/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef mozilla_TextEditor_h
#define mozilla_TextEditor_h

#include "mozilla/EditorBase.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsIEditor.h"
#include "nsIEditorMailSupport.h"
#include "nsIPlaintextEditor.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
#include "nscore.h"

class nsIContent;
class nsIDOMDocument;
class nsIDOMElement;
class nsIDOMEvent;
class nsIDOMKeyEvent;
class nsIDOMNode;
class nsIDocumentEncoder;
class nsIEditRules;
class nsIOutputStream;
class nsISelectionController;
class nsITransferable;

namespace mozilla {

class AutoEditInitRulesTrigger;
class HTMLEditRules;
class TextEditRules;
namespace dom {
class Selection;
} // namespace dom

 * The text editor implementation.
 * Use to edit text document represented as a DOM tree.
class TextEditor : public EditorBase
                 , public nsIPlaintextEditor
                 , public nsIEditorMailSupport

  enum ETypingAction
    eTypedText,  /* user typed text */
    eTypedBR,    /* user typed shift-enter to get a br */
    eTypedBreak  /* user typed enter */


  // nsIPlaintextEditor methods

  // nsIEditorMailSupport overrides

  // Overrides of EditorBase interface methods
  NS_IMETHOD SetAttributeOrEquivalent(nsIDOMElement* aElement,
                                      const nsAString& aAttribute,
                                      const nsAString& aValue,
                                      bool aSuppressTransaction) override;
  NS_IMETHOD RemoveAttributeOrEquivalent(nsIDOMElement* aElement,
                                         const nsAString& aAttribute,
                                         bool aSuppressTransaction) override;

  NS_IMETHOD Init(nsIDOMDocument* aDoc, nsIContent* aRoot,
                  nsISelectionController* aSelCon, uint32_t aFlags,
                  const nsAString& aValue) override;

  NS_IMETHOD GetDocumentIsEmpty(bool* aDocumentIsEmpty) override;
  NS_IMETHOD GetIsDocumentEditable(bool* aIsDocumentEditable) override;

  NS_IMETHOD DeleteSelection(EDirection aAction,
                             EStripWrappers aStripWrappers) override;

  NS_IMETHOD SetDocumentCharacterSet(const nsACString& characterSet) override;

  NS_IMETHOD Undo(uint32_t aCount) override;
  NS_IMETHOD Redo(uint32_t aCount) override;

  NS_IMETHOD Cut() override;
  NS_IMETHOD CanCut(bool* aCanCut) override;
  NS_IMETHOD Copy() override;
  NS_IMETHOD CanCopy(bool* aCanCopy) override;
  NS_IMETHOD CanDelete(bool* aCanDelete) override;
  NS_IMETHOD Paste(int32_t aSelectionType) override;
  NS_IMETHOD CanPaste(int32_t aSelectionType, bool* aCanPaste) override;
  NS_IMETHOD PasteTransferable(nsITransferable* aTransferable) override;
  NS_IMETHOD CanPasteTransferable(nsITransferable* aTransferable,
                                  bool* aCanPaste) override;

  NS_IMETHOD OutputToString(const nsAString& aFormatType,
                            uint32_t aFlags,
                            nsAString& aOutputString) override;

  NS_IMETHOD OutputToStream(nsIOutputStream* aOutputStream,
                            const nsAString& aFormatType,
                            const nsACString& aCharsetOverride,
                            uint32_t aFlags) override;

   * All editor operations which alter the doc should be prefaced
   * with a call to StartOperation, naming the action and direction.
  NS_IMETHOD StartOperation(EditAction opID,
                            nsIEditor::EDirection aDirection) override;

   * All editor operations which alter the doc should be followed
   * with a call to EndOperation.
  NS_IMETHOD EndOperation() override;

