/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * A callback function that webpages can implement to be notified when triggered * installs complete. */ callback InstallTriggerCallback = void(DOMString url, short status); dictionary InstallTriggerData { DOMString URL; DOMString? IconURL; DOMString? Hash; }; /** * The interface for the InstallTrigger object available to all websites. */ [ChromeOnly, JSImplementation="@mozilla.org/addons/installtrigger;1"] interface InstallTriggerImpl { /** * Retained for backwards compatibility. */ const unsigned short SKIN = 1; const unsigned short LOCALE = 2; const unsigned short CONTENT = 4; const unsigned short PACKAGE = 7; /** * Tests if installation is enabled. */ boolean enabled(); /** * Tests if installation is enabled. * * @deprecated Use "enabled" in the future. */ boolean updateEnabled(); /** * Starts a new installation of a set of add-ons. * * @param aArgs * The add-ons to install. This should be a JS object, each property * is the name of an add-on to be installed. The value of the * property should either be a string URL, or an object with the * following properties: * * URL for the add-on's URL * * IconURL for an icon for the add-on * * Hash for a hash of the add-on * @param aCallback * A callback to call as each installation succeeds or fails * @return true if the installations were successfully started */ boolean install(record<DOMString, (DOMString or InstallTriggerData)> installs, optional InstallTriggerCallback callback); /** * Starts installing a new add-on. * * @deprecated use "install" in the future. * * @param aType * Unused, retained for backwards compatibility * @param aUrl * The URL of the add-on * @param aSkin * Unused, retained for backwards compatibility * @return true if the installation was successfully started */ boolean installChrome(unsigned short type, DOMString url, DOMString skin); /** * Starts installing a new add-on. * * @deprecated use "install" in the future. * * @param aUrl * The URL of the add-on * @param aFlags * Unused, retained for backwards compatibility * @return true if the installation was successfully started */ boolean startSoftwareUpdate(DOMString url, optional unsigned short flags); };