/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //#define DEBUG_FIND 1 #include "nsFind.h" #include "nsContentCID.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIDOMNode.h" #include "nsIDOMNodeList.h" #include "nsISelection.h" #include "nsISelectionController.h" #include "nsIFrame.h" #include "nsITextControlFrame.h" #include "nsIFormControl.h" #include "nsIEditor.h" #include "nsIPlaintextEditor.h" #include "nsTextFragment.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsIAtom.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsIDOMElement.h" #include "nsIWordBreaker.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "nsRange.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" using namespace mozilla; // Yikes! Casting a char to unichar can fill with ones! #define CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(c) ((char16_t)(unsigned char)c) static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCContentIteratorCID, NS_CONTENTITERATOR_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCPreContentIteratorCID, NS_PRECONTENTITERATOR_CID); #define CH_QUOTE ((char16_t)0x22) #define CH_APOSTROPHE ((char16_t)0x27) #define CH_LEFT_SINGLE_QUOTE ((char16_t)0x2018) #define CH_RIGHT_SINGLE_QUOTE ((char16_t)0x2019) #define CH_LEFT_DOUBLE_QUOTE ((char16_t)0x201C) #define CH_RIGHT_DOUBLE_QUOTE ((char16_t)0x201D) #define CH_SHY ((char16_t)0xAD) // nsFind::Find casts CH_SHY to char before calling StripChars // This works correctly if and only if CH_SHY <= 255 static_assert(CH_SHY <= 255, "CH_SHY is not an ascii character"); // nsFindContentIterator is a special iterator that also goes through any // existing <textarea>'s or text <input>'s editor to lookup the anonymous DOM // content there. // // Details: // 1) We use two iterators: The "outer-iterator" goes through the normal DOM. // The "inner-iterator" goes through the anonymous DOM inside the editor. // // 2) [MaybeSetupInnerIterator] As soon as the outer-iterator's current node is // changed, a check is made to see if the node is a <textarea> or a text <input> // node. If so, an inner-iterator is created to lookup the anynomous contents of // the editor underneath the text control. // // 3) When the inner-iterator is created, we position the outer-iterator 'after' // (or 'before' in backward search) the text control to avoid revisiting that // control. // // 4) As a consequence of searching through text controls, we can be called via // FindNext with the current selection inside a <textarea> or a text <input>. // This means that we can be given an initial search range that stretches across // the anonymous DOM and the normal DOM. To cater for this situation, we split // the anonymous part into the inner-iterator and then reposition the outer- // iterator outside. // // 5) The implementation assumes that First() and Next() are only called in // find-forward mode, while Last() and Prev() are used in find-backward. class nsFindContentIterator final : public nsIContentIterator { public: explicit nsFindContentIterator(bool aFindBackward) : mStartOffset(0) , mEndOffset(0) , mFindBackward(aFindBackward) { } NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(nsFindContentIterator) // nsIContentIterator virtual nsresult Init(nsINode* aRoot) override { NS_NOTREACHED("internal error"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } virtual nsresult Init(nsIDOMRange* aRange) override { NS_NOTREACHED("internal error"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Not a range because one of the endpoints may be anonymous. nsresult Init(nsIDOMNode* aStartNode, int32_t aStartOffset, nsIDOMNode* aEndNode, int32_t aEndOffset); virtual void First() override; virtual void Last() override; virtual void Next() override; virtual void Prev() override; virtual nsINode* GetCurrentNode() override; virtual bool IsDone() override; virtual nsresult PositionAt(nsINode* aCurNode) override; protected: virtual ~nsFindContentIterator() {} private: static already_AddRefed<nsIDOMRange> CreateRange(nsINode* aNode) { RefPtr<nsRange> range = new nsRange(aNode); range->SetMaySpanAnonymousSubtrees(true); return range.forget(); } nsCOMPtr<nsIContentIterator> mOuterIterator; nsCOMPtr<nsIContentIterator> mInnerIterator; // Can't use a range here, since we want to represent part of the flattened // tree, including native anonymous content. nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> mStartNode; int32_t mStartOffset; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> mEndNode; int32_t mEndOffset; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mStartOuterContent; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mEndOuterContent; bool mFindBackward; void Reset(); void MaybeSetupInnerIterator(); void