drawRenderTarget11->getDepthStencilView(); RenderTarget11 *readRenderTarget11 = GetAs(readRenderTarget); if (!readRenderTarget11) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to retrieve the internal read render target from the read framebuffer."); } TextureHelper11 readTexture; unsigned int readSubresource = 0; ID3D11ShaderResourceView *readSRV = nullptr; if (readRenderTarget->getSamples() > 1) { auto readRT11 = GetAs(readRenderTarget); ANGLE_TRY_RESULT(resolveMultisampledTexture(readRT11, depthBlit, stencilBlit), readTexture); if (!stencilBlit) { const auto &readFormatSet = readTexture.getFormatSet(); D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC viewDesc; viewDesc.Format = readFormatSet.srvFormat; viewDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D; viewDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = 1; viewDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = 0; HRESULT hresult = mDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(readTexture.getResource(), &viewDesc, &readSRV); if (FAILED(hresult)) { return gl::Error( GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Renderer11::blitRenderbufferRect: Failed to create temporary SRV."); } } } else { ASSERT(readRenderTarget11); readTexture = TextureHelper11::MakeAndReference(readRenderTarget11->getTexture(), readRenderTarget11->getFormatSet()); readSubresource = readRenderTarget11->getSubresourceIndex(); readSRV = readRenderTarget11->getBlitShaderResourceView(); if (readSRV == nullptr) { ASSERT(depthBlit || stencilBlit); readSRV = readRenderTarget11->getShaderResourceView(); } ASSERT(readSRV); readSRV->AddRef(); } // Stencil blits don't use shaders. ASSERT(readSRV || stencilBlit); const gl::Extents readSize(readRenderTarget->getWidth(), readRenderTarget->getHeight(), 1); const gl::Extents drawSize(drawRenderTarget->getWidth(), drawRenderTarget->getHeight(), 1); // From the spec: // "The actual region taken from the read framebuffer is limited to the intersection of the // source buffers being transferred, which may include the color buffer selected by the read // buffer, the depth buffer, and / or the stencil buffer depending on mask." // This means negative x and y are out of bounds, and not to be read from. We handle this here // by internally scaling the read and draw rectangles. gl::Rectangle readRect = readRectIn; gl::Rectangle drawRect = drawRectIn; auto readToDrawX = [&drawRectIn, &readRectIn](int readOffset) { double readToDrawScale = static_cast(drawRectIn.width) / static_cast(readRectIn.width); return static_cast(round(static_cast(readOffset) * readToDrawScale)); }; if (readRect.x < 0) { int readOffset = -readRect.x; readRect.x += readOffset; readRect.width -= readOffset; int drawOffset = readToDrawX(readOffset); drawRect.x += drawOffset; drawRect.width -= drawOffset; } auto readToDrawY = [&drawRectIn, &readRectIn](int readOffset) { double readToDrawScale = static_cast(drawRectIn.height) / static_cast(readRectIn.height); return static_cast(round(static_cast(readOffset) * readToDrawScale)); }; if (readRect.y < 0) { int readOffset = -readRect.y; readRect.y += readOffset; readRect.height -= readOffset; int drawOffset = readToDrawY(readOffset); drawRect.y += drawOffset; drawRect.height -= drawOffset; } if (readRect.x1() < 0) { int readOffset = -readRect.x1(); readRect.width += readOffset; int drawOffset = readToDrawX(readOffset); drawRect.width += drawOffset; } if (readRect.y1() < 0) { int readOffset = -readRect.y1(); readRect.height += readOffset; int drawOffset = readToDrawY(readOffset); drawRect.height += drawOffset; } bool scissorNeeded = scissor && gl::ClipRectangle(drawRect, *scissor, nullptr); const auto &destFormatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(drawRenderTarget->getInternalFormat()); const auto &srcFormatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(readRenderTarget->getInternalFormat()); const auto &formatSet = drawRenderTarget11->getFormatSet(); const DXGI_FORMAT drawDXGIFormat = colorBlit ? formatSet.rtvFormat : formatSet.dsvFormat; const auto &dxgiFormatInfo = d3d11::GetDXGIFormatInfo(drawDXGIFormat); // Some blits require masking off emulated texture channels. eg: from RGBA8 to RGB8, we // emulate RGB8 with RGBA8, so we need to mask off the alpha channel when we copy. gl::Color colorMask; colorMask.red = (srcFormatInfo.redBits > 0) && (destFormatInfo.redBits == 0) && (dxgiFormatInfo.redBits > 0); colorMask.green = (srcFormatInfo.greenBits > 0) && (destFormatInfo.greenBits == 0) && (dxgiFormatInfo.greenBits > 0); colorMask.blue = (srcFormatInfo.blueBits > 0) && (destFormatInfo.blueBits == 0) && (dxgiFormatInfo.blueBits > 0); colorMask.alpha = (srcFormatInfo.alphaBits > 0) && (destFormatInfo.alphaBits == 0) && (dxgiFormatInfo.alphaBits > 0); // We only currently support masking off the alpha channel. bool colorMaskingNeeded = colorMask.alpha; ASSERT(!colorMask.red && !colorMask.green && !colorMask.blue); bool wholeBufferCopy = !scissorNeeded && !colorMaskingNeeded && readRect.x == 0 && readRect.width == readSize.width && readRect.y == 0 && readRect.height == readSize.height && drawRect.x == 0 && drawRect.width == drawSize.width && drawRect.y == 0 && drawRect.height == drawSize.height; bool stretchRequired = readRect.width != drawRect.width || readRect.height != drawRect.height; bool flipRequired = readRect.width < 0 || readRect.height < 0 || drawRect.width < 0 || drawRect.height < 0; bool outOfBounds = readRect.x < 0 || readRect.x + readRect.width > readSize.width || readRect.y < 0 || readRect.y + readRect.height > readSize.height || drawRect.x < 0 || drawRect.x + drawRect.width > drawSize.width || drawRect.y < 0 || drawRect.y + drawRect.height > drawSize.height; bool partialDSBlit = (dxgiFormatInfo.depthBits > 0 && depthBlit) != (dxgiFormatInfo.stencilBits > 0 && stencilBlit); if (readRenderTarget11->getFormatSet().format.id == drawRenderTarget11->getFormatSet().format.id && !stretchRequired && !outOfBounds && !flipRequired && !partialDSBlit && !colorMaskingNeeded && (!(depthBlit || stencilBlit) || wholeBufferCopy)) { UINT dstX = drawRect.x; UINT dstY = drawRect.y; D3D11_BOX readBox; readBox.left = readRect.x; readBox.right = readRect.x + readRect.width; readBox.top = readRect.y; readBox.bottom = readRect.y + readRect.height; readBox.front = 0; readBox.back = 1; if (scissorNeeded) { // drawRect is guaranteed to have positive width and height because stretchRequired is false. ASSERT(drawRect.width >= 0 || drawRect.height >= 0); if (drawRect.x < scissor->x) { dstX = scissor->x; readBox.left += (scissor->x - drawRect.x); } if (drawRect.y < scissor->y) { dstY = scissor->y; readBox.top += (scissor->y - drawRect.y); } if (drawRect.x + drawRect.width > scissor->x + scissor->width) { readBox.right -= ((drawRect.x + drawRect.width) - (scissor->x + scissor->width)); } if (drawRect.y + drawRect.height > scissor->y + scissor->height) { readBox.bottom -= ((drawRect.y + drawRect.height) - (scissor->y + scissor->height)); } } // D3D11 needs depth-stencil CopySubresourceRegions to have a NULL pSrcBox // We also require complete framebuffer copies for depth-stencil blit. D3D11_BOX *pSrcBox = wholeBufferCopy ? nullptr : &readBox; mDeviceContext->CopySubresourceRegion(drawTexture.getResource(), drawSubresource, dstX, dstY, 0, readTexture.getResource(), readSubresource, pSrcBox); } else { gl::Box readArea(readRect.x, readRect.y, 0, readRect.width, readRect.height, 1); gl::Box drawArea(drawRect.x, drawRect.y, 0, drawRect.width, drawRect.height, 1); if (depthBlit && stencilBlit) { ANGLE_TRY(mBlit->copyDepthStencil(readTexture, readSubresource, readArea, readSize, drawTexture, drawSubresource, drawArea, drawSize, scissor)); } else if (depthBlit) { ASSERT(readSRV); ANGLE_TRY(mBlit->copyDepth(readSRV, readArea, readSize, drawDSV, drawArea, drawSize, scissor)); } else if (stencilBlit) { ANGLE_TRY(mBlit->copyStencil(readTexture, readSubresource, readArea, readSize, drawTexture, drawSubresource, drawArea, drawSize, scissor)); } else { // We don't currently support masking off any other channel than alpha bool maskOffAlpha = colorMaskingNeeded && colorMask.alpha; ASSERT(readSRV); ANGLE_TRY(mBlit->copyTexture(readSRV, readArea, readSize, drawRTV, drawArea, drawSize, scissor, destFormatInfo.format, filter, maskOffAlpha, false, false)); } } SafeRelease(readSRV); return gl::NoError(); } bool Renderer11::isES3Capable() const { return (d3d11_gl::GetMaximumClientVersion(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel) > 2); }; void Renderer11::onSwap() { // Send histogram updates every half hour const double kHistogramUpdateInterval = 30 * 60; const double currentTime = ANGLEPlatformCurrent()->monotonicallyIncreasingTime(); const double timeSinceLastUpdate = currentTime - mLastHistogramUpdateTime; if (timeSinceLastUpdate > kHistogramUpdateInterval) { updateHistograms(); mLastHistogramUpdateTime = currentTime; } } void Renderer11::updateHistograms() { // Update the buffer CPU memory histogram { size_t sizeSum = 0; for (auto &buffer : mAliveBuffers) { sizeSum += buffer->getTotalCPUBufferMemoryBytes(); } const int kOneMegaByte = 1024 * 1024; ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_MB("GPU.ANGLE.Buffer11CPUMemoryMB", static_cast(sizeSum) / kOneMegaByte); } } void Renderer11::onBufferCreate(const Buffer11 *created) { mAliveBuffers.insert(created); } void Renderer11::onBufferDelete(const Buffer11 *deleted) { mAliveBuffers.erase(deleted); } gl::ErrorOrResult Renderer11::resolveMultisampledTexture(RenderTarget11 *renderTarget, bool depth, bool stencil) { if (depth && !stencil) { return mBlit->resolveDepth(renderTarget); } if (stencil) { return mBlit->resolveStencil(renderTarget, depth); } const auto &formatSet = renderTarget->getFormatSet(); ASSERT(renderTarget->getSamples() > 1); D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC resolveDesc; resolveDesc.Width = renderTarget->getWidth(); resolveDesc.Height = renderTarget->getHeight(); resolveDesc.MipLevels = 1; resolveDesc.ArraySize = 1; resolveDesc.Format = formatSet.texFormat; resolveDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; resolveDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; resolveDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; resolveDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; resolveDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; resolveDesc.MiscFlags = 0; ID3D11Texture2D *resolveTexture = nullptr; HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateTexture2D(&resolveDesc, nullptr, &resolveTexture); if (FAILED(result)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create a multisample resolve texture, HRESULT: 0x%X.", result); } mDeviceContext->ResolveSubresource(resolveTexture, 0, renderTarget->getTexture(), renderTarget->getSubresourceIndex(), formatSet.texFormat); return TextureHelper11::MakeAndPossess2D(resolveTexture, renderTarget->getFormatSet()); } bool Renderer11::getLUID(LUID *adapterLuid) const { adapterLuid->HighPart = 0; adapterLuid->LowPart = 0; if (!mDxgiAdapter) { return false; } DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC adapterDesc; if (FAILED(mDxgiAdapter->GetDesc(&adapterDesc))) { return false; } *adapterLuid = adapterDesc.AdapterLuid; return true; } VertexConversionType Renderer11::getVertexConversionType(gl::VertexFormatType vertexFormatType) const { return d3d11::GetVertexFormatInfo(vertexFormatType, mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel).conversionType; } GLenum Renderer11::getVertexComponentType(gl::VertexFormatType vertexFormatType) const { return d3d11::GetDXGIFormatInfo(d3d11::GetVertexFormatInfo(vertexFormatType, mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel).nativeFormat).componentType; } gl::ErrorOrResult Renderer11::getVertexSpaceRequired( const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances) const { if (!attrib.enabled) { return 16u; } unsigned int elementCount = 0; if (instances == 0 || attrib.divisor == 0) { elementCount = count; } else { // Round up to divisor, if possible elementCount = UnsignedCeilDivide(static_cast(instances), attrib.divisor); } gl::VertexFormatType formatType = gl::GetVertexFormatType(attrib); const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevel = mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel; const d3d11::VertexFormat &vertexFormatInfo = d3d11::GetVertexFormatInfo(formatType, featureLevel); const d3d11::DXGIFormatSize &dxgiFormatInfo = d3d11::GetDXGIFormatSizeInfo(vertexFormatInfo.nativeFormat); unsigned int elementSize = dxgiFormatInfo.pixelBytes; if (elementSize > std::numeric_limits::max() / elementCount) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "New vertex buffer size would result in an overflow."); } return elementSize * elementCount; } void Renderer11::generateCaps(gl::Caps *outCaps, gl::TextureCapsMap *outTextureCaps, gl::Extensions *outExtensions, gl::Limitations *outLimitations) const { d3d11_gl::GenerateCaps(mDevice, mDeviceContext, mRenderer11DeviceCaps, outCaps, outTextureCaps, outExtensions, outLimitations); } WorkaroundsD3D Renderer11::generateWorkarounds() const { return