/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * The origin of this IDL file is * http://www.w3.org/TR/WebCryptoAPI/ */ typedef DOMString KeyType; typedef DOMString KeyUsage; typedef DOMString NamedCurve; typedef Uint8Array BigInteger; /***** Algorithm dictionaries *****/ dictionary Algorithm { required DOMString name; }; dictionary AesCbcParams : Algorithm { required BufferSource iv; }; dictionary AesCtrParams : Algorithm { required BufferSource counter; [EnforceRange] required octet length; }; dictionary AesGcmParams : Algorithm { required BufferSource iv; BufferSource additionalData; [EnforceRange] octet tagLength; }; dictionary HmacImportParams : Algorithm { required AlgorithmIdentifier hash; }; dictionary Pbkdf2Params : Algorithm { required BufferSource salt; [EnforceRange] required unsigned long iterations; required AlgorithmIdentifier hash; }; dictionary RsaHashedImportParams { required AlgorithmIdentifier hash; }; dictionary AesKeyGenParams : Algorithm { [EnforceRange] required unsigned short length; }; dictionary HmacKeyGenParams : Algorithm { required AlgorithmIdentifier hash; [EnforceRange] unsigned long length; }; dictionary RsaHashedKeyGenParams : Algorithm { [EnforceRange] required unsigned long modulusLength; required BigInteger publicExponent; required AlgorithmIdentifier hash; }; dictionary RsaOaepParams : Algorithm { BufferSource label; }; dictionary RsaPssParams : Algorithm { [EnforceRange] required unsigned long saltLength; }; dictionary DhKeyGenParams : Algorithm { required BigInteger prime; required BigInteger generator; }; dictionary EcKeyGenParams : Algorithm { required NamedCurve namedCurve; }; dictionary AesDerivedKeyParams : Algorithm { [EnforceRange] required unsigned long length; }; dictionary HmacDerivedKeyParams : HmacImportParams { [EnforceRange] unsigned long length; }; dictionary EcdhKeyDeriveParams : Algorithm { required CryptoKey public; }; dictionary DhKeyDeriveParams : Algorithm { required CryptoKey public; }; dictionary DhImportKeyParams : Algorithm { required BigInteger prime; required BigInteger generator; }; dictionary EcdsaParams : Algorithm { required AlgorithmIdentifier hash; }; dictionary EcKeyImportParams : Algorithm { NamedCurve namedCurve; }; dictionary HkdfParams : Algorithm { required AlgorithmIdentifier hash; required BufferSource salt; required BufferSource info; }; /***** JWK *****/ dictionary RsaOtherPrimesInfo { // The following fields are defined in Section of JSON Web Algorithms required DOMString r; required DOMString d; required DOMString t; }; dictionary JsonWebKey { // The following fields are defined in Section 3.1 of JSON Web Key required DOMString kty; DOMString use; sequence<DOMString> key_ops; DOMString alg; // The following fields are defined in JSON Web Key Parameters Registration boolean ext; // The following fields are defined in Section 6 of JSON Web Algorithms DOMString crv; DOMString x; DOMString y; DOMString d; DOMString n; DOMString e; DOMString p; DOMString q; DOMString dp; DOMString dq; DOMString qi; sequence<RsaOtherPrimesInfo> oth; DOMString k; }; /***** The Main API *****/ interface CryptoKey { readonly attribute KeyType type; readonly attribute boolean extractable; [Cached, Constant, Throws] readonly attribute object algorithm; [Cached, Constant, Frozen] readonly attribute sequence<KeyUsage> usages; }; dictionary CryptoKeyPair { required CryptoKey publicKey; required CryptoKey privateKey; }; typedef DOMString KeyFormat; typedef (object or DOMString) AlgorithmIdentifier; [Exposed=(Window,Worker)] interface SubtleCrypto { [Throws] Promise<any> encrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, CryptoKey key, BufferSource data); [Throws] Promise<any> decrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, CryptoKey key, BufferSource data); [Throws] Promise<any> sign(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, CryptoKey key, BufferSource data); [Throws] Promise<any> verify(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, CryptoKey key, BufferSource signature, BufferSource data); [Throws] Promise<any> digest(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, BufferSource data); [Throws] Promise<any> generateKey(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, boolean extractable, sequence<KeyUsage> keyUsages ); [Throws] Promise<any> deriveKey(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, CryptoKey baseKey, AlgorithmIdentifier derivedKeyType, boolean extractable, sequence<KeyUsage> keyUsages ); [Throws] Promise<any> deriveBits(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, CryptoKey baseKey, unsigned long length); [Throws] Promise<any> importKey(KeyFormat format, object keyData, AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, boolean extractable, sequence<KeyUsage> keyUsages ); [Throws] Promise<any> exportKey(KeyFormat format, CryptoKey key); [Throws] Promise<any> wrapKey(KeyFormat format, CryptoKey key, CryptoKey wrappingKey, AlgorithmIdentifier wrapAlgorithm); [Throws] Promise<any> unwrapKey(KeyFormat format, BufferSource wrappedKey, CryptoKey unwrappingKey, AlgorithmIdentifier unwrapAlgorithm, AlgorithmIdentifier unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, boolean extractable, sequence<KeyUsage> keyUsages ); };