SetupInnerIterator(nsIContent* aContent); }; NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(nsFindContentIterator) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIContentIterator) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupports) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(nsFindContentIterator) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(nsFindContentIterator) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION(nsFindContentIterator, mOuterIterator, mInnerIterator, mStartOuterContent, mEndOuterContent, mEndNode, mStartNode) nsresult nsFindContentIterator::Init(nsIDOMNode* aStartNode, int32_t aStartOffset, nsIDOMNode* aEndNode, int32_t aEndOffset) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aStartNode); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aEndNode); if (!mOuterIterator) { if (mFindBackward) { // Use post-order in the reverse case, so we get parents before children // in case we want to prevent descending into a node. mOuterIterator = do_CreateInstance(kCContentIteratorCID); } else { // Use pre-order in the forward case, so we get parents before children in // case we want to prevent descending into a node. mOuterIterator = do_CreateInstance(kCPreContentIteratorCID); } NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(mOuterIterator); } // Set up the search "range" that we will examine mStartNode = aStartNode; mStartOffset = aStartOffset; mEndNode = aEndNode; mEndOffset = aEndOffset; return NS_OK; } void nsFindContentIterator::First() { Reset(); } void nsFindContentIterator::Last() { Reset(); } void nsFindContentIterator::Next() { if (mInnerIterator) { mInnerIterator->Next(); if (!mInnerIterator->IsDone()) { return; } // by construction, mOuterIterator is already on the next node } else { mOuterIterator->Next(); } MaybeSetupInnerIterator(); } void nsFindContentIterator::Prev() { if (mInnerIterator) { mInnerIterator->Prev(); if (!mInnerIterator->IsDone()) { return; } // by construction, mOuterIterator is already on the previous node } else { mOuterIterator->Prev(); } MaybeSetupInnerIterator(); } nsINode* nsFindContentIterator::GetCurrentNode() { if (mInnerIterator && !mInnerIterator->IsDone()) { return mInnerIterator->GetCurrentNode(); } return mOuterIterator->GetCurrentNode(); } bool nsFindContentIterator::IsDone() { if (mInnerIterator && !mInnerIterator->IsDone()) { return false; } return mOuterIterator->IsDone(); } nsresult nsFindContentIterator::PositionAt(nsINode* aCurNode) { nsINode* oldNode = mOuterIterator->GetCurrentNode(); nsresult rv = mOuterIterator->PositionAt(aCurNode); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { MaybeSetupInnerIterator(); } else { mOuterIterator->PositionAt(oldNode); if (mInnerIterator) { rv = mInnerIterator->PositionAt(aCurNode); } } return rv; } void nsFindContentIterator::Reset() { mInnerIterator = nullptr; mStartOuterContent = nullptr; mEndOuterContent = nullptr; // As a consequence of searching through text controls, we may have been // initialized with a selection inside a <textarea> or a text <input>. // see if the start node is an anonymous text node inside a text control nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> startContent(do_QueryInterface(mStartNode)); if (startContent) { mStartOuterContent = startContent->FindFirstNonChromeOnlyAccessContent(); } // see if the end node is an anonymous text node inside a text control nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> endContent(do_QueryInterface(mEndNode)); if (endContent) { mEndOuterContent = endContent->FindFirstNonChromeOnlyAccessContent(); } // Note: OK to just set up the outer iterator here; if our range has a native // anonymous endpoint we'll end up setting up an inner iterator, and reset the // outer one in the process. nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = do_QueryInterface(mStartNode); NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(node); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMRange> range = CreateRange(node); range->SetStart(mStartNode, mStartOffset); range->SetEnd(mEndNode, mEndOffset); mOuterIterator->Init(range); if (!mFindBackward) { if (mStartOuterContent != startContent) { // the start node was an anonymous text node SetupInnerIterator(mStartOuterContent); if (mInnerIterator) { mInnerIterator->First(); } } if (!mOuterIterator->IsDone()) { mOuterIterator->First(); } } else { if (mEndOuterContent != endContent) { // the end node was an anonymous text node SetupInnerIterator(mEndOuterContent); if (mInnerIterator) { mInnerIterator->Last(); } } if (!mOuterIterator->IsDone()) { mOuterIterator->Last(); } } // if we didn't create an inner-iterator, the boundary node could still be // a text control, in which case we also need an inner-iterator straightaway if (!mInnerIterator) { MaybeSetupInnerIterator(); } } void nsFindContentIterator::MaybeSetupInnerIterator() { mInnerIterator = nullptr; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = do_QueryInterface(mOuterIterator->GetCurrentNode()); if (!content || !content->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eHTML_FORM_CONTROL)) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIFormControl> formControl(do_QueryInterface(content)); if (!formControl->IsTextControl(true)) { return; } SetupInnerIterator(content); if (mInnerIterator) { if (!mFindBackward) { mInnerIterator->First(); // finish setup: position mOuterIterator on the actual "next" node (this // completes its re-init, @see SetupInnerIterator) if (!mOuterIterator->IsDone()) { mOuterIterator->First(); } } else { mInnerIterator->Last(); // finish setup: position mOuterIterator on the actual "previous" node // (this completes its re-init, @see SetupInnerIterator) if (!mOuterIterator->IsDone()) { mOuterIterator->Last(); } } } } void nsFindContentIterator::SetupInnerIterator(nsIContent* aContent) { if (!aContent) { return; } NS_ASSERTION(!aContent->IsRootOfNativeAnonymousSubtree(), "invalid call"); nsITextControlFrame* tcFrame = do_QueryFrame(aContent->GetPrimaryFrame()); if (!tcFrame) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor; tcFrame->GetEditor(getter_AddRefs(editor)); if (!editor) { return; } // don't mess with disabled input fields uint32_t editorFlags = 0; editor->GetFlags(&editorFlags); if (editorFlags & nsIPlaintextEditor::eEditorDisabledMask) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> rootElement; editor->GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(rootElement)); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMRange> innerRange = CreateRange(aContent); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMRange> outerRange = CreateRange(aContent); if (!innerRange || !outerRange) { return; } // now create the inner-iterator mInnerIterator = do_CreateInstance(kCPreContentIteratorCID); if (mInnerIterator) { innerRange->SelectNodeContents(rootElement); // fix up the inner bounds, we may have to only lookup a portion // of the text control if the current node is a boundary point if (aContent == mStartOuterContent) { innerRange->SetStart(mStartNode, mStartOffset); } if (aContent == mEndOuterContent) { innerRange->SetEnd(mEndNode, mEndOffset); } // Note: we just init here. We do First() or Last() later. mInnerIterator->Init(innerRange); // make sure to place the outer-iterator outside the text control so that we // don't go there again. nsresult res1, res2; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> outerNode(do_QueryInterface(aContent)); if (!mFindBackward) { // find forward // cut the outer-iterator after the current node res1 = outerRange->SetEnd(mEndNode, mEndOffset); res2 = outerRange->SetStartAfter(outerNode); } else { // find backward // cut the outer-iterator before the current node res1 = outerRange->SetStart(mStartNode, mStartOffset); res2 = outerRange->SetEndBefore(outerNode); } if (NS_FAILED(res1) || NS_FAILED(res2)) { // we are done with the outer-iterator, the inner-iterator will traverse // what we want outerRange->Collapse(true); } // Note: we just re-init here, using the segment of our search range that // is yet to be visited. Thus when we later do mOuterIterator->First() [or // mOuterIterator->Last()], we will effectively be on the next node [or // the previous node] _with respect to_ the search range. mOuterIterator->Init(outerRange); } } nsresult NS_NewFindContentIterator(bool aFindBackward, nsIContentIterator** aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); if (!aResult) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } nsFindContentIterator* it = new nsFindContentIterator(aFindBackward); if (!it) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return it->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIContentIterator), (void**)aResult); } NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(nsFind) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIFind) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupports) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(nsFind) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(nsFind) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION(nsFind, mLastBlockParent, mIterNode, mIterator) nsFind::nsFind() : mFindBackward(false) , mCaseSensitive(false) , mIterOffset(0) { } nsFind::~nsFind() { } #ifdef DEBUG_FIND static void DumpNode(nsIDOMNode* aNode) { if (!aNode) { printf(">>>> Node: NULL\n"); return; } nsAutoString nodeName; aNode->GetNodeName(nodeName); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> textContent(do_QueryInterface(aNode)); if (textContent && textContent->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT)) { nsAutoString newText; textContent->AppendTextTo(newText); printf(">>>> Text node (node name %s): '%s'\n", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(nodeName).get(), NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(newText).get()); } else { printf(">>>> Node: %s\n", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(nodeName).get()); } } #endif nsresult nsFind::InitIterator(nsIDOMNode* aStartNode, int32_t aStartOffset, nsIDOMNode* aEndNode, int32_t aEndOffset) { if (!mIterator) { mIterator = new