// Copyright (c) 2012 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "compiler/translator/IntermNode.h"

#include <set>
#include <stack>

class TGraphNode;
class TGraphParentNode;
class TGraphArgument;
class TGraphFunctionCall;
class TGraphSymbol;
class TGraphSelection;
class TGraphLoop;
class TGraphLogicalOp;
class TDependencyGraphTraverser;
class TDependencyGraphOutput;

typedef std::set<TGraphNode*> TGraphNodeSet;
typedef std::vector<TGraphNode*> TGraphNodeVector;
typedef std::vector<TGraphSymbol*> TGraphSymbolVector;
typedef std::vector<TGraphFunctionCall*> TFunctionCallVector;

// Base class for all dependency graph nodes.
class TGraphNode {
    TGraphNode(TIntermNode* node) : intermNode(node) {}
    virtual ~TGraphNode() {}
    virtual void traverse(TDependencyGraphTraverser* graphTraverser);
    TIntermNode* intermNode;

// Base class for dependency graph nodes that may have children.
class TGraphParentNode : public TGraphNode {
    TGraphParentNode(TIntermNode* node) : TGraphNode(node) {}
    ~TGraphParentNode() override {}
    void addDependentNode(TGraphNode* node) { if (node != this) mDependentNodes.insert(node); }
    void traverse(TDependencyGraphTraverser *graphTraverser) override;

    TGraphNodeSet mDependentNodes;

// Handle function call arguments.
class TGraphArgument : public TGraphParentNode {
    TGraphArgument(TIntermAggregate* intermFunctionCall, int argumentNumber)
        : TGraphParentNode(intermFunctionCall)
        , mArgumentNumber(argumentNumber) {}
    ~TGraphArgument() override {}
    const TIntermAggregate* getIntermFunctionCall() const { return intermNode->getAsAggregate(); }
    int getArgumentNumber() const { return mArgumentNumber; }
    void traverse(TDependencyGraphTraverser *graphTraverser) override;

    int mArgumentNumber;

// Handle function calls.
class TGraphFunctionCall : public TGraphParentNode {
    TGraphFunctionCall(TIntermAggregate* intermFunctionCall)
        : TGraphParentNode(intermFunctionCall) {}
    ~TGraphFunctionCall() override {}
    const TIntermAggregate* getIntermFunctionCall() const { return intermNode->getAsAggregate(); }
    void traverse(TDependencyGraphTraverser *graphTraverser) override;

// Handle symbols.
class TGraphSymbol : public TGraphParentNode {
    TGraphSymbol(TIntermSymbol* intermSymbol) : TGraphParentNode(intermSymbol) {}
    ~TGraphSymbol() override {}
    const TIntermSymbol* getIntermSymbol() const { return intermNode->getAsSymbolNode(); }
    void traverse(TDependencyGraphTraverser *graphTraverser) override;

// Handle if statements and ternary operators.
class TGraphSelection : public TGraphNode {
    TGraphSelection(TIntermSelection* intermSelection) : TGraphNode(intermSelection) {}
    ~TGraphSelection() override {}
    const TIntermSelection* getIntermSelection() const { return intermNode->getAsSelectionNode(); }
    void traverse(TDependencyGraphTraverser *graphTraverser) override;

// Handle for, do-while, and while loops.
class TGraphLoop : public TGraphNode {
    TGraphLoop(TIntermLoop* intermLoop) : TGraphNode(intermLoop) {}
    ~TGraphLoop() override {}
    const TIntermLoop* getIntermLoop() const { return intermNode->getAsLoopNode(); }
    void traverse(TDependencyGraphTraverser *graphTraverser) override;

// Handle logical and, or.
class TGraphLogicalOp : public TGraphNode {
    TGraphLogicalOp(TIntermBinary* intermLogicalOp) : TGraphNode(intermLogicalOp) {}
    ~TGraphLogicalOp() override {}
    const TIntermBinary* getIntermLogicalOp() const { return intermNode->getAsBinaryNode(); }
    const char* getOpString() const;
    void traverse(TDependencyGraphTraverser *graphTraverser) override;

// A dependency graph of symbols, function calls, conditions etc.
// This class provides an interface to the entry points of the dependency graph.
// Dependency graph nodes should be created by using one of the provided "create..." methods.
// This class (and nobody else) manages the memory of the created nodes.
// Nodes may not be removed after being added, so all created nodes will exist while the
// TDependencyGraph instance exists.
class TDependencyGraph {
    TDependencyGraph(TIntermNode* intermNode);
    const TGraphNodeVector &allNodes() const { return mAllNodes; }
    const TGraphSymbolVector &samplerSymbols() const { return mSamplerSymbols; }
    const TFunctionCallVector &userDefinedFunctionCalls() const
        return mUserDefinedFunctionCalls;

    TGraphArgument* createArgument(TIntermAggregate* intermFunctionCall, int argumentNumber);
    TGraphFunctionCall* createFunctionCall(TIntermAggregate* intermFunctionCall);
    TGraphSymbol* getOrCreateSymbol(TIntermSymbol* intermSymbol);
    TGraphSelection* createSelection(TIntermSelection* intermSelection);
    TGraphLoop* createLoop(TIntermLoop* intermLoop);
    TGraphLogicalOp* createLogicalOp(TIntermBinary* intermLogicalOp);
    typedef TMap<int, TGraphSymbol*> TSymbolIdMap;
    typedef std::pair<int, TGraphSymbol*> TSymbolIdPair;

    TGraphNodeVector mAllNodes;
    TGraphSymbolVector mSamplerSymbols;
    TFunctionCallVector mUserDefinedFunctionCalls;
    TSymbolIdMap mSymbolIdMap;

// For traversing the dependency graph. Users should derive from this,
// put their traversal specific data in it, and then pass it to a
// traverse method.
// When using this, just fill in the methods for nodes you want visited.
class TDependencyGraphTraverser : angle::NonCopyable {
    TDependencyGraphTraverser() : mDepth(0) {}
    virtual ~TDependencyGraphTraverser() {}

    virtual void visitSymbol(TGraphSymbol* symbol) {};
    virtual void visitArgument(TGraphArgument* selection) {};
    virtual void visitFunctionCall(TGraphFunctionCall* functionCall) {};
    virtual void visitSelection(TGraphSelection* selection) {};
    virtual void visitLoop(TGraphLoop* loop) {};
    virtual void visitLogicalOp(TGraphLogicalOp* logicalOp) {};

    int getDepth() const { return mDepth; }
    void incrementDepth() { ++mDepth; }
    void decrementDepth() { --mDepth; }

    void clearVisited() { mVisited.clear(); }
    void markVisited(TGraphNode* node) { mVisited.insert(node); }
    bool isVisited(TGraphNode* node) const { return mVisited.find(node) != mVisited.end(); }
    int mDepth;
    TGraphNodeSet mVisited;