/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "domstubs.idl"

[scriptable, uuid(91375f52-20e6-4757-9835-eb04fabe5498)]

interface nsIHTMLAbsPosEditor : nsISupports
   * true if the selection container is absolutely positioned
  readonly attribute boolean selectionContainerAbsolutelyPositioned;

   * this contains the absolutely positioned element currently edited
   * or null
  readonly attribute nsIDOMElement positionedElement;

   * true if Absolute Positioning handling is enabled in the editor
  attribute boolean absolutePositioningEnabled;

  /* Utility methods */

   * true if Snap To Grid is enabled in the editor.
  attribute boolean snapToGridEnabled;

   * sets the grid size in pixels.
   * @param aSizeInPixels [IN] the size of the grid in pixels
  attribute unsigned long gridSize;

  /* Selection-based methods */

   * returns the deepest absolutely positioned container of the selection
   * if it exists or null.
  readonly attribute nsIDOMElement absolutelyPositionedSelectionContainer;

   * extracts the selection from the normal flow of the document and
   * positions it.
   * @param aEnabled [IN] true to absolutely position the selection,
   *                      false to put it back in the normal flow
  void absolutePositionSelection(in boolean aEnabled);

   * adds aChange to the z-index of the currently positioned element.
   * @param aChange [IN] relative change to apply to current z-index
  void relativeChangeZIndex(in long aChange);

  /* Element-based methods */

   * extracts an element from the normal flow of the document and
   * positions it, and puts it back in the normal flow.
   * @param aElement [IN] the element
   * @param aEnabled [IN] true to absolutely position the element,
   *                      false to put it back in the normal flow
  void absolutelyPositionElement(in nsIDOMElement aElement,
                                 in boolean aEnabled);

   * sets the position of an element; warning it does NOT check if the
   * element is already positioned or not and that's on purpose.
   * @param aElement [IN] the element
   * @param aX       [IN] the x position in pixels.
   * @param aY       [IN] the y position in pixels.
  void setElementPosition(in nsIDOMElement aElement, in long aX, in long aY);

   * returns the absolute z-index of a positioned element. Never returns 'auto'.
   * @return         the z-index of the element
   * @param aElement [IN] the element.
  long getElementZIndex(in nsIDOMElement aElement);

   * sets the z-index of an element.
   * @param aElement [IN] the element
   * @param aZorder  [IN] the z-index
  void setElementZIndex(in nsIDOMElement aElement, in long aZorder);

   * adds aChange to the z-index of an arbitrary element.
   * @return         the new z-index of the element
   * @param aElement [IN] the element
   * @param aChange  [IN] relative change to apply to current z-index of
   *                      the element
  long relativeChangeElementZIndex(in nsIDOMElement aElement, in long aChange);

  /* Other */

   * shows a grabber attached to an arbitrary element. The grabber is an image
   * positioned on the left hand side of the top border of the element. Dragging
   * and dropping it allows to change the element's absolute position in the
   * document. See chrome://editor/content/images/grabber.gif
   * @param aElement [IN] the element
  void showGrabberOnElement(in nsIDOMElement aElement);

   * hide the grabber if it shown.
  void hideGrabber();

   * refreshes the grabber if it shown, possibly updating its position or
   * even hiding it.
  void refreshGrabber();