nsFindContentIterator(mFindBackward); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mIterator, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aStartNode); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aEndNode); #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("InitIterator search range:\n"); printf(" -- start %d, ", aStartOffset); DumpNode(aStartNode); printf(" -- end %d, ", aEndOffset); DumpNode(aEndNode); #endif nsresult rv = mIterator->Init(aStartNode, aStartOffset, aEndNode, aEndOffset); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (mFindBackward) { mIterator->Last(); } else { mIterator->First(); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFind::GetFindBackwards(bool* aFindBackward) { if (!aFindBackward) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } *aFindBackward = mFindBackward; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFind::SetFindBackwards(bool aFindBackward) { mFindBackward = aFindBackward; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFind::GetCaseSensitive(bool* aCaseSensitive) { if (!aCaseSensitive) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } *aCaseSensitive = mCaseSensitive; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFind::SetCaseSensitive(bool aCaseSensitive) { mCaseSensitive = aCaseSensitive; return NS_OK; } /* attribute boolean entireWord; */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsFind::GetEntireWord(bool *aEntireWord) { if (!aEntireWord) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *aEntireWord = !!mWordBreaker; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFind::SetEntireWord(bool aEntireWord) { mWordBreaker = aEntireWord ? nsContentUtils::WordBreaker() : nullptr; return NS_OK; } // Here begins the find code. A ten-thousand-foot view of how it works: Find // needs to be able to compare across inline (but not block) nodes, e.g. find // for "abc" should match a<b>b</b>c. So after we've searched a node, we're not // done with it; in the case of a partial match we may need to reset the // iterator to go back to a previously visited node, so we always save the // "match anchor" node and offset. // // Text nodes store their text in an nsTextFragment, which is effectively a // union of a one-byte string or a two-byte string. Single and double strings // are intermixed in the dom. We don't have string classes which can deal with // intermixed strings, so all the handling is done explicitly here. nsresult nsFind::NextNode(nsIDOMRange* aSearchRange, nsIDOMRange* aStartPoint, nsIDOMRange* aEndPoint, bool aContinueOk) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content; if (!mIterator || aContinueOk) { // If we are continuing, that means we have a match in progress. In that // case, we want to continue from the end point (where we are now) to the // beginning/end of the search range. nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> startNode; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> endNode; uint32_t startOffset, endOffset; if (aContinueOk) { #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Match in progress: continuing past endpoint\n"); #endif if (mFindBackward) { aSearchRange->GetStartContainer(getter_AddRefs(startNode)); aSearchRange->GetStartOffset(&startOffset); aEndPoint->GetStartContainer(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); aEndPoint->GetStartOffset(&endOffset); } else { // forward aEndPoint->GetEndContainer(getter_AddRefs(startNode)); aEndPoint->GetEndOffset(&startOffset); aSearchRange->GetEndContainer(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); aSearchRange->GetEndOffset(&endOffset); } } else { // Normal, not continuing if (mFindBackward) { aSearchRange->GetStartContainer(getter_AddRefs(startNode)); aSearchRange->GetStartOffset(&startOffset); aStartPoint->GetEndContainer(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); aStartPoint->GetEndOffset(&endOffset); // XXX Needs work: Problem with this approach: if there is a match which // starts just before the current selection and continues into the // selection, we will miss it, because our search algorithm only starts // searching from the end of the word, so we would have to search the // current selection but discount any matches that fall entirely inside // it. } else { // forward aStartPoint->GetStartContainer(getter_AddRefs(startNode)); aStartPoint->GetStartOffset(&startOffset); aEndPoint->GetEndContainer(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); aEndPoint->GetEndOffset(&endOffset); } } rv = InitIterator(startNode, static_cast<int32_t>(startOffset), endNode, static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!aStartPoint) { aStartPoint = aSearchRange; } content = do_QueryInterface(mIterator->GetCurrentNode()); #ifdef DEBUG_FIND nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> dnode(do_QueryInterface(content)); printf(":::::: Got the first node "); DumpNode(dnode); #endif if (content && content->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT) && !SkipNode(content)) { mIterNode = do_QueryInterface(content); // Also set mIterOffset if appropriate: nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node; if (mFindBackward) { aStartPoint->GetEndContainer(getter_AddRefs(node)); if (mIterNode.get() == node.get()) { uint32_t endOffset; aStartPoint->GetEndOffset(&endOffset); mIterOffset = static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset); } else { mIterOffset = -1; // sign to start from end } } else { aStartPoint->GetStartContainer(getter_AddRefs(node)); if (mIterNode.get() == node.get()) { uint32_t startOffset; aStartPoint->GetStartOffset(&startOffset); mIterOffset = static_cast<int32_t>(startOffset); } else { mIterOffset = 0; } } #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Setting initial offset to %d\n", mIterOffset); #endif return NS_OK; } } while (true) { if (mFindBackward) { mIterator->Prev(); } else { mIterator->Next(); } content = do_QueryInterface(mIterator->GetCurrentNode()); if (!content) { break; } #ifdef DEBUG_FIND nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> dnode(do_QueryInterface(content)); printf(":::::: Got another node "); DumpNode(dnode); #endif // If we ever cross a block node, we might want to reset the match anchor: // we don't match patterns extending across block boundaries. But we can't // depend on this test here now, because the iterator doesn't give us the // parent going in and going out, and we need it both times to depend on // this. //if (IsBlockNode(content)) // Now see if we need to skip this node -- e.g. is it part of a script or // other invisible node? Note that we don't ask for CSS information; a node // can be invisible due to CSS, and we'd still find it. if (SkipNode(content)) { continue; } if (content->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT)) { break; } #ifdef DEBUG_FIND dnode = do_QueryInterface(content); printf("Not a text node: "); DumpNode(dnode); #endif } if (content) { mIterNode = do_QueryInterface(content); } else { mIterNode = nullptr; } mIterOffset = -1; #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Iterator gave: "); DumpNode(mIterNode); #endif return NS_OK; } class MOZ_STACK_CLASS PeekNextCharRestoreState final { public: explicit PeekNextCharRestoreState(nsFind* aFind) : mIterOffset(aFind->mIterOffset), mIterNode(aFind->mIterNode), mCurrNode(aFind->mIterator->GetCurrentNode()), mFind(aFind) { } ~PeekNextCharRestoreState() { mFind->mIterOffset = mIterOffset; mFind->mIterNode = mIterNode; mFind->mIterator->PositionAt(mCurrNode); } private: int32_t mIterOffset; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> mIterNode; nsCOMPtr<nsINode> mCurrNode; RefPtr<nsFind> mFind; }; char16_t nsFind::PeekNextChar(nsIDOMRange* aSearchRange, nsIDOMRange* aStartPoint, nsIDOMRange* aEndPoint) { // We need to restore the necessary member variables before this function // returns. PeekNextCharRestoreState restoreState(this); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> tc; nsresult rv; const nsTextFragment *frag; int32_t fragLen; // Loop through non-block nodes until we find one that's not empty. do { tc = nullptr; NextNode(aSearchRange, aStartPoint, aEndPoint, false); // Get the text content: tc = do_QueryInterface(mIterNode); // Get the block parent. nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> blockParent; rv = GetBlockParent(mIterNode, getter_AddRefs(blockParent)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return L'\0'; // If out of nodes or in new parent. if (!mIterNode || !tc || (blockParent != mLastBlockParent)) return L'\0'; frag = tc->GetText(); fragLen = frag->GetLength(); } while (fragLen <= 0); const char16_t *t2b = nullptr; const char *t1b = nullptr; if (frag->Is2b()) { t2b = frag->Get2b(); } else { t1b = frag->Get1b(); } // Index of char to return. int32_t index = mFindBackward ? fragLen - 1 : 0; return t1b ? CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(t1b[index]) : t2b[index]; } bool nsFind::IsBlockNode(nsIContent* aContent) { if (aContent->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::img, nsGkAtoms::hr, nsGkAtoms::th, nsGkAtoms::td)) { return true; } return nsContentUtils::IsHTMLBlock(aContent); } bool nsFind::IsTextNode(nsIDOMNode* aNode) { uint16_t nodeType; aNode->GetNodeType(&nodeType); return nodeType == nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE || nodeType == nsIDOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE; } bool nsFind::IsVisibleNode(nsIDOMNode* aDOMNode) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content(do_QueryInterface(aDOMNode)); if (!content) { return false; } nsIFrame* frame = content->GetPrimaryFrame(); if (!frame) { // No frame! Not visible then. return false; } return frame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible(); } bool nsFind::SkipNode(nsIContent* aContent) { #ifdef HAVE_BIDI_ITERATOR // We may not need to skip comment nodes, now that IsTextNode distinguishes // them from real text nodes. return aContent->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eCOMMENT) || aContent->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(sScriptAtom, sNoframesAtom, sSelectAtom); #else /* HAVE_BIDI_ITERATOR */ // Temporary: eventually we will have an iterator to do this, but for now, we // have to climb up the tree for each node and see whether any parent is a // skipped node, and take the performance hit. nsIContent* content = aContent; while (content) { if (aContent->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eCOMMENT) || content->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::script, nsGkAtoms::noframes, nsGkAtoms::select)) { #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Skipping node: "); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node(do_QueryInterface(content)); DumpNode(node); #endif return true; } // Only climb to the nearest block node if (IsBlockNode(content)) { return false; } content = content->GetParent(); } return false; #endif /* HAVE_BIDI_ITERATOR */ } nsresult nsFind::GetBlockParent(nsIDOMNode* aNode, nsIDOMNode** aParent) { while (aNode) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> parent; nsresult rv = aNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content(do_QueryInterface(parent)); if (content && IsBlockNode(content)) { *aParent = parent; NS_ADDREF(*aParent); return NS_OK; } aNode = parent; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Call ResetAll before returning, to remove all references to external objects. void nsFind::ResetAll() { mIterator = nullptr; mLastBlockParent = nullptr; } #define NBSP_CHARCODE (CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(160)) #define IsSpace(c) (nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(c) || (c) == NBSP_CHARCODE) #define OVERFLOW_PINDEX (mFindBackward ? pindex < 0 : pindex > patLen) #define DONE_WITH_PINDEX (mFindBackward ? pindex <= 0 : pindex >= patLen) #define ALMOST_DONE_WITH_PINDEX (mFindBackward ? pindex <= 0 : pindex >= patLen - 1) // Take nodes out of the tree with NextNode, until null (NextNode will return 0 // at the end of our range). NS_IMETHODIMP nsFind::Find(const nsAString& aPatText, nsIDOMRange* aSearchRange, nsIDOMRange* aStartPoint, nsIDOMRange* aEndPoint, nsIDOMRange** aRangeRet) { #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("============== nsFind::Find('%s'%s, %p, %p, %p)\n", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(aPatText).get(), mFindBackward ? " (backward)" : " (forward)", (void*)aSearchRange, (void*)aStartPoint, (void*)aEndPoint); #endif NS_ENSURE_ARG(aSearchRange); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aStartPoint); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aEndPoint); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aRangeRet); *aRangeRet = 0; ResetAll(); nsAutoString patAutoStr(aPatText); if (!mCaseSensitive) { ToLowerCase(patAutoStr); } // Ignore soft hyphens in the pattern static const char kShy[] = { char(CH_SHY), 0 }; patAutoStr.StripChars(kShy); const char16_t* patStr = patAutoStr.get(); int32_t patLen = patAutoStr.Length() - 1; // If this function is called with an empty string, we should early exit. if (patLen < 0) { return NS_OK; } // current offset into the pattern -- reset to beginning/end: int32_t pindex = (mFindBackward ? patLen : 0); // Current offset into the fragment int32_t findex = 0; // Direction to move pindex and ptr* int incr = (mFindBackward ? -1 : 1); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> tc; const nsTextFragment* frag = nullptr; int32_t fragLen = 0; // Pointers into the current fragment: const char16_t* t2b = nullptr; const char* t1b = nullptr; // Keep track of when we're in whitespace: // (only matters when we're matching) bool inWhitespace = false; // Keep track of whether the previous char was a word-breaking one. bool wordBreakPrev = false; // Place to save the range start point in case we find a match: nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> matchAnchorNode; int32_t matchAnchorOffset = 0; // Get the end point, so we know when to end searches: nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> endNode; uint32_t endOffset; aEndPoint->GetEndContainer(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); aEndPoint->GetEndOffset(&endOffset); char16_t c = 0; char16_t patc = 0; char16_t prevChar = 0; char16_t prevCharInMatch = 0; while (1) { #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Loop ...\n"); #endif // If this is our first time on a new node, reset the pointers: if (!frag) { tc = nullptr; NextNode(aSearchRange, aStartPoint, aEndPoint, false); if (!mIterNode) { // Out of nodes // Are we in the middle of a match? If so, try again with continuation. if (matchAnchorNode) { NextNode(aSearchRange, aStartPoint, aEndPoint, true); } // Reset the iterator, so this nsFind will be usable if the user wants // to search again (from beginning/end). ResetAll(); return NS_OK; } // We have a new text content. If its block parent is different from the // block parent of the last text content, then we need to clear the match // since we don't want to find across block boundaries. nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> blockParent; GetBlockParent(mIterNode, getter_AddRefs(blockParent)); #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("New node: old blockparent = %p, new = %p\n", (void*)mLastBlockParent.get(), (void*)blockParent.get()); #endif if (blockParent != mLastBlockParent) { #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Different block parent!