/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_workers_serviceworkerregistrationinfo_h #define mozilla_dom_workers_serviceworkerregistrationinfo_h #include "mozilla/dom/workers/ServiceWorkerInfo.h" #include "mozilla/dom/workers/ServiceWorkerCommon.h" namespace mozilla { namespace dom { namespace workers { class ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo final : public nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo { uint32_t mControlledDocumentsCounter; enum { NoUpdate, NeedTimeCheckAndUpdate, NeedUpdate } mUpdateState; uint64_t mLastUpdateCheckTime; RefPtr<ServiceWorkerInfo> mEvaluatingWorker; RefPtr<ServiceWorkerInfo> mActiveWorker; RefPtr<ServiceWorkerInfo> mWaitingWorker; RefPtr<ServiceWorkerInfo> mInstallingWorker; virtual ~ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo(); public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSISERVICEWORKERREGISTRATIONINFO const nsCString mScope; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mPrincipal; nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfoListener>> mListeners; // When unregister() is called on a registration, it is not immediately // removed since documents may be controlled. It is marked as // pendingUninstall and when all controlling documents go away, removed. bool mPendingUninstall; ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo(const nsACString& aScope, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal); already_AddRefed<ServiceWorkerInfo> Newest() const { RefPtr<ServiceWorkerInfo> newest; if (mInstallingWorker) { newest = mInstallingWorker; } else if (mWaitingWorker) { newest = mWaitingWorker; } else { newest = mActiveWorker; } return newest.forget(); } already_AddRefed<ServiceWorkerInfo> GetServiceWorkerInfoById(uint64_t aId); void StartControllingADocument() { ++mControlledDocumentsCounter; } void StopControllingADocument() { MOZ_ASSERT(mControlledDocumentsCounter); --mControlledDocumentsCounter; } bool IsControllingDocuments() const { return mActiveWorker && mControlledDocumentsCounter; } void Clear(); void TryToActivateAsync(); void TryToActivate(); void Activate(); void FinishActivate(bool aSuccess); void RefreshLastUpdateCheckTime(); bool IsLastUpdateCheckTimeOverOneDay() const; void NotifyListenersOnChange(WhichServiceWorker aChangedWorkers); void MaybeScheduleTimeCheckAndUpdate(); void MaybeScheduleUpdate(); bool CheckAndClearIfUpdateNeeded(); ServiceWorkerInfo* GetEvaluating() const; ServiceWorkerInfo* GetInstalling() const; ServiceWorkerInfo* GetWaiting() const; ServiceWorkerInfo* GetActive() const; // Set the given worker as the evaluating service worker. The worker // state is not changed. void SetEvaluating(ServiceWorkerInfo* aServiceWorker); // Remove an existing evaluating worker, if present. The worker will // be transitioned to the Redundant state. void ClearEvaluating(); // Remove an existing installing worker, if present. The worker will // be transitioned to the Redundant state. void ClearInstalling(); // Transition the current evaluating worker to be the installing worker. The // worker's state is update to Installing. void TransitionEvaluatingToInstalling(); // Transition the current installing worker to be the waiting worker. The // worker's state is updated to Installed. void TransitionInstallingToWaiting(); // Override the current active worker. This is used during browser // initialization to load persisted workers. Its also used to propagate // active workers across child processes in e10s. This second use will // go away once the ServiceWorkerManager moves to the parent process. // The worker is transitioned to the Activated state. void SetActive(ServiceWorkerInfo* aServiceWorker); // Transition the current waiting worker to be the new active worker. The // worker is updated to the Activating state. void TransitionWaitingToActive(); // Determine if the registration is actively performing work. bool IsIdle() const; }; } // namespace workers } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_dom_workers_serviceworkerregistrationinfo_h