  <title>Test for Bug 1257363</title>
  <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css">
  <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<div id="display">

<div id="backspaceCSS" contenteditable><p style="color:red;">12345</p>67</div>
<div id="backspace" contenteditable><p><font color="red">12345</font></p>67</div>
<div id="deleteCSS" contenteditable><p style="color:red;">x</p></div>
<div id="delete" contenteditable><p><font color="red">y</font></p></div>

<pre id="test">

<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">

/** Test for Bug 1257363 **/
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function() {

  // ***** Backspace test *****
  var div = document.getElementById("backspaceCSS");
  synthesizeMouse(div, 100, 2, {}); /* click behind and down */

  var sel = window.getSelection();
  var selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the end of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 5, "offset should be 5");

  // Return and backspace should take us to where we started.
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
  synthesizeKey("VK_BACK_SPACE", {});

  selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the end of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 5, "offset should be 5");

  // Add an "a" to the end of the paragraph.
  synthesizeKey("a", {});

  // Return and forward delete should take us to the following line.
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
  synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {});

  // Add a "b" to the start.
  synthesizeKey("b", {});

  is(div.innerHTML, "<p style=\"color:red;\">12345a</p>b67",
                    "unexpected HTML");

  // Let's repeat the whole thing, but a font tag instead of CSS.
  // The behaviour is different since the font is carried over.
  div = document.getElementById("backspace");
  synthesizeMouse(div, 100, 2, {}); /* click behind and down */

  sel = window.getSelection();
  selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the end of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 5, "offset should be 5");

  // Return and backspace should take us to where we started.
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
  synthesizeKey("VK_BACK_SPACE", {});

  selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the end of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 5, "offset should be 5");

  // Add an "a" to the end of the paragraph.
  synthesizeKey("a", {});

  // Return and forward delete should take us to the following line.
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
  synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {});

  // Add a "b" to the start.
  synthesizeKey("b", {});

  // Here we get a somewhat ugly result since the red sticks.
  is(div.innerHTML, "<p><font color=\"red\">12345a</font></p><font color=\"red\">b</font>67",
                    "unexpected HTML");

  // ***** Delete test *****
  div = document.getElementById("deleteCSS");
  synthesizeMouse(div, 100, 2, {}); /* click behind and down */

  var sel = window.getSelection();
  var selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the end of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 1, "offset should be 1");

  // left, enter should create a new empty paragraph before
  // but leave the selection at the start of the existing paragraph.
  synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", {});
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});

  selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the start of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 0, "offset should be 0");
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeValue, "x", "we should be in the text node with the x");

  // Now moving up into the new empty paragraph.
  synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {});

  selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "P", "selection should be the new empty paragraph");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 0, "offset should be 0");

  // Forward delete should now take us to where we started.
  synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {});

  selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the start of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 0, "offset should be 0");

  // Add an "a" to the start of the paragraph.
  synthesizeKey("a", {});

  is(div.innerHTML, "<p style=\"color:red;\">ax</p>",
                    "unexpected HTML");

  // Let's repeat the whole thing, but a font tag instead of CSS.
  div = document.getElementById("delete");
  synthesizeMouse(div, 100, 2, {}); /* click behind and down */

  var sel = window.getSelection();
  var selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the end of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 1, "offset should be 1");

  // left, enter should create a new empty paragraph before
  // but leave the selection at the start of the existing paragraph.
  synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", {});
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});

  selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the start of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 0, "offset should be 0");
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeValue, "y", "we should be in the text node with the y");

  // Now moving up into the new empty paragraph.
  synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {});

  selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "FONT", "selection should be the font tag");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 0, "offset should be 0");
  is(selRange.endContainer.parentNode.nodeName, "P", "the parent of the font should be a paragraph");

  // Forward delete should now take us to where we started.
  synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {});

  selRange = sel.getRangeAt(0);
  is(selRange.endContainer.nodeName, "#text", "selection should be at the start of text node");
  is(selRange.endOffset, 0, "offset should be 0");

  // Add an "a" to the start of the paragraph.
  synthesizeKey("a", {});

  is(div.innerHTML, "<p><font color=\"red\">ay</font></p>",
                    "unexpected HTML");



