/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef nsTreeRows_h__
#define nsTreeRows_h__

#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "PLDHashTable.h"
#include "nsIXULTemplateResult.h"
#include "nsTemplateMatch.h"
#include "nsIRDFResource.h"

 * This class maintains the state of the XUL tree builder's
 * rows. It maps a row number to the nsTemplateMatch object that
 * populates the row.
class nsTreeRows
    class iterator;
    friend class iterator;

    enum Direction { eDirection_Forwards = +1, eDirection_Backwards = -1 };

    enum ContainerType {
        eContainerType_Unknown      =  0,
        eContainerType_Noncontainer =  1,
        eContainerType_Container    =  2

    enum ContainerState {
        eContainerState_Unknown     =  0,
        eContainerState_Open        =  1,
        eContainerState_Closed      =  2

    enum ContainerFill {
        eContainerFill_Unknown      =  0,
        eContainerFill_Empty        =  1,
        eContainerFill_Nonempty     =  2

    class Subtree;

     * A row in the tree. Contains the match that the row
     * corresponds to, and a pointer to the row's subtree, if there
     * are any.
    struct Row {
        nsTemplateMatch* mMatch;
        ContainerType    mContainerType  : 4;
        ContainerState   mContainerState : 4;
        ContainerFill    mContainerFill  : 4;
        Subtree*         mSubtree; // XXX eventually move to hashtable

     * A subtree in the tree. A subtree contains rows, which may
     * contain other subtrees.
    class Subtree {
        friend class nsTreeRows; // so that it can access members, for now

         * The parent subtree; null if we're the root
        Subtree* mParent;

         * The number of immediate children in this subtree
        int32_t mCount;

         * The capacity of the subtree
        int32_t mCapacity;

         * The total number of rows in this subtree, recursively
         * including child subtrees.
        int32_t mSubtreeSize;

         * The array of rows in the subtree
        Row* mRows;

         * Creates a subtree with the specified parent.
        explicit Subtree(Subtree* aParent)
            : mParent(aParent),
              mRows(nullptr) {}


         * Return the number of immediate child rows in the subtree
        int32_t Count() const { return mCount; }

         * Return the number of rows in this subtree, as well as all
         * the subtrees it contains.
        int32_t GetSubtreeSize() const { return mSubtreeSize; }

         * Retrieve the immediate child row at the specified index.
        const Row& operator[](int32_t aIndex) const {
            NS_PRECONDITION(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < mCount, "bad index");
            return mRows[aIndex]; }

         * Retrieve the immediate row at the specified index.
        Row& operator[](int32_t aIndex) {
            NS_PRECONDITION(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < mCount, "bad index");
            return mRows[aIndex]; }

         * Remove all rows from the subtree.
        void Clear();

         * Insert an immediate child row at the specified index.
        iterator InsertRowAt(nsTemplateMatch* aMatch, int32_t aIndex);

         * Remove an immediate child row from the specified index.
        void RemoveRowAt(int32_t aChildIndex);

    friend class Subtree;

     * A link in the path through the view's tree.
    struct Link {
        Subtree* mParent;
        int32_t  mChildIndex;

        operator=(const Link& aLink) {
            mParent = aLink.mParent;
            mChildIndex = aLink.mChildIndex;
            return *this; }

        operator==(const Link& aLink) const {
            return (mParent == aLink.mParent)
                && (mChildIndex == aLink.mChildIndex); }

        Subtree* GetParent() { return mParent; }
        const Subtree* GetParent() const { return mParent; }

        int32_t GetChildIndex() const { return mChildIndex; }

        Row& GetRow() { return (*mParent)[mChildIndex]; }
        const Row& GetRow() const { return (*mParent)[mChildIndex]; }

     * An iterator that can be used to traverse the tree view.
    class iterator {
        int32_t mRowIndex;
        AutoTArray<Link, 8> mLink;

        void Next();
        void Prev();

        friend class Subtree; // so InsertRowAt can initialize us
        friend class nsTreeRows; // so nsTreeRows can initialize us

         * Used by operator[]() to initialize an iterator.
        void Append(Subtree* aParent, int32_t aChildIndex);

         * Used by InsertRowAt() to initialize an iterator.
        void Push(Subtree *aParent, int32_t aChildIndex);

         * Used by operator[]() and InsertRowAt() to initialize an iterator.
        void SetRowIndex(int32_t aRowIndex) { mRowIndex = aRowIndex; }