d3d11::GenerateWorkarounds(mRenderer11DeviceCaps, mAdapterDescription); } gl::Error Renderer11::clearTextures(gl::SamplerType samplerType, size_t rangeStart, size_t rangeEnd) { return mStateManager.clearTextures(samplerType, rangeStart, rangeEnd); } egl::Error Renderer11::getEGLDevice(DeviceImpl **device) { if (mEGLDevice == nullptr) { ASSERT(mDevice != nullptr); mEGLDevice = new DeviceD3D(); egl::Error error = mEGLDevice->initialize(reinterpret_cast(mDevice), EGL_D3D11_DEVICE_ANGLE, EGL_FALSE); if (error.isError()) { SafeDelete(mEGLDevice); return error; } } *device = static_cast(mEGLDevice); return egl::Error(EGL_SUCCESS); } ContextImpl *Renderer11::createContext(const gl::ContextState &state) { return new Context11(state, this); } gl::Error Renderer11::genericDrawElements(Context11 *context, GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei instances, const gl::IndexRange &indexRange) { const auto &data = context->getContextState(); const auto &glState = data.getState(); gl::Program *program = glState.getProgram(); ASSERT(program != nullptr); ProgramD3D *programD3D = GetImplAs(program); bool usesPointSize = programD3D->usesPointSize(); programD3D->updateSamplerMapping(); ANGLE_TRY(generateSwizzles(data)); if (!applyPrimitiveType(mode, count, usesPointSize)) { return gl::NoError(); } ANGLE_TRY(updateState(data, mode)); TranslatedIndexData indexInfo; indexInfo.indexRange = indexRange; ANGLE_TRY(applyIndexBuffer(data, indices, count, mode, type, &indexInfo)); applyTransformFeedbackBuffers(data); // Transform feedback is not allowed for DrawElements, this error should have been caught at the // API validation layer. ASSERT(!glState.isTransformFeedbackActiveUnpaused()); size_t vertexCount = indexInfo.indexRange.vertexCount(); ANGLE_TRY(applyVertexBuffer(glState, mode, static_cast(indexInfo.indexRange.start), static_cast(vertexCount), instances, &indexInfo)); ANGLE_TRY(applyTextures(context, data)); ANGLE_TRY(applyShaders(data, mode)); ANGLE_TRY(programD3D->applyUniformBuffers(data)); if (!skipDraw(data, mode)) { ANGLE_TRY(drawElementsImpl(data, indexInfo, mode, count, type, indices, instances)); } return gl::NoError(); } gl::Error Renderer11::genericDrawArrays(Context11 *context, GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances) { const auto &data = context->getContextState(); const auto &glState = data.getState(); gl::Program *program = glState.getProgram(); ASSERT(program != nullptr); ProgramD3D *programD3D = GetImplAs(program); bool usesPointSize = programD3D->usesPointSize(); programD3D->updateSamplerMapping(); ANGLE_TRY(generateSwizzles(data)); if (!applyPrimitiveType(mode, count, usesPointSize)) { return gl::NoError(); } ANGLE_TRY(updateState(data, mode)); ANGLE_TRY(applyTransformFeedbackBuffers(data)); ANGLE_TRY(applyVertexBuffer(glState, mode, first, count, instances, nullptr)); ANGLE_TRY(applyTextures(context, data)); ANGLE_TRY(applyShaders(data, mode)); ANGLE_TRY(programD3D->applyUniformBuffers(data)); if (!skipDraw(data, mode)) { ANGLE_TRY(drawArraysImpl(data, mode, first, count, instances)); if (glState.isTransformFeedbackActiveUnpaused()) { ANGLE_TRY(markTransformFeedbackUsage(data)); } } return gl::NoError(); } FramebufferImpl *Renderer11::createDefaultFramebuffer(const gl::FramebufferState &state) { return new Framebuffer11(state, this); } gl::Error Renderer11::getScratchMemoryBuffer(size_t requestedSize, MemoryBuffer **bufferOut) { if (mScratchMemoryBuffer.size() == requestedSize) { mScratchMemoryBufferResetCounter = ScratchMemoryBufferLifetime; *bufferOut = &mScratchMemoryBuffer; return gl::NoError(); } if (mScratchMemoryBuffer.size() > requestedSize) { mScratchMemoryBufferResetCounter--; } if (mScratchMemoryBufferResetCounter <= 0 || mScratchMemoryBuffer.size() < requestedSize) { mScratchMemoryBuffer.resize(0); if (!mScratchMemoryBuffer.resize(requestedSize)) { return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to allocate internal buffer."); } mScratchMemoryBufferResetCounter = ScratchMemoryBufferLifetime; } ASSERT(mScratchMemoryBuffer.size() >= requestedSize); *bufferOut = &mScratchMemoryBuffer; return gl::NoError(); } gl::Version Renderer11::getMaxSupportedESVersion() const { return gl::Version(d3d11_gl::GetMaximumClientVersion(mRenderer11DeviceCaps.featureLevel), 0); } gl::DebugAnnotator *Renderer11::getAnnotator() { return mAnnotator; } } // namespace rx