// // Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Unit tests for HandleAllocator. // #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "libANGLE/HandleAllocator.h" namespace { TEST(HandleAllocatorTest, ReservationsWithGaps) { gl::HandleAllocator allocator; std::set<GLuint> allocationList; for (GLuint id = 2; id < 50; id += 2) { allocationList.insert(id); } for (GLuint id : allocationList) { allocator.reserve(id); } std::set<GLuint> allocatedList; for (size_t allocationNum = 0; allocationNum < allocationList.size() * 2; ++allocationNum) { GLuint handle = allocator.allocate(); EXPECT_EQ(0u, allocationList.count(handle)); EXPECT_EQ(0u, allocatedList.count(handle)); allocatedList.insert(handle); } } TEST(HandleAllocatorTest, Random) { gl::HandleAllocator allocator; std::set<GLuint> allocationList; for (size_t iterationCount = 0; iterationCount < 40; ++iterationCount) { for (size_t randomCount = 0; randomCount < 40; ++randomCount) { GLuint randomHandle = (rand() % 1000) + 1; if (allocationList.count(randomHandle) == 0) { allocator.reserve(randomHandle); allocationList.insert(randomHandle); } } for (size_t normalCount = 0; normalCount < 40; ++normalCount) { GLuint normalHandle = allocator.allocate(); EXPECT_EQ(0u, allocationList.count(normalHandle)); allocationList.insert(normalHandle); } } } TEST(HandleAllocatorTest, Reallocation) { // Note: no current test for overflow gl::HandleAllocator limitedAllocator(10); for (GLuint count = 1; count < 10; count++) { GLuint result = limitedAllocator.allocate(); EXPECT_EQ(count, result); } for (GLuint count = 1; count < 10; count++) { limitedAllocator.release(count); } for (GLuint count = 2; count < 10; count++) { limitedAllocator.reserve(count); } GLint finalResult = limitedAllocator.allocate(); EXPECT_EQ(finalResult, 1); } // The following test covers reserving a handle with max uint value. See http://anglebug.com/1052 TEST(HandleAllocatorTest, ReserveMaxUintHandle) { gl::HandleAllocator allocator; GLuint maxUintHandle = std::numeric_limits<GLuint>::max(); allocator.reserve(maxUintHandle); GLuint normalHandle = allocator.allocate(); EXPECT_EQ(1u, normalHandle); } // The following test covers reserving a handle with max uint value minus one then max uint value. TEST(HandleAllocatorTest, ReserveMaxUintHandle2) { gl::HandleAllocator allocator; GLuint maxUintHandle = std::numeric_limits<GLuint>::max(); allocator.reserve(maxUintHandle - 1); allocator.reserve(maxUintHandle); GLuint normalHandle = allocator.allocate(); EXPECT_EQ(1u, normalHandle); } // To test if the allocator keep the handle in a sorted order. TEST(HandleAllocatorTest, SortedOrderHandle) { gl::HandleAllocator allocator; allocator.reserve(3); GLuint allocatedList[5]; for (GLuint count = 0; count < 5; count++) { allocatedList[count] = allocator.allocate(); } EXPECT_EQ(1u, allocatedList[0]); EXPECT_EQ(2u, allocatedList[1]); EXPECT_EQ(4u, allocatedList[2]); EXPECT_EQ(5u, allocatedList[3]); EXPECT_EQ(6u, allocatedList[4]); } }