   * Make the given selection span the entire document.
  virtual nsresult SelectEntireDocument(Selection* aSelection) override;

  virtual nsresult HandleKeyPressEvent(nsIDOMKeyEvent* aKeyEvent) override;

  virtual already_AddRefed<dom::EventTarget> GetDOMEventTarget() override;

  virtual nsresult BeginIMEComposition(WidgetCompositionEvent* aEvent) override;
  virtual nsresult UpdateIMEComposition(
                     WidgetCompositionEvent* aCompositionChangeEvent) override;

  virtual already_AddRefed<nsIContent> GetInputEventTargetContent() override;

  // Utility Routines, not part of public API
  NS_IMETHOD TypedText(const nsAString& aString, ETypingAction aAction);

  nsresult InsertTextAt(const nsAString& aStringToInsert,
                        nsIDOMNode* aDestinationNode,
                        int32_t aDestOffset,
                        bool aDoDeleteSelection);

  virtual nsresult InsertFromDataTransfer(dom::DataTransfer* aDataTransfer,
                                          int32_t aIndex,
                                          nsIDOMDocument* aSourceDoc,
                                          nsIDOMNode* aDestinationNode,
                                          int32_t aDestOffset,
                                          bool aDoDeleteSelection) override;

  virtual nsresult InsertFromDrop(nsIDOMEvent* aDropEvent) override;

   * Extends the selection for given deletion operation
   * If done, also update aAction to what's actually left to do after the
   * extension.
  nsresult ExtendSelectionForDelete(Selection* aSelection,
                                    nsIEditor::EDirection* aAction);

   * Return true if the data is safe to insert as the source and destination
   * principals match, or we are in a editor context where this doesn't matter.
   * Otherwise, the data must be sanitized first.
  bool IsSafeToInsertData(nsIDOMDocument* aSourceDoc);

  static void GetDefaultEditorPrefs(int32_t& aNewLineHandling,
                                    int32_t& aCaretStyle);

  virtual ~TextEditor();

  NS_IMETHOD InitRules();
  void BeginEditorInit();
  nsresult EndEditorInit();

  NS_IMETHOD GetAndInitDocEncoder(const nsAString& aFormatType,
                                  uint32_t aFlags,
                                  const nsACString& aCharset,
                                  nsIDocumentEncoder** encoder);

  NS_IMETHOD CreateBR(nsIDOMNode* aNode, int32_t aOffset,
                      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outBRNode,
                      EDirection aSelect = eNone);
  already_AddRefed<Element> CreateBRImpl(nsCOMPtr<nsINode>* aInOutParent,
                                         int32_t* aInOutOffset,
                                         EDirection aSelect);
  nsresult CreateBRImpl(nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* aInOutParent,
                        int32_t* aInOutOffset,
                        nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outBRNode,
                        EDirection aSelect);
  nsresult InsertBR(nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outBRNode);

   * Factored methods for handling insertion of data from transferables
   * (drag&drop or clipboard).
  NS_IMETHOD PrepareTransferable(nsITransferable** transferable);
  NS_IMETHOD InsertTextFromTransferable(nsITransferable* transferable,
                                        nsIDOMNode* aDestinationNode,
                                        int32_t aDestOffset,
                                        bool aDoDeleteSelection);

   * Shared outputstring; returns whether selection is collapsed and resulting
   * string.
  nsresult SharedOutputString(uint32_t aFlags, bool* aIsCollapsed,
                              nsAString& aResult);

   * Small utility routine to test the eEditorReadonly bit.
  bool IsModifiable();

  enum PasswordFieldAllowed
  bool CanCutOrCopy(PasswordFieldAllowed aPasswordFieldAllowed);
  bool FireClipboardEvent(EventMessage aEventMessage,
                          int32_t aSelectionType,
                          bool* aActionTaken = nullptr);

  bool UpdateMetaCharset(nsIDOMDocument* aDocument,
                         const nsACString& aCharacterSet);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIEditRules> mRules;
  int32_t mWrapColumn;
  int32_t mMaxTextLength;
  int32_t mInitTriggerCounter;
  int32_t mNewlineHandling;
  int32_t mCaretStyle;

  friend class AutoEditInitRulesTrigger;
  friend class HTMLEditRules;
  friend class TextEditRules;

} // namespace mozilla

#endif // #ifndef mozilla_TextEditor_h