  <title>Test for Bug 674861</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=674861">Mozilla Bug 674861</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
  <section id="test1">
    <h2> Editable Bullet List </h2>
    <ul contenteditable>
      <li> item A </li>
      <li> item B </li>
      <li> item C </li>

    <h2> Editable Ordered List </h2>
    <ol contenteditable>
      <li> item A </li>
      <li> item B </li>
      <li> item C </li>

    <h2> Editable Definition List </h2>
    <dl contenteditable>
      <dt> term A </dt>
      <dd> definition A </dd>
      <dt> term B </dt>
      <dd> definition B </dd>
      <dt> term C </dt>
      <dd> definition C </dd>

  <section id="test2" contenteditable>
    <h2> Bullet List In Editable Section </h2>
      <li> item A </li>
      <li> item B </li>
      <li> item C </li>

    <h2> Ordered List In Editable Section </h2>
      <li> item A </li>
      <li> item B </li>
      <li> item C </li>

    <h2> Definition List In Editable Section </h2>
      <dt> term A </dt>
      <dd> definition A </dd>
      <dt> term B </dt>
      <dd> definition B </dd>
      <dt> term C </dt>
      <dd> definition C </dd>

<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">

/** Test for Bug 674861 **/

const CARET_BEGIN  = 0;
const CARET_MIDDLE = 1;
const CARET_END    = 2;

function try2split(element, caretPos) {
  // compute the requested position
  var len = element.textContent.length;
  var pos = -1;
  switch (caretPos) {
    case CARET_BEGIN:
      pos = 0;
    case CARET_MIDDLE:
      pos = Math.floor(len/2);
    case CARET_END:
      pos = len;

  // put the caret on the requested position
  var sel = window.getSelection();
  for (var i = 0; i < sel.rangeCount; i++) {
    var range = sel.getRangeAt(i);
  range = document.createRange();
  range.setStart(element.firstChild, pos);
  range.setEnd(element.firstChild, pos);
  // simulates two [Return] keypresses
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});

function runTests() {
  const test1 = document.getElementById("test1");
  const test2 = document.getElementById("test2");

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // #test1: editable lists should NOT be splittable
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  const ul = test1.querySelector("ul");
  const ol = test1.querySelector("ol");
  const dl = test1.querySelector("dl");

  // bullet list
  try2split(ul.querySelector("li"), CARET_END);
  is(test1.querySelectorAll("ul").length, 1,
    "The <ul contenteditable> list should not be splittable.");
  is(ul.querySelectorAll("li").length, 5,
    "Two new <li> elements should have been created.");

  // ordered list
  try2split(ol.querySelector("li"), CARET_END);
  is(test1.querySelectorAll("ol").length, 1,
    "The <ol contenteditable> list should not be splittable.");
  is(ol.querySelectorAll("li").length, 5,
    "Two new <li> elements should have been created.");

  // definition list
  try2split(dl.querySelector("dd"), CARET_END);
  is(test1.querySelectorAll("dl").length, 1,
    "The <dl contenteditable> list should not be splittable.");
  is(dl.querySelectorAll("dt").length, 5,
    "Two new <dt> elements should have been created.");

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // #test2: lists in editable blocks should be splittable
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  // bullet list
  try2split(test2.querySelector("ul li"), CARET_END);
  is(test2.querySelectorAll("ul").length, 2,
    "The <ul> list should have been splitted.");
  is(test2.querySelectorAll("ul li").length, 3,
    "No new <li> element should have been created.");
  is(test2.querySelectorAll("ul+p").length, 1,
    "A new paragraph should have been created.");

  // ordered list
  try2split(test2.querySelector("ol li"), CARET_END);
  is(test2.querySelectorAll("ol").length, 2,
    "The <ol> list should have been splitted.");
  is(test2.querySelectorAll("ol li").length, 3,
    "No new <li> element should have been created.");
  is(test2.querySelectorAll("ol+p").length, 1,
    "A new paragraph should have been created.");

  // definition list
  try2split(test2.querySelector("dl dd"), CARET_END);
  is(test2.querySelectorAll("dl").length, 2,
    "The <dl> list should have been splitted.");
  is(test2.querySelectorAll("dt").length, 3,
    "No new <dt> element should have been created.");
  is(test2.querySelectorAll("dl+p").length, 1,
    "A new paragraph should have been created.");

  // done