// // Copyright (c) 2002-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Framebuffer.cpp: Implements the gl::Framebuffer class. Implements GL framebuffer // objects and related functionality. [OpenGL ES 2.0.24] section 4.4 page 105. #include "libANGLE/Framebuffer.h" #include "common/Optional.h" #include "common/utilities.h" #include "libANGLE/Config.h" #include "libANGLE/Context.h" #include "libANGLE/FramebufferAttachment.h" #include "libANGLE/Renderbuffer.h" #include "libANGLE/Surface.h" #include "libANGLE/Texture.h" #include "libANGLE/formatutils.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/ContextImpl.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/FramebufferImpl.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/GLImplFactory.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/RenderbufferImpl.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/SurfaceImpl.h" using namespace angle; namespace gl { namespace { void BindResourceChannel(ChannelBinding *binding, FramebufferAttachmentObject *resource) { binding->bind(resource ? resource->getDirtyChannel() : nullptr); } } // anonymous namespace FramebufferState::FramebufferState() : mLabel(), mColorAttachments(1), mDrawBufferStates(1, GL_NONE), mReadBufferState(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT) { mDrawBufferStates[0] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; } FramebufferState::FramebufferState(const Caps &caps) : mLabel(), mColorAttachments(caps.maxColorAttachments), mDrawBufferStates(caps.maxDrawBuffers, GL_NONE), mReadBufferState(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT) { ASSERT(mDrawBufferStates.size() > 0); mDrawBufferStates[0] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT; } FramebufferState::~FramebufferState() { } const std::string &FramebufferState::getLabel() { return mLabel; } const FramebufferAttachment *FramebufferState::getAttachment(GLenum attachment) const { if (attachment >= GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 && attachment <= GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15) { return getColorAttachment(attachment - GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0); } switch (attachment) { case GL_COLOR: case GL_BACK: return getColorAttachment(0); case GL_DEPTH: case GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: return getDepthAttachment(); case GL_STENCIL: case GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: return getStencilAttachment(); case GL_DEPTH_STENCIL: case GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: return getDepthStencilAttachment(); default: UNREACHABLE(); return nullptr; } } const FramebufferAttachment *FramebufferState::getReadAttachment() const { ASSERT(mReadBufferState == GL_BACK || (mReadBufferState >= GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 && mReadBufferState <= GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15)); size_t readIndex = (mReadBufferState == GL_BACK ? 0 : static_cast<size_t>(mReadBufferState - GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0)); ASSERT(readIndex < mColorAttachments.size()); return mColorAttachments[readIndex].isAttached() ? &mColorAttachments[readIndex] : nullptr; } const FramebufferAttachment *FramebufferState::getFirstColorAttachment() const { for (const FramebufferAttachment &colorAttachment : mColorAttachments) { if (colorAttachment.isAttached()) { return &colorAttachment; } } return nullptr; } const FramebufferAttachment *FramebufferState::getDepthOrStencilAttachment() const { if (mDepthAttachment.isAttached()) { return &mDepthAttachment; } if (mStencilAttachment.isAttached()) { return &mStencilAttachment; } return nullptr; } const FramebufferAttachment *FramebufferState::getColorAttachment(size_t colorAttachment) const { ASSERT(colorAttachment < mColorAttachments.size()); return mColorAttachments[colorAttachment].isAttached() ? &mColorAttachments[colorAttachment] : nullptr; } const FramebufferAttachment *FramebufferState::getDepthAttachment() const { return mDepthAttachment.isAttached() ? &mDepthAttachment : nullptr; } const FramebufferAttachment *FramebufferState::getStencilAttachment() const { return mStencilAttachment.isAttached() ? &mStencilAttachment : nullptr; } const FramebufferAttachment *FramebufferState::getDepthStencilAttachment() const { // A valid depth-stencil attachment has the same resource bound to both the // depth and stencil attachment points. if (mDepthAttachment.isAttached() && mStencilAttachment.isAttached() && mDepthAttachment.type() == mStencilAttachment.type() && mDepthAttachment.id() == mStencilAttachment.id()) { return &mDepthAttachment; } return nullptr; } bool FramebufferState::attachmentsHaveSameDimensions() const { Optional<Extents> attachmentSize; auto hasMismatchedSize = [&attachmentSize](const FramebufferAttachment &attachment) { if (!attachment.isAttached()) { return false; } if (!attachmentSize.valid()) { attachmentSize = attachment.getSize(); return false; } return (attachment.getSize() != attachmentSize.value()); }; for (const auto &attachment : mColorAttachments) { if (hasMismatchedSize(attachment)) { return false; } } if (hasMismatchedSize(mDepthAttachment)) { return false; } return !hasMismatchedSize(mStencilAttachment); } const gl::FramebufferAttachment *FramebufferState::getDrawBuffer(size_t drawBufferIdx) const { ASSERT(drawBufferIdx < mDrawBufferStates.size()); if (mDrawBufferStates[drawBufferIdx] != GL_NONE) { // ES3 spec: "If the GL is bound to a draw framebuffer object, the ith buffer listed in bufs // must be COLOR_ATTACHMENTi or NONE" ASSERT(mDrawBufferStates[drawBufferIdx] == GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + drawBufferIdx || (drawBufferIdx == 0 && mDrawBufferStates[drawBufferIdx] == GL_BACK)); return getAttachment(mDrawBufferStates[drawBufferIdx]); } else { return nullptr; } } size_t FramebufferState::getDrawBufferCount() const { return mDrawBufferStates.size(); } bool FramebufferState::colorAttachmentsAreUniqueImages() const { for (size_t firstAttachmentIdx = 0; firstAttachmentIdx < mColorAttachments.size(); firstAttachmentIdx++) { const gl::FramebufferAttachment &firstAttachment = mColorAttachments[firstAttachmentIdx]; if (!firstAttachment.isAttached()) { continue; } for (size_t secondAttachmentIdx = firstAttachmentIdx + 1; secondAttachmentIdx < mColorAttachments.size(); secondAttachmentIdx++) { const gl::FramebufferAttachment &secondAttachment = mColorAttachments[secondAttachmentIdx]; if (!secondAttachment.isAttached()) { continue; } if (firstAttachment == secondAttachment) { return false; } } } return true; } Framebuffer::Framebuffer(const Caps &caps, rx::GLImplFactory *factory, GLuint id) : mState(caps), mImpl(factory->createFramebuffer(mState)), mId(id), mCachedStatus(), mDirtyDepthAttachmentBinding(this, DIRTY_BIT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT), mDirtyStencilAttachmentBinding(this, DIRTY_BIT_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) { ASSERT(mId != 0); ASSERT(mImpl != nullptr); ASSERT(mState.mColorAttachments.size() == static_cast<size_t>(caps.maxColorAttachments)); for (size_t colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < mState.mColorAttachments.size(); ++colorIndex) { mDirtyColorAttachmentBindings.push_back(ChannelBinding( this, static_cast<SignalToken>(DIRTY_BIT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0 + colorIndex))); } } Framebuffer::Framebuffer(rx::SurfaceImpl *surface) : mState(), mImpl(surface->createDefaultFramebuffer(mState)), mId(0), mCachedStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE), mDirtyDepthAttachmentBinding(this, DIRTY_BIT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT), mDirtyStencilAttachmentBinding(this, DIRTY_BIT_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) { ASSERT(mImpl != nullptr); mDirtyColorAttachmentBindings.push_back( ChannelBinding(this, static_cast<SignalToken>(DIRTY_BIT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0))); } Framebuffer::~Framebuffer() { SafeDelete(mImpl); } void Framebuffer::setLabel(const std::string &label) { mState.mLabel = label; } const std::string &Framebuffer::getLabel() const { return mState.mLabel; } void Framebuffer::detachTexture(GLuint textureId) { detachResourceById(GL_TEXTURE, textureId); } void Framebuffer::detachRenderbuffer(GLuint renderbufferId) { detachResourceById(GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbufferId); } void