\n"); #endif mLastBlockParent = blockParent; // End any pending match: matchAnchorNode = nullptr; matchAnchorOffset = 0; pindex = (mFindBackward ? patLen : 0); inWhitespace = false; } // Get the text content: tc = do_QueryInterface(mIterNode); if (!tc || !(frag = tc->GetText())) { // Out of nodes mIterator = nullptr; mLastBlockParent = nullptr; ResetAll(); return NS_OK; } fragLen = frag->GetLength(); // Set our starting point in this node. If we're going back to the anchor // node, which means that we just ended a partial match, use the saved // offset: if (mIterNode == matchAnchorNode) { findex = matchAnchorOffset + (mFindBackward ? 1 : 0); } // mIterOffset, if set, is the range's idea of an offset, and points // between characters. But when translated to a string index, it points to // a character. If we're going backward, this is one character too late // and we'll match part of our previous pattern. else if (mIterOffset >= 0) { findex = mIterOffset - (mFindBackward ? 1 : 0); } // Otherwise, just start at the appropriate end of the fragment: else if (mFindBackward) { findex = fragLen - 1; } else { findex = 0; } // Offset can only apply to the first node: mIterOffset = -1; // If this is outside the bounds of the string, then skip this node: if (findex < 0 || findex > fragLen - 1) { #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("At the end of a text node -- skipping to the next\n"); #endif frag = 0; continue; } #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Starting from offset %d\n", findex); #endif if (frag->Is2b()) { t2b = frag->Get2b(); t1b = nullptr; #ifdef DEBUG_FIND nsAutoString str2(t2b, fragLen); printf("2 byte, '%s'\n", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(str2).get()); #endif } else { t1b = frag->Get1b(); t2b = nullptr; #ifdef DEBUG_FIND nsAutoCString str1(t1b, fragLen); printf("1 byte, '%s'\n", str1.get()); #endif } } else { // Still on the old node. Advance the pointers, then see if we need to // pull a new node. findex += incr; #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Same node -- (%d, %d)\n", pindex, findex); #endif if (mFindBackward ? (findex < 0) : (findex >= fragLen)) { #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Will need to pull a new node: mAO = %d, frag len=%d\n", matchAnchorOffset, fragLen); #endif // Done with this node. Pull a new one. frag = nullptr; continue; } } // Have we gone past the endpoint yet? If we have, and we're not in the // middle of a match, return. if (mIterNode == endNode && ((mFindBackward && findex < static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset)) || (!mFindBackward && findex > static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset)))) { ResetAll(); return NS_OK; } // Save the previous character for word boundary detection prevChar = c; // The two characters we'll be comparing: c = (t2b ? t2b[findex] : CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(t1b[findex])); patc = patStr[pindex]; #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Comparing '%c'=%x to '%c' (%d of %d), findex=%d%s\n", (char)c, (int)c, patc, pindex, patLen, findex, inWhitespace ? " (inWhitespace)" : ""); #endif // Do we need to go back to non-whitespace mode? If inWhitespace, then this // space in the pat str has already matched at least one space in the // document. if (inWhitespace && !IsSpace(c)) { inWhitespace = false; pindex += incr; #ifdef DEBUG // This shouldn't happen -- if we were still matching, and we were at the // end of the pat string, then we should have caught it in the last // iteration and returned success. if (OVERFLOW_PINDEX) { NS_ASSERTION(false, "Missed a whitespace match"); } #endif patc = patStr[pindex]; } if (!inWhitespace && IsSpace(patc)) { inWhitespace = true; } else if (!inWhitespace && !mCaseSensitive && IsUpperCase(c)) { c = ToLowerCase(c); } if (c == CH_SHY) { // ignore soft hyphens in the document continue; } if (!mCaseSensitive) { switch (c) { // treat curly and straight quotes as identical case CH_LEFT_SINGLE_QUOTE: case CH_RIGHT_SINGLE_QUOTE: c = CH_APOSTROPHE; break; case CH_LEFT_DOUBLE_QUOTE: case CH_RIGHT_DOUBLE_QUOTE: c = CH_QUOTE; break; } switch (patc) { // treat curly and straight quotes as identical case CH_LEFT_SINGLE_QUOTE: case CH_RIGHT_SINGLE_QUOTE: patc = CH_APOSTROPHE; break; case CH_LEFT_DOUBLE_QUOTE: case CH_RIGHT_DOUBLE_QUOTE: patc = CH_QUOTE; break; } } // a '\n' between CJ characters is ignored if (pindex != (mFindBackward ? patLen : 0) && c != patc && !inWhitespace) { if (c == '\n' && t2b && IS_CJ_CHAR(prevCharInMatch)) { int32_t nindex = findex + incr; if (mFindBackward ? (nindex >= 0) : (nindex < fragLen)) { if (IS_CJ_CHAR(t2b[nindex])) { continue; } } } } wordBreakPrev = false; if (mWordBreaker) { if (prevChar == NBSP_CHARCODE) prevChar = CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(' '); wordBreakPrev = mWordBreaker->BreakInBetween(&prevChar, 1, &c, 1); } // Compare. Match if we're in whitespace and c is whitespace, or if the // characters match and at least one of the following is true: // a) we're not matching the entire word // b) a match has already been stored // c) the previous character is a different "class" than the current character. if ((c == patc && (!mWordBreaker || matchAnchorNode || wordBreakPrev)) || (inWhitespace && IsSpace(c))) { prevCharInMatch = c; #ifdef DEBUG_FIND if (inWhitespace) { printf("YES (whitespace)(%d of %d)\n", pindex, patLen); } else { printf("YES! '%c' == '%c' (%d of %d)\n", c, patc, pindex, patLen); } #endif // Save the range anchors if we haven't already: if (!matchAnchorNode) { matchAnchorNode = mIterNode; matchAnchorOffset = findex; } // Are we done? if (DONE_WITH_PINDEX) { // Matched the whole string! #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Found a match!\n"); #endif // Make the range: nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> startParent; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> endParent; // Check for word break (if necessary) if (mWordBreaker) { int32_t nextfindex = findex + incr; char16_t nextChar; // If still in array boundaries, get nextChar. if (mFindBackward ? (nextfindex >= 0) : (nextfindex < fragLen)) nextChar = (t2b ? t2b[nextfindex] : CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(t1b[nextfindex])); // Get next character from the next node. else nextChar = PeekNextChar(aSearchRange, aStartPoint, aEndPoint); if (nextChar == NBSP_CHARCODE) nextChar = CHAR_TO_UNICHAR(' '); // If a word break isn't there when it needs to be, reset search. if (!mWordBreaker->BreakInBetween(&c, 1, &nextChar, 1)) { matchAnchorNode = nullptr; continue; } } nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMRange> range = new nsRange(tc); if (range) { int32_t matchStartOffset, matchEndOffset; // convert char index to range point: int32_t mao = matchAnchorOffset + (mFindBackward ? 1 : 0); if (mFindBackward) { startParent = do_QueryInterface(tc); endParent = matchAnchorNode; matchStartOffset = findex; matchEndOffset = mao; } else { startParent = matchAnchorNode; endParent = do_QueryInterface(tc); matchStartOffset = mao; matchEndOffset = findex + 1; } if (startParent && endParent && IsVisibleNode(startParent) && IsVisibleNode(endParent)) { range->SetStart(startParent, matchStartOffset); range->SetEnd(endParent, matchEndOffset); *aRangeRet = range.get(); NS_ADDREF(*aRangeRet); } else { // This match is no good -- invisible or bad range startParent = nullptr; } } if (startParent) { // If startParent == nullptr, we didn't successfully make range // or, we didn't make a range because the start or end node were // invisible. Reset the offset to the other end of the found string: mIterOffset = findex + (mFindBackward ? 1 : 0); #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("mIterOffset = %d, mIterNode = ", mIterOffset); DumpNode(mIterNode); #endif ResetAll(); return NS_OK; } // This match is no good, continue on in document matchAnchorNode = nullptr; } if (matchAnchorNode) { // Not done, but still matching. Advance and loop around for the next // characters. But don't advance from a space to a non-space: if (!inWhitespace || DONE_WITH_PINDEX || IsSpace(patStr[pindex + incr])) { pindex += incr; inWhitespace = false; #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Advancing pindex to %d\n", pindex); #endif } continue; } } #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("NOT: %c == %c\n", c, patc); #endif // If we didn't match, go back to the beginning of patStr, and set findex // back to the next char after we started the current match. if (matchAnchorNode) { // we're ending a partial match findex = matchAnchorOffset; mIterOffset = matchAnchorOffset; // +incr will be added to findex when we continue // Are we going back to a previous node? if (matchAnchorNode != mIterNode) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content(do_QueryInterface(matchAnchorNode)); DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if (content) { rv = mIterator->PositionAt(content); } frag = 0; NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Text content wasn't nsIContent!"); #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Repositioned anchor node\n"); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Ending a partial match; findex -> %d, mIterOffset -> %d\n", findex, mIterOffset); #endif } matchAnchorNode = nullptr; matchAnchorOffset = 0; inWhitespace = false; pindex = (mFindBackward ? patLen : 0); #ifdef DEBUG_FIND printf("Setting findex back to %d, pindex to %d\n", findex, pindex); #endif } // Out of nodes, and didn't match. ResetAll(); return NS_OK; }