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  Implementations for the rule network classes.

  To Do.

  - Constrain() & Propagate() still feel like they are poorly named.
  - As do Instantiation and InstantiationSet.
  - Make InstantiationSet share and do copy-on-write.
  - Make things iterative, instead of recursive.


#include "nscore.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "plhash.h"

#include "mozilla/Logging.h"

#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
#include "nsXULContentUtils.h"

#include "nsRuleNetwork.h"
#include "nsXULTemplateResultSetRDF.h"
#include "nsRDFConMemberTestNode.h"
#include "nsRDFPropertyTestNode.h"

using namespace mozilla;
extern LazyLogModule gXULTemplateLog;

// nsRuleNetwork

MemoryElementSet::Add(MemoryElement* aElement)
    for (ConstIterator element = First(); element != Last(); ++element) {
        if (*element == *aElement) {
            // We've already got this element covered. Since Add()
            // assumes ownership, and we aren't going to need this,
            // just nuke it.
            delete aElement;
            return NS_OK;

    List* list = new List;
    list->mElement = aElement;
    list->mRefCnt  = 1;
    list->mNext    = mElements;

    mElements = list;

    return NS_OK;


nsAssignmentSet::Add(const nsAssignment& aAssignment)
    NS_PRECONDITION(! HasAssignmentFor(aAssignment.mVariable), "variable already bound");

    // XXXndeakin should this just silently fail?
    if (HasAssignmentFor(aAssignment.mVariable))
        return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;

    List* list = new List(aAssignment);
    list->mRefCnt     = 1;
    list->mNext       = mAssignments;

    mAssignments = list;

    return NS_OK;

nsAssignmentSet::Count() const
    int32_t count = 0;
    for (ConstIterator assignment = First(); assignment != Last(); ++assignment)

    return count;

nsAssignmentSet::HasAssignment(nsIAtom* aVariable, nsIRDFNode* aValue) const
    for (ConstIterator assignment = First(); assignment != Last(); ++assignment) {
        if (assignment->mVariable == aVariable && assignment->mValue == aValue)
            return true;

    return false;

nsAssignmentSet::HasAssignmentFor(nsIAtom* aVariable) const
    for (ConstIterator assignment = First(); assignment != Last(); ++assignment) {
        if (assignment->mVariable == aVariable)
            return true;

    return false;

nsAssignmentSet::GetAssignmentFor(nsIAtom* aVariable, nsIRDFNode** aValue) const
    for (ConstIterator assignment = First(); assignment != Last(); ++assignment) {
        if (assignment->mVariable == aVariable) {
            *aValue = assignment->mValue;
            return true;

    *aValue = nullptr;
    return false;

nsAssignmentSet::Equals(const nsAssignmentSet& aSet) const
    if (aSet.mAssignments == mAssignments)
        return true;

    // If they have a different number of assignments, then they're different.
    if (Count() != aSet.Count())
        return false;

    // XXX O(n^2)! Ugh!
    nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFNode> value;
    for (ConstIterator assignment = First(); assignment != Last(); ++assignment) {
        if (! aSet.GetAssignmentFor(assignment->mVariable, getter_AddRefs(value)))
            return false;

        if (assignment->mValue != value)
            return false;

    return true;


Instantiation::Hash(const void* aKey)
    const Instantiation* inst = static_cast<const Instantiation*>(aKey);

    PLHashNumber result = 0;

    nsAssignmentSet::ConstIterator last = inst->mAssignments.Last();
    for (nsAssignmentSet::ConstIterator assignment = inst->mAssignments.First();
         assignment != last; ++assignment)
        result ^= assignment->Hash();

    return result;

Instantiation::Compare(const void* aLeft, const void* aRight)
    const Instantiation* left  = static_cast<const Instantiation*>(aLeft);
    const Instantiation* right = static_cast<const Instantiation*>(aRight);

    return *left == *right;

// InstantiationSet

    mHead.mPrev = mHead.mNext = &mHead;

InstantiationSet::InstantiationSet(const InstantiationSet& aInstantiationSet)
    mHead.mPrev = mHead.mNext = &mHead;

    // XXX replace with copy-on-write foo
    ConstIterator last = aInstantiationSet.Last();
    for (ConstIterator inst = aInstantiationSet.First(); inst != last; ++inst)


InstantiationSet::operator=(const InstantiationSet& aInstantiationSet)
    // XXX replace with copy-on-write foo

    ConstIterator last = aInstantiationSet.Last();
    for (ConstIterator inst = aInstantiationSet.First(); inst != last; ++inst)

    return *this;

    Iterator inst = First();
    while (inst != Last())