         * Handy accessors to the top element.
        Link& GetTop() { return mLink[mLink.Length() - 1]; }
        const Link& GetTop() const { return mLink[mLink.Length() - 1]; }

        iterator() : mRowIndex(-1) {}

        iterator(const iterator& aIterator);
        iterator& operator=(const iterator& aIterator);

        bool operator==(const iterator& aIterator) const;

        bool operator!=(const iterator& aIterator) const {
            return !aIterator.operator==(*this); }

        const Row& operator*() const { return GetTop().GetRow(); }
        Row& operator*() { return GetTop().GetRow(); }

        const Row* operator->() const { return &(GetTop().GetRow()); }
        Row* operator->() { return &(GetTop().GetRow()); }

        iterator& operator++() { Next(); return *this; }
        iterator operator++(int) { iterator temp(*this); Next(); return temp; }
        iterator& operator--() { Prev(); return *this; }
        iterator operator--(int) { iterator temp(*this); Prev(); return temp; }

         * Return the current parent link
        Subtree* GetParent() { return GetTop().GetParent(); }

        const Subtree* GetParent() const { return GetTop().GetParent(); }

         * Return the current child index
        int32_t GetChildIndex() const { return GetTop().GetChildIndex(); }

         * Return the depth of the path the iterator is maintaining
         * into the tree.
        int32_t GetDepth() const { return mLink.Length(); }

         * Return the current row index of the iterator
        int32_t GetRowIndex() const { return mRowIndex; }

         * Pop the iterator up a level.
        iterator& Pop() { mLink.SetLength(GetDepth() - 1); return *this; }

     * Retrieve the first element in the view
    iterator First();

     * Retrieve (one past) the last element in the view
    iterator Last();

     * Find the row that contains the given resource
    iterator FindByResource(nsIRDFResource* aResource);

     * Find the row that contains the result
    iterator Find(nsIXULTemplateResult* aResult);

     * Retrieve the ith element in the view
    iterator operator[](int32_t aIndex);

    nsTreeRows() : mRoot(nullptr) {}
    ~nsTreeRows() {}

     * Ensure that a child subtree exists within the specified parent
     * at the specified child index within the parent. (In other
     * words, create a subtree if one doesn't already exist.)
    EnsureSubtreeFor(Subtree* aParent, int32_t aChildIndex);

     * Ensure that a child subtree exists at the iterator's position.
    EnsureSubtreeFor(iterator& aIterator) {
        return EnsureSubtreeFor(aIterator.GetParent(),
                                aIterator.GetChildIndex()); }

     * Get the child subtree for the specified parent at the specified
     * child index. Optionally return the child subtree's size. Will
     * return `null' if no subtree exists.
    GetSubtreeFor(const Subtree* aParent,
                  int32_t aChildIndex,
                  int32_t* aSubtreeSize = nullptr);

     * Retrieve the size of the subtree within the specified parent.
    GetSubtreeSizeFor(const Subtree* aParent,
                      int32_t aChildIndex) {
        int32_t size;
        GetSubtreeFor(aParent, aChildIndex, &size);
        return size; }

     * Retrieve the size of the subtree within the specified parent.
    GetSubtreeSizeFor(const iterator& aIterator) {
        int32_t size;
        GetSubtreeFor(aIterator.GetParent(), aIterator.GetChildIndex(), &size);
        return size; }

     * Remove the specified subtree for a row, leaving the row itself
     * intact.
    RemoveSubtreeFor(Subtree* aParent, int32_t aChildIndex);

     * Remove the specified subtree for a row, leaving the row itself
     * intact.
    RemoveSubtreeFor(iterator& aIterator) {
        RemoveSubtreeFor(aIterator.GetParent(), aIterator.GetChildIndex()); }

     * Remove the specified row from the view
    RemoveRowAt(iterator& aIterator) {
        iterator temp = aIterator--;
        Subtree* parent = temp.GetParent();
        return parent->Count(); }

     * Insert a new match into the view
    InsertRowAt(nsTemplateMatch* aMatch, Subtree* aSubtree, int32_t aChildIndex) {
        return aSubtree->InsertRowAt(aMatch, aChildIndex); }

     * Raw access to the rows; e.g., for sorting.
    GetRowsFor(Subtree* aSubtree) { return aSubtree->mRows; }

     * Remove all of the rows
    void Clear();

     * Return the total number of rows in the tree view.
    int32_t Count() const { return mRoot.GetSubtreeSize(); }

     * Retrieve the root subtree
    Subtree* GetRoot() { return &mRoot; }

     * Set the root resource for the view
    void SetRootResource(nsIRDFResource* aResource) {
        mRootResource = aResource; }

     * Retrieve the root resource for the view
    nsIRDFResource* GetRootResource() {
        return mRootResource.get(); }

     * Invalidate the cached row; e.g., because the view has changed
     * in a way that would corrupt the iterator.
    InvalidateCachedRow() { mLastRow = iterator(); }

     * The root subtree.
    Subtree mRoot;

     * The root resource for the view
    nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFResource> mRootResource;

     * The last row that was asked for by operator[]. By remembering
     * this, we can usually avoid the O(n) search through the row
     * array to find the row at the specified index.
    iterator mLastRow;

#endif // nsTreeRows_h__