Framebuffer::detachResourceById(GLenum resourceType, GLuint resourceId) { for (size_t colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < mState.mColorAttachments.size(); ++colorIndex) { detachMatchingAttachment(&mState.mColorAttachments[colorIndex], resourceType, resourceId, DIRTY_BIT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0 + colorIndex); } detachMatchingAttachment(&mState.mDepthAttachment, resourceType, resourceId, DIRTY_BIT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT); detachMatchingAttachment(&mState.mStencilAttachment, resourceType, resourceId, DIRTY_BIT_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT); } void Framebuffer::detachMatchingAttachment(FramebufferAttachment *attachment, GLenum matchType, GLuint matchId, size_t dirtyBit) { if (attachment->isAttached() && attachment->type() == matchType && attachment->id() == matchId) { attachment->detach(); mDirtyBits.set(dirtyBit); } } const FramebufferAttachment *Framebuffer::getColorbuffer(size_t colorAttachment) const { return mState.getColorAttachment(colorAttachment); } const FramebufferAttachment *Framebuffer::getDepthbuffer() const { return mState.getDepthAttachment(); } const FramebufferAttachment *Framebuffer::getStencilbuffer() const { return mState.getStencilAttachment(); } const FramebufferAttachment *Framebuffer::getDepthStencilBuffer() const { return mState.getDepthStencilAttachment(); } const FramebufferAttachment *Framebuffer::getDepthOrStencilbuffer() const { return mState.getDepthOrStencilAttachment(); } const FramebufferAttachment *Framebuffer::getReadColorbuffer() const { return mState.getReadAttachment(); } GLenum Framebuffer::getReadColorbufferType() const { const FramebufferAttachment *readAttachment = mState.getReadAttachment(); return (readAttachment != nullptr ? readAttachment->type() : GL_NONE); } const FramebufferAttachment *Framebuffer::getFirstColorbuffer() const { return mState.getFirstColorAttachment(); } const FramebufferAttachment *Framebuffer::getAttachment(GLenum attachment) const { return mState.getAttachment(attachment); } size_t Framebuffer::getDrawbufferStateCount() const { return mState.mDrawBufferStates.size(); } GLenum Framebuffer::getDrawBufferState(size_t drawBuffer) const { ASSERT(drawBuffer < mState.mDrawBufferStates.size()); return mState.mDrawBufferStates[drawBuffer]; } const std::vector<GLenum> &Framebuffer::getDrawBufferStates() const { return mState.getDrawBufferStates(); } void Framebuffer::setDrawBuffers(size_t count, const GLenum *buffers) { auto &drawStates = mState.mDrawBufferStates; ASSERT(count <= drawStates.size()); std::copy(buffers, buffers + count, drawStates.begin()); std::fill(drawStates.begin() + count, drawStates.end(), GL_NONE); mDirtyBits.set(DIRTY_BIT_DRAW_BUFFERS); } const FramebufferAttachment *Framebuffer::getDrawBuffer(size_t drawBuffer) const { return mState.getDrawBuffer(drawBuffer); } bool Framebuffer::hasEnabledDrawBuffer() const { for (size_t drawbufferIdx = 0; drawbufferIdx < mState.mDrawBufferStates.size(); ++drawbufferIdx) { if (getDrawBuffer(drawbufferIdx) != nullptr) { return true; } } return false; } GLenum Framebuffer::getReadBufferState() const { return mState.mReadBufferState; } void Framebuffer::setReadBuffer(GLenum buffer) { ASSERT(buffer == GL_BACK || buffer == GL_NONE || (buffer >= GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 && (buffer - GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0) < mState.mColorAttachments.size())); mState.mReadBufferState = buffer; mDirtyBits.set(DIRTY_BIT_READ_BUFFER); } size_t Framebuffer::getNumColorBuffers() const { return mState.mColorAttachments.size(); } bool Framebuffer::hasDepth() const { return (mState.mDepthAttachment.isAttached() && mState.mDepthAttachment.getDepthSize() > 0); } bool Framebuffer::hasStencil() const { return (mState.mStencilAttachment.isAttached() && mState.mStencilAttachment.getStencilSize() > 0); } bool Framebuffer::usingExtendedDrawBuffers() const { for (size_t drawbufferIdx = 1; drawbufferIdx < mState.mDrawBufferStates.size(); ++drawbufferIdx) { if (getDrawBuffer(drawbufferIdx) != nullptr) { return true; } } return false; } GLenum Framebuffer::checkStatus(const ContextState &state) { // The default framebuffer *must* always be complete, though it may not be // subject to the same rules as application FBOs. ie, it could have 0x0 size. if (mId == 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE; } if (hasAnyDirtyBit() || !mCachedStatus.valid()) { mCachedStatus = checkStatusImpl(state); } return mCachedStatus.value(); } GLenum Framebuffer::checkStatusImpl(const ContextState &state) { ASSERT(mId != 0); unsigned int colorbufferSize = 0; int samples = -1; bool missingAttachment = true; for (const FramebufferAttachment &colorAttachment : mState.mColorAttachments) { if (colorAttachment.isAttached()) { const Extents &size = colorAttachment.getSize(); if (size.width == 0 || size.height == 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } const Format &format = colorAttachment.getFormat(); const TextureCaps &formatCaps = state.getTextureCap(format.asSized()); if (colorAttachment.type() == GL_TEXTURE) { if (!formatCaps.renderable) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } if (format.info->depthBits > 0 || format.info->stencilBits > 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } if (colorAttachment.layer() >= size.depth) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } // ES3 specifies that cube map texture attachments must be cube complete. // This language is missing from the ES2 spec, but we enforce it here because some // desktop OpenGL drivers also enforce this validation. // TODO(jmadill): Check if OpenGL ES2 drivers enforce cube completeness. const Texture *texture = colorAttachment.getTexture(); ASSERT(texture); if (texture->getTarget() == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP && !texture->getTextureState().isCubeComplete()) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } } else if (colorAttachment.type() == GL_RENDERBUFFER) { if (!formatCaps.renderable || format.info->depthBits > 0 || format.info->stencilBits > 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } } if (!missingAttachment) { // APPLE_framebuffer_multisample, which EXT_draw_buffers refers to, requires that // all color attachments have the same number of samples for the FBO to be complete. if (colorAttachment.getSamples() != samples) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE_EXT; } // in GLES 2.0, all color attachments attachments must have the same number of bitplanes // in GLES 3.0, there is no such restriction if (state.getClientMajorVersion() < 3) { if (format.info->pixelBytes != colorbufferSize) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED; } } } else { samples = colorAttachment.getSamples(); colorbufferSize = format.info->pixelBytes; missingAttachment = false; } } } const FramebufferAttachment &depthAttachment = mState.mDepthAttachment; if (depthAttachment.isAttached()) { const Extents &size = depthAttachment.getSize(); if (size.width == 0 || size.height == 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } const Format &format = depthAttachment.getFormat(); const TextureCaps &formatCaps = state.getTextureCap(format.asSized()); if (depthAttachment.type() == GL_TEXTURE) { // depth texture attachments require OES/ANGLE_depth_texture if (!state.getExtensions().depthTextures) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } if (!formatCaps.renderable) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } if (format.info->depthBits == 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } } else if (depthAttachment.type() == GL_RENDERBUFFER) { if (!formatCaps.renderable || format.info->depthBits == 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } } if (missingAttachment) { samples = depthAttachment.getSamples(); missingAttachment = false; } else if (samples != depthAttachment.getSamples()) { // CHROMIUM_framebuffer_mixed_samples allows a framebuffer to be // considered complete when its depth or stencil samples are a // multiple of the number of color samples. const bool mixedSamples = state.getExtensions().framebufferMixedSamples; if (!mixedSamples) return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE_ANGLE; const int colorSamples = samples ? samples : 1; const int depthSamples = depthAttachment.getSamples(); if ((depthSamples % colorSamples) != 0) return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE_ANGLE; } } const