/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIDOMEvent;
interface nsIDOMNode;
interface imgIContainer;
interface nsIURI;
interface nsIContextMenuInfo;


 * nsIContextMenuListener2
 * This is an extended version of nsIContextMenuListener
 * It provides a helper class, nsIContextMenuInfo, to allow access to
 * background images as well as various utilities.
 * @see nsIContextMenuListener
 * @see nsIContextMenuInfo
[scriptable, uuid(7fb719b3-d804-4964-9596-77cf924ee314)]
interface nsIContextMenuListener2 : nsISupports
  /** Flag. No context. */
  const unsigned long CONTEXT_NONE        = 0;
  /** Flag. Context is a link element. */
  const unsigned long CONTEXT_LINK        = 1;
  /** Flag. Context is an image element. */
  const unsigned long CONTEXT_IMAGE       = 2;
  /** Flag. Context is the whole document. */
  const unsigned long CONTEXT_DOCUMENT    = 4;
  /** Flag. Context is a text area element. */
  const unsigned long CONTEXT_TEXT        = 8;
  /** Flag. Context is an input element. */
  const unsigned long CONTEXT_INPUT       = 16;  
  /** Flag. Context is a background image. */
  const unsigned long CONTEXT_BACKGROUND_IMAGE  = 32;

   * Called when the browser receives a context menu event (e.g. user is right-mouse
   * clicking somewhere on the document). The combination of flags, along with the
   * attributes of <CODE>aUtils</CODE>, indicate where and what was clicked on.
   * The following table describes what context flags and node combinations are
   * possible.
   * aContextFlags                  aUtils.targetNode
   * CONTEXT_LINK                   <A>
   * CONTEXT_IMAGE                  <IMG>
   * CONTEXT_IMAGE | CONTEXT_LINK   <IMG> with <A> as an ancestor
   * CONTEXT_INPUT                  <INPUT>
   * CONTEXT_INPUT | CONTEXT_IMAGE  <INPUT> with type=image
   * CONTEXT_TEXT                   <TEXTAREA>
   * CONTEXT_DOCUMENT               <HTML>
   * CONTEXT_BACKGROUND_IMAGE       <HTML> with background image
   * @param aContextFlags           Flags indicating the kind of context.
   * @param aUtils                  Context information and helper utilities.
   * @see nsIContextMenuInfo
  void onShowContextMenu(in unsigned long aContextFlags, in nsIContextMenuInfo aUtils);

 * nsIContextMenuInfo
 * A helper object for implementors of nsIContextMenuListener2.
[scriptable, uuid(2f977d56-5485-11d4-87e2-0010a4e75ef2)]
interface nsIContextMenuInfo : nsISupports
   * The DOM context menu event.
  readonly attribute nsIDOMEvent mouseEvent;

   * The DOM node most relevant to the context.
  readonly attribute nsIDOMNode targetNode;

   * Given the <CODE>CONTEXT_LINK</CODE> flag, <CODE>targetNode</CODE> may not
   * nescesarily be a link. This returns the anchor from <CODE>targetNode</CODE>
   * if it has one or that of its nearest ancestor if it does not.
  readonly attribute AString associatedLink;

   * Given the <CODE>CONTEXT_IMAGE</CODE> flag, these methods can be
   * used in order to get the image for viewing, saving, or for the clipboard.
   * @return <CODE>NS_OK</CODE> if successful, otherwise <CODE>NS_ERROR_FAILURE</CODE> if no
   * image was found, or NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER if an internal error occurs where we think there 
   * is an image, but for some reason it cannot be returned.

  readonly attribute imgIContainer imageContainer;
  readonly attribute nsIURI imageSrc;

   * Given the <CODE>CONTEXT_BACKGROUND_IMAGE</CODE> flag, these methods can be
   * used in order to get the image for viewing, saving, or for the clipboard.
   * @return <CODE>NS_OK</CODE> if successful, otherwise <CODE>NS_ERROR_FAILURE</CODE> if no background
   * image was found, or NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER if an internal error occurs where we think there is a 
   * background image, but for some reason it cannot be returned.

  readonly attribute imgIContainer backgroundImageContainer;
  readonly attribute nsIURI backgroundImageSrc;