/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "domstubs.idl"

interface nsIVariant;

[scriptable, uuid(4a91aeb3-4100-43ee-a21e-9866268757c5)]
interface nsIXSLTProcessor : nsISupports
     * Import the stylesheet into this XSLTProcessor for transformations.
     * @param style The root-node of a XSLT stylesheet. This can be either
     *              a document node or an element node. If a document node
     *              then the document can contain either a XSLT stylesheet
     *              or a LRE stylesheet.
     *              If the argument is an element node it must be the
     *              xsl:stylesheet (or xsl:transform) element of an XSLT
     *              stylesheet.
    void importStylesheet(in nsIDOMNode style);

     * Transforms the node source applying the stylesheet given by
     * the importStylesheet() function. The owner document of the output node
     * owns the returned document fragment.
     * @param source The node to be transformed
     * @param output This document is used to generate the output
     * @return DocumentFragment The result of the transformation
    nsIDOMDocumentFragment transformToFragment(in nsIDOMNode source,
                                               in nsIDOMDocument output);

     * Transforms the node source applying the stylesheet given by the
     * importStylesheet() function.
     * @param source The node to be transformed
     * @return Document The result of the transformation
    nsIDOMDocument transformToDocument(in nsIDOMNode source);

     * Sets a parameter to be used in subsequent transformations with this
     * nsIXSLTProcessor. If the parameter doesn't exist in the stylesheet the
     * parameter will be ignored.
     * @param namespaceURI The namespaceURI of the XSLT parameter
     * @param localName    The local name of the XSLT parameter
     * @param value        The new value of the XSLT parameter
     * @exception NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE The datatype of value is
     *                                   not supported
    void setParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI,
                      in DOMString localName,
                      in nsIVariant value);

     * Gets a parameter if previously set by setParameter. Returns null
     * otherwise.
     * @param namespaceURI The namespaceURI of the XSLT parameter
     * @param localName    The local name of the XSLT parameter
     * @return nsIVariant  The value of the XSLT parameter
    nsIVariant getParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI,
                            in DOMString localName);
     * Removes a parameter, if set. This will make the processor use the
     * default-value for the parameter as specified in the stylesheet.
     * @param namespaceURI The namespaceURI of the XSLT parameter
     * @param localName    The local name of the XSLT parameter
    void removeParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI,
                         in DOMString localName);

     * Removes all set parameters from this nsIXSLTProcessor. This will make
     * the processor use the default-value for all parameters as specified in
     * the stylesheet.
    void clearParameters();

     * Remove all parameters and stylesheets from this nsIXSLTProcessor.
    void reset();