FramebufferAttachment &stencilAttachment = mState.mStencilAttachment; if (stencilAttachment.isAttached()) { const Extents &size = stencilAttachment.getSize(); if (size.width == 0 || size.height == 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } const Format &format = stencilAttachment.getFormat(); const TextureCaps &formatCaps = state.getTextureCap(format.asSized()); if (stencilAttachment.type() == GL_TEXTURE) { // texture stencil attachments come along as part // of OES_packed_depth_stencil + OES/ANGLE_depth_texture if (!state.getExtensions().depthTextures) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } if (!formatCaps.renderable) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } if (format.info->stencilBits == 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } } else if (stencilAttachment.type() == GL_RENDERBUFFER) { if (!formatCaps.renderable || format.info->stencilBits == 0) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT; } } if (missingAttachment) { samples = stencilAttachment.getSamples(); missingAttachment = false; } else if (samples != stencilAttachment.getSamples()) { // see the comments in depth attachment check. const bool mixedSamples = state.getExtensions().framebufferMixedSamples; if (!mixedSamples) return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE_ANGLE; const int colorSamples = samples ? samples : 1; const int stencilSamples = stencilAttachment.getSamples(); if ((stencilSamples % colorSamples) != 0) return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE_ANGLE; } // Starting from ES 3.0 stencil and depth, if present, should be the same image if (state.getClientMajorVersion() >= 3 && depthAttachment.isAttached() && stencilAttachment != depthAttachment) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED; } } // we need to have at least one attachment to be complete if (missingAttachment) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT; } // In ES 2.0, all color attachments must have the same width and height. // In ES 3.0, there is no such restriction. if (state.getClientMajorVersion() < 3 && !mState.attachmentsHaveSameDimensions()) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS; } syncState(); if (!mImpl->checkStatus()) { return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED; } return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE; } Error Framebuffer::discard(size_t count, const GLenum *attachments) { return mImpl->discard(count, attachments); } Error Framebuffer::invalidate(size_t count, const GLenum *attachments) { return mImpl->invalidate(count, attachments); } Error Framebuffer::invalidateSub(size_t count, const GLenum *attachments, const gl::Rectangle &area) { return mImpl->invalidateSub(count, attachments, area); } Error Framebuffer::clear(rx::ContextImpl *context, GLbitfield mask) { if (context->getGLState().isRasterizerDiscardEnabled()) { return gl::NoError(); } return mImpl->clear(context, mask); } Error Framebuffer::clearBufferfv(rx::ContextImpl *context, GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLfloat *values) { if (context->getGLState().isRasterizerDiscardEnabled()) { return gl::NoError(); } return mImpl->clearBufferfv(context, buffer, drawbuffer, values); } Error Framebuffer::clearBufferuiv(rx::ContextImpl *context, GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLuint *values) { if (context->getGLState().isRasterizerDiscardEnabled()) { return gl::NoError(); } return mImpl->clearBufferuiv(context, buffer, drawbuffer, values); } Error Framebuffer::clearBufferiv(rx::ContextImpl *context, GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLint *values) { if (context->getGLState().isRasterizerDiscardEnabled()) { return gl::NoError(); } return mImpl->clearBufferiv(context, buffer, drawbuffer, values); } Error Framebuffer::clearBufferfi(rx::ContextImpl *context, GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil) { if (context->getGLState().isRasterizerDiscardEnabled()) { return gl::NoError(); } return mImpl->clearBufferfi(context, buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil); } GLenum Framebuffer::getImplementationColorReadFormat() const { return mImpl->getImplementationColorReadFormat(); } GLenum