InstantiationSet::Insert(Iterator aIterator, const Instantiation& aInstantiation)
    List* newelement = new List();
    if (newelement) {
        newelement->mInstantiation = aInstantiation;

        aIterator.mCurrent->mPrev->mNext = newelement;

        newelement->mNext = aIterator.mCurrent;
        newelement->mPrev = aIterator.mCurrent->mPrev;

        aIterator.mCurrent->mPrev = newelement;
    return aIterator;

InstantiationSet::Erase(Iterator aIterator)
    Iterator result = aIterator;
    aIterator.mCurrent->mNext->mPrev = aIterator.mCurrent->mPrev;
    aIterator.mCurrent->mPrev->mNext = aIterator.mCurrent->mNext;
    delete aIterator.mCurrent;
    return result;

InstantiationSet::HasAssignmentFor(nsIAtom* aVariable) const
    return !Empty() ? First()->mAssignments.HasAssignmentFor(aVariable) : false;

// ReteNode
//   The basic node in the network.

// TestNode
//   to do:
//     - FilterInstantiations() is poorly named

TestNode::TestNode(TestNode* aParent)
    : mParent(aParent)

TestNode::Propagate(InstantiationSet& aInstantiations,
                    bool aIsUpdate, bool& aTakenInstantiations)
    MOZ_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, LogLevel::Debug,
           ("TestNode[%p]: Propagate() begin", this));

    aTakenInstantiations = false;

    nsresult rv = FilterInstantiations(aInstantiations, nullptr);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    // if there is more than one child, each will need to be supplied with the
    // original set of instantiations from this node, so create a copy in this
    // case. If there is only one child, optimize and just pass the
    // instantiations along to the child without copying
    bool shouldCopy = (mKids.Count() > 1);

    // See the header file for details about how instantiation ownership works.
    if (! aInstantiations.Empty()) {
        ReteNodeSet::Iterator last = mKids.Last();
        for (ReteNodeSet::Iterator kid = mKids.First(); kid != last; ++kid) {
            MOZ_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, LogLevel::Debug,
                   ("TestNode[%p]: Propagate() passing to child %p", this, kid.operator->()));

            // create a copy of the instantiations
            if (shouldCopy) {
                bool owned = false;
                InstantiationSet* instantiations =
                    new InstantiationSet(aInstantiations);
                rv = kid->Propagate(*instantiations, aIsUpdate, owned);
                if (!owned)
                    delete instantiations;
                if (NS_FAILED(rv))
                    return rv;
            else {
                rv = kid->Propagate(aInstantiations, aIsUpdate, aTakenInstantiations);
                if (NS_FAILED(rv))
                    return rv;

    MOZ_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, LogLevel::Debug,
           ("TestNode[%p]: Propagate() end", this));

    return NS_OK;

TestNode::Constrain(InstantiationSet& aInstantiations)
    nsresult rv;

    MOZ_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, LogLevel::Debug,
           ("TestNode[%p]: Constrain() begin", this));

    // if the cantHandleYet flag is set by FilterInstantiations,
    // there isn't enough information yet available to fill in.
    // For this, continue the constrain all the way to the top
    // and then call FilterInstantiations again afterwards. This
    // should fill in any missing information.
    bool cantHandleYet = false;
    rv = FilterInstantiations(aInstantiations, &cantHandleYet);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    if (mParent && (!aInstantiations.Empty() || cantHandleYet)) {
        // if we still have instantiations, or if the instantiations
        // could not be filled in yet, then ride 'em on up to the
        // parent to narrow them.

        MOZ_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, LogLevel::Debug,
               ("TestNode[%p]: Constrain() passing to parent %p", this, mParent));

        rv = mParent->Constrain(aInstantiations);

        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && cantHandleYet)
            rv = FilterInstantiations(aInstantiations, nullptr);
    else {
        MOZ_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, LogLevel::Debug,
               ("TestNode[%p]: Constrain() failed", this));

        rv = NS_OK;

    MOZ_LOG(gXULTemplateLog, LogLevel::Debug,
           ("TestNode[%p]: Constrain() end", this));

    return rv;


    : mNodes(nullptr), mCount(0), mCapacity(0)


ReteNodeSet::Add(ReteNode* aNode)
    NS_PRECONDITION(aNode != nullptr, "null ptr");
    if (! aNode)
        return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

    if (mCount >= mCapacity) {
        int32_t capacity = mCapacity + 4;
        ReteNode** nodes = new ReteNode*[capacity];
        if (! nodes)
            return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        for (int32_t i = mCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            nodes[i] = mNodes[i];

        delete[] mNodes;

        mNodes = nodes;
        mCapacity = capacity;

    mNodes[mCount++] = aNode;
    return NS_OK;

    delete[] mNodes;
    mNodes = nullptr;
    mCount = mCapacity = 0;
    return NS_OK;