/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsITransaction;
interface nsITransactionManager;

 * The nsITransactionListener interface.
 * <P>
 * This interface is implemented by an object that tracks transactions.
[scriptable, uuid(58e330c4-7b48-11d2-98b9-00805f297d89)]
interface nsITransactionListener : nsISupports
   * Called before a transaction manager calls a transaction's
   * doTransaction() method.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager doing the transaction.
   * @param aTransaction the transaction being executed.
   * @result boolean value returned by listener which indicates
   * its desire to interrupt normal control flow. Listeners should
   * return true if they want to interrupt normal control flow, without
   * throwing an error.
  boolean willDo(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
                      in nsITransaction aTransaction);

   * Called after a transaction manager calls the doTransaction() method of
   * a transaction.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager that did the transaction.
   * @param aTransaction the transaction that was executed.
   * @param aDoResult the nsresult returned after executing
   * the transaction.
  void didDo(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
             in nsITransaction aTransaction,
             in nsresult aDoResult);

   * Called before a transaction manager calls the Undo() method of
   * a transaction.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager undoing the transaction.
   * @param aTransaction the transaction being undone.
   * @result boolean value returned by listener which indicates
   * its desire to interrupt normal control flow. Listeners should
   * return true if they want to interrupt normal control flow, without
   * throwing an error. Note that listeners can also interrupt normal
   * control flow by throwing an nsresult that indicates an error.
  boolean willUndo(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
                   in nsITransaction aTransaction);

   * Called after a transaction manager calls the Undo() method of
   * a transaction.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager undoing the transaction.
   * @param aTransaction the transaction being undone.
   * @param aUndoResult the nsresult returned after undoing the transaction.
  void didUndo(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
               in nsITransaction aTransaction,
               in nsresult aUndoResult);

   * Called before a transaction manager calls the Redo() method of
   * a transaction.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager redoing the transaction.
   * @param aTransaction the transaction being redone.
   * @result boolean value returned by listener which indicates
   * its desire to interrupt normal control flow. Listeners should
   * return true if they want to interrupt normal control flow, without
   * throwing an error. Note that listeners can also interrupt normal
   * control flow by throwing an nsresult that indicates an error.
  boolean willRedo(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
                   in nsITransaction aTransaction);

   * Called after a transaction manager calls the Redo() method of
   * a transaction.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager redoing the transaction.
   * @param aTransaction the transaction being redone.
   * @param aRedoResult the nsresult returned after redoing the transaction.
  void didRedo(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
               in nsITransaction aTransaction,
               in nsresult aRedoResult);

   * Called before a transaction manager begins a batch.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager beginning a batch.
   * @result boolean value returned by listener which indicates
   * its desire to interrupt normal control flow. Listeners should
   * return true if they want to interrupt normal control flow, without
   * throwing an error. Note that listeners can also interrupt normal
   * control flow by throwing an nsresult that indicates an error.
  boolean willBeginBatch(in nsITransactionManager aManager);

   * Called after a transaction manager begins a batch.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager that began a batch.
   * @param aResult the nsresult returned after beginning a batch.
  void didBeginBatch(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
                     in nsresult aResult);

   * Called before a transaction manager ends a batch.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager ending a batch.
   * @result boolean value returned by listener which indicates
   * its desire to interrupt normal control flow. Listeners should
   * return true if they want to interrupt normal control flow, without
   * throwing an error. Note that listeners can also interrupt normal
   * control flow by throwing an nsresult that indicates an error.
  boolean willEndBatch(in nsITransactionManager aManager);

   * Called after a transaction manager ends a batch.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager ending a batch.
   * @param aResult the nsresult returned after ending a batch.
  void didEndBatch(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
                   in nsresult aResult);

   * Called before a transaction manager tries to merge
   * a transaction, that was just executed, with the
   * transaction at the top of the undo stack.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager ending a batch.
   * @param aTopTransaction the transaction at the top of the undo stack.
   * @param aTransactionToMerge the transaction to merge.
   * @result boolean value returned by listener which indicates
   * its desire to interrupt normal control flow. Listeners should
   * return true if they want to interrupt normal control flow, without
   * throwing an error. Note that listeners can also interrupt normal
   * control flow by throwing an nsresult that indicates an error.
  boolean willMerge(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
                    in nsITransaction aTopTransaction,
                    in nsITransaction aTransactionToMerge);

   * Called after a transaction manager tries to merge
   * a transaction, that was just executed, with the
   * transaction at the top of the undo stack.
   * @param aManager the transaction manager ending a batch.
   * @param aTopTransaction the transaction at the top of the undo stack.
   * @param aTransactionToMerge the transaction to merge.
   * @param aDidMerge true if transaction was merged, else false.
   * @param aMergeResult the nsresult returned after the merge attempt.
   * @param aInterrupt listeners should set this to PR_TRUE if they
   * want to interrupt normal control flow, without throwing an error.
  void didMerge(in nsITransactionManager aManager,
                in nsITransaction aTopTransaction,
                in nsITransaction aTransactionToMerge,
                in boolean aDidMerge,
                in nsresult aMergeResult);

  /* XXX: We should probably add pruning notification methods. */