Framebuffer::getImplementationColorReadType() const { return mImpl->getImplementationColorReadType(); } Error Framebuffer::readPixels(rx::ContextImpl *context, const Rectangle &area, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels) const { ANGLE_TRY(mImpl->readPixels(context, area, format, type, pixels)); Buffer *unpackBuffer = context->getGLState().getUnpackState().pixelBuffer.get(); if (unpackBuffer) { unpackBuffer->onPixelUnpack(); } return NoError(); } Error Framebuffer::blit(rx::ContextImpl *context, const Rectangle &sourceArea, const Rectangle &destArea, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter) { return mImpl->blit(context, sourceArea, destArea, mask, filter); } int Framebuffer::getSamples(const ContextState &state) { if (complete(state)) { // For a complete framebuffer, all attachments must have the same sample count. // In this case return the first nonzero sample size. const auto *firstColorAttachment = mState.getFirstColorAttachment(); if (firstColorAttachment) { ASSERT(firstColorAttachment->isAttached()); return firstColorAttachment->getSamples(); } } return 0; } bool Framebuffer::hasValidDepthStencil() const { return mState.getDepthStencilAttachment() != nullptr; } void Framebuffer::setAttachment(GLenum type, GLenum binding, const ImageIndex &textureIndex, FramebufferAttachmentObject *resource) { if (binding == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL || binding == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) { // ensure this is a legitimate depth+stencil format FramebufferAttachmentObject *attachmentObj = resource; if (resource) { FramebufferAttachment::Target target(binding, textureIndex); const Format &format = resource->getAttachmentFormat(target); if (format.info->depthBits == 0 || format.info->stencilBits == 0) { // Attaching nullptr detaches the current attachment. attachmentObj = nullptr; } } mState.mDepthAttachment.attach(type, binding, textureIndex, attachmentObj); mState.mStencilAttachment.attach(type, binding, textureIndex, attachmentObj); mDirtyBits.set(DIRTY_BIT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT); mDirtyBits.set(DIRTY_BIT_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT); BindResourceChannel(&mDirtyDepthAttachmentBinding, resource); BindResourceChannel(&mDirtyStencilAttachmentBinding, resource); } else { switch (binding) { case GL_DEPTH: case GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: mState.mDepthAttachment.attach(type, binding, textureIndex, resource); mDirtyBits.set(DIRTY_BIT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT); BindResourceChannel(&mDirtyDepthAttachmentBinding, resource); break; case GL_STENCIL: case GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: mState.mStencilAttachment.attach(type, binding, textureIndex, resource); mDirtyBits.set(DIRTY_BIT_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT); BindResourceChannel(&mDirtyStencilAttachmentBinding, resource); break; case GL_BACK: mState.mColorAttachments[0].attach(type, binding, textureIndex, resource); mDirtyBits.set(DIRTY_BIT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0); // No need for a resource binding for the default FBO, it's always complete. break; default: { size_t colorIndex = binding - GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0; ASSERT(colorIndex < mState.mColorAttachments.size()); mState.mColorAttachments[colorIndex].attach(type, binding, textureIndex, resource); mDirtyBits.set(DIRTY_BIT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0 + colorIndex); BindResourceChannel(&mDirtyColorAttachmentBindings[colorIndex], resource); } break; } } } void Framebuffer::resetAttachment(GLenum binding) { setAttachment(GL_NONE, binding, ImageIndex::MakeInvalid(), nullptr); } void Framebuffer::syncState() { if (mDirtyBits.any()) { mImpl->syncState(mDirtyBits); mDirtyBits.reset(); mCachedStatus.reset(); } } void Framebuffer::signal(SignalToken token) { // TOOD(jmadill): Make this only update individual attachments to do less work. mCachedStatus.reset(); } bool Framebuffer::complete(const ContextState &state) { return (checkStatus(state) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE); } } // namespace gl